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Enchantment: A Christian Romance Novel (The Lewis Legacy Series Book 6)

Page 44

by JoAnn Durgin

  “I’m thinking about having to go pack up everything. Not that there’s much to pack,” she said. “A big group is going into Albuquerque for dinner tonight. Are you going?”

  “I hadn’t thought much about it.” He put a game on the shelf and turned to look at her, their gazes locking.

  “Want to put some sandwiches together and go have a picnic under our tree?” she said. “You could bring your notebook. I’ve made some sketches. We could talk about your books.”

  A broad grin spread across his handsome face, warming her heart. “That sounds really good, Angel.”

  “Felipe,” she said as they walked side-by-side on the path back to the camp, “You know that note you gave to me with the Christian romance novel? I think you could be my hero one day. I’m not promising anything, but I’m saying it’s possible.”

  Tugging on her hand, Felipe pulled her close, and kissed her cheek.

  “What was that for?” She moved one hand to her cheek.

  “It’s my promise to you, Angel. I plan on being in your life for a long time.”


  “Whoa! Hold up there.” Lexa laughed as Sam reached for her and pulled her into his arms. “You’ve been going 100 miles an hour. I need a kiss from my wife.”

  “This is the best way to end the TeamWork mission that I can imagine, Sam.” She slipped her hands around his neck. With a playful grin, she tugged off the Stetson and perched it on her head. “Who could have guessed? Not me, that’s for sure.” Seeing the look in his eye, she tugged him into a Sunday School room and gave him the kind of kiss he wouldn’t soon forget. Neither would she.

  Goodness, the man’s kisses only got better with age. She smoothed a hand over her hair and tried to focus. “Did you see the new gazebo? Kevin and the guys are almost done, and it’ll be beautiful for Eliot and Marta’s wedding photos.” Her eyes widened. “Did you check the weather forecast?”

  “There’s a chance for light showers, but then the sun will come out, and it will be gorgeous. No worries. Cheveyo and I have the service all planned out—he’ll do the welcome, opening, and prayer, and I’ll handle the charge and the vows. Then together we’ll announce them as husband and wife.”

  “I love how Marta and Eliot want the entire TeamWork crew to stand up with them,” she said. “We’ll fill the entire front of the sanctuary. Let’s make sure to get lots of photos.”

  Sam laughed. “I’m sure we will. Lexa, everyone is leaving tomorrow, but I’d like to stay an extra day so I can attend the service here in the One Nation Church. You don’t have any pressing catering events for the next few days, do you?”

  “Nothing that can’t be handled without me. I think that’s a terrific idea. The camp will be quiet with everyone else gone, but I think I might enjoy the peace.”

  He offered his hand. “Ready to head back to the camp?”

  “Yes.” They walked out of the church and started down the path. “I’m glad we’re going out to dinner tonight, and it’s so nice of Lila and the ladies to provide the refreshments tomorrow. Wait a minute! Have the guys decorated the Hummer yet? I’ve got lots of tin cans, and we have some string in the dining hall.”

  “Everything’s under control, beautiful girl.” He wrapped his hand around hers. “On to the next adventure the Lord has planned for us.”

  She put her hand in his. “Always.”


  Dean smiled at his group of friends sitting around the massive dinner table at the Albuquerque restaurant. The men toasted Eliot and then the women took turns teasing Marta. He couldn’t believe the turn of events, but he also couldn’t be happier for his friends. They were ready for marriage.

  Dean stole a glance at Sheila, sitting to his right. He was ready, but she wasn’t. Giving him a small smile, she slipped her hand in his.

  He leaned close, for her ears only. “I think you know I want to see you once we get back home to San Antonio. I want to take you on dates and treat you right, like you deserve. Wine you and dine you. Buy you pretty things and kiss you silly. Show you my stores and learn how to cook something other than chicken enchilada casserole. Please tell me you’d like that.”

  She gave him the smile he’d learned was reserved only for him. “I-I h-h-have o-one q-q-question,” she said.

  “What’s that?”

  “C-c-can I-I-I m-m-meet M-M-Mama R-R-Rose?”

  Giving her a quick kiss, Dean slipped his arm around her shoulders. “That I can do.”

  Chapter 47

  Day 13, Saturday


  Eliot couldn’t believe he was marrying the most beautiful woman in the world. He was a groom, waiting for his bride. In a few short minutes, he would be a husband, and Marta his wife.

  And there she was, coming down the aisle. Smiling into his heart, forever in his soul.

  He wore his new black tux, and it’d been worth it to see the light in Marta’s eyes when she’d started down the aisle with her brothers on either side of her.

  She looked almost ethereal in her long gown—off-the-shoulder the way he’d secretly hoped it would be—with little sparkly things that caught the light as she moved. Gayle had made a simple bouquet for her with a variety of sunny yellow flowers since they were Marta’s favorite. He’d already shelved away that information for future use, as well as everything else she’d told him.

  As calm and regal as a princess, she walked toward him—so confident, so calm, so sure of him and of their future together. He’d give her a good life, and together they’d work to give God the glory for bringing them together in the most marvelous of ways—in His time, not theirs. He’d spent a lot of time in prayer last night, thanking the Lord for this mission. In spite of its frustrations, in spite of getting stabbed—an odd thought, to be sure—and all the challenges they’d faced, they’d come away stronger. TeamWork at its best.

  As he and Marta stood at the front of the church with their friends, his mind wandered to the future, both near and distant. He’d scheduled a meeting with his superiors in Washington and would be tendering his resignation as soon as he finished his current assignments. He was important to them, but Marta was more important. He loved his job, but he loved her more. Life was about setting priorities and making the decisions that were the best for his ultimate, long-term goals.

  Getting a nice house in the suburbs and settling down with his bride was uppermost in his mind. Living a normal life. A safe life, as much as that was possible. Marta had said they weren’t like other people. That was true enough, but then again, he yearned for normal. He’d tasted life and what it had to offer. And discovered the best place to be was where he found the deepest contentment his soul had ever known—in Marta’s heart, from now and until he drew his last breath.

  He had enough savings to take his time in starting his agency, but he’d begin to lay the foundation toward it becoming a reality. He looked forward to the possibilities. If Marta became a weekend weather anchor, he’d support her. If she continued working with Doyle-Clarke Catering, he’d chow down on her blueberry muffins and tell her they were the best he’d ever eaten, even if they were horrible. He’d mow the yard, take out the trash, leave his socks on the floor, and watch weekend sports. She’d try to learn to cook, and he’d bring home takeout whenever needed. He’d push Barney off the bed at night, and get a puppy companion for Barney and name him Brute.

  They’d love well, love often, and laugh always. Have 2.5 children, maybe more, and buy them one of those backyard swing sets with a fort. They’d have a little boy with dark hair and rough and tumble ways. Then a little girl with blonde curls, sass, and a smile to melt her daddy’s heart. They’d teach them to swim, to read, to play nicely with their friends, and most importantly, to love Jesus with all their heart and soul.

  Their wedding ceremony was poignant, based on all the ladies soaking their tissues. Sam honored his request by reading from his tattered Bible. That old Bible, practically falling apart at the seams. Sam had to be caref
ul that the pages didn’t fall out. But Sam understood his reasons for wanting that Bible included in the ceremony. He loved how the TeamWork crew cheered when Sam and Pastor Chevy jointly announced them as husband and wife.

  “Eliot, look! Isn’t it incredible?” Stepping outside the church, Marta pulled him by the hand and pointed to the sky. Fresh rain coated the sidewalk. Go figure. It barely rained in Albuquerque and yet it had rained during their ceremony. Now the clouds had given way to the sunshine.

  Following her gaze, he spied the most glorious rainbow in a high arc directly above the church. “It is.” Wrapping his arms around her from behind, Eliot pulled her close. “Did you know the colors of the rainbow are always in the same order?”

  “No,” she said. “Starting from the outside, top arc, there’s red, then orange, then yellow closer to the center.”

  “Then green, blue, indigo and last, but definitely not least,” he said, turning her around in his arms, “violet. The last color in the rainbow, always at the inside, closest to the earth, closest to the heart, is violet. The same exact color I see in your eyes. I love you, Marta.”

  “Everything according to His purpose,” she murmured, raising her chin and inviting his kiss in the way he adored. “I love you, too, Eliot.” This kiss, their second as husband and wife, touched him to his core. Full of simmering passion, yet reverent with a gentleness that promised sweet blessings to come.

  Their guests formed a receiving line and it seemed like a thousand photos, if not more, were snapped. Kevin and a group of men from both TeamWork and the One Nation Church had finished building the new gazebo, and although the fresh white paint had barely dried, it made another great backdrop for more wedding photos. They took fun ones, silly ones, and the ones Marta would show all her friends—the romantic ones. He didn’t care. Whatever she wanted.

  Preparing to depart, Eliot glanced at their gathered guests, thankful for all of them, and especially his TeamWork friends. The one he sought in particular shouldn’t be difficult to spot. And there he was, with Lexa beside him. As if sensing his gaze, Sam looked his way. With a deep smile, he tipped his black Stetson.

  With the woman he loved at his side, Eliot knew he was the most blessed man in the world.

  Amen, Lord.



  The Lewis Legacy Series, Book 1

  A God-fearing man. A God-seeking woman. For Sam Lewis and Lexa Clarke, it proves a combustible combination.

  Lexa Clarke signs up for a TeamWork Missions summer assignment expecting adventure in a far-off, exotic country. Instead, she’s sent to sweltering San Antonio to help rebuild homes destroyed by sudden flooding. She survives the four-hour bus trip from Houston, dust in the lungs, a flat tire, a tool-throwing incident and a spitting goat—not to mention an inquisition from a distractingly handsome cowboy—all before reaching the work camp.

  TeamWork director Sam Lewis isn’t sure what to think of his newest volunteer. She’s feisty, witty, and incredibly pretty, but looks more prepared to board a cruise ship than build houses. Burned by a past betrayal, he’s got a job to do, a reputation to uphold. Sam can’t afford to be distracted by a woman who attracts animals, defies his rules, finds trouble at every turn and questions God’s purpose. But when she tumbles from the top beam of one of the houses into his arms, Sam suspects his life will never be the same. During their weeks together in the TeamWork camp, Sam and Lexa learn the power of forgiveness and healing.

  Enduring a chain of incidents which challenge their faith, trust and growing relationship, they look to the Lord for guidance as together they discover a love greater than either could ever imagine. At the end of the eight-week work camp, Sam is committed to a year-long, dangerous overseas mission for TeamWork. Can Lexa trust the Lord enough to let him go? Will Sam safely return and keep his promise to meet her at the Alamo? You’ll keep turning the pages of this sweeping romantic adventure.

  With great characters, plenty of humor, enough emotion to make you shed a tear or two, and an ending that’ll have you cheering, Awakening will leave you breathless. Hold on tight. The adventures of Lewis and Clarke have only just begun!

  Second Time Around

  The Lewis Legacy Series, Book 2

  Marc Thompson is on top of the world—a newlywed with a beautiful wife, the owner of a thriving Boston sports advertising agency, and a century-old home they’re renovating in the suburbs. Then the unthinkable happens. Two months after the wedding, Marc sits in a hospital emergency waiting room after Natalie suffers a horrible fall. One shock follows another. Not only does his wife remember nothing of their life together, but now he has a personal timeline to reconnect with her—seven months.

  Marc’s gold wedding band mocks him, a glaring reminder of a promise broken by a rotting basement stair and his own negligence. His renowned psychologist advises him to court his wife again—a daunting task the first time around. Then Marc’s pastor suggests he call Sam and Lexa Lewis of TeamWork Missions, a ministry dear to Natalie’s heart. Determined to help her reclaim her life, the young groom makes great strides until a ghost from the past surfaces, opening fresh wounds and threatening to destroy it all.

  With Natalie’s trust shattered and Marc’s faith wavering, they head to Milestone Ranch outside Helena, Montana, with TeamWork for a two-week work camp. But instead of romancing his wife in the freezing November temperatures with warm fires and shared sweet moments, he’s out in the cold and back at square one. Even if Natalie recovers her lost memories, will she forgive him? If not, can Marc come to terms with his deepest fear—the failure of his marriage?

  You’ll root for Marc and Natalie as they fight against the odds and discover that surrendering all at the throne of grace doesn’t mean failure. It’s simply called faith. And it might be the only way to finding their way back to one another…the second time around.

  Twin Hearts

  The Lewis Legacy Series, Book 3

  Joshua Grant is a man redeemed. He’s worked hard to put the past behind him. A mergers and acquisitions attorney in a prestigious Baton Rouge law firm, he pours his energies into his career, hurricane relief efforts, and numerous civic and charitable causes. A near-fatal event in the life of a fellow TeamWork Missions volunteer prompts him to make some apologies, starting with his friend and mentor, Sam Lewis, Domestic Missions Director for TeamWork in Houston. It’s been more than four years since the fateful events in San Antonio when Sam threw him out of the missions camp, and he’s still haunted by the bittersweet memory of his final meeting with another TeamWork volunteer. When he also seeks her forgiveness, Josh gets the shock of his life. Could turning his deepest sin into his greatest blessing be God’s answer for his hurting heart?

  Rebekah Grant, Josh’s twin sister, is torn between two men. Adam, a dashing British aristocrat, offers her a world of exotic travel, socializing with royalty, fabulous couture and the life of leisure. Then there’s sweet Kevin, the strong, intelligent, faithful TeamWork member. Will the shy Louisiana lumber man ever take the step of faith to move their relationship to the next level? What Kevin lacks in terms of Adam’s style and panache, he more than makes up for with heart-stirring kisses and soul-searching conversation. When Rebekah suspects Adam is planning to propose a second time, she knows it’s time to make her decision. Juggling both suitors is wrong for so many reasons, but what’s a girl to do if she wants to marry and have children in her lifetime?

  When family tragedy strikes, Josh and Rebekah learn the true meaning and value of love, loyalty and what’s most important in life. Leaning on the encouragement and support from Sam and Lexa Lewis and their TeamWork friends, both twins look to the Lord for His divine guidance. It’s up to them to stake their claim on love before it slips beyond their reach, which means it’s also time for a road trip from Louisiana to the peace to be found in seeking and finding the sweetest desires of the heart.


  The Lewis Legacy Series, Book 4

  It’s early Dec
ember 2002, and Amy Jacobsen is living the dream: a job she loves with a trendy New York City magazine, a Manhattan walk-up inherited from her grandfather, and a busy social life without the unwanted complication of a steady boyfriend. During dinner one evening with her Wall Street financier brother, Mitch, she spies Landon Warnick at the next table. He’s one of the most influential, successful and youngest magazine publishers in the country—not to mention one of New York’s most eligible bachelors.

  After Mitch wrangles a meeting between the two, Landon wastes little time asking her to dinner. Usually wary of smooth men and romantic entanglements, Amy questions her sanity when they share a cozy carriage ride in Central Park and she comes this close to kissing him. Is it the joy and wonder of the Christmas season that’s put stars in her eyes or the enigmatic, intelligent, challenging and incredibly handsome man?

  The following weekend, she travels to Louisiana to be a bridesmaid in a wedding and a reunion with Sam and Lexa Lewis and some of her dearest friends and fellow volunteers in TeamWork Missions. Headed down the aisle at the wedding, Amy’s steps falter. Standing at the front is a groomsman who flew into town only an hour before . . . She does a double take. What’s Landon Warnick doing in her world, with her friends? Perhaps more important, why does he suddenly have a Texas drawl and a crescent-shaped scar on his forehead? Sharing a romantic dance at the wedding reception, she casts aside her better judgment and kisses him. She’s lost her mind, and her heart might not be far behind, it seems.


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