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A Dangerous Tryst (The Inheritance Book 3)

Page 11

by Danielle Bourdon

  “He will. You two be safe. Stay somewhere else besides your house until we figure out what’s going on. They might try to take you again to use as leverage against us,” Madalina said. She kissed her mother on the cheek. “I wish we could stay longer, but we have to get going.”

  “I know, I know. Good luck in Nepal.” Juniper hugged Madalina, then stepped over to where Wesley waited near one of the military trucks.

  Having said her good-byes to her father, Madalina waved a final time and joined Cole on his way toward the waiting jet that had carried him and his brothers here from the States. He’d cleared its continued use for the next leg of their trip. Damon and Brandon brought up the rear, obviously accompanying them on the journey to Nepal.

  A good thing, in Madalina’s eyes.

  Climbing the stairs, she entered the cool cabin and followed Cole to the seats; she took the window, and he took the middle. The second she fastened the seat belt, Madalina turned to wrap her arms around Cole’s shoulders. He felt warm and solid and familiar. The faint musky scent of his cologne, nearly worn away by time and exertion, tickled her senses. He wrapped her in his arms and buried his nose in her hair.

  “I knew you’d find us,” she said, vocalizing the thought from earlier. She heard the copilot close the stairs, lock the door, and reenter the cockpit. They would be airborne in minutes. Relieved to be away from the confrontation with Lance, she lingered in Cole’s embrace, and finally, after several soothing strokes of his broad hand down her back, she tilted her head away to see his eyes.

  He kissed her hard, then came in for a softer, second brush of lips. “What happened in the stronghold? We heard an explosion, and I thought for sure you and your parents had taken shrapnel . . . or worse.”

  “They had a bunch of weapons in crates sitting in the middle of the room. Something happened on one of the monitors, and it drew every single person to the screens. So I grabbed two stun grenades—I remembered what they looked like compared to the others—and threw them. Then I tossed a smoke bomb for good measure. I know it was risky, but I got so worried about what Lance and his men might do with us once they had the dragons that I felt I had to act.”

  “Yeah, it was risky. They could have shot you in the back, but I know that sometimes you have to do what you feel is right. It’s a good thing we were outside, preparing to storm the building, when the grenades went off. Otherwise, that rooftop sniper might have got you,” Cole said. He rested the whiskered edge of his jaw against her temple.

  Madalina closed her eyes and reveled in his heat and the scratch of stubble on her skin. She felt a tremor pass through Cole’s chest, as if he was suppressing great emotion. Madalina guessed that speaking of her near miss with the sniper reminded him what he’d almost lost. “I didn’t know he was up there, or I might have changed my mind. By the way . . . what in the world is going on over there? On the island, I mean.” Curious, she sought his gaze.

  “I’m not as knowledgeable about this as Brandon is, but I’ll tell you what I found out on the flight over here. Claim of the Islands has been disputed for years by five or six different countries, of which China is one. It has to do with shipping lanes and natural resource rights, not to mention a broad swath of fishing grounds. One army advances and another retreats, and then they do it all over again. Sometimes the altercations intensify and people die,” Cole said.

  She listened as Cole explained the basics of the territorial spat. “Spat” was putting it lightly, she thought. So many countries involved, so much strife.

  “The opposition must have broken through a line of defense or something; that’s probably why the guards inside got distracted. It’s really heating up, and I’m glad we got you out of there,” Cole added.

  “It doesn’t make any sense why Lance would take us to the island, though. The dragons or whatever Walcot left me aren’t anywhere near there,” Madalina said. She leaned against Cole as the jet got airborne.

  As Cole explained why Lance had brought her and her parents to the island, puzzle pieces finally clicked into place. The Vietnamese in charge of orchestrating the skirmish had sought another way to make the enemy back off, which included finding and using the artifacts. It just so happened that Lance’s men were the most skilled at extraction, forcing the team to head back to the island before the mission with Madalina was through.

  At least she now understood the reasons.

  “Lance is going to come after the dragons anyway, isn’t he?” she asked. “Or at least investigate the address I gave him.”

  “Undoubtedly. I couldn’t spare any of Talbot’s team to leave them behind and guard Lance. I want them with your parents to make sure they get back to the States safely. We’ll have to outrun and outsmart Lance. All we have to do is arrive at that address, figure out what Walcot left, and leave before Lance and his men close in. He won’t know where to go from there if we take all the evidence with us,” Cole said.

  “And if we do find the dragons in Nepal?” Madalina asked. “If they’re both there, that’s the last of the missing dragons from the collection.”

  “Frankly, I think we should just turn them over to the Chinese agents. With the advent of political interference, this whole situation just got ten times worse. Territorial disputes between countries is nothing to get in the middle of. I told my brothers when we realized you’d been taken that I was done with you being in jeopardy. I want to get the last two dragons whatever way I can and turn them over to get the monkey off our backs. I’m just done with never knowing when someone will show up to grab you. Especially now, after this. Let’s give them to the agents, and we won’t have to ever deal with it again,” he said.

  “I think that’s a good idea. The stakes keep getting higher and higher, and at some point, we’re going to get into a situation we can’t get out of. We didn’t start it this time, but we’ll finish it.” Excited by the prospect, at the idea of truly being free of the dragons and abductions, she slanted her mouth over Cole’s and kissed him until he groaned for more. Leftover adrenaline still coursed through her system, heightening her senses. She tasted him as thoroughly as he tasted her, breathed in the scent that was distinctly Cole.

  He disengaged their bodies, their mouths, and after unsnapping the buckle, pulled her from the seat by the hand. Madalina scrambled to keep up with him, noting the quick look he shot his brothers on the way by. Damon and Brandon were already hard at work looking ahead to landing in Nepal and barely noticed their presence.

  Heat curled beneath Madalina’s skin, her thoughts turning from everything but the strong back in front of her, the firm grip of Cole’s hand in her own. An ember had sparked to life during the kiss, and she knew without being told that Cole intended to create an inferno of the chemistry they generated between them.

  Inside the back room, Madalina got her hands on the fastenings to Cole’s vest, his pants, pushing and pulling and tugging until the fastenings came free. He likewise stripped her bare, expertly and precisely peeling away layer after layer, using his mouth to leave little marks of possession on her throat, her jaw, the round of her shoulder. Madalina matched his urgency, dragging her nails over the hard plane of his chest, nipping his lip, and allowing him to tangle their tongues in a devastating kiss. The stress, strain, and fear of the day evaporated under the skill of his hands and the assault on her mouth.

  They made use of a nearby chair because it was close and convenient. She straddled him even while he pulled her impatiently down, impaling her with a guttural snarl that he buried into the side of her neck. Together they found a rhythm that earned more growls and groans from Cole, a rhythm that made her smother cries of ecstasy against his skin. Madalina reveled in the primal, almost desperate, joining, as if this was their first—or very last—time together.

  Reaching a shattering peak, she tilted her head back with wild abandon, riding the cresting waves with her lips parted on silent gasps. He did the same, body racked with shudders, hands gripping her hips hard enough to leave m

  Coming down the other side felt like falling; she slumped against him, hair tangled around her head, allowing the dizzying rush to slowly abate.

  It took long, pleasurable minutes for her breathing and heart rate to find a more normal pace.

  Cole muttered praise into her cheek. He sounded drugged.

  Wrapping her hands in Cole’s hair, she stroked her fingers through the now-damp strands, pulling them gently away from his face. Tipping her head back, she found his eyes, loving the lingering hint of passion he wore openly and plainly.

  “Happy birthday to me,” she whispered, breaking the comfortable silence. Although darkness had fallen, the day wasn’t quite over yet.

  The corners of his mouth twitched with amusement. “Hell of a birthday. I’m glad we managed to wind it down with something pleasurable.”

  “I should get abducted every day if it ends like this.” Madalina felt good enough to tease about what had been a pretty terrifying ordeal. She’d learned to celebrate life in the aftermath of traumatic events rather than allow herself to cease functioning.

  Cole grunted. “We can have this anytime we want, without the added danger.”

  “Of course we can, but I—” Madalina paused. A sudden look of alarm entered Cole’s gaze. He was looking somewhere past her body to a specific point in the gloom.

  Instinct made her twist around to see what in the world had caused that subtle but so telling expression. Just as suddenly, before she could really get a fix on anything, he pushed up from the chair, with her still straddling his lap. Hands cupped under her backside, he walked her straight to the small but luxurious bathroom and flipped on the light.


  “We need to wash off. We can’t go back out there smelling so blatantly of sex.” He took her into the shower stall and turned on the water.

  “What were you looking at?” she asked, squealing when a burst of cold water hit her skin.

  “Your lovely breasts. The water will warm up in a minute,” he said, closing the stall door.

  “You could turn around and take the brunt of the cold!” she said, arching away from the spray.

  “Why, when you’re pressing yourself so tantalizingly against me?” After a quick squeeze, he let her feet slide to the ground.

  Madalina pinched his chest. Hard.

  He laughed and splashed some of the water into her face. The temperature was warming up nicely. Madalina splashed back, the memory of his earlier alarm fading when he turned her toward the wall and rubbed his groin over the curve of her bottom.

  Everything else, including her curiosity, would have to wait.

  “You’re insatiable,” Cole said, slapping Madalina on the hip as he stepped from the spray. “I’ll get some towels.” He didn’t stop at the bathroom itself, but continued into the main bedroom, aiming straight for the array of scattered clothes. Dripping on the carpeted floor, listening to Madalina complain about his abrupt departure from the shower stall, he glanced around until a flicker and shine caught his attention.

  Stepping over, he bent to snatch up the sparkling diamond ring—his engagement ring for Madalina—and shoved it deep into the pocket of his pants. It had fallen out, much to his dismay, when they’d been ripping clothes from each other’s bodies. By some miracle, she hadn’t seen it.

  “What are you doing, Mr. West?” Madalina said. She wasn’t in the bathroom any longer.

  Cole twisted a look over his shoulder. God, she was gorgeous. All lush curves and long legs. Wet from the shower, she held two towels in her hands, as if to say, You didn’t get what you came for, so what’s the deal?

  “Figured I should gather the clothes first,” he retorted. He gave his pants a shake and tugged them on over his damp legs.

  “You’re acting weird,” she said, stalking across the room like a panther on the hunt.

  Cole felt his body respond, again, but focused on getting himself out of trouble. He wasn’t ready to show her the ring, wasn’t ready to propose. Not now, not when there was still so much to do. He’d had grand plans for his proposal before their life went unexpectedly awry. Half-naked and wet wasn’t the way he wanted to ask such an important question. “And you look ravishing. No wonder I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  She stopped before him, skin glistening, and pushed a towel against his chest. “Dry off. Your pants are going to stick to your legs now.”

  “I’ll live.” He accepted the towel and quickly dried his chest, shoulders, and arms.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” she said as she took her time dragging the towel over her body.

  Cole couldn’t help himself. He followed the action with his eyes until she snapped the towel at his ribs. Laughing, hopping back, he rolled up his own towel and succeeded in making the vixen retreat to the bathroom with no more intrusive questions. He didn’t want to outright lie to her.

  “Hurry up. We need to get some sleep before we land.” Cole pulled on the rest of his clothes and patted his front pants pocket again to reassure himself the ring was where it should be.

  Madalina squawked in protest. “Who had to go for round two in the shower? Huh? Not me, buster.”

  “It was your fault,” he called out, rechecking his weapons but leaving the belt off for now.

  There would be time before the plane landed to reload and suit up for war.


  Madalina loathed putting on the same outfit she’d worn for the last twenty-four hours. It was one of her biggest pet peeves, reusing clothing that she’d already worn. The shower had helped but did not obliterate the skeevy feeling she got as she pulled the pants up her legs. She had no other change of clothes, and since this was a borrowed jet, there weren’t any extra outfits lying around that she might commandeer. Pity.

  Leaving off the suit jacket, she tucked the filmy white shirt into her waistband, brushing at a few stubborn smudges and stains. There was no help for it. Water would only make the marks worse. Giving up on making herself presentable, she pushed her feet into the tennis shoes and retied the laces.

  Making faces in the mirror of the bathroom, she finger-combed her hair, leaving the slightly damp strands in messy disarray.

  What she wouldn’t give for a blow-dryer and a curling iron. In its natural state, her hair was slightly wavy, a little wild, and totally untamable.

  “I look like an orphan,” she complained to her reflection.

  Departing the back room before she drove herself crazy about the state of her clothing, she encountered Cole and his brothers with their heads together, whispering. Madalina found it amusing and ironic that Cole had insisted they needed rest, yet he wasn’t doing any resting at all. Unable to hear what was being said, she made her way to the seats and claimed one near the window. It reclined just enough that she thought she would be able to close her eyes and snatch a little sleep. She was bone-tired after the events of the last twenty-four hours. The intensity of the sex with Cole and a hot shower had succeeded in making her as limp as a rag doll.

  “We’ve got about forty-five minutes for a power nap,” Cole said as he sat beside her.

  “That’s not very long,” she said, closing her eyes. She sought his hand with her own and lazily laced their fingers.

  “It’s enough to rejuvenate your mind and body.” He leaned over to kiss her cheek, then reclined.

  “What were you guys talking ab—”

  “Shh. Sleep,” he said in a quiet voice.

  “I won’t be able to sleep now until I know what you were talking about,” she said. Once she became curious about something, she was relentless until she had answers.

  “I’ll tell you when we wake up,” he replied, then squeezed her hand.

  Madalina knew he was sending a signal that rest was just as important as whatever he’d been discussing. She found it harder than Cole to shut down her mind, even if her body demanded respite. If it had been news about your parents, he would have told you. She considered whether the bro
thers had received intel about the address in Nepal—or Lance’s escape. Cole had known it would be only a matter of time before the man and his crew got loose.

  The next thing she knew, Cole was shaking her awake.

  “C’mon, sleepyhead. I let you sleep an extra fifteen minutes, but we need to prep before we land.” Cole hovered over her seat, a hand braced on the armrest.

  “Are you going to tell me what you were talking about earlier?” were the first words out of her mouth. She surfaced fully from her dreamless sleep and stood from the chair when Cole headed toward the sofa area. Damon and Brandon were already there, vests and weapon belts in place.

  “Yes,” Cole said, grabbing a piece of paper off a small table near a couch. “I think it’s time that we brought you on board the company.”

  Madalina twisted the length of her hair back and up, securing it the best she could with no pins or clasps. The knot was loose and would fall sooner than later, but for now the mass was out of her eyes. “Bring me on board? What do you mean?”

  “I mean I think it’s time you became a part-time employee of the company. Our company. You’re handling weapons and have been put in situations where self-defense is necessary. Not to mention you’re exposed sometimes to sensitive information and software. If you sign on, you’ll enjoy the same protections the rest of us have regarding weapons use and high-level secrets,” Cole said, handing the piece of paper and a pen to her.

  Madalina’s brows beetled in confusion. He wanted her to officially work for his father? She accepted the paper, which turned out, in part, to be a confidentiality agreement.

  “This basically gives you the right to conduct investigations with us and will keep you out of jail—most of the time—if you get into a gunfight with local badasses,” Brandon quipped.

  “The company has specific dispensation to perform the same duties as FBI or CIA agents—except we’re the faction the feds don’t publicly acknowledge. They hire my father’s firm to do all the work they can’t do themselves. Our missions are the kind that they prefer to keep under the radar,” Damon added.


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