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Nice & Naughty

Page 11

by Tawny Weber

  He cringed. Beneath her fingers, his arm tensed. She figured he was mentally already halfway out the door.

  “I like heroes,” she murmured, risking his mental trip shifting into high gear and sending him running all the way out of town. She didn’t care. She didn’t know how he was key to her happiness, to her freedom. She just knew her gut believed it. Which meant she had to take the risk. Had to tell him her truth.

  The horrified look in his eyes turned speculative. Hot. Sexy.

  Jade slid her hand up his arm, sighing in appreciation as her palm skimmed the hard, round rock that were his biceps. She pressed her fingers to his chest. There, just between his heart and his shoulder. The heat of his skin through his T-shirt warmed her palm. Filled her with a desire strong enough to drown out the nerves clamoring through her body.

  She stared into the rich depths of his eyes for a second, then let her gaze drop to his lips. Full, tempting lips. The hint of stubble. The small jagged scar above his mouth.

  She wanted to taste them again. Needed to feel them against hers. He’d kissed her once and now it was an addiction. She had to know what else he could do. They’d done the hard-and-fast route. Could he do wild and intense? Was it in him to be slow and sweetly gentle?

  Maybe it was time to grab on and enjoy finding out.

  Hardly daring to breathe, Jade leaned forward. His eyes narrowed, a dangerous heat flaring in their hypnotic depths. Her stomach jittered.

  Nerves racing with excitement, she shifted closer. Close enough for the tips of her breasts to brush his chest. Her nipples instantly stiffened. Desire, hot and molten, ran down to her core. The intensity of it made her dizzy.

  Just a simple touch and she was teetering on the edge of an orgasm. God knew what she’d do if they actually got naked. Melt into a puddle all over his bare toes?

  She narrowed her eyes. And him? He still had that same stare going on. How did she entice a man so sexy he probably had women throwing themselves at him every day? How did she satisfy a man whose expression she couldn’t even read?

  The only way to find out was to try.

  Even if it scared her to pieces.

  She wet her lips. Then, eyes locked on his, she leaned in and brushed her mouth over his jaw. Soft and unthreatening.

  His body was rock hard. His expression didn’t shift. But his eyes? They were flaming hot now, filled with a passion that excited, terrified, empowered her.

  “I really, really do like heroes,” she whispered again.

  Then, just to see what they’d both do, she ran her tongue over his lower lip, sucking the soft, tender flesh into her mouth.


  OH, BABY. He tasted so good. Delicious and decadent, with a hint of coffee and a sweet layer of powdered sugar. She wanted more. She needed as much as she could get. But she forced herself to pull back. Holding her breath, her stomach tumbling with nerves and excitement, she waited to see what he’d do. Kiss her back? Get up and leave? Both options were a little scary.

  He gave her another one of those deep, soul-inspecting stares. Her heart raced and the nerves outdid the excitement, knotting themselves into a tangle. She resisted the urge to squirm.

  “This is a mistake,” he said, his voice a low, husky rumble.

  “Do you always avoid mistakes?” Breathless and seductive, her words were both curious, and, well, yes, a little bit of a challenge. Because she didn’t care if it was a mistake or not. She just wanted to do it again.

  He didn’t answer.

  Instead, he kissed her.



  Wet and wild.

  Jade moaned against his lips as they slid, silky soft, over her mouth. His teeth nipped softly, so that she parted her lips to gasp. Then his tongue swept in, swirling deep. Sweet and hard at the same time. Deliciously sweet, and, holy cow, so temptingly hard.

  She grabbed on to his shoulders to keep from melting all over him. His hands swept up her jeans-clad thighs, making a soft scraping sound against the crisp cotton of her shirt before settling on her waist. Her breasts grew heavy, aching as she waited to see if his hands would go a little higher. Just a little, please.

  Instead, he gently pulled his mouth from hers and waited. Her nerves spun out of control. She didn’t know what he was waiting for, nor could she tell if he was anywhere near as affected by that kiss as she was.

  “Wow,” she breathed in a rush, unable to handle the lack of commentary any longer. “You really are good at that.”

  His lips twitched, but he stuck with the strong, sexy silence as he tightened his hands around her waist, then effortlessly lifted her onto his lap. Jade giggled, excitement making her feel light-headed. Before she’d even settled—or had a chance to appreciate the hard length of his erection against the back of her thigh—he took her mouth.

  And drove her crazy. Tiny nibbling kisses. Big eating bites. His hands stayed at her waist, but his mouth worshipped her in a way that was sexier than anything Jade had ever felt in her life.

  She wanted more.

  She needed more.

  She reached her fingers under the soft fabric of his shirt, intending to take more.

  Diego had other plans, though. He shifted, his hand covering hers.

  “We should stop,” he groaned against her lips. Then, proving he had way more willpower than she did, he released her mouth and moved back. Just enough to shift the intensity from high heat to medium simmer.

  She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his chest, gratified to feel his harsh intake of breath and racing heart.

  “Why?” She didn’t want to stop. Not now, not yet. Not while the passion swirling through her senses was promising such a delicious and powerful result. But she kept her hands to herself. Because forcing her needs, her wants, on someone else? That just felt wrong.

  “Because you’re a nice girl and I’m not a nice guy. Because I’m leaving the second I solve this case. And because I have nothing to offer.” His gaze dropped to her lips and heated. As if he was magnetically drawn, he leaned closer again. Then, forcing himself to stop, he tilted his head back to glare at the Christmas tree, taking in deep, controlled breaths.

  Jade sighed.

  He was right. He wasn’t a nice guy. Which was one of the reasons he appealed to her so much. He was a guy who led the life he wanted, and was strong enough to accept and deal with the consequences but still go his own way.

  And she wanted all that. Even if it was just for a few days, she wanted to experience that kind of inner strength. Even if it was secondhand.

  “I think what you have to offer is mighty appealing,” she told him. Even though it took all her nerve, she held his gaze as she pressed her palm into the hard planes of his chest, then let her fingers slide downward. Just to the rigid flatness of his belly. Her fingers itched to go lower. To encircle the stiff length of his erection pressing against her thighs.

  Maybe he believed her, or maybe he was feeling the same intense need she was. Either way, he gave a slow, contemplative nod. Excited anticipation raced through Jade’s system.

  “Just so you know, fraternizing with me might move you to Santa’s naughty list,” he warned, nuzzling his mouth against the sensitive curve of her throat.

  “Naughty, hmm?”

  “Babe, I’m as bad as they come.” He leaned back. Just enough to give her an arch look. “And you’d be bad, too. If I got your clothes off, I predict you’d find yourself doing all kinds of naughty things. I expect you’d even teach me a thing or two, as well.”

  “Me?” she asked in her flirtiest tone.

  “You’ve got some naughty inside,” he promised, his tone as serious as the intense nod of assurance he offered.

  He was so cute.

  Her hands cupping the incredible breadth of his
hard shoulders, Jade laughed in delight. She’d already accepted that he was gorgeous, sexy and dedicated. She considered it pretty awesome that his lips were magic and that his hands held the secrets to all physical pleasure. But now he was fun, too?

  It was almost too much for a girl to handle.

  At least, not without giving up a piece—and oh, please let it be a tiny piece that she could afford to lose—of her heart.

  The cautious part of her mind—probably ruled by all that nice he’d mentioned—worried. What did she know about Diego?

  Other than the fact that he was gorgeous and sweet, smart and funny. That he was a good, solid cop who believed in justice. That he’d had a horrible, lonely childhood and deserved to feel loved—even if it was only the physical kind of love.

  Was she trying to talk herself out of sleeping with him? she wondered. Or trying to justify stripping him naked, slathering him in whipped cream and calling him dessert?

  Confusion, and fear, overwhelmed the passion. She wanted him, unquestionably. And she didn’t know what scared her more. Having him, and it not measuring up to her expectations. Or having him and finding out it was better than anything she’d ever imagined.

  Both were terrifying, because both would hurt.

  “I should refresh our coffee,” she decided, jumping up from the couch. It didn’t count as running away if she only went as far as the kitchen, right? “Did you want more coffee?”

  She grabbed his mug, sloshing liquid over her knuckles. She was halfway across the room before she realized the brew was still hot. She stopped so fast, it sloshed again. She set the drink aside before it landed on her feet.

  “What’s the deal?” Diego asked, rising as well.

  He stood so tall, so broad and strong. But not intimidating, she realized. As crazy as it sounded even to her, he felt safe. He felt tempting. He felt like her once-in-a-lifetime chance to be as naughty as he thought she could be. To live her life for herself, her own way. To experience living in the moment, on her own terms. Everything she said she wanted but was too afraid to actually do.

  Just like Diego.

  “Jade?” he prompted. “What’s wrong?”

  She met his gaze, letting all her fears, her worries and probably even her naked soul shine in her eyes. Licking her lips, she gave a helpless shrug.

  “I’m a little worried,” she confessed. Before he could ask what about, she used both hands to gesture toward him, then waved one in the general direction of her bedroom. “I want you. It’s all I can think about. Getting naked, getting wild, doing all those naughty things you mentioned, then hitting the internet to find a few dozen more to try out.”

  She took a second to breathe deeply and assess his reaction. Not easy, since he’d frozen. Probably afraid if he moved, she’d jump him. Which just showed how smart he was.

  “But I’m not sure it’s a good idea,” she continued, figuring she might as well confess it all. If he was going to run screaming into the night, he might as well be well fueled. “I’m too smart to fall for you. You’re temporary. You’re not a relationship kind of guy. You’re a loner who likes his life the way he’s made it.”

  She paused, realizing that those were a lot of the reasons she was attracted to him. He was all that, smart and temporary. A loner who wasn’t looking for more than she could give.

  “You’re right,” he agreed slowly, a dark frown creasing his brow as he shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. The look he gave her was pure speculation. As if he knew her doubts went deeper, but knew the doubts she had about those doubts were huge enough that a simple push would send her over the edge. He just had to decide which edge he wanted her toppling over. “This spark, this heat between us? It’s a bad idea. Better ignored.”

  Well, there you go. Jade set the coffee cup on a side table so she could cross her arms over her chest without tossing coffee all over the place. See, he agreed. The two of them, together, not a good thing.

  “It’d feel good, though,” she mused aloud, staring at the Christmas tree as if the right answer would suddenly appear beneath the green boughs, gift-wrapped in glitter and foil. “It’d be incredible. I’ve never been this attracted to someone. It’s like all my inhibitions packed their bags and are ready to leave the minute you touch me.”

  Diego’s groan pulled her out of her dreamy reverie. Jade winced, then couldn’t help but grin as he shoved both his hands through his hair.

  “You’re killing me,” he decided, his face a study in frustration.

  Because he wanted her that much, she realized. Not just sex with any woman. Not just a notch, or something to pass the time while he was stuck in town. He. Wanted. Her.

  “I’d rather you taught me how to be as naughty as you are,” she confessed, her words rushing over the tops of one another in her hurry to get them out. To hell with fears. This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? A chance to live life to the fullest.

  Well, there he was, ready to fill her up. Her breath stuck somewhere between her chest and her throat, Jade waited.

  Too bad she wasn’t sure what, exactly, she hoped would happen when the waiting was over.

  * * *

  HE’D BEEN RIGHT. She was trying to kill him. Diego stared at the sexy little pixie, her blond hair swirling around her shoulders like fairy floss. Those eyes were huge, and if her words hadn’t been enough to send him over the edge, she’d added a cute little nibble of her bottom lip to the mix.

  This was insane. He should walk out the door right now, stay the hell away from Jade while he wrapped up this case, then get out of town.

  Instead, he took two steps forward, grabbed her by the arms and lifted her onto her tiptoes to meet his kiss.

  She gasped. Then, with desperate hands, she shoved his jacket off his shoulders. Diego released his hold on her waist just long enough to let the leather drop from his hands.

  His mouth devoured. Lips raced. Tongues danced. Her fingers clutched the back of his shirt. He couldn’t get enough of her. Wanted more.

  Needed more.

  Diego shoved his hands through her hair, the soft strands wrapping around his fingers. He tilted her head back farther, holding her captive as he ravaged her mouth with the same edgy, desperate need he wanted to take her body.

  “I want you,” he confessed against her lips. “Now, desperately, I need you.”

  Too desperately. Diego struggled, using every ounce of willpower to keep his body in check. Slow it down, buddy. Don’t scare her. Definitely don’t hurt her.

  “You want me?” Jade asked in a throaty voice. “Then take me.”

  Willpower disintegrated. Frantic animal passion took over. Barely aware of his moves, finesse and skill gone along with his mind, Diego could only feel. Only touch.

  His hands skimmed up her tiny waist, curving over the delicious soft curves of her breasts. Already hard for him, her nipples pressed into his palms as if they were coming home.

  He scraped his fingers over the pebbled tips, reveling in their getting even harder. Just like his dick.

  “Lose it,” he demanded against her mouth. “All these clothes have to go.”

  Her breath as shaky as his knees, Jade pushed against his shoulders until he released her. Then, her eyes glowing with slumberous pleasure, she tilted her head toward the hall. “My room?”

  “Strip first.”

  Surprise joined the pleasure on her face, but only for a second. Then she arched one brow and gave him a look of pure challenge.

  Her eyes locked on his, Jade unbuckled the vivid red belt and let it drop to the floor with a light thud. Then, her fingers swift and easy, she unbuttoned the front of her oversize blouse. It only took a shrug of her shoulders to send it fluttering down over the belt.

  His body tense enough to explode, he stared as she skimmed her finge
rs over her torso until they reached the lacy red hem of her camisole. Slowly, so slow he swore he was going to cry if she didn’t get naked soon, she lifted the fabric. Higher, so he could see the smooth pale skin of her belly.

  Diego groaned as the light glinted off her navel ring. Then Jade pulled the fabric higher, over her head, and tossed it aside. His gaze locked on the perfect curves of her breasts cradled in raspberry lace, he was barely aware that she’d pushed her jeans free of her waist until she kicked them aside.

  He ate her up with his eyes. Her panties were cut high on the thighs, a narrow raspberry-colored panel of satin surrounded by ruffled lace.

  “You are so sexy,” he breathed.

  “I think you’re just obsessed with my lingerie,” she teased.

  Noting how the lace created a scallop design, dipping deep between her breasts, Diego couldn’t deny that.

  “You do have some incredible lingerie,” he agreed. Then he flashed her a dare-you grin. “Maybe you can give me a little fashion show later. Take me on a tour of my obsession?”

  “Maybe,” she agreed, giggling softly. “Did you know that a woman’s lingerie is more about her identity, her vision of herself, than it is about sex? What she wears under her clothes is like her secret self.”

  “You mean this sexy lingerie isn’t all a show for the guys?” he teased.

  “Oh, no. Guys are too easy. Lingerie is for women. To feel sexy about themselves, to prove to other women that they really are sexy. To make their secret self happy playing dress-up.”

  “Your secret self is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” Diego decided, tracing his finger along the edge of her bra. Dipping it lower, he rubbed her nipple with the back of his fingernail.

  “I’m glad you like it,” Jade murmured as she slipped her hands beneath his shirt. She gave a low moan when she pressed her palms to his abs. Diego grinned. He might not have lingerie, but thanks to no social life and an at-home gym, he had some pretty tight abs.

  Then her hand slipped lower. Cupped his rock-hard erection through his jeans.


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