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Short and Sweet

Page 4

by Miranda Forbes

  Now she was all assertive, smacking the woman’s thighs with what looked like a ruler, while the dildo probed her opening. The woman was massaging her own breasts, her mouth open as though talking, probably begging to be fucked, when Audrey grabbed her by the hips, pulled her in towards her and roughly rammed the dildo in.

  I watched Audrey’s arse going backwards and forwards as she mimicked male thrusting. The woman’s body was being pushed and shoved all over the desk. Pencils and papers were flying on to the floor. The desk was shaking under all that pounding.

  Her legs came out to wrap around Audrey’ back and I could actually see them gripping tighter and tighter, until she obviously orgasmed and finally they fell, to hang off the edge of the desk.

  Audrey moved out of view and I could actually see the woman’s juices dribbling down onto the desk. She pulled back the hood over her clit again, dipped her fingers into her pussy and then smeared the juices all over her clit. She began to rub slowly and then quicker and quicker until she orgasmed, bucking her pelvis and thrashing around.

  She was like a fucking sex machine. Lying there like that on the desk for anyone to see. I couldn’t hold on any more. I came too then, into the air, fortunately aiming it away from me so that it landed on the floor. Never in my life had I been so turned on. I lay back in my chair breathing hard, my cock twitching, come oozing out, still hard, wanting to shoot out more.

  My fingers were cramped from holding the telescope and as I flexed them I steadied it in the other hand to have one last look. It was while I was trying to stop my hand from shaking that I noticed the window cleaner was still in the same position, only now there was no squeegee in his hand, only his enormous cock.

  I’d completely forgotten about him.

  Audrey was squashed up against the window, her huge breasts mashed against the glass. Her fingers were in her pussy and her tongue was licking at the glass. She looked wild, sexy, uninhibited.

  The other woman came up behind her, kneeled down, her hands up over her arse. Audrey threw her head back and tilted her arse up. I could only assume the woman was licking her hole.

  Then she stood behind Audrey, right in front of the window cleaner, laughing as her hand ran down Audrey’s back and by the look on Audrey’s face, straight into her lubed up hole.

  The man on the scaffolding knelt, still pumping his cock while his tongue flickered over the glass, level with her pussy. Audrey was gyrating and squirming, rubbing her body over the glass.

  I quickly changed hands putting the telescope and my cock in the most trusting of hands, my own. I was amazed at how hard I was, after having come only a few minutes earlier. I started pumping like crazy, watching them perform before me.

  I focused in on the man. There was something familiar about him as well. I zoomed in closer, desperate for him to turn his head around. The other woman was now between Audrey’s legs, licking her as Audrey’s arms braced herself away from the window. Her breasts were hanging, swaying and Audrey face was alive, wild with passion.

  I was just about to come, my eyes half-closed in ecstasy when the man became clearer. It was fucking Peter. My partner. I fell backwards off the chair, the telescope falling from my grasp, come shooting all over my trousers. I was shocked, dumbfounded, speechless.

  I groped around the floor for the telescope not wanting to miss anything else. There on the scaffolding, Peter was in the throes of coming, his sperm shooting out all over the window, while Audrey, with the woman still licking her pussy, looked on hungrily. They were like dogs in heat.

  I thought Peter was going to fall to his death as he fell backwards, his knees buckling beneath him from all his exertions. They were obviously acting out a fantasy. Whose? I wondered. I could hear the elevator doors opening on my floor, the familiar silly giggling coming from my secretary as she made her way back to her desk, outside my office.

  I quickly righted myself in the chair and scooted back on its wheels, straightening my clothing in the process. Noticing the wet stains over my trousers I grabbed some files and threw them over my lap. I was breathless, my body slick with perspiration.

  ‘Miss me?’ she asked.

  ‘Hmm, sorry,’ I muttered, pretending to be absorbed with some papers on my desk.

  ‘Wait till I tell you who I saw at lunch,’ she began, flopping into the chair opposite me. ‘You won’t believe what she …’

  I feigned interest, desperately wanting to sneak another look through the window but alas she demanded my full attention.

  I’d never witnessed anything so erotic in all my life. The fact that Peter and Audrey had gone to such lengths to play out this fantasy shocked me, especially knowing that anyone in any of the other offices, had they looked over, would have been able to witness what I did.

  I’ve never said anything to Peter and I really felt uncomfortable about the whole thing, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t take a look at the building across the street, hoping for another glimpse of a day in the life of a window cleaner.

  Dream World

  by Tony Haynes

  Being an ordinary 22nd century girl it had taken Renee nearly three years to save up enough credits to treat herself to the holiday of a lifetime at Dream World. Dream World was a grand hotel complex which had seven distinct areas broken down into the following categories: Gothic; the Wild West; the Ancient World; the Space Age; Heaven and Hell; Mythology and Fiction. Male guides in each of the worlds dressed in the guises of a huge variety of apposite characters and served as pleasure valets, promising to be attuned to guests every need and desire.

  Dream World’ssuccess was largely built upon the quality and integrity of its staff. The first of the complexes had been open for over ten years and these days every continent had one. Mildly intrigued when she first became aware of their existence, Renee had become utterly fascinated the more she heard about the Dream Worlds. One or two of her closest friends swore by them. Sara professed that they were “the” place for single girls to go.

  When Renee asked her why, Sara rolled her eyes and a look of guilty pleasure flitted across her face. ‘You’ll just have to go yourself one day and find out.’

  Unsatisfied with her friend’s response, Renee had tried to investigate as much as she could about the Dream World she was visiting before she went. While the websites she visited proved intriguing, nothing quite prepared her for the moment she stepped off the travel shuttle.

  Renee almost dropped her travel bag in amazement. The shuttle port opened directly onto a huge enclosed concourse. Seven walkways fed off the main central space each leading to a different dream area. Thankfully, rather than pre-book a particular zone, Renee had taken Sara’s advice to select a destination instinctively on arrival.

  Characters from each of the seven worlds were mingling around the passengers from the shuttle trying to entice the girls who had disembarked into their particular sphere. Renee wandered past glistening gladiators, knavish knights and charismatic cowboys. She paused for a moment at the entrance to the pathway that led to Heaven and Hell. The Devil, dressed resplendently in a smouldering dinner jacket, came up to her and bowed. He took Renee’s left hand and kissed it. ‘May I ask, is this madam’s first visit?’

  ‘How can you tell?’

  ‘The Devil knows all, madam.’

  Renee was intrigued. ‘Really?’


  ‘So tell me, why should I spend my time in hell?’

  ‘Because, madam, we will cater for all your darkest fantasies.’ The Devil leant in close and whispered in Renee’s ear, ‘Even those which you hesitate to acknowledge to yourself.’

  At this, the Devil placed his left hand upon Renee’s right thigh just below the hem of her skirt. Renee froze, embarrassed in case anyone had seen. Looking around she realised there was no need as most of her fellow passengers had already shed their inhibitions completely. Less than ten yards away a sultry brunette, who had been eyeing Renee mischievously on the shuttle, was all
owing Pan to strip the clothing from her body. Renee watched entranced as the playful god peeled off the brunette’s top and skirt to leave her standing there in a lacy white bra, panties and stockings. As Pan reached around in order to undo the brunette’s bra strap, the girl stayed his hand. Pan inclined his head submissively. The brunette turned and looked directly at Renee, pure passion flashing in her eyes. Renee tried to hold the girl’s gaze only she couldn’t and lowered her eyes timidly. The Devil took her cheek and gently raised her head once more. ‘Please, madam, do not be afraid.’

  Renee looked back over to the brunette. The girl smiled at Renee then reached down with her right hand, pulled her panties to one side and slipped a finger into her deliciously inviting pussy. Renee watched entranced as the finger slid slowly in and out. She heard the Devil whisper in her ear, ‘May I?’

  As if in a trance, Renee nodded. The Devil’s hand began to caress the upper part of Renee’s thigh, massaging closer and closer to her tingling clit. Renee bit her lip as she felt his fingers pause at the edge of the flimsy fabric of her panties. They were already damp with excitement. She sensed a finger begin to explore the outer folds of her flesh. With a well-practised move the Devil inserted a finger inside her. Renee let out a slight moan and began to grind her hips in order to gratify herself against the obliging digit.

  Looking back across at her brunette friend, Renee saw that Pan was now licking her pussy. The brunette’s head was thrown back in carefree abandon as she lost herself completely in the moment. Renee had never felt so aroused. Her juices began to flow freely and she was surprised to find herself on the cusp of climax so quickly. Gasping, she tried her best to hold back for a few seconds further in order to prolong the enjoyment, but it was no use. Renee felt the back of her legs begin to tremble, then her buttocks tighten as wave after wave of pleasure coursed between her inner thighs. She thrust down so as to feel the Devil’s finger deep inside her.

  Sensing her climax, the Devil clasped Renee tight in his other arm as she bucked against him, throwing her head back wildly as she lost herself in the throws of unadulterated ecstasy.

  As she gradually regained her breath Renee grinned somewhat sheepishly. The Devil kissed her gently on the lips. Delicately he withdrew his finger and smoothed Renee’s clothing back into place. Glancing across Renee saw her brunette friend striding naked towards Heaven and Hell’s reception desk, Pan trailing behind her carrying her suitcase. Enjoyable though the past few moments had been, Renee longed for more.

  ‘I was wondering if I could …’ Renee allowed her sentence to trail off as she darted a quick glance downwards in the direction of the devil’s groin.

  The Devil nodded slightly. ‘By all means. However, may I suggest that we continue in the comfort of one our exquisite rooms.’

  Renee cast a look around the concourse. Almost all of the girls who had been on her shuttle were now in some state of undress and being served by one of the multitude of characters on offer from history, mythology and fiction. The Devil coughed. ‘As it’s your first time here, why not visit a few of the areas we have on offer?’

  ‘Am I allowed to do that?’

  ‘Of course. As long as I can persuade you to sample hell first.’

  Growing bolder by the minute Renee reached down and ran her fingers around the bulge that had appeared at the Devil’s groin. He held her gaze steadily as she toyed with him, but Renee could feel his excitement through the fabric of his trousers. ‘Very well, lead on.’

  The Devil bowed. ‘As you wish, madam.’

  Renee broke away from him in order to allow him to pick up her suitcase, then the pair of them entered Heaven and Hell’s hotel reception. Renee’s brunette friend was just finishing checking in, Pan waiting obsequiously by her side. Renee could barely take her eyes off the girl’s magnificently trim figure. Turning, the brunette held out her hand and introduced herself. ‘Philomena.’

  Renee took it, their fingers becoming intertwined in the process. ‘Renee.’

  Philomena looked intrigued. ‘Do you always shake hands so passionately?’

  Renee shook her head.

  Philomena raised an eyebrow coquettishly. ‘Are you staying here long?’

  Renee hardly recognised her own voice as she answered huskily, ‘Two weeks.’

  Philomena’s eyes sparkled. ‘Excellent. I do hope that we’ll see a lot more of one another during that time.’

  ‘I hope so to,’ Renee replied softly.

  ‘May I?’ Philomena asked, reaching across to Renee’s top as she did so.

  Renee nodded. Sensuously, Philomena began to undo the buttons on Renee’s top, one by one. Her eyes glowed as more and more of Renee’s pale, silky flesh was revealed. As Philomena undid the final button, Renee shrugged the top from her shoulders. The Devil caught it deftly. Philomena traced her fingers around Renee’s flower patterned black bra. Renee’s breathing became shallower as Philomena’s hand snaked up and unhooked the straps from Renee’s shoulders. She wiggled the material gently and pulled Renee’s bra down until it sat just beneath her beautiful pert breasts. Philomena sighed, then leant down and planted a feathery light kiss on each of Renee’s nipples. Her tongue lingered teasingly around them. Renee closed her eyes momentarily as a shiver of delight ran the length of her body. Philomena then smoothed Renee’s flowing, long blonde hair forwards until it covered the top of her breasts. Philomena smiled. ‘Now you fit in perfectly, for you look like a goddess.’

  Renee blushed as Philomena kissed her. Renee had never kissed another woman before. She found Philomena’s soft lips enthralling. The exciting sensation reminded her of her first ever kiss. It was an exhilarating feeling. Philomena proved to be an expert kisser and Renee became extremely aroused as her new friend’s tongue teased around her mouth. As they parted, Philomena slipped her spare room key into Renee’s hand, then wandered off across the lobby to the lifts, Pan following in her wake.

  Hastily, Renee checked in as quickly as possible. The Devil went to the lifts and summoned one for her, holding its doors open until Renee was ready to enter. As the doors slid shut Renee discarded her bra onto the lift floor. The Devil went to pick it up, only Renee stopped him from doing so. She slid her right hand down his shirt front until she reached the zip on his trousers. She toyed with it for a second before lowering it. The Devil’s cock sprang out. It was impressively stiff and inviting. Renee squatted down and wrapped her eager lips around it. The Devil collapsed back against the mirrored walls of the lift, caught off guard for the first time. He leant down and massaged Renee’s hair as she sucked his glorious cock. Taking it out of her mouth, Renee lapped at the throbbing purple end with the tip of her tongue until a sliver of juice spilled out. She smeared it around her lips, enjoying the taste of him. She was desperate to feel him inside her so she stood up. The Devil went to touch her. Renee shook her head. ‘Ah-ah.’

  The Devil waited obediently. She was really enjoying taking control. Hitching her skirt up, Renee lowered her panties, kicked them off and thrust her bottom out at the Devil. ‘Now you may.’

  With consummate professionalism the Devil slipped a condom on, then grasped Renee’s hips and positioned himself behind her. Renee braced herself against the mirrored wall as she felt the Devil’s cock begin to probe her pussy lips. Smoothly, he slipped it inside her. Renee felt her legs weaken and gasped as he began to thrust in and out of her in earnest. She heard him moan as his strokes began to increase in their intensity. Renee reached down with her right hand and stroked her clitoris in order to heighten her pleasure further. She drove herself down even harder on the Devil’s cock. She squealed in delight as she felt her second orgasm of the day rip through her thighs. As she came, the Devil grasped her arse tightly. Pure pleasure thrilled through Renee’s every nerve and sinew. She backed into him gently, feeling his cock pulse softly inside her.

  When her orgasm eventually subsided, Renee wiggled free of him and smoothed her skirt back down. She then draped her hair over her breasts, just a
s Philomena had showed her earlier. The Devil tidied himself, put his cock away and they kissed. He leant back against the mirrored walls. ‘May I ask if madam is happy with her choice?’

  Renee’s lips parted in a broad grin. ‘What do you think?’




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