Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1) Page 12

by TN King

  “It’s all been taken care of, ma’am. I have very detailed instructions as per Mr. Hunt,” the driver answered shortly, his amused smile in the rearview telling her absolutely nothing.

  Apparently, she was being left no say in the matter, and she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to take that. She sat back slowly, thinking about the last time that she had been in the very same seat that she was in now. It was hard to believe that a chance encounter had led her here, and one with a handsome stranger. Well, perhaps not just a chance encounter. It was definitely meaningful, it had both saved and altered her life. Something he’d done by pulling her out of a burning building and risking his own life to do so.

  She still had to remind herself not to get too deep into this fantasy. It was a date, true, there was no avoiding that fact. But it was only a date. There was always the potential of it being special, or of it meaning something, but she didn’t want to get ahead of herself. For all she knew he went through little waitresses like her every other week. For all she knew she would be getting back into this very limo and that would be the end of it after that date. She shook her head again, trying to dismiss her anxiety. Enjoy it. And for Pete’s sake, do not read anything into it. This way, you will not be surprised and hurt when he is through with you. But why does he even want me?

  She again, tried to get a damn grip.

  Didn’t she want this too? Hadn’t she spent days fantasizing about it? Now here it was, against all the odds and she was already picturing herself being dumped. It was so pathetic. Try to experience it and then treasure it later on when you are back in your real life. That was a better formula than the sad one she was currently entertaining. She was a grown woman. If this was a one night stand then that was what it was. She wasn’t some naive little girl chasing after happily ever afters and dreams. She’d left that part of herself behind long ago. Or at least she thought she had.

  It was a very short drive from the diner to the Hunt Hotel, something that she hadn’t been expecting to be so scared of. The driver got out of the front, opening the door and opening hers as well as helping her out of the backseat and to the door of the hotel before he stopped again, opening that door as well. The trip through the lobby and the elevator felt like she was floating on clouds. Not happy clouds, but nervous ones, a fog that she was travelling through too quickly.

  The elevator dinged again, both of them exiting it and him opening the door without so much more as a nod in her direction. She paused, unsure whether she should pass him or wait. But his smile that time was kind.

  “Ms. White, through that door you’ll find everything you need to get ready for your dinner on the balcony with Mr. Hunt,” he explained, pointing to a room off to the side that she hadn’t explored the last time she was there.

  Her eyes widened, nerves dancing through her system like hyperactive jumping beans. “Dinner on the balcony?” she questioned, ashamed of the squeak behind her words.

  Again the driver nodded with a kind smile. “Yes, ma’am. Mr. Hunt is waiting.”

  She touched his arm in thanks as he stepped back, turning back to the door as the front door shut behind her with only her left standing inside. The golden drapes were drawn tight, hiding the view of what awaited beyond and suddenly she felt speechless. She didn’t know what to think, really, but just like that first day of high school, this was out of her control. So, she would just go with it.

  She took in a long breath, opening the door she’d been pointed towards and stepping through it with a small prayer for fortification. She could do this.

  Live it, Ellie and just let go.

  The room was opulent, just like the rest of the apartment, large and expensively decorated. She barely had time to take it all in though before something else caught her attention, all of the glittering silk laid out over the king sized bed in the middle of the room. There was a beautiful assortment of evening gowns laid over it, her hands hovering just over the fabrics as if afraid to ruin them.

  Oh, wow!

  They were absolutely beautiful. More beautiful than anything she had ever worn before. With the gowns were shoes, jewelry, and even undergarments. Like a whole closet was laid out for her disposal. Only it was the sort of closet she would never be able to afford on her own. She was seriously beginning to feel like Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman, just minus the hooker part. At least she wasn’t that. She worked for tips… but not that kind. She almost laughed aloud, slapping her hand to her mouth. Okay, her nerves were definitely raring up again and making her feel like an absolute idiot.

  Just get over it Ellie!

  She was just a few seconds short of slapping herself to get on with it. She didn’t waste any more time in letting her nerves build up further before stripping out of her work clothes, folding them and leaving them in a neat pile atop of the counter. She jumped into the shower, marveling in the multi-head spray that felt like it was straight out of a spa. She wasn’t going to bother questioning Morgan’s motives. He was, as she had told Joanna, a nice guy that appeared to genuinely like her. How could she possibly question that? Why would she possibly question that? Though, she stopped for a second and remembered that intense gaze he’d given her again. It had taken her breath from her. To actually be under that intense gaze for an extended amount of time would be harrowing, maybe? She shivered. Just like the dream, she’d had. It ended up in tragedy. In flames.

  Just let this be, Ellie! It was just a damn dream. It was highly unlikely that the room was going to burst into flames, at least literal ones. She shook her head, getting out of the shower and toweling off carefully before she approached the gowns again, now sure that she was free of diner grease and grime.

  After holding up each gown, Ellie concluded that they were all pretty revealing by her standards, but she supposed that was the price she paid. None of them were too revealing at least. This would be a night to remember, it only made sense that she was dressed for it as well. She slowly lowered her selection down to those that she felt were more ‘her’. Not that it helped with her finally decision any- between the two left after that she felt torn. After much debate, she again picked up the gold one, looking over it carefully.

  It was low cut, but not extremely so- completely backless, and shimmery in a way that made it look like actual rippling gold as the fabric moved. The slit all of the way up her thigh was an added bonus, giving Morgan plenty of skin to view without being distasteful. She’d hesitated over the gold, lace thong, but decided on it after reminding herself that it was something that she would want for him to see her in. Long, dangly earrings and matching gold heels completed the ensemble, something she verified in the mirror with a small smile.

  He had left her options for makeup but after looking over her features, she decided that she was fine as is. It wasn’t terribly glamorous, but she felt like adding more makeup would diminish the beauty of the gown. She fixed her hair quickly in a simple upsweep to reveal her slim, sensual neck ‒ one of her more attractive features. She looked herself over once more, shaking her head slightly at her reflection. It was her, surely, but it was like a version of her that she had never seen before.

  Put up or shut up.

  With a deep breath, she stepped out of the room, trying to walk confidently out to the balcony, pushing those golden drapes out of her way so that she could pass through the already open door there. Morgan was already outside, looking over the banister with the night sky outlining his profile. She stepped hesitantly towards him, clearing her throat to announce her arrival.

  Morgan turned around, his eyes widening slightly, and gave her a definitely approving smile. “Wow!” he enthused, eyes travelling her frame entranced. “You look gorgeous,” he finished, his grey eyes filled with a heat that brought gooseflesh to her arms.

  “Really?” she asked before she could stop herself, her face, neck, and shoulders flushing with the blush that she couldn’t stem. Those eyes were going to get her into trouble if she weren’t careful, her body responding too
readily to his gaze and the reactions within it.

  “Don’t sound so surprised,” he said with a smile, holding his hand out for her to take. “I wanted you to enjoy this beautiful view in a way fitted for a girl as stunning as you.” He continued after she had placed her hand in his, leading her by the hand over to the table.

  Was this really happening? Get a hold of yourself Ellie. She lectured herself as he pulled her seat out, silently sliding into it and stifling the wide grin that wanted to spread across her lips. She tried to think of a good response, but just couldn’t find the words to describe what she felt. Or even to properly express her appreciation, so she settled for a shy, “Thank you.”

  Morgan’s smile was sin wrapped in beauty, the tilt to his lips sending the butterflies in her belly into a tizzy. He dipped his head, heading back around the table to his own seat, and folding himself down into it with an enviable grace.

  She couldn’t tear her eyes off of him, exhaling heavily all at once, and gathering her courage. She lifted her glass of champagne towards him with what she hoped was a winning smile.

  “Tonight, I want you to relax and enjoy yourself,” Morgan stated, eyes steady on her as he picked up his glass as well, long fingers wrapping deftly around the stem. He held her gaze for a long moment, the scorching heat behind his eyes tying her in knots. “To a most memorable night,” he finally said, lifting his glass as well and toasting her.

  Ellie tilted her glass and took a sip, just like he did. The warm feeling of the champagne as it went down and the seductive look in Morgan’s eyes made her feel like anything could happen tonight. After another few sips, she was certain anything would. It might help to calm her tremble. Lord knows that look he was giving her did anything but calm her.

  “Not too many women could pull that dress off,” he noted as he set his glass down, taking another long perusal of her figure and his gaze warming even further.

  Ellie felt shaken by the compliment, not setting her own glass down again but taking another sip for courage. She wondered if he really thought that or if he was just being nice once more. He was a hard one to read regarding such things. It wasn’t like she could directly ask him such a thing. “I’m so glad you approve,” she said instead, realizing that from this point on the champagne would do most of the talking, allowing her to speak a little more freely. She welcomed that. She needed to allow this to just be and not constantly be picking it apart due to her own insecurity.

  “I do,” he responded, the two words sounding somehow more intense. “I cleared my schedule so that I could come back to Philly for the sole purpose of seeing you again. I’m glad I did.”

  Ellie’s heart fluttered, her eyes widening in disbelief. “Really?”

  “Yes, really” he said with an amused smile. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the fire. And then our time together the other day was interrupted…” He trailed off, intense gaze holding hers and making it hard to do so much as blink. “You’ve been all I could think about for days Ms. White.”

  Ellie took another sip, and then another longer one, her heart beating rapidly within the cage of her ribs. Liquid courage gave her the strength to confess, “I felt like crying when you left the other day. I thought I’d never see you again.” The words were rushed, a nervous giggle finishing off the confession and her head shaking slightly. She couldn’t believe she had just said as much, taking another sip and shrugging. “Silly, right?” Oh, man, maybe champagne courage was a bad idea after all. She was admitting too much, probably coming across too strong...


  She cried? He felt a twinge of guilt, watching her down more of her champagne. Surely that was just the champagne talking… she certainly seemed to have not meant to said as much, that nervous giggle on the end of her words forcing him to arch a brow. The way that she kept looking at him led him to believe that she was just as interested in tonight happening, and just as desperate for it to happen as he was. Had he been on her mind as much as she had his? Had he interrupted her daily life with fantasies and questions? He would hope so, and with the blush covering her cheekbones he assumed so. Morgan smiled, finding an appropriate response to give her. “Not at all,” he assured her. “It just means that we are both on the same page.”

  Then why did he feel like a predator? As if he were somehow being unfair to her? He pushed those nagging feelings to the back, trying to ignore such dampers. He wasn’t a predator and Ellie looked amazing, reminding him what a pro he could be at sealing the deal. He’d have her in his bed within the hour. He’d slake his lust and finally be able to go back to concentrating on business. It was a deal, and one he looked forward to closing.

  “And, what page is that?” She asked him, her eyes dancing mischievously.

  “Hang around and I’ll show you,” he purred, arching an eyebrow and nearly grinning at the excitement that chased over her features at his words.

  Ellie’s smile was brighter than all the lights that lit up the city. The sunshine he’d noticed the first time she’d opened her eyes when he’d held her at the diner. Now, here, she absolutely glowed. He didn’t know how much longer he could put off the inevitable. He wanted her now. Ached to have her in a way that was primal and needy. He’d never wanted another woman as much as he did her in that moment. He’d never struggled so much with his self control, not even as a teenager.

  She narrowed her eyes and looked directly at Morgan, obviously struggling with her words. She inhaled and then steadied her gaze further, bluntly forcing herself to ask the question. “So, something is happening between us. You feel it too?”

  Morgan nodded slowly, never taking his eyes off of her. He felt it. Just like he felt his pants get tighter and he couldn’t wait to get them off. Something was happening between them, just slower than his body would have liked. As much as he liked Ellie in that dress, he couldn’t wait to get her out of it as well. All of this trouble just to want to tear it all away to get what he wanted. What they wanted.

  There was no more waiting, his body unfolding from his chair so he could round the table once more, taking her hand again. Though this time, it was to pull her out of the chair to stand with him, just inches separating the two of their bodies. “You have no idea how badly I want you right now,” he confessed, his words dark and low. It was the truth. Had he planned this moment from the first time he’d laid eyes on her? Maybe, it was possible. He just had to have her. He needed to have her… and now.

  Ellie looked up at him with her big baby blue eyes, desire and hesitation warring within their depths. “I don’t know what to say,” she near whispered, one hand coming up to rest gently on the lapel of his jacket.

  “You don’t have to say anything,” he informed her, dipping his head to claim her mouth heatedly.

  Her rosy lips were sweet and moist, instantly responding beneath his own with a low sound of approval. He couldn’t stop himself, pulling her closer and flattening his palms out against the heated skin of her bare back. Her skin was soft and silken smooth, the muscles contorting under his touch and sweeter than he had even dreamt. And she smelled… God, she smelled so good that it nearly made him dizzy. He wanted to lift her up onto the railing and bury himself within her silken thighs, dress or not. He had to shake such temptation away, he needed more self control for this to play out as he wanted.

  He wanted to wrap her around him, devour her, and dip into her very essence. He wanted her at his whim…over and over again, as he built her up and watched her fall apart through the night. He wanted to see her shake to her climax, and return her just as quickly. He wanted to see her coming apart over and under him. He wanted so much more in that moment than any human was capable of accomplishing.



  He was rock hard, his hands pulling her closer so that Ellie could feel him through his pants. God, how long had it been for her? Too long, she thought as she kissed him back. She threw her arms around his neck, completely giving in to him and the broa
d strokes of his lips over hers. She wanted him— there was no denying that. Why not give in? Here was a man she really could have- at least for one night. Someone she knew could use his power to bring her to where she longed to be. Like she had fantasized about, only the real thing. She just knew in her heart that he would give her what she’d secretly yearned for. What even now was slicking those gold panties that he had provided her.

  He pulled her further into him, bending her supple figure to his will in a way that sucked the very air from her lungs. He touched her the way that she always dreamt about, but could never explain. Like she was simultaneously made of fine porcelain and yet, durable enough to handle roughly. It was an oxymoron that made no sense, but the way that it lit her veins on fire…

  Her lips opened further under his, soft gasp traveling between their mouths as he palmed her ass and squeezed, pressing her even further into his groin. He was sculpted and hard, his rough hands massaging her through her dress, and she felt like she was about to explode. “Let’s take this inside,” Morgan growled into her ear, leaving her little to do but make some gasping noise of assent. Inside sounded good. Inside sounded fantastic. Inside sounded like the best idea she had heard all night.

  Her head was still spinning from his ministrations, form stumbling on those gorgeous heels as he led her inside, again by her hand. He was always there to steady her, his hand against the small of her back as she passed him into the bedroom. She knew that they were moving fast, knew that really, they had only just kissed for the first time moments before, but it felt so right. She wanted this. She wanted him. Without any regrets, it was so intense that she nearly felt like she needed this. So long as she was right about him, so long as she was reading him correctly no harm could come of this. Her ideal of him had been proven right at every corner thus far…


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