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The Man in 3B

Page 7

by Alexis Shore

  As he swelled inside her, she gripped him at the base and pulled herself off, pumping him firmly until he twitched a rope of cream all over her face.

  With that, she stood up, and let the shower wash it all away, then stepped out without a word.

  “I love you,” he whispered softly.

  It was almost true. But he knew never to say it within her ear shot. That’s not what she wanted. She liked the way things were, the games they played, the sex was enough.

  But not for Peter.

  Not now.

  He dried himself roughly, chastising himself for letting this feeling engulf him again after a night of passion. It was never going to be quite what he wanted, she’d never let it.

  And when he wandered out of the bathroom, she had already let herself out. He could easily summon her back the next time he wanted her, but maybe one day she might come of her own accord, and snuggle on the sofa with a DVD.

  Peter snorted, deriding his own train of thought.

  Neve was his very own fuck puppet. She would do whatever he wanted, and he was fantasising about cuddling up in front of a movie.

  He stepped over her torn panties and headed out to work. Downstairs in the reception area, Peter stopped to check his mail.

  Only one, ornate looking letter.

  His brow furrowed, as much in confusion as curiosity, as he gently opened the envelope.

  An elegant card invited him to 3B that evening.


  Sheena felt a little shiver down her spine as she adjusted her hemline, attempting to wrangle the butterflies in her tummy. Anxiety always kicked in like this when arriving at a social gathering.

  She kicked herself mentally. It was easy enough to overcome being the wallflower. Confidence and poise were simple, just so long as she relaxed.

  She took a breath, then reached for the button of the doorbell.

  Catching her reflection in the brass 3 and B, she gathered herself and wiped the nervousness from her face.

  The plan was to arrive a little early. Maybe the man in 3B was just the kind of man she could fall for. And she could make a better first impression without a crowd of people to melt back in to. It was time to start embracing opportunities like this again.

  Then a pang of realisation. Who said it was a man? Might be a woman. Might even be a happily married couple. Stupid girl. How would her plunging neckline look to the wife when she answered the door. Stupid. Stupid.

  Someone was coming, the chain on the other side of the door was being loosened. Too late to dart back into her apartment now. And Sheena’s heart sank as the door opened to reveal a sweet enough looking man, but nothing like her type.

  He was about her height, with a mop of blonde hair, square shoulders and not much else to him. When he smiled, his face lit up a little, but still nothing that made her gooey.

  “Hello, come on in,” he said.

  Lovely voice though. She returned the smile and stepped into his apartment. Considering he had only just moved in, it was surprisingly well finished. There were no unemptied boxes, things seemed to have already found their natural place, and it felt quite homely.

  They wandered into the living room, as he introduced himself. “I’m Jay.”

  “Sheena,” they stopped to shake hands awkwardly.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” the more she heard it, the more she liked his voice.

  She sat down, feeling her skirt ride high up her leg. She hadn’t worn this one for such a long time she had forgotten just how short it became when sitting. Conscious of flashing so much thigh, she crossed her legs and cupped her hands on her knee to hide the flesh as best she could.

  With cleavage on display and so much leg to see, what must she look like right now?

  As she looked back at Jay, she caught him peeking at her tits. She never knew how to take that. Sometimes she wondered if men were drawn to looking at breasts like shiny objects. If they were there, men would look, no matter how they felt about the actual attractiveness of them.

  Or maybe they did look nice tonight. For a moment she hoped so. Even if she hadn’t met the man of her dreams.

  Jay handed her a drink that she didn’t remember requesting, but it was exactly what she fancied right now. Odd. But welcome. Merlot always tickled her palette in just the right way.

  They chatted easily for a while, even though Jay was cryptic about his job. Sheena felt at ease, and found herself talking more about her own life than they chatted about his. But he seemed fine with that. She wished he spoke a bit more though, just to hear that lilting voice of his.

  The nerves of before were now gone, so it was an unwelcome surprise when the doorbell rang. Jay smiled and went to answer, as Sheena swirled the remains of her wine around the glass, watching the way it moved with some fascination.

  She heard Rachael’s voice, and smiled a little. At least it was her friend. Then she grimaced, realising for the first time that perhaps Mike had been invited too. She hoped he wouldn’t turn up.

  Rachael stepped in, looking stunning.

  With her hair up, and a slinky black dress that hugged every inch of her figure, Sheena now suddenly felt under-dressed. And when her friend smiled at her, utterly blemish free without make up, bright white perfect teeth, Sheena knew then that no one would give her a second look.

  Rachael leaned down to give her a friendly kiss on the cheek, and whispered in her ear, “You look gorgeous sweetie.”

  It was a lie, but it made Sheena feel a little better. As did noticing that Jay wasn’t staring at Rachael’s ass as she bent over.

  Jay handed Rachael a soft drink, and she sat down next to Sheena, giving her a gentle pat on the knee. Her hand lingered there for longer than made Sheena comfortable, and she suspected it was an affected gesture. Sheena really liked Rachael, but sometimes her efforts to make her feel better felt patronising.

  And now it was Rachael’s turn to be the focus of the small talk. She seemed a little distant to Sheena again, not quite as easy and open as her normal self. Something was definitely bothering her, and Sheena was more than a little intrigued as to what that might be.

  So when Jay slipped away to answer the door again, she took the chance to ask, “Everything okay?”

  Rachael curled her nose up slightly, then plastered on a fake smile of bonhomie. Sheena knew she wasn’t supposed to ask anymore.

  Mike walked in and barely acknowledged her. In fact, he barely acknowledged Jay either, as he handed him a drink. The rude little shit sat down on the arm of the sofa, right in Rachael’s personal space and leered down her dress.

  And Rachael didn’t seem to mind.

  Sheena sighed, and accepted a top up from Jay. He took a seat opposite her, and flicked a glance at the other two, before refocusing his attention back on Sheena. He smilled, and continued chatting as if they were the only two in the room.

  What charm.

  But when the doorbell rang again, she was left alone with them.

  Mike made a joke, and Rachael giggled. Then, realising Sheena was looking at them, her friend turned to her and raised her eyebrows. It was a questioning expression, and Sheena couldn’t quite believe it. Was Rachael really asking for permission to continue flirting with her ex?

  Bloody cheek.

  And she knew what a little shit he was too.

  Sheena just shrugged, hoping to convey her disdain.

  Peter wandered in, looking a little bewildered, wearing some tatty jeans and a shirt. She sensed his embarrassment at misjudging the mood of the soiree, and gave him a little comforting smile as he sat down self-consciously.

  Jay handed him a drink, and then somehow convinced Mike to move to his own seat. That balanced the dynamic of the room out a little better, though it was hard to ignore her ex-boyfriend’s lascivious glances at her best friend’s legs.

  Everyone seemed quite relaxed already, and Sheena looked down at her half empty glass. The wine really was very good. Like nothing she had ever tasted in fact. It was
making her feel a little giddy, but in a good way. Not woozy, just upbeat and able to shrug off things that would normally bother her.

  Except perhaps Rachael flirting back at Mike.

  But even that wasn’t so bad after another slow gulp. And Jay was beginning to relax too, waxing lyrical about the move and the removal men, making everyone laugh heartily at the anecdotes.

  Sheena giggled, feeling her tits undulate, and catching Jay staring at her cleavage, then flicking his eyes to her thigh when she caught him looking.


  She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was about now that she would normally be itching to leave, overwhelmed by the crowd, even if it was only four others. She’d be edging towards the door and making an excuse to go.

  But Jay’s furtive attentions were flattering, even if she wasn’t physically attracted to him, she could certainly fall for him otherwise. He was the exact opposite of Mike in that regard. She put up with his vile personality because of his good looks.

  Maybe a change of tactic when it came to men would reap a better harvest.

  If only she weren’t so inept at flirting back.

  She took a cue from Rachael. A quick uncrossing and re-crossing of the legs seemed to beguile men, and Jay made no secret of enjoying the extra flash of thigh it allowed him.

  And then she pretended to have a little itch on her chest, letting her finger glide down towards the valley of her tits, watching his eyes follow her motion. And when he looked back up at her, she smiled coyly, which elicited a little wry grin in response.

  Flirting was a lot easier than she remembered.

  And now her glass was empty.

  Sheena got to her feet, and felt more stable than she expected In fact, she realised she wasn’t drunk at all, which was unusual after two large glasses. But she was relaxed, and she was cheery. Wine often made her melancholy, so she decided to enjoy the new effect it was having on her.

  She wandered out into the kitchen to hunt for the Merlot, but couldn’t find it. And when she turned, almost walking into Jay’s chest, she gave a giggly little yelp.

  “What can I get you?” he smiled. “I’m a terrible host making you help yourself.”

  “Not so terrible,” she cooed, pouting her lips a little. “Terrible would be taking advantage of me in your kitchen.”

  Jay’s lips curled into a sly grin, and she stood up on her tiptoe, pushing her mouth onto his with more urgency than she intended. He let her tongue in, and kissed her back, snaking his arm around her waist and gripping at her butt firmly.

  She moaned a little into the kiss, amazed at her own forwardness. Her tits pressed into his chest as she teetered on her toes, loving the machinations of his fingers against her ass cheek.

  Such a delicious kiss.

  It was a shame she had to end it before her ankles gave way and she fell over. They smiled at one another and she whispered, “you can have another one later.”

  With that she headed back out into the living room.

  “Good girl,” he said as she went.

  It sounded so familiar. She stopped and turned round, somewhat confused.

  “What did you say?” she asked with a nervous smile.

  “You heard,” and he winked.

  Sheena shook it from her head, sure she was imagining things. He passed her and took his seat once more.

  Heading back to her own seat, she suddenly had another wave of giddy excitement, and stopped in her tracks, before sitting herself right down on Jay’s lap. He didn’t blink, and neither did anyone else weirdly.

  An odd mood of hedonistic bonhomie had taken hold of the room, and everyone seemed almost high on it. Sheena certainly did. Utterly in control, but prone to acting on impulse.

  Maybe it was the wine.

  She nuzzled on Jay’s earlobe as he recounted another funny story, teasing its shape with the tip of her tongue as his hand massaged at her bottom again. It seemed so decadent to be doing this in front of people, but for whatever reason, she couldn’t care less.

  In fact, it was really turning her on.

  As everyone burst into laughter at the punchline of his story, she whispered softly into Jay’s ear. “I’m so fucking wet.” With that, she sucked the lobe between her lips and stroked her hand across his chest.

  He massaged even more urgently at her buttock.

  As she listened to the conversation, almost in the distance now, Sheena revelled in the feeling. She didn’t feel herself, but she felt more comfortable than she had ever done.

  She let the lobe slip from her lips, then whispered an instruction. “Finger me.”

  Sheena encouraged him further by nuzzling into the nape of his neck, gently nipping at his flesh with her teeth. That did the trick, and his other hand snaked up under her skirt and quickly found the material of her panties. She adjusted herself slightly, giving him better access, and his finger pressed right onto her covered button.

  She bit into him a little harder, trying to stop from moaning as the tip flicked against her bud expertly, teasing it just right through the cotton. And she could feel his cock growing beneath her, getting big and hard with each passing moment.

  Nothing else in the room mattered now. Her whole world was focussed on his neck and the feeling between her legs. And when he bowed down to lick and kiss at her cleavage, she didn’t care who was watching. She cradled his head and pushed herself down onto his finger wantonly, feeling him pressing into her folds through her damp panties.

  Without really wanting his nuzzling to stop, she pulled his face up and pushed her mouth on to his, exploring him urgently with her tongue. It was as if they were the only two people in the room now, and all she could focus on was his finger.

  Finally, he hooked her panties to one side and found her directly, teasing under her hood perfectly. And when he pushed past her swollen lips and deep into her with a silky ease, she pulled away from the kiss and let out an appreciative expletive.

  Sheena took a moment to look around, expecting to see shocked faces, or an empty room where everyone had left in disgust. Instead, what she saw as Jay’s finger began to fuck her was astonishing.

  Rachael had her dress pulled down, and Mike’s was eagerly feasting on one of her nipples as his hand stroked her thigh without much finesse. Her friend was wide-eyed, flicking her gaze from Sheena’s display to Peter in the armchair.

  And Peter had his cock out, slowly pumping it in his fist.

  And it was a beast.

  Sheena had never seen a prick so large. So fat, so long, and utterly solid.

  She wanted it.


  Mike gave an approving nod as he looked from his invite to the brass 3 and B on the door. Yeah. A party would be a great way to get to know that Rachael bird a bit better. He was good at parties. She’d see him at his funniest and most charming.

  Great stuff.

  He’d watched her through the peephole, fussing with the hemline of a real ‘fuck me’ dress. She must know he was on his way; there was no other reason for her to put on such a slutty outfit.


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