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The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement

Page 16

by Krista Lakes

  “I think that’s a bit much for me,” Emma said, setting the binder down. Even though she was marrying a billionaire, she couldn’t justify that price.

  “Is anyone coming to help you with this?” Becca asked glancing at the door. “Usually there’s a mother or a mother in law.”

  “My mother died a long time ago,” Emma replied, ignoring the ache in her chest. “So did Jackson’s.”

  “I see. Is anyone going to help you with these decisions?” Becca asked.

  “My matron of honor’s little boy has a doctor appointment, but she’ll be here once they’re done.” Emma shrugged. “I was planning on doing most of it myself. I’m not working right now, so I have the time.”

  Becca looked her over for a moment and then took the binder away. “Let’s start from the beginning then. What is your perfect wedding?”

  “My perfect wedding? I haven’t really thought about it.” Emma knew that wasn’t true. Her perfect wedding was a private ceremony with only her husband to be, his best man, her maid of honor, and a photographer in a magical spot she’d found in the woods when she was eight. But there was no way that would be appropriate for a billionaire’s wedding, especially not one that needed to grab the public’s attention.

  “Every girl has thought of something,” Becca pressed. “Perhaps a castle? A princess like setting?”

  Emma shrugged. “Sure. That’ll work.”

  “Emma, I don’t want what will work. I want to know what you’re dreaming of,” Becca said, taking Emma’s hands in hers. “This is supposed to be your big day. It should be what you want it to be. Surely you thought of what you would look like walking down the aisle with your father in a beautiful dress?”

  The image of her father’s face hit Emma like a slap. He wouldn’t walk her down the aisle. He wouldn’t give her away. Her mother wouldn’t dab at her eyes with a Kleenex. They would never see Emma married. Even if it was just a sham marriage.

  Emma broke down in tears as Becca looked at her baffled.

  “Excuse me for a moment.” Emma quickly stood from the table and ran to the bedroom. She closed the door behind her and sank onto the foot of the bed. There, she sobbed. Tears ran down her face as she tried to keep her gasps and cries low enough that Becca wouldn’t come in and bother her. She wasn’t sure where this sudden outpour of emotion was coming from, but if she didn’t release it, she would explode.

  What would Mama think of this? Emma thought, tears streaming down her face. Would she be proud of me for marrying a billionaire? Would Daddy like Jackson? Or would he be gruff and always be cleaning a shotgun when Jackson came over?

  Emma wasn’t sure. She thought her mother would like Jackson, but she wasn’t sure if her mother would approve of the reasons for their marriage.

  Granted, even if she was alive, her mother wouldn’t know the real reason for their marriage.

  Emma sighed and wiped at her cheeks. She would never know what her parents would think of this. The best she could do was imagine they were happy because she was going to be happy. She took a deep breath and went back out to the kitchen.

  “Sorry about that,” Emma said, settling back into her chair.

  Becca shrugged. “It happens more than you might think,” she said kindly. “Weddings are stressful things. Emotions, family, obligations, and guests all make things difficult. That’s why I’m here. I’m here to help.”

  “Okay.” Emma gave the other woman a weak smile. “I’m going to need a lot of help.”

  “That’s why I’m the best. Let’s start simple. Big or small wedding?”

  “Go big or go home, right?” Emma supplied.

  “It’s what you want,” Becca told her. “You aren’t limited by funds, so you can have a big wedding.”

  Emma wished Jackson were here. She wasn’t sure what he wanted other than, “make it big and impressive. Whatever you want as long as we have the public’s attention for the day.” She was going to have him come to the next one of these meetings.

  “How about time?” Becca asked, shifting away to a different approach. “You said as soon as possible. It’s summer now, so I would suggest, if you really want the very best, to wait and have a winter wedding. With your dark hair, it would be stunning.”

  “A winter wedding?” Emma thought about it. Snow falling as she kissed Jackson. It would be beautiful. Except, she was pregnant. If she did her math right, this baby was coming early spring. For a winter wedding, she’d be as big as a house.

  Suddenly the image in her head changed to her ridiculously pregnant as they kissed in the snow. She didn’t want that either.

  “No, on the winter wedding,” Emma quickly said. “I want a summer wedding. This summer.”

  “This summer?” Becca’s eyes widened. She picked up one of the binders and flipped through it. “The best places are already booked...”

  “This summer,” Emma repeated. “I want it as soon as possible. I don’t care what it costs.”

  “Okay. It’s your wedding,” Becca replied. Emma could see the dollar signs going off in her head. “Like I said, I’m here to help. Anything you need.”

  “You know what?” An idea came to Emma. “I want you to plan it all. Plan a wedding fit for a billionaire. Jackson has given you the budget. Make it work. If you need more funds to take care of more, let me know.”

  The idea of Becca taking care of everything relieved a huge weight from Emma’s shoulders she didn’t realize she was carrying. She’d thought she was looking forward to planning the wedding, but now that Becca was here, it was the last thing in the world Emma wanted to worry about.

  “Are you sure?” Becca looked surprised.

  “Positive,” Emma assured her. “I just want to pick out my dress. Everything else, is yours. The invitations, the decorations, the location. All of it. As long as it’s done by Fall, and it’s something that will look good in a magazine, I’m happy.”

  “Well, this isn’t how I normally do things,” Becca said slowly, a smile filling her face. “But I can do it. How about I give you three options tomorrow? You pick your favorite, and I’ll do the rest.”

  “That sounds perfect,” Emma agreed.

  “Okay. I’m going to go work on the proposals for you.” Becca rose from the table. “You’re sure this is what you want to do?”

  “One of the perks of marrying a billionaire is that you can pay people to do just about everything,” Emma told her. “So, I’m going to pay you to do just about everything.”

  “You won’t regret it,” Becca promised. “This wedding will be a dream wedding. People will talk about it for years. It’ll be perfect.”

  “Then I’m happy,” Emma told her. If everyone were talking about it, then Jackson would be happy too. Maybe someday Emma could convince Jackson to have the small, intimate ceremony Emma had dreamed of. That one she could plan.

  Becca quickly picked up her things and stuffed them into her suitcases. The woman was beaming with excitement. She was going to plan the multi-million dollar wedding of her dreams. Becca had every right to be excited.

  “I will see you tomorrow at ten,” Becca announced, heading out the door. She was practically skipping with excitement.

  “See you tomorrow,” Emma said, offering a wave.

  Becca disappeared out the door and Emma finally let herself relax. She slumped into her chair and noticed a bridal magazine Becca had dropped. Emma picked it up and thumbed through it, looking at the checklists and details.

  She smiled and set the magazine on the table. She didn’t have to deal with any of it. This wedding planning stuff was going to be easier than she thought.

  Chapter 27


  * * *

  Jackson woke feeling more rested than he had in months. He lay in bed for a moment, his eyes closed and body still, enjoying the lack of exhaustion. He wasn’t sure what had woken him, but it wasn’t his alarm. It wasn’t a need to move or a desire to get the day started.

  It was that he
just wasn’t tired anymore.

  He peeked open one eye to see the world bathed in sunlight. It was strange that he’d slept so late. Usually, he was up and running by dawn. There was too much for him to do in the world to lay around sleeping all day.

  Yet, he had relaxed today. He looked over to see Emma curled up beside him. Her chest rose and fell with easy, deep breaths that told him she was still fast asleep. He smiled, watching her for a moment.

  When she was here, he felt at peace. There was no need to push for the next thing. He still wanted to excel, of course, but the need for better stopped when she was around. She was the best. He was content.

  It was a strange feeling. Usually, when he woke up with a woman in his bed, he couldn’t wait to be rid of her. He didn’t let many women stay the night for precisely that reason. He always woke up the next morning disappointed and ready to search for the next one.

  The women he was used to satisfied him for a night, maybe two.

  But not Emma. Emma made his world come into focus. When she smiled, he didn’t feel the need to look elsewhere for more. She was enough for him.

  She was more than enough.

  He carefully brushed a dark strand of hair from her cheek. She sighed in her sleep, but didn’t wake. He thought of kissing her, waking her gently with erotic touches and making the morning start out right.

  The low heat in his belly and the growing erection told him it was the right thing to do, but his heart said to let her sleep. She looked so peaceful, so content, that he didn’t want to take that away from her just to satisfy his own needs.

  Not that she wouldn’t enjoy it. She always amazed him with her energy and desire. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. There was no fake orgasms or false cries of delight. She meant every sound, every groan of pleasure.

  He was a lucky man.

  She sighed again and rolled over in her sleep, pulling the covers around her shoulders in the process. Jackson found himself without a sheet.

  She was a heavenly creature, except she did like to steal the covers.

  He chuckled softly and carefully got out of bed. He tiptoed to the closet, grabbed a soft robe, and then left her to sleep. He would pleasure her later. It was more fun if she was awake anyway.

  He padded to the kitchen, feeling happy despite the fact that all he had done today was woken up. That was Emma’s doing as well. Just being around her made him happy. He thought again of waking her, satisfying both his need and hers, but poured a cup of coffee instead.

  Waiting would make it all the sweeter later. It was like waiting for Christmas. If he was patient, it would be so much better than opening his presents early. An awake Emma, making those soft moans that he loved so much was worth it.

  He took his coffee and phone and sat down on the couch. Sunshine filled the room. He had no idea that the view was so nice in the morning from his apartment. He was used to being out and to the office by dawn most days that he didn’t sit and appreciate it.

  He checked his emails, checked the news, and checked his investments. Everything was doing well and that was do to Emma. She had won the hearts of the mothers that bought his products. And the fact that she was so saccharine sweet made him sweet by association.

  And that was just fine by him.

  He sighed and checked his watch. It was still early and he wanted to let her sleep. He glanced at the table and saw a wedding magazine. She’d told him that she was giving the wedding planner and Jane free rein to make the wedding the perfect.

  He knew she preferred a small ceremony, but that she was going to give him the big, elaborate wedding he wanted. She was willing to give up her dream wedding to give him, and his company, what they needed. He didn’t know many women who would be willing to do that.

  How had he found someone that was so willing to work with him and give him exactly what he needed? Not just in the bedroom, but in daily life and in business?

  He loved her.

  The thought came out of nowhere. It was a good thing he was sitting down because he felt a little lightheaded just thinking it.

  Yet, it rang with truth. Just thinking the words made his body tighten and relax at the same time. He’d never felt anything like this for anyone in his life. He knew without a doubt that he would die for her. He would do anything to make her happy.

  He would give up his company to be with her. If the board of directors came to him and told him that it was her or his position, he would give up his job in a heartbeat. He wouldn’t even think twice.

  He loved her.

  Jackson leaned back against the couch, breathless with his revelation. He wanted to run into the bedroom and tell her. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops and post it on every social media outlet there was. He seriously considered hiring a sky-writing plane just because the world would know that he loved her.

  But all those things were just show. He wanted to do something more. He wanted to give her something.

  Jewelry? She didn’t wear much. It wasn’t important to her. She would ooh and ahh over it, but it wouldn’t mean anything special.

  He’d already given her a flower-shop of roses. She’d loved them, but it wasn’t what he was looking for.

  A food? A car? A lion with a golden leash?

  What would make her smile and know that he cared? He sighed, racking his brain and looking around the apartment for inspiration. His eyes settled on the picture of mountains.

  She wanted to see mountains.

  He picked up his phone and started making plans. It couldn’t be this week as he couldn’t get out of business obligations, but he could take her in two weeks. The Swiss Alps would be perfect. He knew a little place that they could share a magical time.

  This would be a wonderful surprise. He didn’t want to tell her just yet. He would whisk her away on a private jet and have her open her eyes to the surprise of a lifetime. It was the perfect gift.

  He could already see her smile in his mind as he sent emails to his secretary to start booking things. He smiled as he added a small wedding ceremony to the itinerary. It would be just for the two of them. A mountain wedding of her dreams. The one she actually wanted.

  They could still have the big one later, and the press could have all the pictures they wanted, but he would give her the private ceremony on top of a mountain that she wanted. That she deserved. Something for just the two of them.

  A real wedding. He wanted a real wedding, because he loved her. And this relationship was no longer about the contract and business anymore.

  Chapter 28


  * * *

  Jackson heard the door to the bedroom open and the soft footsteps of Emma as she emerged from the bedroom. It wasn’t a moment too soon. He’d just finished on the phone setting up the site for his surprise wedding to Emma. He felt giddy with excitement.

  “I can’t believe I slept so late,” Emma mumbled, stumbling out into the sunshine. “Did you sleep as well as I did?”

  “Better,” he assured her.

  She came over and kissed the top of his head. “You never stop working, do you?” she asked, motioning to the phone in his hands.

  “I didn’t wake you, did I?” He hoped she hadn’t heard him talking on the phone.

  She shook her head. “No. My need for coffee woke me.” She squeezed his shoulder and walked to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee.

  Jackson let out a small sigh of relief. The surprise wasn’t ruined. She thought he was working, not planning a magical vacation. He smiled, pleased with his surprise.

  “You look far too happy this morning,” Emma said, joining him on the couch. He loved the way she curled her feet up under her as she sat next to him.

  “Things are good in my world,” he told her with a smile. “Very good.”

  “Business is picking up then?” Emma asked, taking a small sip of coffee. She grimaced and set it down on the coffee table.

  “Yes, business is fine,” he replied. “Is somethin
g wrong with your coffee?”

  “I think the milk spoiled,” she said, shaking her head. “It doesn’t taste right.”

  He frowned. It wasn’t like the his staff to purchase or keep spoiled milk in the house. “I’ll have someone get new milk today.”

  “Did your coffee taste funny?” she asked, looking at his empty cup on the table. “It could be the coffee.”

  “My coffee was fine.” His frown deepened. “Let me taste yours.”

  He picked up the cup and took a sip. It tasted fine, if maybe a little sweet for his preference. There didn’t seem to be any problem with the milk or the coffee.

  “I don’t taste anything,” he said, slowly setting the cup down. “Are you sure?”

  Emma swallowed hard. “It must just be a weird day.”

  Jackson turned and looked her over. She looked exhausted, even though he knew she’d slept all night. Dark circles hung under her beautiful eyes. She sat with her legs tucked carefully under her, and her dark hair was messy in her ponytail.

  A moment of possessive concern washed over him. He needed to make sure she was okay. He needed to protect her from whatever was making her look this tired. He would fight a dragon with a sword if that was what it would take, but he was going to protect her.

  “Are you feeling okay?” he asked, keeping quiet about the desire to battle dragons for her. He reached over and smoothed a stray strand of hair from her face. She gave him a weak smile.

  “Yeah...” She paused and took a deep breath. “Actually, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  “You can tell me anything,” he said immediately. He meant it too. Short of her telling him she was in love with someone else, there was nothing he couldn’t hear from her.

  “I had this big plan, but...” She looked up at him, a hint of fear in her eyes. “I should just do it now.”

  “Like I said, you can tell me anything.” He gave her a confident smile, even though his insides were twisting. He could already imagine half a dozen absolutely terrible things and another half that were only mostly terrible.


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