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The Impetuous Amazon

Page 18

by Sandy James

  “Why don’t you head to Eden?” Rebecca suggested. “It’ll help you sweat out the hangover, and it’ll sure make you feel better.”

  Eden. The natural bubbling hot spring hidden deep in the woods. Better than any hot tub. He could go for a soak and give Rebecca some time to come up with one of her brilliant ideas.

  “I can’t lose her,” Johann confessed.

  “Yeah, well. I’m not positive you can keep her, either.”

  He sure didn’t like the way she continued to frown.

  “Remember,” she cautioned, “Megan’s an Amazon. She’s not supposed to have a permanent relationship.”

  “You do.”

  Rebecca blushed. “That’s…different.”

  “Bullshit. You’re married. You’ve got kids.”

  Not that Megan would want either of those things. Just because he’d secretly hoped for a family didn’t mean a woman as combustible as Megan would. She was, after all, Fire. How could that type of volatile personality be happy settling down to be a wife or a mother?

  Tilting her head like a curious child, Rebecca stared at him. Then she sighed. “And how exactly do you see this all ending, Johann? In happily ever after?”

  He had no answer to give her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Rebs!” Megan threw herself into Rebecca’s embrace. “Freya finally sent me.”

  “You scared me. I’m not used to you popping in like that. Thought for a minute I might be wrong, that you are a demig.”

  “You heard about Freya being my mom.”

  “Yeah, I heard.”

  “I’m not a damned demig,” Megan said with a growl.

  “I know,” Rebecca said, squeezing her tighter. “Call it a bad attempt at humor.”

  “Johann thinks I am.” After pulling away from the hug, Megan sat down on the bed. All she’d asked was for Freya to send her to the Guardian. She hadn’t realized she’d end up in the master bedroom of Rebecca’s home.

  “Yeah, well…” Rebecca sat next to her. “He did. But I think we’ve finally convinced him that’s not the case.”

  “Really? You talked to him? You and Artair?”

  Rebecca nodded. “We did. And he’s fine. Still a little hungover—”

  “Johann was drinking?”

  “Yeah. The guy was so upset, a little whiskey couldn’t hurt.”

  “A little whiskey gave him a hangover?”

  “Okay,” Rebecca replied with a chuckle. “A lot of whiskey. And it did the trick to settle him down so he’d listen. I think he’s starting to understand.”

  “He hates me.” God, she still hurt so much. How could she face losing him?

  “No, Megan. He doesn’t hate you. It’s just… He found out you were Freya’s daughter right after you two—you know—were together. It was a shock.”

  Megan leaned her head against Rebecca’s shoulder. “I love him, Rebs.”

  Rebecca rubbed her cheek against Megan’s hair. “I know, honey.”

  Megan’s sniffle sounded pathetic. “I hate him too. He left me. After we made love, he just…left.”

  “You two really need to talk.

  Just tell him, Megan.”

  “I—I can’t. He can’t possibly want me as much as I want him.”

  “Seems to me he wanted you enough to be devastated when he believed you were a goddess or a demig.”

  “I hadn’t thought about it that way.”

  Rebecca reached over to pick up one of Megan’s hands. “What neither of you realizes is that if you don’t start being honest with each other, you’re going to get hurt anyway. Honesty’s the only thing you’ve got on your side. And me. I’m on your side too, Megan.”

  Megan’s gripped Rebecca’s hand. “He said something to you, didn’t he? Something about me?”


  “Never mind.” Megan pulled her hand back. “Unfair question. I already know the answer anyway. He confides in you. I just wish…”

  “Wish what, honey?”

  “I wish he could talk to me like he can you and—Oh, my God! That’s it!”

  Rebecca’s brows knit. “That’s what?”

  “The answer. He’ll talk to you. He won’t talk to me, but he’ll talk to you. I’ll just be…you.” Megan jumped to her feet and hurried to the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  She turned back to face Rebecca. “To talk to Johann, of course.”

  “Oh, of course,” Rebecca sarcastically echoed.

  A couple of sparks popped out of Megan’s hair. “Is he in his cabin?”

  “I think he was going to Eden.”

  “Then I’ll go to Eden too.” Megan ducked out of the bedroom.

  * * *

  Eden was truly a paradise.

  Lush greenery covered the clearing where the hot spring bubbled in a pool as deep as most spas. The flowers had begun to fade as autumn drew near, but their sweet scent lingered. Since autumn in Avalon was immediately followed by spring, they’d bloom again soon.

  After lowering his body onto a stone seat deep in the water, Johann felt the tension in his muscles ease, the remaining poisons from his whiskey bender seeping out with his sweat. As his body relaxed, his mind followed suit.

  The talk with Artair had been enlightening. The one with Rebecca more so. At least Johann found some comfort that Megan wasn’t truly a goddess or a demig. But with the addition of her new powers, would the Fates subtract a little bit of her humanity? How much would those new powers corrupt her?

  Megan should always remain the Fire he knew and loved. He couldn’t stand her losing her sassy nature and kick ass attitude. He couldn’t stand losing her. Period.

  He would call to Freya this evening and ask to be sent back to Chicago to be reunited with Megan, who had surely returned to her condo by now. The goddess might bristle and start acting like a mother bear protecting her cub—especially since he’d been so cruel—but Freya obviously wanted them together. He’d tolerate the goddess’s bluster because he knew she would ultimately send him to Megan, which—despite everything he now knew—was still exactly where he wanted to be.

  Would Freya help run interference with Rhiannon? The Lady of the Lake would be royally pissed that another of “her” Sentinels had chosen an Amazon as a mate—what he’d finally realized was exactly what Megan was. His mate. His other half. She made him complete.


  He sounded like an idiot. Love was pickling his brain.

  Love and whiskey.

  A rustling drew his attention. Rebecca came through the trees. Dressed in a red string bikini—a very skimpy red string bikini—with a towel draped over her shoulder, she stood on the moss and stared down at him.

  Luckily one of the changelings had left a pair of swim trunks on his bed. Rebecca saw enough of one Sentinel—she didn’t need an eyeful of the other.

  Johann gawked at Rebecca before he could stop himself. She might be married and a mother, but he was still a man. And she was a very beautiful woman.

  God, what was he? Some kind of pervert sitting there coveting Artair MacKay’s wife? What in the hell was wrong with him? He’d seen Rebecca in a bikini before. He, Megan, Artair and Rebecca had come to Eden together many times, but he’d always been ogling Megan. He’d never noticed how firm and full Rebecca’s breasts were or paid attention to the curve of her hips. What kind of man was he, lusting after his best friend’s wife? Hell, he was getting a hard-on just staring at Rebecca. What was wrong with him? He was disgusted with himself.

  Trying to rein in his rampant libido, he offered a greeting that sounded strained. “Rebecca. Long time no see.” Then he winked, hoping to ease the tension. It didn’t help. “What made you decide to join me?”

She didn’t smile as she set her towel down on a big rock and kicked off her sandals. He couldn’t help but admire the long, sensuous grace of her legs and the fluidity of her movements. Had she always been that tall? As tall as Megan?

  That didn’t seem right. Perhaps his perception was distorted because he sat down so low.

  One thing stood out—there was none of the warmth or the friendship he normally felt around the Guardian. He saw none of the Mother Earth qualities that were such an integral part of Rebecca MacKay. No, Earth was throwing such a sensuous and blatantly sexual vibe at him, he might have been looking at her for the first time.

  She fixed a wary stare his direction.

  Something was definitely wrong.

  The wind shifted, sending a chill across his wet shoulders, raising goose bumps. With the light breeze came a highly arousing scent.

  He sighed in relief. No wonder her vibes were all wrong. This woman wasn’t Rebecca MacKay. The Guardian never smelled like cherry tobacco. Nor had she ever worn red, let alone a barely there bikini.

  Should he be thrilled or pissed that Megan had come to him? She was sure putting her new transformation abilities to use. It was nice to know she could “become” someone else if need be.

  But his nerves were already stretched taut, and he wasn’t up to any more surprises. He might have found the whole situation amusing if he hadn’t been caught in similar circumstances back in high school. Identical twins pulled a switch on him for one date just for shits and giggles.

  Well, he wasn’t going to be the butt of that kind of joke again.

  What was she trying to prove?

  Although part of him wanted nothing more than to put the charade aside and take her into his arms to soothe away the hurt he’d caused her. Another part wanted to turn the tables on her so she’d learn a lesson about trying to deceive him. The latter won the battle.

  “Nice bikini.” Johann threw her a lecherous stare that raked her from head to toe. “At least what there is of it. You sure got your figure back fast after having Darian.” He wolf whistled for effect. “In fact, I think you look better than you did before. Maybe ’cause your boobs are bigger now.”

  Megan’s gaze dropped to her chest before returning to capture his. Her eyes narrowed into one of her typical I’m-gonna-burn-you looks.

  He bit back a grin. If he hadn’t figured out who she was from her scent, the eyes would have given her away. As would every tantalizing inch of that body he’d been ogling, the one she’d wrapped around him at Folkvang. The face and hair were Earth, but everything else was pure Fire.

  She might be able to change her appearance so most people wouldn’t know her, yet he always would. It was hard not to let her know he was on to her, but he kept up the game. She had, after all, started the damned thing.

  He crooked his finger. “Come on in. The water feels great.”

  Megan slinked into the water, descending the stone steps and taking a seat opposite him. Her wary gaze never left him.

  Johann crooked his finger at her again. “No, no, no. Over here. Sit by me.”

  With a quick shake of her head, she leaned back against the hot spring’s stone wall and watched him. The intensity of her stare should have set him ablaze. The realization that, for once, she couldn’t talk back made his mouth twitch with a grin.

  Oh, this was going to be fun.

  “So where’s Artair?”

  Her shoulders lifted in an exaggerated shrug.

  He smirked, knowing that no matter what he asked, she couldn’t answer or she’d give away the ruse. After the switched identity trick Megan and Rebecca had played on him for the first few weeks after they’d met, he savored the payback.

  “The old Scott must be getting lax. I didn’t think he’d let you alone with me, especially in that itsy-bitsy bikini.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You’d think he’d be more concerned, considering my crush.”

  “Crush?” she squeaked out before balling her fingers into a fist and coughing into it.

  He had her now. He should feel bad about teasing her, but he didn’t. This whole charade was giving him insight into how she felt, and he liked what he saw. Her jealousy was so alive, it radiated from her in waves of heat. He wouldn’t have been surprised if the temperature of the spa increased a few degrees.

  This woman was all he’d ever want.

  “Yeah,” Johann said with a nonchalant wave of his hand. “I’m sure you don’t need me to dump all that on you again. Right?”

  Another heated glare was his only answer.

  “Thanks for listening about Megan.”

  That got her full attention. Those gorgeous eyes were suddenly as big as saucers.

  “I know she’s your friend and all. But she’s so—so…”

  She leaned forward, absorbing every word.

  “You know what I think about her. I mean, hell, I talked your ear off earlier. I don’t need to tell you again.”

  “Yes, you do,” she said in a whispered voice that brought another smile to his lips.

  “Nah. No need. You know exactly how I feel about her. Now, I’d rather talk about us.” He nodded at the spot next to him. “C’mon. Come sit by me, baby.”

  Her forlorn expression told him she didn’t like him calling someone else by his pet name for her.

  Curiosity had to be killing her because Megan got to her feet and took a few hesitant steps toward his side of the spa. When she stood in front of him, she glared down. From the look on her face, he was about to get burned.

  In one quick movement, Johann stood and pulled her into his arms. She was as stiff as a girder. His cock was as hard as one. Burying his lips against her neck, he kissed the soft, warm skin and breathed in her scent. If she would have turned out to be divine after all, he’d still want her. He’d still love her.

  “I’ve wanted to do that forever,” he whispered in her ear before running his tongue around the delicate ridges.

  Megan tried to pull away.

  He wouldn’t allow it, holding her tighter against him. “It’s okay, baby. I won’t tell if you won’t. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about this too.” Johann pressed his lips to hers.

  The red sparks erupted from her fingers and her hair before she put her hands against his chest and shoved him away. Big balls of fire shot from her hands, hitting his stomach and harmlessly deflecting into the water where they fizzled out.

  “You son of a bitch.”

  “Oh, come on, Megan. I knew it was you.” Johann glanced down at where the flames had bounced off his midsection. “Thank you, Apollo.”

  “Yeah, sure you did.”

  He watched in fascination as her facial features shifted from Rebecca MacKay to Megan Feurer and her hair tinted back to the red he knew and loved. Would he ever get used to watching her transform?

  He reached for her hand.

  She jerked it away.

  “I knew it was you. Do you honestly think I’d ever call Rebecca ‘baby’?”

  “How could you know?”

  What an embarrassing question. He sighed and answered her anyway. “Your scent.”

  “You—you know my scent?”

  “I could never mistake you for someone else.”

  “I missed you,” she blurted out.

  Opening his arms, he smiled. “I missed you too.”

  Megan threw her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his hips. She rained kisses over his face, then settled her mouth on his.

  He’d never been so happy in his life. Nor had he ever been so aroused, especially when Megan’s tongue pushed into his mouth before Johann tried to coax that response as he so desperately wanted. He loved her heat, her passion, how she never held any part of herself back.

  Holding her close, he walked to the edge of
the spring and set her down. Cupping her firm backside, he pulled her against him before kissing her. Long and deep. Just like her, he held nothing back.

  She dropped her legs to let them dangle in the water as she placed her palms against his shoulders and pushed a little distance between them. “Let me touch you,” she said in a breathy whisper.

  Like he’d tell her no.

  Her hands moved down his body, caressing his chest as she splayed her fingers through the patch of hair. She slowly worked down his abs to the waistband of his trunks. He held his breath, loving her aggressiveness and waiting for her to touch him where he needed her touch the most.

  After she peeled his wet trunks down his hips, he pushed them the rest of the way and tossed them aside.

  “Touch me, Megan. God, please touch me.”

  “Anything you want.” She wrapped her fingers around his erection.

  Johann savored her touch, rejoicing that she’d come to him here in Avalon and that, despite the drama he’d created while learning about her parentage, she still wanted him. Because, sweet heavens, he wanted her. Her hand was torturing him, making his control slip away with each stroke. He wasn’t about to be alone in this exquisite torment.

  The best thing about string bikinis was how quickly those strings could be untied. The top was first and easiest, and it was floating in the water in a matter of seconds. The bottoms proved a little more difficult to remove, but as urgently as he wanted to see his Megan—all of her—he rose to the challenge. Once he had them off, he tossed them over her shoulder. His hands praised her breasts, her waist, her hips as he marveled at the fact she didn’t catch on fire this time around.

  While she slowly ran her hands over the length of him, he dropped his head to kiss a breast, teasing and taunting until he finally took the nipple into his mouth. The action made her stroke his cock harder and faster.

  Johann had to brush her hand away or she’d make him come before he had a chance to be inside her again. When had he lost that steady, cool self-control in which he’d always prided himself? When had the mere touch of her warm fingers been enough to drive him over the edge?


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