Sweeter Pleasures

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Sweeter Pleasures Page 3

by Lyssa Cole

  The problem was the lack of selection I have being in this area. I can’t be too picky. I have to choose from what is available which really isn’t much. I jumped when he spoke again, his deep voice rumbling from his throat, “Bree?” he said, my name sliding off his lips like honey, my insides melting into a big puddle on the floor, “Do you mind me sitting down to finish this application? If you were getting ready to leave, I could always come back…”

  I waved my hand at him, giving him a shy glance. “Sure, go ahead. I can work on some paperwork in the back. I’ll be in my office if you need me.” I tore my eyes away as fast as I could, quickly escaping to the comfort of my office. I flicked on lights as I went, needing to get away from the front quickly. I shut the door behind me, my back hitting it with a thud. I was suddenly out of breath, my heart pounding. I could hear it in my ears. I took in gulps of air, trying to calm my sudden nerves, my world was a bit off kilter.

  Making my way over to my chair, I sat down with a thud, memories of Kyle flooding my brain. My fingers began to claw at my neck, my anxiety eating me alive. I don’t want to be feeling like this. This is just some small attraction where we could have a one-night stand or something. That man, I don’t know, there was something I felt out there. I don’t believe in love at first sight but definitely a connection and not just the type you feel when you want to get laid. If this man can bake, the relationship would be purely professional. I don’t have time in my life for love. I got where I am today because I was on my own, no man to distract me.

  He, fuck I didn’t even ask his name, he made me feel things I had never felt before. Not even with Kyle. It’s something fierce and carnal. As if I could feel him undressing me with his eyes and I wanted him to again and again. I shivered just thinking of his eyes on my naked body, his hot mouth running down my neck. The lust and pure sexual desire were making my head spin.

  I shook my head, trying to clear it. I must just be horny and need to get laid. Yeah that’s it. Oh God, it was probably written all over my face. Fuck me, I don’t get enough cock.

  A knock sounded on my door, causing me to jump, my heart picking up speed once again. How many minutes have passed? I heard him call my name from the other side and I called out to him to come in. As soon as the door opened, the air shifted, becoming thicker, zinging with electricity.

  “I’m all set with the application,” he says as he entered, walking up to the desk and placing the application in front of me, his gorgeous eyes never leaving my face, “If it’s okay with you, I can come back tomorrow to show you what I can do?”

  I stood so I could be more assertive, even though my traitor knees are about to give out, “Sure, be here at ten in the morning and we can go from there. When could you start if everything goes well?”

  He grinned lazily as his eyes lit up ever so slightly. God this man knew just what he was doing to me. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his and soon I was going to be a puddle on the fucking floor. “I can start tomorrow if you needed me to. I need the money and have no job.”

  Tomorrow? Jesus. I needed more time to get accustomed to him working here. Plus, this needs to be talked over with my girls. Everyone had to feel comfortable. That’s how we rolled around here.

  I smiled back at him, keeping it as professional as I could, “That’s great. Have a good night,” I glanced down at his application as I still didn’t know his name, “Drake is it?” Damn that name was hot.

  He grinned again and I knew I was in trouble. He needed to stop doing that. “Yes, can I walk you to your car? It’s getting dark out there, wouldn’t want anything dangerous to happen.” He winked and I couldn’t help but laugh. Drake was handsome and a gentleman too? How lucky for me.

  I couldn’t turn down such a nice offer. “Wow, chivalry still exists. I would love for you to walk me to my car, Drake.”

  He reached out and took my hand, causing me to freeze. I was not expecting him to do that. Drake gave it a tug, “Come on, let’s go then.”

  I couldn’t drop his hand, that would be rude, wouldn’t it? So I followed him through my shop, and out the door, locking it up for the night.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning, I took extra time in getting ready, adding a little makeup and blow drying my hair out. I wanted to look nice for the day is what I told myself but deep down I knew it was because I was going to be seeing Drake again. I just couldn’t shake the fact that I like something about him. I wanted to get know more about him. A nice male friendship would be good to have; a supportive male coworker.

  When he walked me out to my car last night, he let go of my hand when we got to the door of the bakery so I could lock up, and then as we walked to my car, he kept his hand on the small of my back. It was a sweet gesture and he was very dominant and forward which was something I wasn’t used to. Kyle had been laid-back and not very affectionate, hardly holding my hand or showing any type of possession.

  I liked it. I liked the way Drake led me along, taking control. I felt cared for. When I got to my car, we said good night and parted ways. Just as I was going to turn to open my car door, Drake ran his fingers along the side of my face and I couldn’t help but sigh from the tingles his touch brought to my skin. I hadn’t felt such an amazing touch in so long. “Your gorgeous, Bree,” he whispered and then he turned and walked away.

  I was left stunned as I watched him go. His touch, his words, they all vibrated through me. Gorgeous? He had just called me gorgeous. Fuck. I had to stay in control of my feelings or this was going to lead somewhere I definitely didn’t want it to.


  As I walked away, I fought hard not to glance back, my hands balling into fists. I had wanted to taste her so bad but I knew it was wrong. I can’t wrap her up in the shit I’m involved in. It’s not fair. It’s dangerous. And if they find me here, or better yet, if she finds me here, then it’s game over.

  Every Saturday morning, we have a team meeting at eight am. The bakery opens at six am but we close for a half an hour to have the meeting. All the girls are required to come even if they aren’t working a shift that day. This morning I had to fill them in about Drake. Liz, Mackenzie, and Julie were working today and were going to see him, and I knew they were going to be giving me a fucking earful.

  I finished up my makeup and stepped back to glance in the mirror. Not too bad. The girls were definitely going to notice and probably ask lots of questions. But after they saw what Drake looks like, they were going to want to start cleaning themselves up too.

  I arrived at the bakery at my normal time of five am, needing to get the bread going and other pastries for the day. We tried to prep ahead as much as we could but in order to keep things tasting delicious, there was only so much prep we could do. I wasn’t having a good morning and I knew there was a huge distraction on my mind.

  First, I put too much flour into the first round of sourdough bread, causing it to be really dry. Thankfully, I caught it in time and was able to fix it with kneading in some liquid but then I almost burnt it, forgetting to set the timer on the oven. Most of the loaves were a deep golden brown which would probably be okay but I usually preferred them much lighter. How was I going to show Drake over done bread?

  Then I slipped and dropped a whole tray of fresh pastries, the tasty treats raining down on my head and getting goo all in my straight hair. “SHIT!!” I screamed as I stood up in a huff. Just then, Julie walked in the door and burst out laughing when she saw me in my mess, and I couldn’t help but laugh too. So much for looking nice today.

  “What the fuck, Bree? You decide you want a pastry shower today or some shit?” She asked, covering her mouth as laughter escaped. She pushed her way in the door, locking it behind her. It was still only around seven though it felt like five o’clock at night.

  Julie threw her stuff down and came to my rescue, helping me pick all the pastries up, cleaning the floor. We headed to the back, ditching the pastries in the trash, and throwing the tray in the sink. Fuck, I’d h
ave to make a whole new batch. I didn’t have the time. I sighed, heading to the bathroom to clean my hair. I could feel Julie hot on my heels. “Rough morning girl?”

  I nodded at her, “Something like that.”

  “Want to talk about it?” She asked in her always wanting to know but caring Julie way. I loved her for that, that she always cared even if I could be a bitch about it.

  I turned to face her, still working on getting the goo out of my hair. Raspberry and cream filling does not make a good hair conditioner. “Yes, actually I do. It’s the hot as fuck guy that came in the door last night right after you left and applied for the baker position.”

  Julie’s eyebrows lifted in shock. “What? What hot guy? I thought you left right after me?”

  “I was trying to; I had been closing up and almost to the door when he strolled on in, asking for my name. Oh God, Julie, he is so fucking hot, I could barely speak. And he’s coming here this morning at ten for a hands on interview.”

  Julie’s eyes lit up. “Yes! This is just what you need Bree! A little something something. Mm, I can just see it now, you falling in love with your handsome baker at your dream bakery…” Julie’s face looked off into the distance, as if she was in a love trance.

  I rolled my eyes, pushed her out of the way and took off into the kitchen to scour the freezer for some pastries. Hopefully I can find an extra batch stored and then I won’t have to make anymore. “Julie, there will be no falling in love around here. You know that. And it’s not really wise to get involved with someone you work with. You also know that.” We had seen it before with Liz at one of her jobs and it didn’t end pretty, both of them losing their jobs over it.

  Julie had followed me of course; I knew she wasn’t going to let this go. “I’m not saying you have to marry him, girl. Just have fun.”

  “I do have fun. All the time.” I stuck my tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t call fucking a guy from the bar who you never care to see again a fun time,” she said as she put away her bags and began to make coffee. She could make the best pot of coffee in town; she had the magic touch of some sort. I swear.

  Now it was my turn to roll my eyes at her. “Yeah yeah, is the coffee ready yet?” She laughed and threw a sugar packet at my head.

  “Ouch bitch!” I laughed and threw it back at her, hitting her right on the nose, “Perfect shot!” We both exploded into laughter.

  “I can’t wait to see what hottie pants is going to look like. Maybe I can give him a whirl,” Julie winked at me. I shook my head at her. She would never cheat on Blake. He was her world and so were her cute little children.

  “Yeah okay, because you’re such a dirty little hoe right?” I grinned at her, as I got the pastry dough rolled out. I was working better now that Julie was here. My anxiety wasn’t killing me as much as it had been this morning. I had a red rash on my neck now from scratching it so much.

  Liz came bursting through the door with Mackenzie right behind her, their faces shiny and bright. “Hey girls! Good morning,” Liz called out, always the morning bird. Mackenzie looked like she could still be in bed. She was probably glad she was leaving at noon today, Sawyer coming in to take her place.

  Mackenzie slid onto a stool next to the baker’s table, sipping her coffee she had brought in from home, yawning between sips. I looked at her, giving her the evil eye, “Long night Mack?” She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. “That’s for damn sure. I think I crawled into bed like two hours ago.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “You know the Saturday morning drill girlfriend and you still party it up to the wee hours of the morning.”

  “Hell yeah Bree; Friday night is still a very happening night. And boy did I meet a fucking hottie last night. I think I may need to hold on to him for a little while; the sex was fucking mind blowing.” She winked at me, wiggling her eyebrows. I loved Mackenzie and her free loving ways. She wasn’t the type to settle down and I admired that in her. Instead she was adventurous and just plain fun. Going out with her was always an amazing time.

  “Bree had an interesting night last night.” Julie piped in and I groan inwardly. Why did she always have to do shit like that?

  “Oh really? Do tell,” Liz responded, her eyes lit up like Christmas trees. Oh God, here we go.

  All eyes were on me but I was saved by Lexi and Sawyer who just blew in the back door. “Morning ladies,” Lexi called out, Sawyer waving from behind her. They dropped their stuff and headed toward us.

  Lexi looked around at all of us. “What’s going on? Something bad happen? You guys look weird.”

  We all chuckled and Julie proclaimed, “No, just waiting for Bree’s exciting news she has for us today.”

  “Oh?” Lexi said. Sawyer was busy pouring herself a cup a coffee. She was a quiet one and didn’t speak much but was such a faithful employee, always here and always going above and beyond for the team. I was hoping she was going to want full time one day.

  “More coffee anyone?” Sawyer asked in her quiet, sweet voice and everyone said no, except me. I needed something a lot stronger than coffee though.

  “Okay, spill it already Bree,” Liz said, her eyes boring holes into my face.

  I raised my hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. Last night when I was leaving a hot ass man showed up here. He wanted to apply for the baker position and is coming in today at ten for a hands on interview. See? Not really that big of news.”

  Mackenzie laughed as she thought like me, not looking for any kind of love. Liz and Julie were gushing to each other and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes again. Lexi and Sawyer were just smiling at me. “That’s cool, Bree,” Lexi said, “Hope it works out, we need the help, I know you’re swamped girl. And man eye candy? Fine by me. Always makes the work day better!”

  We all giggled at that. “That’s how I am looking at it. Some nice man candy to admire all day. And if he is a good worker and a great baker, then even better.”

  “So that’s the exiting news?” Mackenzie snickered at me and I smacked her on her arm playfully.

  “I wasn’t the one who thought it was that exciting. It was crazy Julie over there and her sidekick Loco Liz.” We all chuckled.

  “I just want to see Bree happy with someone and this may be her golden opportunity,” Julie explained as Liz nodded, agreeing with her.

  “Whoa whoa whoa, aren’t you jumping the gun there a bit?” Mackenzie asked Julie.

  Julie shrugged. “I know it may seem that way but I just care for Bree. She’s been in such a state ever since Kyle.”

  I sighed. “I don’t want to hear that evil fuckers name. But anyways, back to the subject at hand, I just wanted everyone to know, I am going to start interviewing for the position. Drake from last night threw me off because he came into the bakery late and unexpected, and even though he looks like a Greek God, I have to treat him like everyone else. I didn’t see the news as being such a big deal but I guess Julie is just excited for some eye candy.” I winked at her, because I knew she was just trying to help. She cared about me and even though it was annoying and overbearing, she would always be here for me. Without her, I probably wouldn’t have survived the whole Kyle fiasco.

  “Now,” hitting the table lightly with my hands, “let’s get down to business.”

  Drake walked in the door at exactly nine forty-five am, his promptness a nice quality. He looked even hotter than last night and the chef scrubs he had on made him look absolutely edible. I had been in the back when he walked in but I knew he did before Julie even to tell me. I felt the air change, the electricity zapping me almost instantly. Julie’s eyes were bugging out of her head, like she had seen a celebrity or something. I couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction and tell her I told her so.

  “Well when you said he was hot; I was thinking our normal hot guy hot. But that guy is a whole new level of hotness. I think Mackenzie’s jaw dropped open and Liz had to actually wipe drool from her own face. And his voice, Oh My

  Julie had to sit down, she looked like she was going to pass out. “Damn, Jules, did he effect you that much?”

  Julie giggled like a young schoolgirl. “I think he fucking did. Fuck. Don’t tell Blake.” She covered her mouth with both her hands. Just then, Liz and Mackenzie ran into the back, giggling themselves.

  “Fuck Bree. He is fucking unbelievable. Hire him now!” Mack exclaimed, excitement coursing through her voice.

  Liz was nodding, her face betraying that she was turned on. “I am about to orgasm just from looking at him.” She sat down too, looking as if the wind had been knocked out of her.

  “I told you guys. Hot huh? More than hot. Like fucking fireworks.”

  They all nodded at me with stars in their eyes. I took a deep breath and scratched at my neck. I had to get my focus together and be ready to interview this guy. Drake wasn’t going to throw me off; I had to keep repeating to myself. I had prepped the entire interview for the past hour while the girls waited on the morning customers and I thought I was ready enough.

  “Okay ladies, it’s show time. Let’s see if he has some skills too.”

  Chapter Five

  The girls scampered off like little schoolgirls, giggling the whole time. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn’t act flustered or show that he affected me. I’m sure Drake would instantly pick up on that. I felt myself scratching at my neck and I forced myself to stop and move one foot in front of the other. My nerves were going haywire with just the anticipation of seeing him.

  As I entered the front, I could feel the zing in the air and my eyes instantly found him as if I was drawn to him. He was standing off to the side, leaning against the front counter, one leg crossed over the other, while reading our menu. Drake looked absolutely divine, just like the girls described. His skin was a gorgeous brown color and he had on chef scrubs along with a plain white t-shirt on that revealed his arms of ink. My eyes drank in the sight of all of those colors swirling up over his arms, every inch of them covered. It was breath taking, the art of those tattoos and with Drake’s tan skin and gorgeous features, the tattoos stood out even more, looking fabulous. It seemed like everyone in the bakery kept glancing over at him and I really couldn’t blame them. He must have been over six feet tall, his body well sculpted and defined, looking just like a Greek God. I pulled my eyes away, glancing down at the counter as I gripped it tightly. Shit. I really hope he didn’t just see me staring at him like a Goddamn fool.


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