The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement Page 8

by Krista Lakes

  She was too much for him.

  Beneath him, she sighed with contentment. Her hands traced lazy circles on his back as he stayed deep within her, relishing the feeling of having absolutely nothing between them.

  “That was better than anything,” she murmured. He grinned. At least he’d made her happy. He lifted his head to see her smile. Good lord, she was beautiful. He had certainly chosen the right woman.

  “Are you ready for some dinner?” he asked.

  “That means I have to get up,” she replied. “I don’t think I can move. You killed me.”

  He chuckled, letting her words stroke his ego. “You can eat naked.”

  She eyed him. “If I do that, can we do this again?”

  He grinned. “Sure.”

  She sighed and relaxed back against the bed with a happy sound. He liked it and wanted her to always make that soft sound of contentment.

  He carefully put his hands on either side of her and pushed up from the bed. She lay beneath him, perfect, soft and feminine. He was already getting hard again just looking at her and remembering how good she felt.

  She slowly came to sitting, a soft frown crossing her face.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I think we’re going to have to stay here forever,” she told him. “I feel so good right now.” She looked over at him and her pupils dilated wide. “Plus, I’m not getting on a boat, so you’re just going to have to stay here and have sex with me forever.”

  That actually didn’t sound like a bad plan to Jackson.

  “I could live with that,” Jackson replied, offering her a hand to stand up. “All I’d have to do is cancel the helicopter.”

  “Wait, helicopter?” Emma asked.

  “Unless you want to take the boat home.”

  She shook her head. “Nope. But, I’m not ready to leave yet.”

  He grinned. When he looked at her he felt like he could go all night. His animal brain already hummed with the desire to fill her with his seed again. He could barely wait. Maybe dinner could wait a little longer.

  “Good,” he said, pushing her back onto the bed. “Because I’m not done with you yet.”

  Chapter 12


  * * *

  The next few days after signing the contract were an absolute blur for Emma.

  She quit her job. Movers came and boxed up everything she owned. She told her landlord she was moving. And suddenly she was living in Jackson’s apartment building.

  She had an apartment two floors below Jackson’s penthouse suite. Her apartment was much, much, much smaller than Jackson’s, but that was fine. It was for her, anyway. Not the two of them.

  The movers put her furniture and clothing into the apartment almost exactly the way she’d had her old apartment set up. The only real difference was that now she had a much better view.

  She was reorganizing her dishes when there came a knock on the door. She opened it, thinking it was the movers.

  “You really should be more careful who you open the door to,” Jackson teased. He stood in the hallway with fresh flowers as he leaned against the door frame looking cocky and sexy.

  “I shouldn’t let you in?” she asked, reaching for the flowers.

  “You should let me in,” he agreed. “But you didn’t know it was me.”

  “Says you.” She held open the door and went to put the flowers in a vase. These ones were pink roses and they somehow smelled even better than the ones from before. It took her a minute to locate her spare flower vase. If he kept bringing her flowers like this, she was going to run out of places to put them.

  “What do you think of the apartment?” he asked her, looking around. “Do you want new furniture?”

  “My furniture is fine,” she told him. She arranged the flower stems to best show off the blossoms. “And the apartment is perfect. The elevator ride is about ten seconds and I have an amazing view.”

  She turned from the sink and smiled at him.

  “Thank you,” she said, taking a step toward him.

  “I’m glad you like it,” he replied. His green eyes watched her and although his mouth didn’t smile, his eyes did. “I was hoping you might bring some of your things upstairs.”

  “Upstairs?” Emma asked, not quite understanding.

  “I cleaned out a drawer for you,” he replied. “We are supposed to look like we’re moving in together.”

  “Right.” Her heart fluttered. He had cleaned out a drawer. No one had ever done that for her. Even though it was all fake, it still felt like this was something important.

  “Only if you want,” he continued. “I don’t want to push you.”

  “Let me grab some things,” she told him. She grinned and ran off to her new bedroom. It only took a moment to throw some socks, underthings, and pajamas into a bag. She added a comfortable skirt and some t-shirts so she could have something easy to wear. Even though it was only two floors down, she didn’t want to do the walk of shame if she didn’t have to.

  “That’s it?” Jackson asked when he saw her small bag. She had actually taken out a sweater thinking it might be too much.

  “For the first trip,” she told him. She wasn’t sure just how big the drawer was. If she had space, she would bring up more. It wasn’t like she had to go far.

  “Okay.” He smiled and held her door open for her. In the elevator he scanned his fingerprint. Hers was in the system now too. She could ride up and down to the penthouse using her own thumb.

  Jackson hurried to the door and pressed his palm to the sensor. She now had access to that, too, but it was nice that he was being chivalrous. He held the door open for her as she stepped inside.

  The apartment was just as she remembered it. Clean white lines and modern design. She loved the warm light coming in through the windows and the way she could see everything from up here. The two floors, as well as the wrap-around windows really did make a difference to the view.

  She stepped inside and found herself looking at one of the pieces of art hanging on the wall. It was a huge canvas print of snowy mountains. Just looking at them made her feel invigorated.

  “You like it?” Jackson asked, coming up beside her.

  “I do,” she replied. “Do you know where these mountains are?”

  Jackson grinned. “The Alps. I know, because I took the photo.”

  “Really?” Emma turned impressed.

  Jackson nodded. “I am a man of many talents.”

  “I would love to see mountains someday. They look amazing.”

  Jackson frowned. “You’ve never seen the mountains?”

  She shook her head. “I was born and raised here in the city. My parents didn’t have much money for us to travel. Mountains are on my bucket list of things to see.”

  He looked at her like she had two heads for a moment before motioning down a hallway. “This way.”

  They walked through a gourmet kitchen where Emma could see a wine fridge as well as every kitchen gadget she’d ever heard of. She didn’t linger long as she didn’t want to lose sight of Jackson. The apartment was as big as many houses.

  They went to the master bedroom. A giant bed dominated the middle of the room with soft gray furniture on the sides. It reminded Emma of a spa she’d once been to. Everything was warm, soft, and comfortable.

  Jackson made sure she was still with him as he went to the master closet. He opened the door and she did her best not to gasp.

  The closet was bigger than her bedroom.

  “This side is yours,” Jackson explained, motioning to a series of empty shelves. She could fit her entire wardrobe and then some in the space he had just given her.

  “This is a bit more than a drawer,” Emma said, taking a step inside. Her small bag of things felt pitiful now. She should have brought the sweater.

  “I want you to be comfortable,” he replied with a shrug.

  “Where did you put your things?” she asked. Opposite her shelves were matching ones, only filled
with dark leather shoes, suits and various other clothing.

  “It was all last season.” Her eyes got big and he laughed. “I didn’t really have much there. All I need are suits for work, gym stuff, and a couple of things to wear to the beach. It wasn’t hard to condense.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, looking back at her new closet space.

  “Of course,” he replied. He checked his watch. “I’m afraid I have to get to work. Will you be alright by yourself?”

  “Yes,” she assured him. Then she stopped and gave him a naughty grin. “What if I said I wouldn’t be?”

  “Then I would cancel my very important meeting with my VP of design and stay with you.” He narrowed his eyes. “You aren’t going to make me stay, are you? It really is kind of important.”

  “No, I won’t,” she promised with a laugh. “I’ll save it for when I really need you to stay with me.”

  He grinned at her. “I’ll be home in three hours. Any preference for dinner?”

  “Your pick,” she said. “I don’t know what your kitchen looks like or where the nearest grocery store is.”

  “You don’t have to cook. Unless you want to. There’s a menu hanging in a binder on the fridge. Look through it. The chef will make it for us.”

  “The chef?” Emma asked.

  “Yes, the chef. I don’t have time to make my own healthy meals every night,” he told her. “So pick something, and we’ll have dinner tonight. Here.”

  She loved the way he looked at her. Like dinner at home with her was something worth looking forward to.

  “Okay.” Her stomach did the happy flutter again. “I’ll see you then. You should get going or you’ll be late.”

  “Maybe I just don’t want to leave,” he said softly. Her heart trembled.

  “I don’t really want you to either,” she whispered back. “But, you did say it was important. And, I’ll make it worth your while after dinner.”

  His eyes lit up. “That sounds like a perfect idea.”

  He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. She warmed from the touch of his lips straight down to her toes.

  “Have fun unpacking,” he said, and then quickly turned and headed out the door before he could change his mind.

  Emma watched him go, her heart beating fast. Unpacking was nice, and she was looking forward to a delicious meal, but it was the after-dinner activity that she was most excited about...

  Chapter 13


  * * *

  Emma fiddled with the strings on her satin robe, waiting for Jackson to come home that night. He was due home any minute now and she was counting the seconds.

  She lay on the white leather couch under the light of the lamp. She knew that she would be the first thing he would see when he walked in the door, because she’d checked it to make sure. She’d stood in the entryway and made sure that the light hit only the couch. She just hoped that it looked as sexy in real life as it did her mind.

  She stretched her legs out along the cool leather, feeling the satin of her robe slip slightly. It was the only thing she had on. Just a pale pink satin robe tied at her waist. She could already imagine Jackson’s fingers touching her through the soft fabric and she shivered.

  She hoped he came home soon.

  Steps in the hallway drew her attention. She held her breath as she heard someone place their hand to the door and the soft click of the lock as it released.

  What if it wasn’t him? she suddenly thought. What if this wasn’t Jackson, but one of the cleaning staff or an assistant? They were about to walk in on Emma in a rather compromising position. Emma held her breath as the door opened. If it wasn’t Jackson, it was too late to do anything about it now.

  The door swung open and Jackson stepped inside. Emma let out a small breath, glad that it was him and not an overbearing assistant. She could just image his secretary or Jane walking in.

  He shrugged out of his dark suit jacket, not yet noticing her on the couch. His shoulders slumped and he moved slowly as he kicked off his shoes. It must have been a hard day at work.

  She cleared her throat, making him look up. He paused and his mouth dropped as he took her in. She lay in the lamplight, all soft curves and sex. She’d purposefully curled her hair into soft waves and experimented with eye makeup until she had just the right bedroom eyes.

  “Welcome home, Jackson,” she purred, making sure to keep her voice low and seductive.

  A slow smile crossed his face and his shoulders came back up. The cocky walk that she loved was back as he moved through the apartment to stand before her. His eyes went up and down her body, taking in every inch.

  “I could get used to this,” he murmured, still looking her over like he didn’t believe she was real. His eyes finally met hers and she could see the lust shining through.

  “I was wondering when you were going to get home.” Her hand went to the silky collar of her robe and she tugged on it gently to reveal just a hint of smooth skin underneath. She liked that he swallowed hard and stared.

  “Work went long,” he said, his eyes still glued to the bare skin of her chest. She let the robe open just a little more. “If I had known this was waiting for me, I would have been home hours ago.”

  She grinned and stood from the couch. She flipped off the light, letting just the pale glow from the city lights fill the room. With a grin, she undid the ties to the robe and let the fabric slide to the floor. The pale silk pooled around her ankles as she stood naked before him in the pale twilight. She knew the lack of light would hide her flaws.

  His reaction made all the waiting worth it. His eyes dilated, his mouth opened, and she could see the growing bulge in his pants. She rather liked having this effect on him. She knew that he found her beautiful. She knew that he found her sexually attractive, but to see his actual reaction would never get old.

  She felt like a goddess when he looked at her like that.

  He reached out a finger and caressed the arch of her collarbone, his finger then tracing the curve of her shoulder down her arm. Goosebumps popped out along her skin, but it wasn’t from cold. It was pure desire at being touched. His fingers caught the swell of her breast, skimming along the curve and barely touching her.

  Her nipples hardened in front of his eyes. Hunger blossomed on his face as he cupped her breast in his warm hand, his thumb rubbing against the hard nipple. Jackson’s pupils nearly took over the green of his eyes.

  She took a step forward, threading her hand over his shoulder and into his hair as she pressed her naked body against his suit. She could feel the warm, hard spot at her groin as she leaned in, drawing his lips to hers.

  He tasted so good. Every time he kissed her he tasted better. His mouth opened and his tongue quested into her waiting mouth, tangling with her tongue. His hand was still on her breast, playing with the nipple while the other hand went to her hip and pulled her further into him.

  She pulled back, gazing up at him through long lashes and grinning. She rocked her naked hips into his, feeling him harden further. With the hand not around his neck, she grabbed his tie, fisting the silk, and pulled him in for another kiss.

  This kiss was urgent. She wanted to feel him inside of her. She wanted his hard length to fill her. Heat was building in her core and he was the only one who could put it out.

  He kissed her, letting her be in control for a moment. She smiled as she kissed him, enjoying the idea that the naked woman was the one in control of the clothed, powerful businessman.

  He groaned, and his hand tightened on her hip. She wasn’t in quite as much control as he let her think. He was bigger and stronger. His hip thrust into her, letting her know that he was going to fuck her the moment he had the chance.

  And she was very okay with that.

  She relaxed her hold on his tie, letting the crumpled silk go. She grinned at him. This wasn’t all she had planned. She looked up into those green eyes that she adored and slowly went to her knees before him.

nbsp; She loved the way his muscles clenched as she reached for his belt. He was forcing himself to hold still for her so she could undo his belt and pants button. They came away easily enough and she tugged them down. He kicked them free.

  The bulge in his briefs was monstrous. She had a hard time believing that this thing fit inside of her, yet looking at it she wanted it there. She wanted to feel him stretch her out, filling her to completion.

  She looked up at him, watching his face twist with desire as she pulled the briefs down, freeing his monster.

  Hard, long, and thick right before her eyes. She licked her lips, ready to taste him. She licked him from balls to tip like he was an ice cream cone about to drip. The groan that came from deep within him made her go wet. She pressed her knees together, wanting to focus on his pleasure before her own.

  Slowly, making eye contact the entire time, she rose up slightly, opening her mouth. She brought the tip of her cock to her lips, loving the way his mouth twisted with desire, his eyes begging her to take him inside of her.

  With a grin of her own, she brought her hot mouth over his hard cock. He whimpered softly, his hands going to tangle in her hair and pleasure painting his face. She used her tongue to press up on the sensitive flesh, her mouth sucking and licking.

  He was delicious. She loved the way she could feel his pulse pound through his cock when he was in her mouth. He grew harder than she thought possible as she used her mouth to tease and tempt him. She wondered if she could get him to come like this, spilling his seed into her mouth.

  The idea turned her on and she sucked harder.

  He groaned with pleasure, his hands tightening in her hair. His hips started to thrust into her mouth, filling her to almost gagging. She slid one hand down her naked body, placing it between her legs and searching for her clit. It was too good not to at least give herself a little bit of pleasure.

  She felt his as clench and his jaw tightened as he looked down on her.

  “That’s so hot,” he whispered, watching her pleasure both him and herself at the same time. He thrust deeper into her mouth, and she wondered just how long he had left before he exploded.


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