The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement Page 11

by Krista Lakes

  All her nervous energy went into the kiss. Her tongue found his, caressing and tasting his lips. She moaned as he wrapped one arm around her hips and the other went to her hair.

  She had to pull back. The kiss was too good. If she didn’t stop, she was going to rip his clothes off right here in the coat closet. The idea of him naked and pounding her with the party just outside their door was enough to soak her panties through.

  Jackson pulled back. “If you kiss me like that, I’m going to take you right here,” he told her, his voice low and rough. She could see his excitement building in his pants.

  Her fingers itched to undress him.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Mr. Weathers? Are you okay in there?” Ed asked through the door.

  “We should go back out there,” Emma told him.

  He just looked at her, his green eyes wild with desire. She could feel him undress her with his eyes and she wanted it. She wanted all of him right then and there.

  The knock came again.

  Jackson threw open the door. “What?”

  “Just making sure everything is alright,” Ed replied, trying to peer past Jackson. “Oh, good. I see Emma’s with you.”

  Jackson narrowed his eyes at Ed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing, nothing.” Ed shook his head. When that didn’t stop Jackson from glaring at him, he sighed. “I thought you had something special with Emma. Then you disappeared, and I was worried.”

  “You were worried I was back to my old tricks?” Jackson asked, a little harshly.

  Ed flushed. “Yes.”

  Jackson motioned to Emma. “You can see I’m not.”

  “Yes, and I’m glad.” Ed gave a nervous wave to Emma. “I’ll leave you two alone now.”

  Jackson slammed the door. “Can you believe that guy?”

  Emma smiled and kissed his cheek. It was chaste compared to their most recent kiss.

  “Yes, and as you said, it’s a good thing.”

  “A good thing that his first thought was that I was cheating on you?” he asked, his voice rising.

  She put her hand on his arm. “Yes. Because he found you with me. He’s telling his wife that you’re with me. She’ll tell the other wives. In a few moments, we’ll step out with my hair messed and lipstick smudged and it will only add fuel to the fire that you really are falling for me.”

  Jackson stared at her and then slowly smiled. “You are really good at this, you know that, right?”

  “After we make an appearance, I can show you what else I’m really good at,” she promised. She bit her lower lip as she grinned at him.

  “Don’t tease me,” he begged. “I have to at least be able to walk through the room to get out.”

  She giggled, feeling powerful and desirable. He wanted her. The most powerful man in this building wanted her.

  And she wanted him.

  “Maybe we should just beeline it for the car,” she told him, her own desire creeping up on her. “They can make whatever ideas they want out of that.”

  Jackson nodded. “They’ll talk about your mussed hair and how we just left with smiles on our faces. It’s good.”

  She was breathless with want now. “Definitely good.”

  He grabbed her hand. “Plus, the limo has a privacy window.”

  She couldn’t breathe she wanted him so bad. She was worried she wouldn’t make it all the way to the car before tearing her own dress off and throwing herself at him. From the way he was looking at her, he was thinking the same thing.

  Without a word more, Jackson threw open the door and they took off running. Emma giggled as they sprinted through the fancy party, her dress flowing out behind her as they ran for Jackson’s limo.

  It was the best end she could think of.

  Chapter 18


  * * *

  Emma barely waited for both of them to get in the limo and the door to close before she kissed him again. She needed his kisses like she needed oxygen. From the way he kissed her back, Jackson felt the same.

  The car started moving and Emma decided to utilize the space only a limo could provide.

  She pulled up her dress so that she could straddle his waist. He groaned as she moved over him, his hands going to her hips. The soft silky fabric pooled around the two of them as they made out in the back seat of the limo. Jackson nipped at her lower lip, causing her body to heat with desire and she let out a low moan.

  “Everything okay back there?” the limo driver asked, glancing back in the mirror.

  “Perfect,” Jackson replied, his voice tight. She felt his right hand leave her waist and fumble with the buttons until the privacy screen went up.

  Emma grinned and glanced around at the darkened windows and privacy screen. “I’ve never done it in a limo,” she remarked.

  “Mmm,” Jackson mumbled, pressing his face into her cleavage. He tugged on a shoulder strap, causing her dress to fall to the side. He pulled just a little bit more, looking up at Emma and grinning as her breast came free.

  “I’m guessing you have,” she said, her voice coming out dark and husky. He moved his mouth to her nipple, sucking in the tight nub and making her gasp.

  He nibbled and sucked, sending alternating waves of pleasure and desire straight down her spine. She was glad she was able to wear panties with this dress, because she was soaking through them with what he was doing to her.

  She arched her back, giving him better access and reveled in the low, male sound of appreciation that came from him. She could feel him growing beneath her, his cock begging to be set free from his pants. Without thinking, she rocked against him, wanting the same thing.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, the word whispering against the bare skin of her breast. His hands tightened on her hips, not stopping the motion, but instead making sure she kept going.

  The car came to a stop.

  “Sir, we’re here,” the driver’s voice came over the intercom.

  “The one time there’s no traffic,” Emma whispered. She was fully ready to continue in the limo. The idea of stopping was the last thing she wanted.

  Jackson looked up at her. “We get more time if we go upstairs,” he told her.

  She stuck out her lower lip and rocked against him. “I don’t want to wait.”

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” he promised. He leaned over and gave her nipple one last tantalizing suck before sliding her sleeve back up her arm.

  “You better,” she told him, adding a smile to show she wasn’t really upset. “And, just so you know, you better do me in the back seat of a limo one day.”

  He chuckled. “With pleasure,” he told her.

  She slid off his lap, pulling her dress back down from around her waist. She could see the damp spot on his pants where she’d been grinding against him. He winked at her and opened the limo door up and helped her step out.

  Jackson grabbed her hand and dragged her to the elevator. The silver doors opened and he pulled her inside, pushing her against the side wall.

  His tongue traced the curve of her neck while one hand went to her breast through the soft fabric of her dress. With his free hand, he hit the authentication button to allow them access to their floor.

  The elevator started to rise, just like her temperature. His mouth sucked and licked at the sensitive skin of her throat and shoulders and his hands teased her nipples through the satin of her dress. All the while, he kept her pinned to the elevator wall, keeping her exactly where he wanted her.

  Not that she wanted to escape. She wanted to be right there, but there was something about being put in her place that made the deeper parts of her brain light up with desire. It was primal. She half expected him to throw her over his shoulder and carry her into the apartment.

  Luckily, no other residents got on the elevator. Emma was glad, because she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off of him. Not when she was this turned on. She didn’t want to have to appear proper and p

  They both nearly missed the soft ding as they arrived on their floor. It was only the change in light that caught Emma’s attention that they could leave. She cleared her throat and gave him a gentle push. Jackson didn’t move at first, instead licking his lips and pressing her harder against the wall.

  The door chimed again before he pulled back. There was a dark fierce desire in his green eyes that heated her straight to the core. He wanted her. He wanted her in the most primal fashion she could imagine. It was only through sheer will power that he was holding onto himself and not taking her completely right there in the elevator.

  He grabbed her hand and together they stumbled into his apartment.

  As soon as they crossed the threshold into the kitchen, she pushed her body onto his, finding his mouth with hers, and kissed him. She could feel his muscles through his shirt and marveled at the contained strength. He kissed her again as he had before: tough tugs on her lips, a playful tongue. His hands found her face, holding her carefully and tilting her chin up, opening her wider for the kiss.

  She melted into him. Her whole body quivered with need that only he could give her. She needed him. His seed, his body, his soul. That was the only thing that could quench the flames growing steadily inside of her.

  He drew her to the bedroom, never stopping his kisses, pulling at her straps and zippers until the dress fell away in the hallway. She left it there, a puddle of black and white satin. She stepped into the bedroom first, leaving him in the hallway.

  The room was dark. All she had left on was the teeny tiny thong. It was already soaked through with her desire. She turned, watching as he walked through the doorway, the light behind him. Everything was shadows as she stepped back, biting her lip and waiting for him.

  Jackson stepped inside, not bothering to close the door, and turned on the light. Instinctively, she covered herself. Standing seductively in the shadows was one thing, but standing seductively under full light was quite another.

  Jackson had slept with super models and ballerinas. She was neither of those things. She had curves and some pounds in places that she wasn’t proud of. As much as she wanted him, she wasn’t ready to show herself to him completely. Just because there was a contract didn’t mean he had to see her with the lights on.

  “I want to see you,” Jackson said, still standing in the doorway. He came back to her, and gently took her arms from around her body, exposing her to the light and looking down at her round breasts. He ran his fingers up and down the sides of her arms. "I want to see this incredible little body."

  She felt her pussy throb at his appraising stare. It made her wet to know he took so much pleasure just looking at her, that he found her curves and smoothness pleasing.

  He leaned down and kissed her again, urgent and powerful with his tongue and lips, his jaw pushing and guiding the kiss, up and down, deeper, and then shallow. His hands ran down her arms, cupping her breasts.

  He turned her gently so that she was facing the bed, tucking her hair to the side so he could kiss the back of her neck. He kissed down her shoulder, his hands tracing symmetrical paths his kisses followed. She shivered at his touch, wanted him to grab her firmly, but he didn’t.

  His hands slid onto her back and around to touch her tummy, hugging her against his hard body. She could feel his cock pressing her through his slacks. She wanted to feel it, wanted to feel him. She ground her ass against it.

  “Do you have any idea how badly I want you?” he whispered. His breath against her skin made her shiver, and it wasn’t with cold. He pressed his solid erection into her ass, letting her feel just how hard he was under his pants.

  He kissed her neck and the top of her shoulder, nibbling, his hands sliding around her to hug her hips. His fingers hooked the waistband of the thong. He kissed down her back, over her shoulders and down her spine as he lowered himself, pulling her thong down as he went. He let it roll up as he pulled it over the curve of her tight ass cheeks, then down her bare legs. She could smell her own musk, knew that she had never been this wet with a boy before, so aroused.

  He got onto his knees as the thong hit the floor. He touched her ankle so she would step out of it. She did so, but instead of moving away, he slid his hand up to her waist without rising.

  “What is it?” she asked, turning around to see what he was doing, but his hands gripped her by the waist firmly to keep her from turning around.

  He was staring at her ass, looking up and down the backs of her thighs. His thumbs pressed under the curve of each of her cheeks, squeezing her ass more tightly. He shook them gently, then released his grip, watching them quiver.

  “You are amazing,” he said. “You know that? Absolutely... amazing.”


  He laughed again, standing up and turning her around. He gave her a rushed kiss, then leaned into her, forcing her to climb on to the bed. She slid up the covers, facing him as he crawled on after her, pursuing her. She put her knees together, her thighs mostly hiding her pussy. She still felt embarrassed in the light, spread like this in front of him. He put one of his thick hands between her knees and parted them.

  “No, no,” he said, his green eyes bright. “Let me see you.”

  She let him part her legs. He used both of his hands, lifting each leg outward, dragging her down toward him so she lay flat on her back.

  His hands ran down her inner thighs, making her muscles clench and her pussy tingle.

  “So pretty,” he whispered, dragging a single finger across her entrance. “So wet.”

  She felt his lips kiss the inside of her knee, then nibble the sensitive flesh of her thigh. Both of his hands rubbing her smooth legs gently as he kissed his way down, down until he was beside her heat. She was throbbing and tingling. She had never been touched like this. She didn’t know her body could feel like this.

  His hands parted and held both of her legs just under the curve of her ass cheeks, lifting them under the thighs so that her knees pointed at the ceiling, her calves and her tiny feet bumping on the back of his shoulders. She looked down when she felt his hot breath on her pussy lips. He was staring up at her. He licked his lips.

  He pressed his lips against her, the kisses light, making her clench her stomach with each feathery contact, making her feel hot enough to burn through the bed. Then his tongue slid between her smooth lips, pressed in, slid up, moving her juices around, tasting them, until he found the hood of her clit. He salivated heavily on it, running his tongue up and down the side of it, letting his jaw settle against the lips, now puffy in anticipation.

  The combination of his touches and licks made her want to squirm in pleasure. The heat spread through her body, her heart began to beat freely, loud in her ears. She curled her toes against the tingling sensations that ran through her.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked, his low voice vibrating through her.

  “Oh God... yes...”

  She felt him rub two of his fingers against her, soaking them in her juices. He pressed his mouth around her clit and sucked on it gently. Heat flashed through her hips, she throbbed as his tongue circled her, slowly. The fingers slid into her easily, but not too deep, toying with her.

  “Like this?” he asked.

  “Yes... yes,” she said, gasping at the combination of sensations, his mouth and tongue, his fingers. He began to rub her more aggressively, as if he were searching for something inside of her.

  Then he found it. Her entire body began to tingle, her legs twitched. He slowed his tongue so that it rubbed her clit in hard, slow circles, the sensation so much better when he was slow.

  “Lick my pussy slow, like that,” she said, gasping.

  His fingers dug harder, rubbing, and he started to thrust them in and out, toying with that hot button of nerves inside of her. The feeling that filled her chest was similar to when someone surprised her, scared her—full, bright tension that radiated through her at light speed. Only this built slowly, felt a hundred times more p
owerful, a tension that gripped her, swirled around like a tornado inside of her, twisting together the sensations of his mouth and tongue.

  “Jackson...” she whimpered, taken out of herself, her entire body filled with light and electricity that centered around that hot and urgent pressure between her legs.

  He must have sensed it in her. His fingers began to thrust into her roughly. His lips locked around her clit and sucked. In a quick crescendo she climaxed, a dense cloud of pleasure wrapping itself around her.

  He fingered her pussy harder, licking, nibbling her lips with his teeth, chasing the wave as it slowly fell back until finally he took his face and fingers from her swollen pussy.

  She lay there in a daze, letting her mind catch up to her body. She floated on light as she heard him stand and the soft clang of his belt buckle as he slid off his pants.

  She sat up. “Your turn,” she told him. “I want to taste you.”

  His eyebrows went up, especially as she leaned forward and took his cock in her hand. She motioned with her head for him to take a seat.

  She loved the velvet softness of his cock against her fingers. She loved the way his breath caught just a little when she moved her fingers along his shaft. His stomach tightened with anticipation as she sank to her knees in front of him, the muscles clearly defined in a six pack.

  She flicked her tongue on his head, then ran it down his shaft, lifting him and licking down the thick vein, down to his balls. She pressed his cock up against his own abdomen, looking up at him as she kissed and licked his balls. His groan was music to her ears.

  “Does that feel good?” she asked, mumbling into his balls.

  His cock twitched in her hand, making her smile.

  She dragged her face along the bottom of his cock. When his head reached her wet lips she took him into her mouth.

  She bobbed her head, toying with her tongue and twisting her hand on its thick base. With a wet pop she took him back out of her mouth, her saliva running in strings from her lips.

  “Does that feel good?” she asked him, trying a naïve voice, to see if he’d like that. His cock responded with a powerful twitch. “Do you want me to keep sucking it?”


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