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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

Page 15

by TN King

  He stilled, his hand slowly moving to replace the decanter on the tray while he stared at her. That intense heat was once more filling the depths of his grey eyes and she felt like her whole body was going to burn from the way that he looked her over. “Yes, you are,” he responded lowly, his voice filled with all the same promise that his eyes were giving her now.

  She swallowed heavily, heat infusing her body instantaneously. She could feel the blush burgeoning beneath her skin, knowing that it was probably spreading across all of it for him to be able to track the progress of with her as naked as she currently was. Which didn’t help the situation, or the lessening of that blush, at all.

  Quiet filled the room as she fidgeted, moving her plate so as to at least appear like she had some purpose for her movement.

  He moved as well, though it was only to push his plate off of his lap and to the side so that he could lean across the distance to hand her wine. Something she appreciated, even more so when it meant she got a full view of his cock at high mast from him doing so. Her eyes lingered for too long of a moment, blush infusing her features again as she jerked her gaze away and took the glass.

  He was indecent. And so was she for even having noticed. Her glass was lifted straight to his lips, chin tilted back to take a large, nervous gulp.

  Morgan chuckled, grinning at her as he grabbed his own glass. “Go easy there, sweet Ellie,” he warned despite his obvious amusement.

  She knew that she should listen, it was sage advice… however, she was nervous, and she was still hoping that the liquid courage would help. Her chin tilted even further, lifting the glass and draining it within the space of a second.

  He chuckled again, shaking his head and lifting one brow as he took much more sensible sips of his own wine. “Eat…” he said between them. “You’re going to need it. I am not through with you yet.” The words were phrased as if half-warnings, but the way he voiced them sounded more like those same dark promises he’d been rewarding her with all evening.

  Ellie froze, her teeth pulling at her lower lip and her food forgotten once more. Through with me? Stark cold reality washed over her, replacing the excitement that had thrilled her right at first. But he would be through with me soon. The depressing thought invaded her otherwise excited state of being, her stomach bottoming out.

  Morgan shifted again, grabbing a pillow to place between his now erect member and his plate now. “What is it?” he asked, looking suddenly concerned enough not to even go for his fork again.

  Ellie couldn’t even begin to explain it, much less find a way to tell him of her fear of what would happen when all of this was over. Oh, no. He needed to believe that she was in this just for the night like he was. Otherwise this would all sour much more quickly. “Nothing,” she forced out, attempting to make her voice even. “Just…” She was becoming even more attached than she’d been prepared for. Just that he’d taken her to all new heights of pleasure she hadn’t even known existed. He was every dream and idea of a man she had ever been able to possibly fathom… and it would all be ending in a few hours…

  None of which she could verbalize to him, so instead she trailed off.

  He looked at her for a moment as if weighing whether to push her or let it be. Obviously deciding on the latter he just nudged her with his elbow, settling back into the bed himself and repeating, “Eat.”

  Ellie hesitated as well for a handful of moments before this time listening, bite after bite lifted into her mouth a little less reluctantly with each pass. It really was delicious. One of the most delicious meals she had ever been given in her whole life. Before she even realized it, her plate was nearly empty.

  Morgan barely hesitated upon taking it from her, setting it off to the side with his own plate and grabbing the last bowl that set on the cart. “Now for my favorite part,” he continued, turning back to the bed and lifting up onto his knees “…Dessert,” his voice purred, the wicked gleam in his eyes flashing at her.

  Surprise filled her, her mouth falling open. Did he mean? He couldn’t…

  He sat the bowl down on the bed between them, grinning devilishly at her before spooning a dollop of cream out. He leaned forward and dropping it onto each of her nipples without further explanation. “Mmm, a very sweet cream,” he almost growled the words, those grey eyes darkening even further as he stared at her now decorated form.

  Ellie gasped in surprise, the cold shock sending shivers through her body. She couldn’t speak, she could barely think… Instead, staring at this man who’d just painted her breasts with confection and was now staring at them, and her, as if he meant to devour her whole.

  His teeth glinted at her gasp, his head lowering slowly down to her, holding her gaze intensely the entire time. He didn’t say anything else, didn’t explain anything at all before latching onto her right nipple with a flick of his tongue.

  His mouth was blazing hot, his tongue dancing along the edge of her nipple enticingly. Ellie’s body kicked into high gear, moisture thickening between her thighs again at the very first. Her thighs twitched, rubbing against one another in rampant desire.

  Morgan’s teeth scraped against her as he pulled back, lowering his hands to her thighs, and squeezing against the tops of them alternately. He didn’t even pause before switching to her other nipple, sucking the cream off of the other with deft flicks of his tongue that travelled straight through her core. She was heady, vibrating with desire even before he moved again- two fingers plunging inside of her already soaking pussy. She clenched, his growl against her shaking her through.

  With each new shift, his movements became more and more rough, enticing Ellie’s panting and lust to both increase. She reveled in it, her body singing as his thumb moved up to her clit, rolling into the hot flesh in time with his tongue against her nipple.

  With his free hand, he pinched a strawberry between his fingers and lifting it up to her lips, his eyes glowing with a dark heat in the low light of the room. “Open,” he commanded in a whisper.

  The desire lacing his tone seemed to hold her on a tight edge. Ellie couldn’t even try to disobey, her lips parting to accept the fruit being pushed against her flesh.

  He pushed the strawberry the rest of the way in, her lips closing around it just moments before he leaned forward to do the same on the other side.

  Ellie couldn’t help it, even with the desire amplified throughout her body, she giggled.

  He grinned at her then took a bite as she did. Only pulling away to grab the cream and spoon again, this time spooning up an even larger amount. “Now, your turn for dessert,” he promised, looking down as if contemplating where to put it.

  She tilted her head and watched the spoon in his strong hand as he waved it up then down back and forth. From some heretofore hidden depth of her imagination she knew where she wanted it to be, knew what desert she wanted. Reaching out she stilled his hand and grabbed the spoon.

  Morgan looked surprised for a moment, looking to her and raising his eyebrows.

  Ellie now moved it up and down, then across, copying his movements from before as if she didn’t know exactly where she wanted to put the cream.

  “Are you going to bless me or fuck me,” he quipped, one brow lifting higher than the other as he traced the progress of the spoon with his eyes.

  Ellie froze again, her gaze slowly lifting up to his. It was time for that courage to show him that she could play too. He’d already fucked her into oblivion, already made her come both on his cock and off. It was only a question of getting past the shyness in her head. She lowered her gaze and the spoon at the same time, dropping the cream right onto the tip of his throbbing cock. Then she bravely lifted her gaze back up to his, heat filling her eyes this time.

  His eyes bored into hers, searching. “Are you sure you want that kind of dessert?” Again, he raised that dark brow at her.

  No! Her mind screamed. She wasn’t sure, she wasn’t even kind of sure. She had almost no experience with giving a blow job. The mos
t she had ever done was run her tongue along one before and that was hardly all that was being suggested here.

  Her expression must have given her sudden fear away as he took her face in his hands, thumbs brushing her cheek on either side and his head dipping in question. “Ellie?”

  She swallowed past the obstruction in her throat, nodding slightly and lifting her chin just that much higher. “I would l-like to try it?” she finally whispered.

  He stared into her eyes and his widened just a bit in obvious surprise. “You mean you have never…?” He trailed off, as if afraid to finish the question himself.

  Nodding, she bit at her lip. There would be no point in lying about it now. Even if she did manage to succeed in tricking him, he would find out shortly thereafter.

  He reached a finger out and pulled her lip from her teeth gently, thumb brushing over that spot that her teeth had indented. “I am rock hard at the very thought,” he promised, his cock twitching as if to exemplify his words.

  His voice rumbled through her, giving her the courage that she needed to overcome her fear. She smiled as she lowered her head, pushing back on the bed so as to give herself room.

  “I will guide you,” he whispered. “You will need to let go and allow me to direct you.”

  Like she did before… She nodded, lowering herself even further so that she could get even closer to him. Her lips opened, tongue flicking out to swipe against the cream covering his very erect cock.

  Morgan’s whole body shook at the slight lick. “Dammit, how can that be so powerful and so damned sweet at the same time?” he asked, the question obviously rhetorical as he pushed her head further down.

  She knew he wasn’t addressing her with the question, so she didn’t answer. It did embolden her though. He obviously liked it, which made her want to do more. It made her want to get even more reaction out of him.

  Morgan’s hands moved, lifting from her face up into her hair on either side of her face, his fingers threading through the locks and pulling her head even closer to him still in encouragement.

  He had said that he would lead her, and she had already agreed to follow, so she did… her lips opening further and her tongue retreating so that she could encompass his head inside of her mouth. Here goes nothing. Her cheeks suctioned, pulling against the hot flesh she had already fit and sucking the cream off of him all at once.

  He gasped audibly, muscles tensing above her. “Dammit,” he hissed, his fingers twitching.

  Ellie knew she had him and she wanted to become even bolder. She wanted him to remember this after he left her in the dust of his limo. She hollowed her cheeks, then sank her mouth and throat as far down his immense length as she could. NO! Do not gag! Do not— she could feel her throat closing, the muscles tensing around the sudden obstruction.

  He tugged her head back up by her hair. “Easy, baby, easy...” He warned, his voice still tense with desire.

  Her body trembled, thighs trembling as she realized how hot it had made her. Like she was the one in control, even more than when she had been hovering over him. She almost moaned, her thighs coating even more with the gush that came from feeling him shudder like that. She didn’t know how she’d never known how hot this could be...

  Morgan guided her mouth back down over his length, hands gentle in her hair.

  Ellie didn’t hesitate this time, but she didn’t rush it either. She opened her mouth wider, flattening her tongue around the width of him and sucked, feeling him go further back into her throat. She felt even more emboldened when she realized that she hadn’t gagged. I can do this! She smiled around the obstruction in her mouth, tongue moving against him and a little bit of liquid hitting the tip of her tongue. Her pussy clenched at the flavor, salty and sweet from the cream that still lingered.

  Oh, God. She panted through her nose, lowering herself as far as she possibly could before slowly lifting once more. This might actually make me come! His whole body was responding to her, his own breath heavier with what sounded like the edge of a moan on every other one. Amazement flooded her along with her desire, thighs rubbing against one another for friction as she swallowed against him.

  Morgan’s hands moved again, guiding her head up and down over him as he took control to use her mouth as he’d used her pussy earlier. He growled again, his hips beginning to flex into her mouth in time with the movements he was encouraging from her.

  The growl set her on fire and she moaned low in the back of her throat.

  His movements slowed, hips just barely flexing up into her mouth. “So, you like this, do you?” He asked, thumbs brushing against either corner of her jaw as he pulsed.

  She couldn’t answer him, not verbally at least, but she moaned again in answer, lowering her chin in what would pass as a nod. She sure as hell did. If he kept up with the plunging, she would climax, and she knew it. He felt too good, his throbbing cock pushing and pulling out of her lips.

  As if he knew her heightened state, he said, “No, I want you to come when I do.” It was almost a command again, his hands tightening against her hair. “I want you to come as you drink mine.”

  Holy shit! He’d just verbally placed the explicit image into her mind, flashing behind her lids as she took him even deeper. Her body curled with desire and heat as she shook, her ass lifting into the air unconsciously.

  He chuckled a bit, dark and strained with the evidence of his still present desire. “So sensitive to everything. So god damned sweet,” he purred again, his hips lifting further into her mouth and further even still down her throat.

  Dammit, he needed to stop talking too. She was too susceptible to it, his words, his—

  “You like it when I fuck your mouth, don’t you?” he asked in that deep growl.

  Again, she shuddered as he held her over his dick.

  Then he forced her head back down even as his hips lifted until he was fully seated within her mouth. His hands slowly pulled her back up, hips falling until only the tip of his cock rested inside of her lips. “Fuck, sweetness, that feels so good,” he groaned.

  Her pussy clenched again. A startling mix of fondness and desire both from the tone of his voice and the mixture of his pet name for her.

  Morgan kept up a slow pace and groaned again. “Your hot mouth fits me, just like your sweet, little pussy.”

  Her body again flinched at the dirty talk coming from that sexy mouth of his, her thighs twitching with her need. She wanted to come—no, she needed to come, right now.

  He now picked up the pace as he used her mouth to fuck his dick, lifting and lowering her in time to his own hips.

  Her body grew more and more out of control as she let go and just tasted and felt him in her mouth. She was going to come and soon, her muscles clenching over and over with the moans that she could now no longer control.

  “Yes...” He groaned again, encouraging her as his hips lifted further up. As he pulsed in and out of her.

  His cock hardened in her mouth and she tasted him again. The flavor burst in her mouth, salty and sweet all at once. He was coming in her mouth and she climaxed with a moan humming along his dick, her own body losing control of that which she’d been trying to delay.

  “Shit!” he swore, his hands moving to the back of her head so he could push it down as he came deep into her throat. His hot cum flowed down her throat in spurts, pushing her even further over the edge.

  Ellie was panting hard and swallowing his essence as her cum flowed between her thighs. Wow, oh wow! Her body shook badly and she whimpered.

  “Look at me Ellie,” he demanded, the words whispered out lowly.

  Her eyes rose up slowly with her lips still wrapped around his cock.

  “Beautiful,” he groaned. “Your mouth full of me, my painting those sweet lips of yours,” he whispered… thumbs brushing against the sides of her jaw again.

  Ohhh, it was the sexiest, dirtiest thing he’d said so far and her orgasm had been a ride to heaven too. Who would have ever thunk such a thing? A
mazed, she sighed. Just like everything else so far this night this was a surprise, but one that she wasn’t at all upset about. He felt like nothing else, made her come like no one else ever had before him.

  His hand tightened, on her hair lifting her head off of him with a pop, his cock falling out heavily against her throat before he raised her up further. “For a beginner, you sure as hell aced that,” he complimented her, laughing a little with a too-large grin. He lifted her even further, dragging the both of them up to the head of the bed with warm, sweeping palms against her back. “You came just from blowing me too…” He sounded amazed too, pulling her body half over his. “I never even had to even stimulate you. Perfect. Just perfect.” He sighed, relaxing back into the headboard.

  Ellie could only nod. She was rendered speechless herself. Yes, it had been perfect. The whole night had been. How come she never knew sucking a man off was so freakin’ hot? Her breathing was finally leveling out and she rested her head on his muscled chest. After a few minutes of listening to his strong heartbeat, she began to drift.

  He was perfect. He was… Her thoughts began to blur, her heartbeat syncing to his and her consciousness falling out...


  The light woke Ellie up, filtering through her dream and slowly bringing her to consciousness. Her head swam, a mixture of images from the night before and her dreams all clouding together into a fuzzy sort of pleasure. She hummed low in the back of her throat, rolling over to throw her leg back around Morgan’s hips before she noticed that his body heat was missing. She lifted her head slowly, looking around to see him already up and getting dressed. Her eyebrows furrowed, sitting up in the bed slowly and looking around to see that it was still dark outside. A cursory look at the clock revealed that it was just barely 5 a.m. Confusion set in, her head tilting curiously at him. “Are you going somewhere?” she finally croaked out.

  Morgan turned slowly around as his fingers twisted to knot his tie in place. “Yeah. I have some urgent business back in New York,” he said shortly, shrugging as if his monotone was a normal occurrence. “I gotta head back now.”


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