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The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement

Page 14

by Krista Lakes

Jackson came and stood beside her at the window, putting his arm around her and looking up at the night sky as color blossomed and bloomed.

  “I thought you would like it,” he said softly.

  She turned to see the colors glimmering in his green eyes. He made her knees turn to jelly and her stomach heat. For a moment, she forgot everything. There was nothing in the world that could be more beautiful than the way he looked at her. Not even fireworks.

  The fireworks came to an end with a brilliant display of light. Hearts made of red and blue filled the sky once again, and the thunder of the fireworks deafened everything. The crowd cheered, chanting “Weathers” throughout the stadium.

  For a moment, Emma let herself believe that this was real. That he’d done the fireworks and the proposal simply for her, and not for the publicity it would bring his company. Deep down, she knew this was all a show, but she wanted it to be real.

  She looked over at the handsome man beside her.

  Even if this was all pretend, even if she’d lost her heart to someone who didn’t return her feelings, this was a pretty amazing way to live.

  Chapter 22


  * * *

  “Did I surprise you?” Jackson asked. He reached over and took her hand, checking to make sure the ring fit her finger as they walked down the empty corridor toward their private entrance. It was strange not having to fight the crowds.

  “Yes,” she told him with a grin. “I didn’t see it coming at all. You did good.”

  He smiled, pleased with his success. He held her hand as they walked out of the stadium and directly into the limo. It took Emma a moment to realize just how quickly they’d gotten out of the stadium.

  Private parking at the stadium certainly had its perks. Emma was used to waiting for the stadium to clear, waiting in the aisles as everyone filed out of the stands and tried to remember where they parked. It usually took at least thirty minutes to get out of the parking lot due to the sheer volume of people.

  Because of Jackson, they were out of the stadium and on the highway in less than ten minutes. Emma didn’t even know that was possible until tonight. There were a lot of things she didn’t know money could buy, but she was finding out.

  Emma looked down at the sparkly gem on her finger. It looked out of place on her regular hand. This was something that was meant for a princess or a movie star. She was just a normal girl.

  “It looks good on you,” Jackson told her. “I rather like knowing that you’re mine.”

  A hot flush traveled through her and she looked at the rock a little differently. This was a sign that she was Jackson’s. She liked knowing that he wanted her. That he had picked this out to mark her as his partner.

  She leaned over and kissed him. She’d meant the kiss to be small and chaste. Just a peck on the lips. But he caught her head in his hands and pressed her to him. Her mouth opened for more of him and he happily obliged.

  When she pulled away, she was panting and the heat in her core was growing. She licked her lips and grinned.

  “I believe you promised me something,” she told him.

  He frowned slightly. “And that was?”

  She leaned over, putting her mouth next to his ear and whispered. “Sex in a limo.”

  A slow smile crossed his face, crooked and cocky. “I did, didn’t I?”

  She nodded slowly, her own grin growing to match his. He reached over and raised the privacy screen, the two of them smiling at one another like little devils as it raised. She knew that the driver probably knew exactly what was going on back here, but she could pretend that he was oblivious.

  Besides, now that it was up, Jackson was looking at her like she was delicious and that he hadn’t eaten in a week. His pupils dilated as he looked her over. “Come here.”

  Emma moved with as much grace as the car would allow. She didn’t sit next to him. She straddled his lap, her skirt straining at the hem and riding up her ass as she put her knees on either side of his waist.

  Jackson’s hands went to her ass, pulling the skirt up and around her waist. He groaned his approval at finding only a tiny thong under her skirt.

  “Do you wear these things just to drive me wild?” he asked, his fingers digging into her ass.

  She didn’t answer, instead pulling the Stingray jersey over her head and showing off her matching lacy bra.

  “I matched on purpose,” she told him as his eyes went to her breasts. “But I was thinking you’d see it more at home.”

  “I’m glad I didn’t have to wait,” he murmured, tipping his head forward and kissing the tops of her breasts peeking out of the lacy cups. “If I’d known this was what you were wearing, we would have done this on the way here.”

  She chuckled softly as he buried his face into her cleavage. She could feel him hardening between her legs and the ache between her own intensified. Her hips rocked, her clit searching for stimulation and the rest of her body waiting to be filled.

  Jackson released her ass and undid his belt buckle. She figured out what he was doing and raised herself up, still kissing him as he undid his pants and slid them down. Before lowering herself, she broke the kiss and reached down.

  He bulged in his briefs, hard and ready for her. Her breath caught with desire as she caressed him through the thin fabric. Her blood heated as she touched him and his cock jumped under her touch.

  “Emma,” he whispered, her name a plea for more. She grinned and moved the fabric to the side, releasing his cock into the air.

  It always amazed her how large he was. She had a hard time believing how perfectly he fit inside of her, given just how wide and long he was. It was probably why he was so good at making her feel good.

  With his cock free, all that stood in the way was her panties. Jackson gave her a wolfish, hungry grin as she moved them to the side and hovered over him.

  She held there for a moment, hovering on the precipice of pleasure. Their eyes connected, Jackson’s green ones full of lust and directed entirely on her. He gripped her hips, but didn’t force her down. He was enjoying the tension as much as she was.

  The limo hit a small bump and Emma went up, and then down. She gasped with the suddenness of it. Her body cried out in pleasure as he filled her to the brim. Jackson groaned, his hands tightening on her hips.

  Together they began to rock and writhe against one another. He filled her so completely that she was sure she would burst. He looked at her like she was the most beautiful creature on the planet. Underneath them, the limo swayed and bumped along the road, adding an extra level to their motions.

  Emma arched her back, working her body up and down along his shaft. Jackson groaned, tipping his head back and his eyes rolling into the back of his head. His hands clenched on her hips and his stomach tightened as she worked her magic.

  “More,” he whispered, his voice ragged with desire.

  Emma obliged, upping her hip undulations and watching his face contort with pleasure. She loved the way he felt inside of her. The eternal ache in her core almost vanished when he was inside of her, but the only way it was ever satisfied was with his seed.

  “We’re almost home, sir,” the driver said over the intercom. Jackson met Emma’s eyes. They needed to finish this.

  He pulled her from his hips and she went to her hands and knees on the limo seat. It was tight and her shoulder pressed into the seat back, but she could hold it. Jackson went to his knees behind her, his fingers on her ass for a moment as he guided himself into her.

  She loved this position. Doggy-style had a naughty feel to it, plus she loved that she could waggle her ass at him. She loved that she could arch her back and take in more of him.

  He slapped her ass, the sound ringing out in the interior of the limo. His breath came harder and faster, as did his thrusts.

  “Come in me,” she whispered. She didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant anymore, but she still felt the desire to have him inside of her.

  Jackson’s body went
tight and she felt him swell deep inside of her. His life force sped from him, coating her insides with life-giving fluid. She took it all, milking him with her muscles for every drop. She wanted it. Needed it. It was the only thing that would quench the fire within her.

  Jackson’s breathing was ragged and heavy as the car pulled to a stop. They both panted with effort. Emma came to her senses first, spinning on the seat to come to a normal position. She lifted her hips and pulled her panties back into place as well as her skirt.

  Jackson pulled up his pants and redid his belt as she searched for her shirt on the floor. She found it only a little wrinkled as she pulled it up and over her head.

  Jackson grinned and kissed her cheek. “How was that?”

  “Better than promised,” she told him. “But...”

  He frowned. “But what?”

  She grinned. “I think I’ll need another time at it. We need to go for a long drive one of these days.”

  Jackson’s frown disappeared, replaced by a hungry smile. “Sounds good to me.”

  Chapter 23


  * * *

  “Sales are up for the first time in months,” Jane announced, tossing a report onto Jackson’s desk. She grinned widely as she stood before him in his office. He picked up the stack of papers and flipped through it.

  “It’s hardly anything,” he scoffed, setting it down. “It’s not something to brag about.”

  “Come on, you’re smarter than that,” she assured him. “Think about the second derivative. Sales velocity. We stopped the downward slide and changed direction. It’s huge. It means that what we are doing is working.”

  “You mean Emma?” Jackson asked. He couldn’t help the small smile that crossed his lips when he said her name.

  “Yes, Emma,” Jane agreed. “I don’t know where you found her, but I want six of her. She’s perfect. Pretty, but not unbelievable. Smart, but not overwhelming. And sweet. The paparazzi caught a shot of her with her friend’s baby, and I could see the sales go up with every share it got.”

  “She is one of a kind,” Jackson agreed.

  “Yes.” Jane’s eyes narrowed. “You are not allowed to cheat on her for any reason. Do you understand me?”

  Jackson’s anger flared in the pit of his stomach. “Watch yourself,” he warned.

  Jane held up her hand. “Do you need your female history in pictures? The paparazzi have a list of every woman you’ve slept with this year. You even look at another woman, and that will be front page news. They’re waiting for you to slip up.”

  Jackson frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Jane sighed. “You’re known as a player. You like women,” Jane told him. “And you suddenly have this whirlwind romance with the coffee girl. There’s a lot of unpleasant rumors swirling around about why that is.”

  “Such as?”

  “You don’t want to know,” Jane assured him.

  He raised his eyebrows and waited. “Yes, I do.”

  Jane pinched her mouth together before speaking. “She’s blackmailing you. You’re on drugs, or perhaps this is all a big sham.”

  “Because heaven forbid I actually fall in love.” He hated that his stomach clenched and he felt sick at hearing anyone could think poorly of Emma. She would never blackmail anyone.

  “Everyone loves a good love story,” Jane told him. “But everyone loves to watch a train wreck even more. And, if you even glance at another woman before or immediately after your wedding, that will be a train wreck no one will want to look away from.”

  “Everyone likes Emma, but they like drama more,” Jackson said, understanding perfectly. His jaw tightened and he wanted to hit something.

  “Exactly,” Jane confirmed. “So, I’m telling you that if you want this to work, you cannot give them the drama. You must keep the happy love story going. Can you do that?”

  Jane stood in front of his desk, putting her hands wide and staring into his face. She looked at him, judging every motion, every twitch, and every inch of him.

  “Yes,” he promised. The word came smooth and clear. He was as sure that he could do this as he was that he could walk across his office without tripping. Stranger yet, he found himself wanting to do it. Emma was more than enough to keep him interested. There was no need to seek other women.

  Jane watched him for another second. “Okay then.” She stood up, apparently pleased with what she saw. She believed him.

  “What comes next?” Jackson asked her.

  “I need some photos of the two of you. I would also like some with her and that baby again. You too.”

  “Me? With the baby?” Jackson didn’t do babies. Sure, they were cute in pictures. But in real life, they peed. And cried. And he wasn’t quite sure how to hold them properly. Hell, they never even behaved for those cute pictures.

  “Yes, you. You are still planning on having one, right?”

  “Yes,” Jackson said. The baby was still far away though. He had time. Emma wasn’t pregnant yet, so it was fine.

  “Then, we get a picture of you holding the baby and looking lovingly at Emma,” Jane replied with a confident shrug. She smiled and her eyes went distant. “The focus groups will eat it up.”

  “If you say so. Schedule it with my secretary.”

  Jane’s eyes came back into focus as she looked him over.

  “You’re different,” she said, a slight frown creasing her forehead.

  “I’m exactly the same,” he assured her.

  “No. You’re happier. You’ve smiled more today than I think I’ve ever seen. You’ve kept your temper. If this is because of Emma, I change my order. I don’t want just six of her anymore. I want a full dozen.”

  Jackson laughed. “Maybe I just like my business being successful.”

  Jane shook her head. “No, it’s more than that. You’re happy. Deep in your soul kind of happy.”

  “If you say so,” Jackson replied, laughing her off. Jane shrugged, and left his office with a smile on her face.

  As the door closed, Jackson wondered if Jane was right. Was he happier? Was it because of Emma?

  He certainly looked forward to going home now. He didn’t want to stay at the office until he couldn’t see straight. He didn’t want to go through his phone and find the numbers to the ballerinas he used to enjoy. He’d actually deleted all of them.

  Now, if he wanted to see ballerinas, it was because he wanted to take Emma to the ballet.

  He shook his head, trying to clear the strange thoughts. He was a playboy. That was who he was. He had accepted this a long time ago. He was never going to find love, but he was going to enjoy every moment of searching.

  But what if he had found someone worth changing for? Someone to end the search?

  He shook his head. He wasn’t that lucky. That wasn’t what the fates had in store for him. He was enjoying Emma. They were friends. He pushed away the warmth that grew around his heart when he thought of her.

  It wasn’t love. He wasn’t the kind to fall in love.

  He was just happy that everything was going to plan. Emma was working her bubbly, happy magic that would get mothers to trust his products again, and she made him smile. It was a win-win situation all around. That’s why he was happy.

  Jackson leaned back in his chair and smiled at the ceiling. With Emma helping him, what could possibly go wrong?

  Chapter 24


  * * *

  The rest of the work day went smooth as silk. Sales were up. Stocks were up. The investors were happy. The board of directors was happy. There was no talk of replacing him.

  Plus, he was taking Emma out to dinner tonight. He knew this amazing little sushi place that could fit them in a back corner where no one would bother them. He was going to eat sushi and laugh with Emma until he burst.

  Jackson’s day couldn’t be better.

  “Mrs. Bales, have a fabulous evening,” he called to his secretary as he left the office. The clock read just after f

  “You too, Mr. Weathers,” Mrs. Bales called out after him. “I made those reservations you asked for. Everything is set, just like you requested.”

  Jackson turned and grinned at her. “Thank you.”

  “Of course, Mr. Weathers,” she replied. “Give my best to Emma.”

  He was going to give Mrs. Bales a raise. That’s how good of a day it was. He was going to give the whole damn company a raise if things continued this well. Sales were finally coming back up. W&W BabyCo no longer had to catch up to the Innocence Company.

  Jessica Balboa and her company could shove it. W&W BabyCo was here to stay. He walked across the company courtyard to get to the parking garage. After the air conditioned inside, the sun felt good. He reached for the heavy parking garage door, eager for the cool shadows and his expensive car.

  “You know it’s bad form for the CEO to leave work early,” a snide voice remarked from the shadows.

  Jackson turned to see Max Singleton leaning against the building. The man wore his button down shirt open to the summer evening, but still wore a suit jacket. Max Singleton had to look the part, even if it was roasting outside. Yet, somehow the man didn’t seem to be sweating.

  It was probably because Max came from the bowels of hell. To him, this summer evening probably felt cold.

  “Max, what an unpleasant surprise,” Jackson replied. He didn’t slow down. He just kept on walking into the garage. He hoped that the door closing in Max’s face would deter him, but it didn’t. The man continued to follow him.

  He wasn’t sure how Max had gotten past security, but he was going to be having a very serious discussion with them tomorrow. He didn’t appreciate being ambushed like this. He kept walking, but Max simply followed along.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m here. I was seeing a friend of mine in the building,” Max said, as if they were having a conversation. “I’d heard rumors that the great Jackson Weathers was leaving the office early these days, but I simply dismissed them as nonsense. Now I see I was mistaken.”


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