Midnight at the Pera Palace_The Birth of Modern Istanbul

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Midnight at the Pera Palace_The Birth of Modern Istanbul Page 45

by Charles King

  see also Izmir

  Snarsky brothers, 100

  socialism, socialists, 5, 33, 63, 98, 155, 230, 237, 240, 243

  in Russia, 93, 94, 223

  in Turkey, 221, 223, 227, 232

  Socialist Revolutionary Party, 248

  Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, 309

  Sofia, 41, 299, 302, 326, 339, 355

  Soviet Embassy, 236, 246

  Soviet Union, 93, 126, 185, 235–37, 240–41, 246–52, 295, 310, 313, 328, 362

  German invasion of, 303, 306, 352, 356

  nationalization of industry by, 104

  Nâzım Hikmet in, 226–27, 228, 230–32

  propaganda from, 97–98

  Struma and, 323

  Turkish relations with, 115–16, 223–26, 230, 256, 290, 291, 294

  in World War II, 289–90, 352, 358

  see also Russia

  Soviet Writers’ Union, 232

  Spa, 261–62

  Spain, 186, 243, 249–50

  Jews from, 60, 63

  Spanish Civil War, 128, 249–50

  Special Operations Executive (SOE), 307–8

  Sperco, Willy, 140–41

  Spitzer, Leo, 296

  SS, 356–57

  Stalin, Joseph, 230–31, 235–41, 243, 247–49, 252, 290, 294, 339

  Stalingrad, 306, 356

  Standard Oil, 41, 108

  State Department, US, 326–27

  Stein, Gertrude, 272–73

  Steinhardt, Laurence A., 327–28, 336–37, 345, 348–49

  Stella bar, 140

  Sterladkin, Aleksei, 114

  Stoliar, David, 323

  Strafford, Charles, 94

  Streater, Isabel, 247

  Struma, 320–24, 326–27, 329, 348, 362–63

  Sudan, 146

  Süleymaniye mosque, 12, 20, 68, 269

  sultan, 26, 31, 50, 58, 59, 63, 120, 190, 191, 203, 215, 223

  caliph as, 5, 10, 35, 37, 58, 85–86

  deposing of, see Mehmed VI, Sultan, deposing of

  selâmlık procession by, 17, 51, 85

  see also specific sultans

  Sultanahmet (Blue) mosque, 21, 74, 189, 206, 211, 269, 276–77

  sünnet, 8

  Sunni Islam, 187

  Superb, 40, 43, 222, 299

  surnames, law requiring, 126, 263

  Sweden, 9, 64, 328, 340–41

  Switzerland, 108, 180, 295

  Syria, 18, 36, 75, 247, 290, 321

  taksim, 167

  Taksim Square, 72, 140, 195–96, 262, 316, 318, 349

  Talât Pasha, 34, 37, 42, 56, 306

  tango, 168–69, 172

  Tanin (The Echo), 209

  Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi, 180, 187

  Tanzimat reform movement, 32–33

  Tarabya, 42

  Tatavla (Kurtulu), 64

  Taurus Mountains, 327

  Tbilisi (Tiflis), 43, 100

  Tcherniavsky, Mr., 114

  Téhige, Madame de, 378

  Tenner, Katya, 94

  Tepebaı, 300, 373

  tesserae, 283

  Teutonia Club, 286, 297, 310

  Tevfik Fikret, 209

  Thessaloniki, see Salonica

  Thomas, Frederick Bruce (Fyodor Fyodorovich Tomas), 138–42, 175

  Thrace, 18, 51, 53, 77, 78, 82, 92, 193, 289, 299

  Muslims in, 121, 123

  violence against Jews in, 186, 356

  time, in Istanbul, 179–80

  Tittmann, Harold H., Jr., 352

  tobacco, state monopoly on, 33

  Togo, 208

  Tokatlian Hotel, 26, 114, 118, 138, 317, 375

  on Nazi approved list, 297, 331

  Trotsky at, 237–38

  Tolstoy, Leo, 110

  Tolstoy, Vera, 110

  Tolstoy family, 117

  Tom’s Lancashire Bar, 136

  Topkapı Palace, 14, 19–20, 44, 49, 95, 267, 361

  Gate of Felicity of, 361

  Harem of, 276, 361

  Toronto Daily Star, 4, 127

  Toynbee, Arnold J., 6

  Trabzon, 225–26

  Transnistria, 346, 360, 362

  trolleys, 27, 112, 155, 188, 203, 336

  Trotsky, Leon, 93, 224, 235–44, 246–52, 255, 257, 323

  Trotsky, Lyova, 236–37, 241, 244

  tulumbacıs (firefighters), 19–20, 64

  turbans, restrictions on, 186

  Türkische Post, 324

  Turkish Airlines, 123

  Turkish army, 84–87, 115, 120

  in battle with Hellenes, 78–80

  see also Kemalist army

  Turkish Council of Ministers, 277, 285

  Turkish Hearth movement, 203–4, 209–10

  Turkish language, 9, 13, 43, 122, 126, 161, 167, 188–89, 240, 310, 375

  reform of, 181, 189

  Turkish nationalists, 64, 73, 75–76, 79–82, 84–87, 91, 113, 116, 129, 152, 173, 190–91, 194, 204, 206, 210, 211–12, 223–25, 259, 306

  critics of, 220–21

  Halide and Adnan as, 213–16

  nönü’s version of, 294

  violence against Jews by, 185–86

  see also Kemalists, Kemalism

  Turkish National Museum, 276

  Turkish Orthodox church, 119–20

  Turkish Republic, 155, 160, 173, 213, 219, 222, 230, 318, 369, 374

  Allies joined by, 363, 371

  cinema of, 157

  clock and calendar change in, 179–80

  clothing laws in, 181, 191, 201, 263

  creation of, 115, 118

  critics of, 221

  economy of, 223–24, 225, 371

  espionage in, 304–14

  ethnic minorities in, 120–23

  exchange of minorities with Greece, 121–23

  first constitution of, 120

  foreign policy of, 256, 291

  geographic importance of, 295

  Greece and, 277, 371–72

  historians in, 219

  homogenization of, 130, 333

  ideology of, 189–90

  industrial and agricultural development in, 225

  Islam disestablished as state religion in, 181

  Jewish refugees and, 320–26, 329–33, 338–41, 345–49

  literature under, 220–21

  marginalizing of non-Muslims in, 121–31

  modernity and secularism of, 4, 6, 168, 181, 182–84, 186–89, 191, 197, 256, 263, 267, 277, 279

  modern notions of citizenship in, 120–21, 152

  multiparty democracy in, 215

  national life centered in Ankara under, 194–95

  as nation-state, 126

  neutrality of, 289–91, 295, 303–4, 307, 326, 338, 348

  new civil code of, 181, 202, 214

  origins of, 73–74

  in Ottoman demise, 77

  population of, 193–94

  as primarily rural, 224

  purging of imperial influences by, 189

  religious-leaning government in early 21st century, 182–83

  reorganization of, 85

  surnames required in, 126, 263

  territory of, 192

  Treaty of Lausanne and, 114–15

  war of independence in, 57, 125, 127, 171, 189, 196, 214, 219, 223, 291

  in World War II, 303

  Turkish revolution, 77, 84–87, 181–82

  Turkish Women’s Union, 204

  Turks, 23, 50, 115, 301

  ancestry of, 189–90

  background and definition of, 190

  ethnic, 194

  Kurds, 194

  Ottoman past rejected by, 4

  secular, 279

  Turpin, F. W., 41

  Turquoise club (Türkuvaz), 141, 161, 258, 375

  Tuzla, 97

  typhus, 149

  Udi Hrant, see Kenkulian, Hrant

  Ukraine, 326, 346, 356, 360

  Ukrainians, 99, 101, 246

  Ülkümen, Selahattin, 333

  Unionists, 91, 162, 183, 203, 209, 210
, 214, 221, 222, 238, 255

  Germany and, 35, 55, 306

  Mustafa Kemal influenced by, 53

  nationalism of, 73, 75

  reforms demanded by, 33–34

  right-wing, 226

  Special Organization in, 37–38

  in World War I, 35, 37

  United Nations, 364, 371

  United States, Americans, 24, 65, 76, 105, 117, 141, 146, 156, 172, 192, 214, 245, 256, 276, 278

  immigration quotas in, 330

  intelligence service of, 223, 308–12, 314; see also Office of Strategic Services, US (OSS)

  in Istanbul, 3, 43, 50, 138–41, 318

  Miss Universe pageant and, 260–61

  Pullman railway carriages in, 22–23

  racism and slavery in, 138–39, 150

  refugees in Istanbul aided by, 92

  in World War I, 76, 94

  in World War II, 299

  Urgan, Mîna, 201, 240

  Üsküdar (neighborhood), 42, 143, 206

  Valens, Aqueduct of, 41

  Venice, 278, 283

  Venizelos, Eleftherios, 71–72, 78, 263, 277

  Vermehren, Erich, 312

  Vertinsky, Alexander, 137

  Vienna, 24, 41, 79, 137, 138

  Vilnius (Vilna), 339–41

  Vladimir of Kiev, 269–70

  Volunteer Army, Russian, 93, 95–96, 105, 117, 139

  von Papen, Franz, 290, 306, 312, 323, 363

  wagon-lit, 23

  Wagons-Lits Company, see Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands-Express Européens

  Walker, Archibald, 309

  War Refugee Board, 327, 337, 345, 358–59, 360

  Washington, D.C., 23, 114, 173–74, 275, 310, 312, 327, 328, 345

  wealth transfers, 130, 333, 369

  Webb, Beatrice and Sidney, 243

  Wehrmacht, German, 303, 306, 340, 356

  Werfel, Franz, 165–66

  White, Charles, 17

  White Russians, 92–110, 113–17, 126, 137, 139–42, 160, 223, 232, 237, 239, 243, 245, 248–49, 271, 295, 296, 298, 320, 374

  Whittemore, Thomas, 117, 271–72

  Byzantine art and, 273–86

  Hagia Sophia and, 277–83, 286, 310

  Russian refugees and, 105–10, 276

  Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany, 71

  Wilson, M. M. Carus, 50

  Winter Garden Theater, 136

  women, 200–216, 200, 205

  Kemalist values and, 197, 212

  Kemal’s adopted daughters and new Turkish, 182, 186, 205–6

  legal rights for, 202, 214–15, 259

  in professions, 202–3

  trafficking of, 150–51

  in workforce, 204

  women, Muslim:

  in beauty contests, 258–62, 263

  head coverings for, 201, 211, 212, 215, 259, 375

  as performers, 167–68, 170

  seclusion of, 138, 156, 159, 201–2, 259

  women’s organization, 203–4, 209

  Woods, Henry, 207

  World War I, 44, 53, 64, 71, 77, 91, 97, 98, 106, 113, 120, 122, 129, 145, 146, 147, 156, 167, 172, 210, 214, 222, 275, 289, 339

  aftermath of, 6, 10, 69, 83, 330

  devastation of, 8

  results of, 4

  and Turkish boundaries, 192

  women in workforce after, 204

  see also specific countries

  World War II, 128, 164, 167, 186, 230, 286, 288, 371, 377

  Prost’s plan derailed by, 196

  see also specific countries

  Wrangel, Pyotr “Piper,” 95–98, 101, 104, 107, 109, 117, 137, 140, 232, 245, 320

  Yalta, 94, 100

  Yar restaurant, 105, 139

  Yeniköy, 129, 369

  Yeni (New) mosque, 205

  Yıldız Palace complex, 32, 45, 50, 85–86, 136, 206, 296

  YMCA, 3, 148, 245

  Young Turks, see Unionists

  Yugoslavia, 290, 303, 307

  Yunus Nadi, 155, 212, 255–58, 260, 262, 267, 279, 296, 297, 303

  Zaharoff, Basil, 64

  Zarnekow, Countess, 100

  Zarnekow, Petya, 99

  Zehra (Atatürk’s daughter), 279

  Zildjian family, 172–73, 175

  Zionism, 63, 314, 320, 359

  Ziya Bey, 43–45, 69, 103–4, 137, 140, 150, 350



  Extreme Politics

  The Ghost of Freedom

  The Black Sea

  The Moldovans

  Nations Abroad (co-editor)

  Copyright © 2014 by Charles King

  All rights reserved

  First Edition

  Photo credits: Frontispiece courtesy of Pera Palace Hotel Jumeirah. All other photos courtesy of Yapı Kredi Bank Selahattin Giz Collection.

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  Book design by Ellen Cipriano

  Production manager: Louise Parasmo

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

  King, Charles, 1967–

  Midnight at the Pera Palace : the birth of modern Istanbul / Charles King. — First edition.

  pages cm

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 978-0-393-08914-1 (hardcover)

  1. Istanbul (Turkey)—History—20th century. 2. Istanbul (Turkey)—Social life and customs—20th century. 3. Istanbul (Turkey)—Social conditions—20th century. 4. City and town life—Turkey—Istanbul—History—20th century. 5. Pera Palas Oteli (Istanbul, Turkey)—History—20th century.

  6. Social change—Turkey—Istanbul—History—20th century.

  7. Cosmopolitanism—Turkey—Istanbul—History—20th century. I. Title.

  DR731.K56 2014



  ISBN 978-0-393-24578-3 (e-book)

  W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,

  500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110


  W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House,

  75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT




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