Sweeter Pleasures

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Sweeter Pleasures Page 2

by Lyssa Cole

  When she pulled me into the schoolhouse that night, I broke down in tears, sobs racking my body as I sunk to the floor. My mother had decorated the entire place with flowers, beautiful white lilies that are my absolute favorite. It looked heavenly. My mother clung to me as I cried, crying for everything that had happened, my pain, my journey, and finally getting here and accomplishing my dream. It was as if my wall of grief finally began to crumble and I just let the tears flow. Slowly, bit by bit, I could feel my wall chip away, the feelings starting to come out. I would push them away, fight for that wall; I know I would because I didn’t want to feel those horrible painful emotions. I knew I had to but I just couldn’t. But at the same time, I knew it would never be open to love again, that part of me completely gone, that wall a solid steel that was unbreakable. It’s been a year since we have opened and business is booming, growing every day.

  Who said you needed a man to survive? It was far from the truth, though it was nice to have some great sex every once in a while. A girl could have some fun, couldn’t she?


  I was ready to go back to my home town. Where I was born and only got to stay until I was six. Before my life changed drastically. I was finished with school, I had gained my baking skills, and I finally felt ready to start fresh. I hoped there was a bakery nearby that I could apply to. Something small and cozy, not too fancy. Just my style. And away, away from the watchful eyes and evil threats.

  Chapter Two

  After my pie filling was complete, I put it into the fridge to let it chill and made my way to the front of the bakery, out of the kitchen. The air smelled sweet and I could hear my girls chatting. My full timer, Julie, was here today along with one of our part timers, Mackenzie. Julie had been tending to a customer while Mackenzie was taking inventory of what needed to be stocked.

  Once the customer disappeared, Julie turned to me her face lighting up. “Bree! We just got another order for ten of your berry pies! Can you believe that shit? Ten!” Julie exclaimed, her happiness radiating throughout the room. I loved how happy my girls were and how they didn’t care to swear in front of me. We were all one big happy family, Julie being one of my best friends from my childhood. We all went out together on the weekends and loved working together. It couldn’t have worked out better.

  “Holy fuck balls! Ten? For when?” I asked her as she slid up next to me, her vanilla scent invading my nostrils. She always smelled of vanilla and apples.

  “Next Monday. Something about a bake sale and she wants to sell your pies because they are simply the best she said.” Julie’s whole face shines down at me, her being a few inches taller than me. “You’ve got the magic touch babe; I’ve always said it!”

  I laughed loudly, Julie making me feel good. “We should go out this weekend to celebrate. I can’t believe how well the business is doing. All because of my fabulous girls!” I swiveled giving Julie a big hug as Mackenzie came over to join us.

  “Mack, babe! How is inventory looking?” I asked her as I pulled away from Julie.

  “Looks good, boss. We are well stocked out front and now I just have to check the back, but we should be good for the week. Were you fucking here all weekend?” She shook her head at me. “You do need to get out and celebrate!”

  I looked at both of them, their eyes filled with concern. I had been here a lot, not going out, and I had lost some weight from working like crazy. “I know, I know. But when fucking Mike ditched us last week with no notice, I had to pick up the slack. So I baked my ass off this weekend.”

  Julie grinned, knowing I probably didn’t see the light of day one time. “Bree, why didn’t you ask me? I would have come helped.”

  “What with your little ones in tow? No, Julie, you have a family to take care of. But thank you for the offer.” Julie had been married to her high school sweetheart for a few years now, with two small children at home. Probably in the same spot I would be if it hadn’t been for Kyle sticking his cock inside that Hawaiian slut. I push the thought away, tapping my fingers on the counter.

  “I would’ve helped too, chick,” Mackenzie says as she begins wiping down the counter and display cases.

  “I know, Mack, thank you, it’s just…I feel bad asking. You guys already do enough running this place. I don’t want to ask my girls to have to bake too.”

  Just then, the door burst open and Liz came flying in, our other full timer. “Oh my fucking God, did you guys just see that fucking hottie walking down the street? I almost fell over in shock.”

  We all dissolved into giggles, Liz never disappointing in her man hunt. “Jesus, I need to get fucking laid already. I am checking out anything that is male and walks,” Liz said as she got ready to work, sliding her colorful apron on.

  “Tell me about it, Liz. If I don’t get laid soon, I think my vagina is going to shrivel up and dry out, never to be used again.” We all burst out laughing.

  “Yeah right, bitch, weren’t you just fucking some dude last week?” Mackenzie’s eyes rolled towards me, her cleaning making the air smell like strong Lysol.

  I gave her a pretend glare. “Excuse me lady! I did not just fuck some dude last week. His name was Ben and damn did he have a masterful tongue.” My eyes glazed over, remembering the three orgasms I got just from his fucking tongue.

  “Ben! Ben the tongue man. That’s it!” Julie exclaimed, her giggles escaping. “Mmm, boy do I love a good going down on me session, especially when Blake gives me the special.”

  “The special? What the fuck is the special?” Mackenzie asked her as Liz and I burst into a huge fit of giggles. Liz had moved here when she was in high school and instantly became our friend. Mackenzie was a bit younger and though she had lived here her whole life, she wasn’t in our age group and only became part of our crowd when she began working for me. So of course, Liz and I knew what that special was.

  “You’ve never had a special?” Liz asked Mack, her eyes dancing with humor and surprise. She was loving this, always the tease that one.

  “I might have, but until I fucking know what the hell it is, I am not saying a damn thing!”

  Julie’s face was beaming red, her being the secret, shy one. “It’s when your ass gets licked as well as your girly shit.”

  Mackenzie didn’t look surprised at all, in fact she looked like it was the most casual thing she had ever heard of. “Oh that’s nothing,” she said as she waved her hand in the air. Try getting that done while doing the sixty-nine position. Or one guy giving the special while the other is fucking you.” She winked at us as all of our mouths fell open at the same time.

  We must have sounded like a bunch of howling fools with the way we all howled with laughter. “Mack!” I said in fake horror. “You are a good girl, stop tainting it!”

  “Hey, every girl has some secrets!” Mack said, then she disappeared into the kitchen and all Julie, Liz, and I could do was stare at each other wide-eyed, and in shock at our not so innocent Mackenzie getting down and dirty in ways we didn’t even expect.

  “Well then, coffee anyone?” Julie said as we could hear Mackenzie laughing all the way from the kitchen.


  I swear, everywhere I went, I felt eyes on me. Like they were waiting, watching, ready to strike at any moment. Hell, I almost knocked a guy out because I thought he was one of them. I needed to get away, get out of here. I would do anything to stop her, anything. Even if it means…fuck, someone’s coming.

  The week passed quickly, as I was swamped with keeping up with all of the orders plus keeping the store stocked. Sometimes I felt like I was going to need two bakers with how busy we were getting. I had put out some ads in the local papers for a baker and have only gotten a few responses so far. Living in a small town, north of the city, wasn’t always attractive to many as they could work in the city for a lot more money. But still, the right person was out there, I just hadn’t found them yet. Once I find my match, we may only need a part-time baker depending on how busy we stay. I enjoy baking a
nd don’t want to stop, I just can’t do it all by myself while running the business too.

  It was Friday night and I was finishing up for the evening, Julie and Lexi finishing the close in the front. Lexi was my other part time girl along with Mackenzie and I also had a part-timer named Sawyer but she was only here on the weekends due to working a full-time job during the week. We were planning a girls’ night the next night so I was ready to go home, put on my warm pj’s, and park my ass in front of my TV, watching Netflix for the rest of the night.

  Lexi popped her head in, waved her arm bye, all while smiling warmly at me, “Hey babe, I’m out for the night. Julie is just tallying out the cash register but everything is done and set for the morning. Night love!”

  “Thanks Hun, have a good night!” I glanced up quickly to flash her a grin. That Lexi busted her ass around here but was always ready to leave as soon as her shift was over. She’s head over heels for a man she has at home, and I couldn’t be happier for her, as her first couple of relationships were quite abusive, both physically and emotionally. But finally, she has found Miles, and they seem quite happy. Plus, I threatened him within an inch of his life.

  I finished up with the bookkeeping for the night, glad for that daunting task to be over. My stomach growled and I couldn’t wait to grab something on the way home, forgetting to each lunch again today. In order to keep stocked for this weekend, I had been working like crazy.

  Julie’s vanilla apple scent filled the air and I glanced up, her smile shining down at me. “Bree,” she said with a tone of worry that I knew meant one of her famous lectures was coming. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to answer her, the air suddenly feeling chilly, my stomach doing a flip. She could be brutal sometimes even though it was all out of love.

  I knew she was going to tell me to stop working so much and take care of myself more. But I just had to keep busy. If not, the memories, the thoughts, the feelings, they would all come creeping back in, tearing down the wall I had so carefully constructed. Sure, I’d been getting better. I’ve let emotion out, I’ve had cries, I’ve gone out and gotten laid, many times actually, and I didn’t mope much anymore. But every time I’ve let those emotions come out, I’ve been reminded of the pain, the heartache, and I just have to bottle them back up again. One day I could deal, I hope. Until then, no feelings, and especially no love. I was a fuck them and leave them type now.

  “Bree,” Julie said again, this time more softly, “I’m not going to lecture you.” She took a seat in front of my desk, leaning forward so that I had to look her straight in the face. “I’m just worried, babe. I love you so much and it kills me to see you so sad. I know you play the part well of looking and trying to feel happy but the light, the sparkle is gone from your eyes, it’s been gone ever since you know, and I’m afraid it won’t ever come back.”

  I shrugged my shoulders as I leaned back in my seat, my hands knotting together. I could feel the anxiety building in my stomach. I began to scratch at my neck, my short filed nails running across my skin gently. Just the motion soothed me, the action, as I could feel my chest tighten from my nerves. I have been anxious since I was a young girl and always rubbed my chest to make me feel better. Julie watched my hand move across my chest and she knew.

  She reached across, grabbing my hand and wrapping it between her two. “I know; it is beyond hard. Kyle was part of your light, your happiness, and I know it is devastating. Just because time has passed doesn’t make it any less painful. Sometimes I think these things never go away, they just get easier to deal with. But maybe…just maybe…someone else could help you get past it quicker?”

  My eyes shot up at her and I pulled my hand away from hers abruptly. “No Julie. I told you, I’m not doing the love shit again. It fucked me up once, and it is not going to fuck me up again. Besides, I don’t want a rebound, that’s not fair to anyone.”

  Julie stood, looking a bit hurt but she knew how I felt, though she constantly tried to get me to change my mind.

  “Fine Bree, fine,” Julie waved me off, grabbing her jacket that she had rested on a nearby chair when she came in and slid it on, “But believe me, being alone gets lonely. Real lonely. You are a gorgeous person inside and out that doesn’t deserve to live a lonely life. Love you girl, see you tomorrow.”

  With that, she turned and left and I was left alone to stew. Julie’s father had left her mother when she was only seven years old and she still remembers watching him walk out the door and out of her life. Her mother never found anyone else and was always very lonely, making Julie feel horrible for her all the time. That being said, it totally makes sense why Julie is concerned about me. But I don’t care to be lonely. Some people don’t like it but I actually don’t mind it. I was with Kyle for so long that it felt good to be alone while I was still young and able to do things.

  I sighed and stood. It was time to get the hell out of here since I was due back in a few short hours anyway, or so it seemed. I closed everything up in the back, making sure all the ovens were off, any food was taken care of, the back door was locked, and I hit the lights. I moved to the front, checking around the area to make sure we were good for the morning. Everything looked amazing, I was so glad I had awesome women to rely on. I slung my bag over my shoulder and went to shut the lights off. I was startled when I heard a noise, a rush of panic pushing through me.

  The door opened behind me and instantly, the air changed, growing hot, thick almost. I could feel his presence pulsating behind me. When I turned to look, our eyes locked immediately and I knew, without a doubt, my life would never be the same. And it never was.

  Chapter Three

  I stepped back, gripping the counter for support. What the fuck? Why didn’t Julie lock the Goddamn door? And who the fuck was this fine hunk of man standing in front of me? When he spoke, I could feel my insides melting, my body betraying my every feeling. “Are you Bree?” He smiled, his perfectly white teeth shining. God, this man was fucking hot. He was making me so flustered, his beautiful face staring down at mine. I decided to use my charm to mask my nerves in hopes it worked.

  “Depends on who is asking, you know, being in hiding and all, a girl has got to watch her back from scary men.”

  He chuckled, his entire face lighting up. Fuck I could make this man laugh all the time and never get tired of that sound.

  “Really? In hiding eh? Well you really shouldn’t be telling strangers you’re in hiding, kind of defeats the purpose eh?” He smirked and I couldn’t help but laugh, my stupid humor even made me laugh.

  “Got me there, but really, who is asking?” I had completely forgotten everything around me, not being able to focus on anything but this so very hot man in front of me and the things he was making me feel. Things I haven’t felt in such a long time. Things I couldn’t handle feeling seeing as they once buried me before.

  I watched him reach one ink covered arm up to his face, running his long fingers along his stubble. He turned his head to the side, studying me, a smirk playing on his lips. It was like he could see through me and inside me, his eyes all over me. I could actually feel them on my skin, causing it to sizzle. A sharp flash of desire coursed through me, butterflies brewing a wild storm in my belly.


  God, she was breathtaking. I was having trouble focusing, her beauty making my mind all scrambled. I felt something inside me shift beneath me and I had to grasp the counter for support, hoping she didn’t notice. I prayed I was safe here. I don’t think they followed me here, watching my tracks as I fled. But one could never be too sure.

  I gripped the counter, waiting for him to answer. Oh God. Who was this man? I felt like exploding on the spot from his pure presence. After what felt like hours, he spoke, the words coming out with ease, “I’m here to apply for the baker position. Is it still available?”

  The baker position?! Him? He looks like a fucking Greek God, a man who could be modeling or acting or something that would involve his gorgeous body. Not baking bread. Defi
nitely not baking bread.

  My mouth had fallen open slightly and I didn’t utter a sound as I tried to process the information. The baker position. He wanted the baker position. Oh fuck. I pushed off the counter, swaying slightly as I ran my hands through my hair nervously. I could feel a bead of sweat trickle down my back.

  I nodded at him and began to ramble, unable to help myself, “Yes the position is still open. Let me get you an application,” I opened the drawer beneath the register, knowing that’s where Liz had been storing them, “So what’s your experience with baking? What’s your specialty? Bread? Cake? Pastries?”

  Suddenly, I felt a warmth on my arm and my mouth shut, my hands shaking as they dropped the application onto the counter. I couldn’t focus on anything else except his hand on my arm, gripping me gently, sending shivers down my body, shivers I don’t want to be having.

  I took the risk and glanced up, my eyes meeting his gorgeous deep brown ones, a hint of green playing in them. I could get lost in them all day. “Bree, why don’t I show you what I can do? Everything you said I can handle, bread being my specialty” He released my arm, and picked up the application, beginning to skim it over. His face was so handsome, his features so defined, I couldn’t believe this man was standing here before me for my bakery job.

  I couldn’t help but notice the connection happening, the sparks flying between us. The air was crackling all around us and I knew he must have felt it too because he hadn’t stopped smiling since he had revealed his reason for being here. How was I supposed to work around a man like this? He made me lose complete focus. Maybe he will suck, his bread coming out chewy and salty, and then that will make my decision easier to just not hire him.


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