Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1) Page 13

by TN King

  The bedroom door whispered to a close, Ellie spinning on her heels to see Morgan taking his jacket off and unbuttoning his shirt. Oh. She was going to get to see him shirtless again. And a lot more than shirtless. Her mind pointed out, her eyes widening and her body quickly catching up with her mind- stepping out of the heels and using her toes to work them off of her feet even as she took those dangling earrings from her ears. She was very careful to lay those out on the dresser next to her, her breath trapping up somewhere beneath her ribcage as she watched his bronze, sculpted muscles come into view.

  “Let your hair down,” he instructed huskily, sending curling heat straight through her core.

  She didn’t even pause, didn’t question it, her hands immediately lifting to undo the pins that she had used to create the upsweep in the first place. Her chocolate locks fell in waves from where they had been pinned, the bobby pins falling somewhere forgotten at her feet before she had even dropped her hands back again.

  He stalked easily across the room, coming to stand just in front of her and lifting a searing hand up to her shoulder. “Are you chilly?” he asked, obviously eying the gooseflesh that had broken out along her torso just from the anticipation alone.

  Her lips opened, no sound coming out for a full moment. She wasn’t chilly, not with as heated as her desire was making her- but her nerves refused to be completely misplaced, even if they were quieter than before the champagne. “No, just nervous,” she truthfully admitted.

  “Don’t be. I’ll make sure we both enjoy this,” he promised, his tongue wrapping around the words in a way that sounded nearly sinful.

  Ellie, not so secretly, loved that he took charge. He either told her what to do or just did it himself. There was no question to what she should be doing or what he wanted, he just took it. She hoped it was a sign of her instincts being right about him. She’d never have had the courage to make the first move, or even the second, or the third. She needed that particular brand of confidence that he carried.

  She melted into him as he kissed her again, his tongue tracing the line of her lips hungrily. He tasted so good, she wasted no time in opening her lips to him, his tongue tangling heatedly about her own. Like champagne and chocolate, he melted over her tongue, her whole body falling further into his own even as his hands moved. Both of them went to her shoulders, fingering the straps of the dress there and slowly sliding them down her arms. Ellie didn’t fight it, just like she didn’t fight stepping out of it until she was left only in the gold, lace thong.

  He pulled back only far enough to look over her once, his arm banding about her and pulling her close with one hand at the small of her back as he lowered his head again. Her head spun, but his lips moved from her cheek to her neck, trailing kisses down the line of it to her shoulders. “You feel so good against me,” he whispered lowly, gravel working through his tone.

  His voice made her tremble. God, how could a voice do that? Her hand hesitantly lifted, sliding between the openings of his shirt and allowing her fingers to brush over his tightly bound chest. “Goddamn,” she whispered herself, “you do too.” Like silk over a finely tuned weapon. Her hands lifted, rolling over the plains of his muscles up to his shoulders so that she could push the fabric off of them- allowing his shirt to go the way of her dress to the floor.

  Like he had, she took a moment to admire him, eyes roving over his chiseled physique in awe. He was so flawless she could hardly believe that she was about to have him over her. Have him in her… she shivered. Oh wow, this couldn’t be real. But it couldn’t be imagined either, it was so much better even than her fantasies.

  He admired her, as well, her nipples peaking from his gaze alone. “You’re absolutely gorgeous,” he near growled as he watched that pinkened flesh pucker. His lips brushed lightly over hers that time, palm shifting to her abdomen so as to push her gently backwards, forcing her to walk until the backs of her knees hit his mattress. “Stunning,” he promised again, his lips lingering just a little bit longer that time before again pushing her, this time back into the mattress itself.

  Her back fell against the pillowtop, sliding up as he directed and only stopping when he bent over her, his fingers lightly stroking her cheek as he stared at her. She felt emboldened, beautiful like he kept saying, just from the way he was looking at her on its own. Her gaze lifted to him, excited and bright, and he slowly slid his hand down her throat. Her breath caught, surprised by how turned on she was by the simple action, his fingers lightly squeezing as he watched for her reaction.

  One that was readily forthcoming, her cheeks heating and her thighs falling open instantly. He didn’t stop, hand lowering further to her chest until he could fit his fingers instead around one of her breasts, fingers kneading the flesh lightly as she sucked in another breath. Oh. Oh God. Her body was on overdrive, overheated, little gasp of air all she managed before he lowered his head as well, feathering his lips out against her nipple in a kiss before pulling it fully into his hot mouth.

  Her back arched, fingers drifting up to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck while his tongue flicked over her already excited flesh. Her moan was low, slight, and cut off the minute that he allowed her flesh to slip from between his teeth, lightly scraping it as he did so. He felt so good, his mouth—his hand, fingers switching over to her wet nipple from where they had been working on the opposite as he did the same with his mouth.

  This time he started with the scrape of teeth, brushed just over the flesh until her back arched further, his cheeks hollowing out and his tongue flicking against the hardened flesh. He felt like heaven and sin rolled into one, her eyes half-closing as she tugged at his hair in encouragement.

  Her nipple slipped from his mouth again, his head turning to continue that trail of kisses down her abdomen, every so often pausing to nibble at the skin in a way that had her shifting her hips against the bed. It was only when he reached the top of her golden thong that he paused, tongue tracing the line there before hooking his fingers under the straps and carefully slipping it entirely off of her hips. Leaving her completely bare before him. Bare and wanting, her hips very carefully poised on that bed.

  “No fair,” she teased, her voice foreign to even her. It was low and needy, her finger pointing to his pants that were still zipped up and on him. She lowered her eyelashes coquettishly, one corner of her mouth twitching.

  His grin was large, hands toying at the edges of her hips teasingly as he stealthily removed his shoes- one hand only lifting when it was time for him to remove his pants as well. Which left him in only his boxer briefs, the toned muscles of his calves flexing as he slid his pants the rest of the way off of his hips.

  Ellie couldn’t help but admire the tent that his erection made through his boxers, her eyes widening slowly. “Looks like he wants out,” she half questioned, indicating it with a wanton gleam in her eye.

  “He and I both want you,” Morgan promised lowly, his eyes roving freely over her naked form once more.

  Ellie smiled softly, her heart fluttering in her breast. She wanted him out too, more than she could explain. She’d dreamt of having him inside of her, woken up in the middle of the night to sticky thighs and a disappointing reality. She just didn’t know the difference, in this aspect, between the two. She didn’t know what he actually looked like and she didn’t mind admitting to curiosity concerning the size of him, even if it was obvious even from this vantage point that he was more than large enough to please her.

  He smiled back, slowly pulling his boxers down to reveal a very nicely sized, almost fully erect cock. Not at all like she’d envisioned in her fantasies, but better.

  “Oh, my,” she said breathlessly, her teeth pulling at her lower lip in anticipation. He was truly built like a god. Better than. All bronzed skin and well-kept muscle. And his cock was easily the most beautiful she had ever seen.

  He chuckled, lifting one eyebrow at her cockily before reaching down to spread her legs more fully atop the comforter. With no warni
ng, his fingers curled, closing around her thighs and pulling her to the edge of the bed where he dropped to his knees. “I showed you mine,” he stated seductively, lips pressing along the inner flesh of her thigh. “Now you show me yours.” His tongue traced the vein just there, lightly flicking at the skin.

  She propped herself up on her elbows and allowed her head to fall back, eyes closing to better savor the feeling. “Ohhhh,” she gasped, her fingers knotting up in the top of the blanket instinctively the closer his mouth moved. She hadn’t been prepared, not for the emotions running rampant within her chest or the sensation of his mouth along her thighs.

  His hands moved seductively along her thighs closer to her center while he kissed and licked, fingers kneading the skin. One of his hands slid up further, palm pressing into her abdomen while his other crept even closer. She could feel the heat of his hand before he even moved it to part her folds, one finger working carefully up inside of her.

  Her head fell back even further, breath a shuddering gasp through her teeth. “Mmm,” she moaned, her thighs jumping from the shudder working through her. It was only one finger and yet her whole body suddenly felt on fire.

  His finger worked slowly in and out of her, curling up under the edge of her clit and tracing the muscles within. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter, thighs flexing open even wider and almost jerking when his tongue slid to trace along the outside of her entrance.

  “Ohhhh,” she whimpered, her elbows falling out from under her and her back slamming onto the mattress. She could feel the reverberation from where she landed, her legs opening even further under the wrist of one arm pressing against her thigh.

  Morgan made a low noise in the back of his throat, the noise vibrating against her and forcing another long, low groan out of her throat. His hand moved lower as he slipped a second finger inside of her, twisting them seductively. Then a third until she felt like she was going to come off of the bed entirely, only just barely holding herself steady. Then he put his warm lips on her clit and all thoughts of calm were gone.

  Ellie arched her body down into his lips and grabbed at the sheets even harder, the fabric knotting up between her fingers until it felt like it could tear. “Yes,” she groaned out, realizing that she was close to achieving orgasm already, and they had hardly begun.

  He swirled his tongue against her clit while simultaneously twisting his fingers in and out of her, alternating the tempo with which he moved.

  She planted her heels on the edge of the bed so that she could meet his strokes, unconsciously lifting her hips up into his tongue. “Oh, my god,” she breathed, each breath coming faster and shorter than the last. “I’m going to come.” She could feel it, building within her, her lower belly twisting and curling with the pent up desire.

  Morgan didn’t let up, slow down, or even kind of pause. He pushed his tongue further against her, driving her to a quick and powerful climax that left her shuddering beneath him, her groan alternating between her choppy breaths. She’d barely come down from that when he switched his hands, removing his fingers from her and leaving her gasping for more. Something that took little notice, his fingers curling around her lower back and her calves, flipping her bodily off of her back, and positioning her knees below her. “I hope you’re not too worn out yet,” he growled, pushing her torso down further into the bed and alternatively pulling her ass up further towards him.

  “I have so many more things that I want to do to you,” he continued with low promise, grabbing her hips and pulling her further into position. He didn’t wait on a reply, not that she would have been able to give one, before lining up with her more fully, his cock slowly pushing against the entrance of her pussy.

  “Unh…” She moaned again, barely able to form a coherent sentence. He felt so good just pressing against her, teasing her entrance and forcing her hips to shift wantonly.

  Ellie was still reeling from her very satisfying, sudden orgasm... but instantly responded to his thrusts by pushing back onto his cock, feeling the head push just that much inside of her. “That feels so good,” she groaned, stilling herself entirely in encouragement for him to push the rest of the way inside of her.

  “You’ll come at least a couple more times before this night is over,” he promised as he grabbed a handful of her hair and gently pulled her head back, arching her body even further with the move. He didn’t warn her, or give any other indication at all, before pushing the rest of the way forward until he was fully seated within her.

  Her moan that time was much louder, her whole body instantly seizing around him.

  “That’s it,” he encouraged, lifting one hand and lightly smacking the bottom curve of her ass. “Spread your legs wider and reach down to rub your clit,” he commanded darkly, his voice all steel and heat above her.

  She couldn’t think, amazed at what a turn on his words were, her body instantly moving to obey. “O-oh,” she stuttered out as he pulled almost completely out of her, pushing slowly back in and encouraging her to obey even further. Her hand lowered between her body and the mattress, fingers curling up to brush against her clit and adding to that sensation he was already causing.

  She was sensitive and heavy, the blood throbbing within her setting the tempo for her fingers to move.

  “Good girl,” he encouraged, continuing his steady rhythm of long, slow strokes. The words would have sounded condescending coming from anyone else, but from him they sounded like a velvet promise of more pleasure to come.

  His palm descended on her ass again, this time slightly harder, and Ellie could already feel another orgasm building. She’d never been spanked before, she’d had no idea that it could feel the way that he was making it. “Oh, my God!” she squealed, his hand falling harder on the same exact spot on her ass that he had just hit, reverberating against the skin.

  He smacked her ass again and Ellie could feel another orgasm building. The spanking was a real turn on and she never knew it would be. “Ohhhh…”

  “You’re gonna come again,” he commanded, no room for an argument in his tone. “I want you to come on my cock this time,” he nearly purred, his low voice closer to her ear that time as he bent over her, his hips slowly picking up force. “I want to feel your sweet pussy grip my cock as you fall to pieces from it.”

  Ellie was now a frantic mess, mindless with pleasure, and feeling so turned on by his tone and actions that she could barely keep her muscles from jumping. His power was overwhelming, pushing her hips back with all of the energy she could muster to meet his thrust. She couldn’t string two words together even in her own head, all that came out of her mouth breathless and needy sounds of pleasure. No man had ever spoken to her in such a way and she couldn’t believe how much she liked it. Her fingers pulsated against her clit, rolling and rubbing just as he had commanded her.

  Morgan pulled further against the grip he had on her hair, urging her to climax. It was too much. His hand lifted, slapping against her ass once more before picking his pace up even further.

  Ellie felt weak all at once, her whole body seizing as a huge orgasm washed over her before she even realized it was cresting. Her body seemed to just obey his, without her even being involved. Free. It felt so freeing. “Oh, fuck,” she cried out, her face falling into the mattress and colors dancing behind her closed eyelids.

  Morgan growled behind her, but kept thrusting into her. “That’s it,” he encouraged. “Come all over my cock.”

  His voice and his tone made her shudder in an all out weakened ecstasy. Ellie’s orgasm burst from inside of her and emanated to her outermost limbs. Every twitch of her body was like another wave of pleasure and she felt like she was going to faint from the force of it all. She fell down all at once, feeling him pull slowly out of her once more, his fingers rolling up the line of her pussy reverently and forcing her thighs to twitch relentlessly.

  She lay there for a few moments, catching her breath and trying to control her breathing. It was only when she realized
that she was unlikely to do so beyond the point that she already had managed that she rolled over to face him. “I’ve already climaxed twice and you have yet to get any satisfaction,” she pointed out breathlessly, looking to him from under hooded lashes.

  “Oh, I’ve gotten plenty of satisfaction,” he said with a strained chuckle. “You have no idea what a turn on it is for me to see a woman climax at my hand.” His hand ran along her still twitching thigh as he said so as if to prove his point, climbing up onto the bed and laying out next to her. “Do you need a minute to catch your breath?”

  Ellie laughed, knowing that no matter how long she waited with him still naked that wouldn’t be happening. She sat up slowly, testing her muscles and raised a brow in his direction. “I’m good.” So far beyond good. “What did you have in mind next?”

  Morgan grinned and pushed his dick up so that it stood straight up from his groin a good eight inches. “I want you to ride me,” he said without missing a beat, looking her naked, flushed body up and down with his words.

  Oh my. Ellie stared at his very impressive offer for a few seconds and concluded that it was definitely the biggest she’d ever had. Definitely the best as well. She also hadn’t had much practice on top, but with the promise of him inside of her again she wasn’t about to refuse. She took a deep breath and eyed him once more before raising hesitantly to her knees, going to lift one leg over him before he stopped her.

  “Not like that,” he said and motioned for her to turn around, his thumb brushing against the inside of her knee warmly. “I want to enjoy your ass while you get off.”


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