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The Man in 3B

Page 12

by Alexis Shore

  “Look around you,” Neve waved her arms around frantically. “That’s my bra. My thong. That’s the pink lace nightie you bought me.”


  “So, look. Cuff marks on my wrist. The cuffs hanging from that radiator.”

  “What? He keeps you here against your will?”

  Mike turned to punch his lights out.

  “No, you prick.” Neve stepped between them. “He’s my master. He fucks me any way he wants. And I love it. I. Fucking. Love it.”

  “This is sad,” Mike shook his head in pity. “I broke up with you, and this stupid story is really petty. What have you been making it up for the past half hour?”

  “He makes me fuck you when I’ve been naughty. As punishment.”

  “Yeah, whatever.” Mike headed back for the door. “Crazy bitch.”

  As the door shut behind him, he heard her wailing laugh again. She’d fucking lost it. He knew she was mad about him, but didn’t think she was literally mad. He sighed, thanking himself for getting out of there before she went loopy. He no longer had to deal with it.

  He had a new challenge now.

  Charming Rachael back into bed.

  Not that he’d have any trouble doing that, but it was fun to pretend it wouldn’t be easy. Nothing better than feeling like it was a conquest. He shook Neve from his mind. That rash had been there for months, and he hadn’t been rude enough to mention it. Stupid cow.

  Whatever. Done now.

  New girl.

  New sex.

  It took three rings on Rachael’s bell to bring her to the door, so he bedazzled her with his most charming of smiles.

  “Yes?” she asked coyly, trying to make him believe she wasn’t pleased to see him. Never worked.

  “Did you have fun last night?” he asked, leaning his hand on the door frame to sculpt his arm into an alluring muscular totem.

  “Not as good after you left,” Rachael smiled sexily.

  “Yeah, Sheena said the same thing.”

  “I know. We were talking about you.”

  “All good I hope,” he winked.

  “Oh, nothing but complimentary honey.”


  He was in.

  “So,” he dragged out the word a little. “Wanna invite me in for a coffee?”

  He stressed the word coffee, but she shook her head slightly, pretending not to understand his thrust.

  “Or maybe,” he decided to stop being subtle. “Maybe you’d like a repeat performance?”

  “No thanks.”

  The door shut, nearly hitting him in the nose. If he hadn’t been leaning forward, it would have hit him in his rock hard prick.

  What the fuck was that?

  How dare she lead him on like that?

  Little prick tease.

  Fucked if he was going to accept that hard to get shit after she’d been so easy last night.

  Something needed to be punched.

  Mike strode back to Peter’s door and thumped on it harder still. When that smug little shit opened up, he was going to lamp him.


  How the fuck did that happen?

  Rachael had heard some of her friends talking about pregnancy making them incredibly horny, but no-one had ever said it happened quite so soon. Sure, she was in a bad place, and wanted to take her mind off of things, but really? An orgy?

  That wasn’t healthy.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  Why did she always go out of her mind like this when she was overwrought with stress? Inviting Harry over had been the result of a bad, lonely week. And now this. Fucking two men with her best friend in the room.


  But it had been so much fun at the time, no wonder she couldn’t stop herself. For a while this morning, Rachael had wondered if something had been put in her drink, but then realised that would mean Jay had put something in all their drinks, and that seemed ridiculously far-fetched.

  Sexual tension was a powerful thing.

  And now she had two things to stress about all weekend.

  Her eyes closed in forlorn embarrassment as she remembered bending forward for Mike. It was no consolation to think she would have done that for any guy at that moment, but come on Rachael, Mike?

  It was the lust of seeing Sheena having so much fun that had done it. And as their faces hovered so close, it had been irresistible. So when Peter joined in, well, that was a huge bonus. Literally.

  Rachael licked her lips, remembering Sheena, remembering the moment when they kissed. It was so vivid in her mind, so impossible to shake, and about the only thing she wanted to really think about at all.

  Sometimes the body wants what the mind cannot parse.

  As a mental distraction, a night of fucking multiple partners was right up there. As an exercise in self-immolation it ranked high on the list too. Rachael swallowed, pushing her head back into her pillows and cupping her stomach in her warm hands.

  Distraction wasn’t a good enough reason for last night. It couldn’t be.

  Would she have done it any other night?

  Rachael sighed. The image of Sheena sitting on Jay’s lap getting what seemed to be a delicious fingering was so vivid, and the way it had made her feel at the time was hard to ignore.

  She had to admit that, yes, she would have done it any other night too.

  Her only real regret was that it was Mike who was sat beside her when she decided to let the mood get the better of her. At least he skulked off back to his poor girlfriend. No doubt he wouldn’t be honest with Neve about it all. She seemed like a nice person, so it was hard to believe she was with such a moron.

  Well, Sheena had been blinded by him, so maybe it wasn’t too hard to believe. Catch someone in the right emotional state and they might be capable of anything. Last night was testament to that.

  Sheena had moved on thankfully. Rachael wouldn’t have picked Jay as her friend’s type, but she’d been in a good mood since he’d moved in, so that was nice.

  The way she kissed was nice too. So gentle, but with such yearning desire. It had been a long time since Rachael had kissed another woman, and she’d almost forgotten that she preferred it to the way men kissed her.

  Rachael began to languish in the idea that she and Sheena had been left alone on the floor, lost in one another’s embrace as the men watched on. It had been a long time since she’d done something like that too. It was with her roommate at college, with a few guys watching on.

  And she thought she’d left those days behind her.

  Rachael giggled for a moment, enjoying a passing beat of merriment without the heavy shadow of stress hanging over her.

  It would be nice to distract herself all weekend. If only orgies lasted for days. There would only be so many cups of tea she could share with Sheena. And besides, she’d be at Jays all weekend enjoying the early throes of a passionate relationship.

  Maybe she could go to her mother’s.

  Rachael shook her head. The moment she arrived on her doorstep, her mother would know something was bothering her, and wouldn’t stop pestering her until she gave in. And then she’d have to cope with a nagging mother on top of the stress of waiting for the stupid bloody test results.

  Terrible idea.

  Moping about the flat alone it was then. What delicious fun that would be.

  Rachael sensed a lot of sleeping on the sofa ahead.

  With a long, drawn out sigh of resignation, she swung her legs out of bed and sat up. The snow outside was beginning to lose its lustre, slowly melting away in rivers of brown slush. Such a shame, it had been so beautiful.

  Rachael’s shoulders dropped. Could she wake up alone like this, heavily pregnant with no one to help her every day? Where would the baby sleep once it was older? The unanswerable questions were beginning to pile up in her torrid mind.

  Even more added themselves to the list as she stood under the steaming hot shower. Resigning herself to a result she didn’t want to hear, her brain
had moved on to confronting the practicalities of it all.

  She didn’t want a fucking baby.

  Not yet.

  She tried to wash away the anger, cleansing her skin in an effort to exorcise her soul. It was no good. The questions kept nagging at her stupid brain. So much so, it stopped her from eating any of the breakfast she’d prepared.

  It was no good. She needed some company. And Sheena was her best bet. She might be at Jay’s, but if she wasn’t, a nice cup of tea would really cheer the mood.

  Rachael got dressed and summoned up as much jaunty good cheer as she could muster. No point in wasting the opportunity of a chat by soiling it with the gloom from which she was trying to escape.

  And things got even brighter when Sheena answered her door.

  Rachael’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head when she saw what her friend was wearing. Revealing a cleavage you’d be happy to get lost in, and clinging to her swollen nipples like skin, the silk robe hung open with an alluring insouciance.

  She must have been staring, judging from the face Sheena made at her, and she returned it with a coy smile. As Rachael stepped in, it was impossible to stop from planting a tiny, lingering kiss on Sheena’s flawless cheek. Letting her hand rest on Sheena’s hip, Rachael loved the way the silk teased under her finger, and it took an inordinate amount of self-control to stop from slipping her hand round to massage Sheena’s ass.

  This overwhelming need for intimacy would need to be kept in check, Rachael realised as they walked through to the kitchen. Unable to take her eyes off of Sheena’s butt slinking sexily beneath the sheer material, it would be a disaster if she couldn’t control herself around any of the three guys. No, best to stay out of their way.

  As they chatted over their tea, Sheena caught Rachael’s eyes dancing over her chest on a number of occasions, and Rachael felt her cheeks blushing with a furious heat.

  And then the conversation turned to last night, as it inevitably would. Sheena segued quite neatly into it though, by announcing, “Mike’s strutting about this morning.”

  Rachael snorted derision. “He should be skulking, like he skulked off last night.”

  Why on Earth had he done that? It’s not like he gave a great account of himself, but why walk away from all the fun just as it’s getting started? Utter moron.

  “Hope he doesn’t think he going to get a repeat performance.” Sheena looked over the rim of her cup, catching Rachael looking at her tits again. Bloody hell, cover them up woman, it’s impossible not to look.

  “Tough if he does think that,” Rachael shrugged, trying to act normal. “Wonder what he told Neve?” Poor Neve.

  Rachael’s tea was getting cold, but she didn’t want another one. Putting on a happy front was hard work, and now she wanted to go home and curl up on the sofa, no matter how alluring company might be.

  And the company was alluring, especially in such revealing night wear.

  Sheena seemed distracted now too. Maybe her mind was on last night, or maybe it was on the adventures to come with Jay. Rachael felt a pang of jealousy, and not aimed at Sheena either, it was aimed at Jay. He was lucky to be in for so much fun.

  Sheena seemed to be thinking about that fun, judging from the way she was crossing her legs under the table. Rachael knew that little trick all to well. She used to be able to make herself come on the bus just by squeezing her thighs together in tight jeans.

  She loved sitting at restaurant tables during dates, legs crossed, revelling in the delightful sensations in her clit as her partner flirted with her across the table. But she couldn’t remember the last time she’d indulged in such self-pleasure though.

  Sheena’s nipples were massive now, poking violently through the silk, her chest flushed with arousal, and her lips swollen red. The girl was close to an orgasm. Rachael wondered if Sheena would let herself have one right here in front of her, wondering how she would disguise the fact.

  It made her want to crawl across the table and relive that amazing kiss, before slipping onto Sheena’s lap and burying her face into those curvaceous mounds.

  It really was time to leave. If she stayed any longer, she would be on the table. Rachael got to her feet and walked to her friend, leaning down to kiss her goodbye. But it was too hard to resist planting that kiss directly on her soft mouth, gently sucking her delicious lower lip, then releasing it with some reluctance.

  As goodbye kisses went, it was one of Rachael’s best.

  The moment her door closed, Rachael leant back against it and thrust her hand inside her jeans, quickly finding her clit through her panties. The last time she felt the urge to do this in her own hallway was after her first kiss with Harry. Her fingers swept her panties to one side now and pushed past her wet lips, slipping deeper as she moaned softly.

  Rachael began to fuck herself to the images she’d conjured up in the kitchen. But she went further now, sliding to the floor between Sheena’s legs and spreading her thighs wide, bowing her head to Sheena’s cooch and lavishing it with her tongue.

  The abrupt ringing of the doorbell shattered her fantasy. She decided to ignore it, returning to her self-loving once more. But two more rings and the moment was totally ruined.

  She span round and yanked the door open with some annoyance. When she saw Mike’s gormless grin, she hissed, “Yes?” with some venom.

  With ignorant ease, he missed her tone. “Did you have fun last night?” he asked, leering at her tits as he did so.

  “It got better after you left,” she smiled sarcastically.

  “Yeah, Sheena said the same thing.” He said it as though it was a flirtatious line. He really was a moron.

  “I know. We were talking about you running away in shame.”

  “All good I hope?”

  What? What?? Had he really only heard the first half of that sentence? Really? Unbelievable.

  “Oh, nothing but complimentary honey,” she cooed ironically.

  “So,” he said, leaning in to look down her top. “Wanna invite me in for coffee?”

  Rachael shook her head.

  “Or maybe,” he reached to her top with his finger and gently hooked at it between her breasts, ready to pull it out for a proper lecherous leer. “Maybe you’d like a repeat performance?”

  “No thanks,” she said matter-of-factly, and slammed the door in his stupid face.

  That deluded bastard had ruined a perfectly delicious moment. And now he was thumping on another door. What was he doing? Going door to door to find someone to hump?

  She peeked through the peephole to see him banging his fist on Peter’s door, then with a shake of the head, she wandered back down the hallway.

  It was going to be a long weekend.


  Well, today’s the day.

  Rachael pulled the covers over her head, and hid herself in a cocoon of warmth. The snow was gone, but it was freezing cold. Horrible weather for a horrible Monday morning.


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