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The Alpha Warlocks' Desire: An Alpha Warlocks of Kala West Story #2 (A BWWM and BBW Paranormal Erotic Ménage Romance)

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by Auriella Skye

  “I promise you won’t have to chaperone me.”

  “I’ll believe it when it doesn’t happen.”

  Carmen crossed her arms, annoyance prominent on her face.

  “Fine,” Claire said. “I’m listening.”

  “It’s actually linked to the spell Charice tried to do yesterday.”

  “The one that nearly got her in trouble with El-Board, you mean?”

  “Yeah. Well, I tweaked it.”

  “Charice said her Warlocks changed it, made it different. The spell wasn’t even a cloaking spell.”

  “But it was before they messed with it. She should’ve known something was wrong.”


  “Witches end all their spells with one phrase.”

  “Blessed be.”

  “Exactly. Charice’s spell didn’t have that because warlocks don’t need the same closing. Their masculine strength binds them to their magic and words. Our nurturing feminine roots require ‘Blessed be’ to link us to the spells we cast.” Carmen took out a white powder and placed a clear gemstone on the counter. “Keep your eyes on the stone.”

  Claire didn’t have time for this. She had to be at the festival in two hours. She didn’t even know what she was going to wear. What did witches wear to ancient bonding ceremonies?


  “Watch the stone,” Claire said quickly. “I’m watching.”

  Carmen shook her head, undoubtedly annoyed with Claire’s mind-wandering habits.

  It was a fault their mother said would get Claire in trouble one day, but she was an earth witch after all. Her wandering mind always made its way back to gravity. Eventually.

  Claire kept her eyes focused on the gemstone as Carmen sprinkled the powder over it, and chanted under her breath. She couldn’t hear the words, but Carmen’s eyes glowed fire-red with her magic.

  Claire looked down just in time to see the gemstone sparkle as Carmen’s power flowed over it. Before she knew it, the stone disappeared.

  “Holy Asphodel!” Claire cried. “Where did it go?”

  “Nowhere.” A big smile filled Carmen’s face. Carmen picked up something where the stone had been. “Hold out your hand.”

  Claire obeyed and outstretched her hand. Although she saw nothing, she felt something small and solid drop into her palm. She couldn’t see it, but the object she felt resembled the vanished stone.

  “Did you just make an invisible stone?” Claire asked.


  “All by yourself?”

  “Damn straight.”



  “Carmen, this is like some high level magic.”

  Claire couldn’t believe it. It usually took an experienced witch or warlock to do a spell that went outside their element. She hadn’t even mastered it yet, and stones were part of her magic’s material.

  “I know,” Carmen said, “which is why I need your help to do the same to me. I may be strong, but I need a boost from you.”

  Claire covered the stone with her fingers. “Say again?”

  “We’re going to make me invisible. Not completely, of course. That’d be insane.”

  “You think?”

  “You’ll still be able to see me. Charice will too, if she ever gets away from her little Warlock orgy. My true Warlock Pair will also see me. Everyone else won’t.”

  “Have you been eating Charice’s magic mushrooms again? She warned you that stuff would make you delusional. It’s for spells. Not consumption.”

  “No!” Carmen said. “That was only once when I was trying to impress that surfer, and he ate them. I didn’t.”


  “Forget it. Since you don’t want to help—”

  Claire sighed. “I didn’t say that.”

  “Then you’ll help me?”

  “Not like I have choice.”

  Carmen leaped up on the counter and hugged Claire. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Claire smiled. “You’re welcome. Okay, okay. Let’s get on with it. Not all of us have an outfit we’ve been saving away especially for Firewick.”

  “Better to be prepared,” Carmen said.

  “I think you mean obsessed.”

  “Whatever.” Carmen snatched at Claire’s hair.

  “Ow! What was that for?”

  “I needed a piece of your hair.”

  “You could’ve just asked.”

  A big smile filled Carmen’s face. “Where’s the fun in that?”

  Claire wasn’t laughing.

  “You can pull mine out if it’ll make you happy.”

  “Why do you need our hair?”

  “It’s the only way you’ll be able to see me under the cloaking spell. Since I don’t know who my Warlocks are, I’m using my hair as substitute. It works out great because only my Warlocks will see past the spell, so I’ll know they’re mine.”

  “That’s...kind of cool.”

  “I know.”

  Claire snatched a piece of Carmen’s hair.

  “Hey!” Carmen rubbed her scalp. “You took more out than I did.”

  “Not so fun, is it? So are we going to bicker or cast?”

  “Sometimes I swear I should’ve been an only child.” Carmen mixed their hair with the powder in the small leather pouch.

  Claire scoffed. “You wish.”

  “Frequently,” Carmen said with a grin. “When I say, focus your earth energy on this tiny satchel.”

  “Got it.”

  Claire followed Carmen’s lead and closed her eyes.

  Carmen’s words came to life as she spoke:

  Powers of fire and powers of earth,

  Merge to cloak this body of my birth.

  Let those bound by blood or love to me

  See without blindness, their mind set free.

  May my journey merge both flame and light

  To lead this soul to her own Warlocks’ might.

  Only then will fire and earth unshield me,

  So unseen spirits may forever blessed be.

  Claire opened her eyes in tune with Carmen.

  “Now!” Carmen said.

  Claire focused her magic on the small pouch. The colors of their elements merged into the cloth and sank into it.

  Carmen smiled. “I think it’s working.” The white powder floated out of the pouch and circled Carmen. Only this time it was no longer white. Deep reds and greens sparkled in the powder.

  Something dawned on Claire as she sent her magic outside of herself and into her sister. “If I can still see you either way, how will we know it worked?”

  Carmen’s eyes widened in that realization, making both of them lose focus.

  Claire felt their magic rip apart, which sent her flying across the room just as it slammed Carmen into the bookcase.

  I hope Carmen isn’t hurt. That was the last thought Claire had before blackness consumed her.

  Chapter Four

  Jett ran like his ass was on fire. It was the only way to not think. His limbs burned and ached, so he knew the runner’s high wasn’t far off. Just a few more blocks and he could coast.

  Damn Firewick Festival.

  He was just starting to adjust to being stable. He rode Sheryl out of Kala West less and less each day. He’d bought the old Harley Davidson after two years of busting tables in Washington D.C., cleaning up after stressed-out government workers who didn’t know what a proper tip was if it bit them in the ass. Who the fuck left twenty-five cents as gratitude anyway, even if they did only have coffee? It was the first and last time he worked in a diner.

  Joe, a local mechanic, had Sheryl for sale as a fixer-upper in front of his garage. After seeing Jett work hard on the bike, Joe hired him on. That was the first place Jett tried to place roots.

  Then he met Ruby, and everything changed.

  Ruby was the first witch he met that he was instantly attracted to. As a fire witch, she had passion enough to keep any man warm for days, and she
chose him. Magic sex with her was better than all the one-night stands and meaningless trysts he had combined.

  She taught him how to use his magic along with hers to take them both to the highest pleasurable peak imaginable.

  Jett quit his job and followed her up north to Baltimore. He stayed with her and her coven for a year before things went bad.

  The Baltimore coven mingled with the wrong people, or more like one wrong person. Instead of being their own ruling society, they deferred all decisions to a human, a partial one at least, a man they called Mr. Jax. Although he never really got to know the millionaire, Jett got odd vibes whenever Mr. Jax came around. He couldn’t place his finger on what creeped him out about the guy, but he knew it wasn’t anything good.

  The entire group allowed him to roam free amongst them, sharing their elemental secrets, strengths, and weaknesses.

  It wasn’t until he caught the Jax guy in bed with Ruby that he realized just how sleazy the man was. Ruby wanted the human to be their third. She wanted a triad, just an unnatural one since all three had to be magical beings from birth.

  That wasn’t an issue for Mr. Jax though. The man had a way around being half warlock-born and half human, which usually meant the result of a mixed-breed descendant who was absent any magical element ability. Apparently, he had an agreement with the Baltimore magic community. He paid them to study their magic and take some for himself every once in a while. It made the coven weak and greedy. Jett never found out how he was able to take other’s magic, which irked him to no living end.

  Jett found out that his meeting with Ruby wasn’t even a coincidence. She’d been hired by Mr. Jax along with others in her coven to recruit new witches and warlocks to join them. It was the only way for Mr. Jax to harvest more power in the slowly weakening community.

  Everything she had told him was just a string of fabricated lies. That’s when he’d sworn off witches. All of them. If one was that deceptive and deluded, he didn’t want to know any others.

  He was caught up in his thoughts of the past when some unseen force punched him in the gut and nearly knocked him over.

  It was that feeling again, the one keeping him from making Kala West a distant memory. This time though, it was stronger than ever. He breathed the magic in until it filled his body and soaked through his veins. He felt power consume his vision.

  Then he saw it. It was thin and almost invisible to the eye, but there it was, a green trail that led off into the distance. It disappeared further into town. He followed it, running through the stretch of light.

  Something or someone called to his magic, and now was his chance to finally figure out what the hell it was.

  When he came to the end of the light stream, it ended in a store called Ethereal Delusions, whatever that was. He felt the power force that rested inside. Power from inside the small shop radiated strength and control, but he hesitated.

  After all this time of wanting to know what was holding him here, he wasn’t positive that he really wanted to learn the true source of it. If he didn’t find out, he may never get another chance. He put his hand on the unlocked door and went inside.


  Claire dreamed, or at least it seemed like a dream. Her body felt like it was glowing from the inside out. Her skin warmed with light, and she smelled violets all around her.

  Not this again. The last time she smelled violets was when she was a teenager and destroyed her mother’s garden. That didn’t turn out well at all.

  So why was she smelling them now? Didn’t she have her power under wraps by now? Go figure she would lose control after lecturing Carmen on preventing the same thing from happening to her.

  “Claire! Claire, wake up!”

  That was Carmen’s voice.

  Claire tried to open her eyes, but a bright red glow outlined Carmen’s body.

  “Are you okay?” Carmen asked.

  “Bright,” Claire said. “You’re too bright.”

  “What?” Carmen asked.

  “You’re glowing bright red,” Claire said, unable to move from her still position on the floor.

  “You’re one to talk,” Carmen said. “You’re sparkling neon green and look like a witch glow stick on Halloween, which is so cliché of you.”


  Carmen pressed her hand on Claire’s forehead.

  “Must be the magic,” Carmen said. “You’re not burning up though. I don’t think I am either. It has to be the results of the spell.”

  “How long is this spell supposed to last?” Claire asked, hoping she could feel like herself again soon.

  “Aftereffects?” Carmen stalled. “Not so sure about that one. My invisibility wears off when I find my warlocks though, and that won’t take long, if I have anything to say about it. That’s why I included it in the spell. Hopefully, the side effects will diminish when I find them too.”

  Lingering magical results that may not wear off soon? This was kicking Claire’s evening off to a fantastic start.

  “How do we know if it worked?” Claire asked. She rubbed her eyes, hoping it would help them adjust.

  The front entrance bell rang, stopping Carmen from answering.

  “I thought you locked up,” Claire said.

  “Me?” Carmen asked. “I thought you did.”

  “Hello?” a deep male voice called.

  “Sorry, sir, we’re closed,” Carmen said. “Try us again tomorrow.”

  Great, Claire thought. Of course a customer would walk in while I’m sprawled out on the floor.

  “Go away,” Claire muttered under her breath.

  “Oh, shit,” the man said. Someone ran over and knelt beside Claire. “Are you okay?”

  Whoever spoke had a sexy voice. Even underneath his cursing, Claire could tell it was a sound that made her insides melt.

  She just had to open her eyes before Carmen drove him out with a broomstick. It wasn’t the customer’s fault he thought they were still open.

  Why was it so difficult for her to adjust to the light? The store had warm lighting to accentuate the displays, books, and other mystical trinkets. There was no need for the brightness that kept her from focusing.

  “Hey, deaf ears,” Carmen said. “We’re closed.”

  Claire felt strong arms wrap underneath her and sit her up.

  “Let go of my sister, asshole!”

  “Carmen, stop screaming,” Claire said.

  “I will when this idiot starts listening to me,” Carmen said between gritted teeth.

  Claire slowly opened her eyes, and she so wasn’t expecting to see the Adonis-of-a-man leaning over her. He had blond hair with only slightly darker natural highlights, which framed his face well. His square jaw and strong features were close enough for her to kiss. Speaking of kissing, he had the most gorgeous full lips she’d ever seen on a man. Lips that seemed like they were fashioned for the oral sport and nothing else.

  She wasn’t the only one admiring the view.

  “Your skin,” he said. “It’s glowing.”

  Didn’t Carmen say something like that too? Claire thought. What was with the glowing comments?

  The stranger brushed his hand against her cheek, and where he touched made her skin electric. It was as if something in her had been dormant for years, and it was just taking the first breath of life and enjoying every second of it.

  It took her a few moments of staring at the hot man to realize it was her power reacting to him.

  Hot stranger’s eyes rested on her lips too, and he licked his own as he stared at her.

  Damn, that brought her to attention, and it also woke up other parts of her body. Claire’s insides tightened and contracted.

  Stranger boy so needed to lick those lips again. Oh, but he was no boy, was he? This one was a grown-ass man, all male and masculine muscle.

  Forget him licking those lips of his. He needed to find something productive to do with them. Like kiss her.

  He apparently had the same idea as she did bec
ause he leaned into her.

  Claire never wanted something so much in her life. It was unreasonable and odd, but it also seemed perfectly right for him to take her mouth with his.

  The man was so close to kissing her that she could smell his warmth and sweet sweat, a yummy musk smell with a hint of luscious magic.

  Magic. Oh, my.

  This man, the man milliseconds away from meeting her lips, possessed a magic within him, and her magic recognized it and yearned for it even more.

  His lips brushed against hers slightly before applying delightful pressure.

  Bursts of sensation radiated from her lips to her core. She opened up to him happily, tasting the essence of him on his tongue, and he tasted so much better than he looked.

  Claire’s thighs rubbed together, enjoying the pings of delight he sent to her pussy. She was anxious and lost in a lustful haze. Greedy for him, she wanted so much more than he was giving her. Much more indeed.

  Wait. What the hell was she doing?

  Claire pulled away from him and fell out of his possessive hold, a possession she was all too happy to give into. She was about to let a total stranger consume her completely. The worse part was just how much she was enjoying it.

  “What the hell was that?” Carmen said, full chastisement in her tone. “We’re kissing strangers now? And I thought Charice was bad letting men rub up on her.”

  “Zip it, Carmen.” That brought Claire out of her sensual fantasy. That was it. She was done.

  First, she was talked into doing magic she didn’t really wanted to do, and now strange men were kissing her. She hadn’t even gotten ready for Firewick, which, according to the sun setting, was only an hour away from starting.

  “Who are you talking to?” the strange man asked.

  “Just my annoying sister,” Claire said.

  “Oh,” the man said looking around.

  “Um, Claire?” Carmen said.

  “What now?”

  “I think the spell worked.”

  “What do you mean it worked?”

  Carmen nodded to the stranger.

  Claire looked over and saw him analyzing her strangely.

  Carmen walked around to the man and waved her hand in front of his face.


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