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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

Page 24

by TN King

  Morgan chuckled at her second loud tummy rumble, leading her over to a couch to sit her down. “Yes,” he answered some seemingly unspoken question, meeting her gaze amusedly. “We are going to have dinner on the jet. Did you think I’d make you starve the whole way to New York?” he gently teased, sitting down himself and settling in next to her.

  This wasn’t what she’d thought at all, but only because she hadn’t actually given it any thought. She had been too preoccupied with anything else to think about dinner. Which might explain why she was suddenly ravenous. Of course, the delicious smells in the air had probably helped that goal along nicely. Her stomach rumbled again. She’d only ever had the best meals of her life with him thus far, she had higher expectations for this dinner than she probably should have.

  Morgan shifted, leaning across her to press a little black button on the table beside her. “We’re in and ready now,” he informed the air, sounding no more concerned than he would commenting on the weather.

  “Yes, sir,” a voice replied over the intercom system, curt and businesslike.

  The plane door whooshed up to a close, a loud rumble beneath their feet alerting her to the engines starting.

  It was unexpected, and more than a little disconcerting, Ellie’s whole body jumping and tensing in place at the sound.

  Morgan’s hand found hers, patting the top of it comfortingly, not that she could do more than barely note the movement. “I’m right here,” he soothed. “No worries, remember?”

  That had been easier to believe on the ground, without the power of the machine they were inside coursing through her ears and blood. It was just a steel contraption. How was it supposed to fly through the air without the chance of malfunction or accident? Her eyes lifted to his, widening slowly as her breath escalated. She could feel the plane taxiing, her heart pounding in her ears and the air around her shifting, the pressure changing. Oh, the plane must have lifted from the ground. “Crap!” she yelled, her whole body freezing in place.

  Morgan, for his part though, only shifted at her shout, his hands reaching out and grasping her biceps firmly. She fought him for a moment, her shoulders rolling back as if trying to displace his hands, but he resisted, pulling her up and over onto his lap without so much as an explanation. His mouth descended over hers firmly, lips trying to coax hers into submission. Another thing that she fought, the panic welling within her- but it was only momentary. She couldn’t ignore the feel of his arms banding like steel around her, holding her in place. Nor could she ignore the hard press of his lips, penetrating the fog of terror that had seized her and spiraling throughout her too tense limbs.

  The kiss finally broke through, permeating her brain and her body both as she melted into him, her breath leaving in an entirely different matter—took her fear away with each press of his lips against hers. She felt like, as they rose from the earth in the jet, her body rose too, by the headiness that he was taking her to within his kiss. She leaned in closer, letting him kiss her however he wanted, responding to him both physically and verbally, a soft moan in the back of her throat.

  He seemed to recognize when she finally relaxed, his lips slowing and softening against hers until he could begin to nibble at her lower lip teasingly. He always tasted like some strange combination of candy and nature, bursting behind her taste buds and filling her. She knew that the plane had steadied because now it didn’t even feel like they were flying, at least not in the air. She felt like she was flying on a whole different plane, her body warming so entirely that she felt like she was going to burst from it.

  He slowed the kiss even further, each kiss shorter and quicker, until he could pull his mouth completely from hers- leaving only his forehead to rest against hers. His sigh was soft and slow too, leaning back and pulling her with him, his arms loosing around her into a soft cage. “You okay now sweetness?” He checked, thumb brushing over the line of her cheek carefully.

  It wasn’t even a question that she had to think too carefully over, letting out a soft sigh of her own. It didn’t matter, really, she felt more safe and protected within the cage of his large arms than she ever had before. Was that normal? She didn’t know, but she knew she didn’t want that feeling to go away. She didn’t even want to question that feeling.

  They both sat silently for a few minutes, foreheads resting against one another’s comfortingly- and then he moved. It was a small shift, grunt accompanying it out of his mouth. She took a moment, slowly lifting her head to look at him, surveying him in rapt question. She didn’t know where it had come from and she wanted to.

  He looked troubled, his features pulled in concentration. “I love holding you,” he eased, catching sight of her worried expression. He paused, again, staring at her for too long of a moment before breathing out. “But I am not... relaxed… if you get my meaning.” he explained, nodding down to his lap by way of showing her.

  Not that it just outright explained a damned thing. She was still puzzled, her eyebrows furrowing further and her head dropping so she could lower her gaze. “Oh!” His meaning instantly apparent as she registered the hard shaft of his cock pressing against her thigh. She tried to move, shifting as if to get up and off of him, but all that did was rub her against him. Her stomach twisted, desire pooling within her.

  Something he obviously was struggling with too, his cock twitching against her and his arms tightening around her even more. Like an iron cage then, holding her in place and keeping her from moving any further. “Wait just a moment,” he rasped out, his voice more of a request than she had heard from his thus far.

  The air shifted again, the nose of the jet dipping, forcing her torso into his and the two of them together once more. It made sense then, comprehension dawning on her fully. Had she actually succeeded in moving once more she would have landed solidly on him, and it was something that they both were now aware of. Had that happened, had it been her center and not her thigh he had been pressing into then she knew that neither of them would have been able to resist one another.

  He laughed as he held her, loosening his grip once more. “I was waiting for that,” he explained, brushing her hair back over her shoulder carefully. “We needed to level out.” He pulled back, separating their two bodies carefully. “It’ll be much calmer now,” he promised her with a soft smile.

  She held his gaze carefully, searching it slightly before nodding. Calmer sounded better, that was for sure.

  He hesitated again, slowly lifting her up off of him and setting her on the luxurious couch next to him again. They both hesitated then, sitting with one another in silence, the tension easing out of their forms. “Do you think you can eat yet?” he asked softly, brushing her hair back from her face that time. He touched her like she was made of something special, as if she were something special all in itself.

  “I-I think so,” she answered him, her stomach rumbling again as if to amplify it. Maybe if she hadn’t already sampled just how wonderful the food he generally supplied was, she wouldn’t have been so hungry, but knowing it…

  He smiled at her, seemingly understanding where her thoughts had gone, and leaned over again. His movements careful, his body held just enough away from her own not to be brushing against her, pushing down the button and squashing his grin. “You can serve now,” he informed them, adjusting his slacks as he leaned back.

  Ellie couldn’t help it, giggle coursing through her and her head shaking slightly. It was heady, knowing that she did that to him, that it was her body that got his all worked up.

  He slowly turned his gaze to her, narrowed grey eyes surveying her carefully. “Something amusing?” he questioned her, one eyebrow lifting as if he couldn’t possibly see the same amusement she did.

  She paused, her teeth nibbling at her bottom lip carefully, trying to stem her laughter—but she couldn’t, all she could do was nod, her laugh bursting out of her loudly then. Yes, it was funny, she couldn’t help it, the kind of enjoyment you could only find in real life.

  His eyes narrowed at her even further, eyebrows lowering slowly as he lowered his head, his stare intensifying. That grey color turned to a dark charcoal again, heating within his irises as he watched her.

  Her laughter petered off, hand lifting to press into her lips in order to help stem it. “I’m sorry,” she muttered, “well, not really,” she admitted, because she wasn’t. She was happy enough with it, amused entirely by the ordeal, as well as thankful. “You’re not alone you know,” she further admitted, her voice dropping, shyness eating away in the undercurrent of her words. “I’ll have to … change my—my panties now.” She swallowed, her blush covering her cheekbones heatedly at having told him such a thing.

  His eyes shifted, widening exponentially as he took in what she had said. “Really?” he asked, his voice hushed and more than a little bit awed.

  She nodded slowly, her embarrassment waning slightly. “It isn’t from peeing myself with fear either.” She giggled, her shyness and courage at war with one another.

  He suddenly looked gratified, his lips spreading into a slow smirk as he surveyed her as if anew. “Well, at least it isn’t just me.” His grin growing even further.

  Ellie said nothing, but she so knew…It was ALL him that had caused it. Him that had caused her panties to be as soaked as they were, his fault that her nipples felt like they were going to tear holes in her bra. It was all him and his stupid, low voice. Him and his stupid, attractive features... She chose to leave the subject alone, with a small smile to herself as she dropped her gaze again.

  A steward appeared in an all white uniform and a large smile as he slid their plates in front of them. Chicken Cordon bleu, as Morgan informed her in a hushed voice at her questioning look as the wine in it’s ice bucket was slid in front of them as well. Morgan’s hand lifted, waving in some form of what looked like dismissal, the steward nodding and executing what seemed to be a half-bow as he backed out of the room. If room was what they called this thing in the jet. She didn’t know technical terms. It took only one bite for her to realize that it was the best dinner that she had so far with him. Well, she thought with a sip of the wine Morgan poured her, the dinner in his suite would never be topped, no matter what food was served to her. She would keep that thought to herself though, to avoid revving the poor man up any further than she had already.

  It wasn’t, honestly, fair. She had been the one requesting that they go slow and pushing his gears by teasing him like that seemed to be some kind of cruel and unusual punishment. For the both of them. She did want slow, for multiple reasons. Like the fact that the conversation they were able to carry over dinner, about their goals and ambitions in life, their favorite foods and drinks, favorite memories… none of that would have been able to happen if they hadn’t taken a step back from that fabulous, mind blowing physical chemistry that they had. However, she also knew they were going to have to discuss a timeline soon- because her wants and desires concerning him were getting louder and louder by the day.

  There was, she thought, smiling at him over her third glass of wine, such a thing as waiting too long… they just needed to find their balance.


  They arrived at the hotel fairly late that night. A flurry of going from the new tarmac to another waiting limo, which Ellie had figured would be waiting. She wondered if he had ever taken a taxi like a normal human being. Then dismissed the thought entirely because, obviously, Morgan was anything but. The ride to the hotel took longer than she was expecting as well, but it was filled with carryover from the same good conversation that had carried them through the jet ride, her laughter ringing out in the entryway of the hotel as he helped her out of the limo.

  The hotel was just as beautiful, on the outside, as the one in Philly ‒ only here in New York it seemed even larger, the pillars about her more numerous, just as the waiting doormen were ‒ glass doors that seemed to stretch almost a yard welcoming them in with muted greetings and nods. It was only when they were through the doors that Ellie stopped, her breath catching in her chest as she looked around herself. This hotel really was twice as large as the one in Philly- and with that came twice the opulence apparently. A huge glass, golden chandelier hung from the center this time, surrounded by red carpeting and lush sofas to match everywhere. Her eyes widened, Morgan’s hand at her back propelling her forward.

  She took a deep breath, allowing him to pull her along with him through the entrance. The atmosphere was different, people standing around laughing and chatting as they milled about. It looked more like they were all on vacation, rather than the business atmosphere of the Philly hotel. They passed the general crowds, moving about together and not being hindered.

  He hadn’t let go of her hand the entire time. When he said he would comfort her and protect her…the man had meant it. It was still shocking to her though, her eyes on his back wonderingly as he pulled her through to the elevator.

  She then remembered what Joanna had said. Wedding. Would that be what he did? Take care of her and protect her? Make her feel safe and loved? It certainly felt like it here and now, his hand around hers and holding her to him so carefully. Ellie rolled her eyes at herself and the direction her own thoughts had taken. Look who is getting ahead of themselves! She was being ridiculous and she recognized it, but it didn’t stop the fluttering of her heart within her breast.

  The elevator, of course, didn’t stop until the top floor, the penthouse. She almost giggled again, shaking her head. Morgan was wild and unpredictable, that was for sure, but when it came to things like his creature comforts, it appeared he was one of habit. Limos, fancy jets, and penthouse suites everywhere he went.

  The bellboy stopped just before they went in the door, asking in a nervous voice about their luggage. Morgan laughed, pausing in the doorway and fishing about the pockets of his trousers. “It’s all in the suites, but thank you,” he responded, the flash of a bill between his fingers being handed, folded over, to the kid. It was only when the boy opened it that it became obvious what bill it was Morgan had handed him. The hundred stood out bold on the front, flashing in front of the kid’s eyes.

  The young kid stared wide-eyed at the bill in his hand, his mouth dropped open in an obvious gasp. “Thank you s-sir!” He stammered, excitedly pocketing the bill and backing off with a wide, pleased grin.

  Ellie watched fondly. She was in the service industry herself, she knew what a blessing a large tip could be to someone, especially when it came so unexpectedly. Her own lips parted in a bright smile, grinning back at the overly-excited youth as he all but practically skipped off. It certainly seemed that while with Morgan she would see this type of thing a lot. He seemed to handle money as if its value was nothing at all. If it was going to become a regular occurrence, it seemed like she should learn to act like it was nothing at all, just like Morgan seemed to.

  Morgan again took a hold of her hand, leading her inside with an amused shake of his head as they passed through the door- leaving her to her first view of the penthouse.

  She’d been expecting Philly all over again, a replica, if slightly different in decoration. It was the same hotel after all, and the same man who owned both. What she wasn’t expecting though, was the sheer size. Again, she gaped, her whole body stilling just in the entryway as she took in all that she could see. It made the suite in Philly look like no more than a studio apartment. This one here in New York looked more like a house. How is this even real?

  Morgan stopped after closing and locking the door, coming to stand just behind her in silence for half of a moment. It was only after she said nothing, her wide gaze moving repeatedly over the features of the home that he stopped, looking down at her with slightly lifted brows. “You okay?” he questioned seriously.

  “Umm, yes?” she answered, the end of her response lifting as if in question. “But is this just one suite? I mean it is both, right?” She half stumbled forward, turning on the spot without dropping his hand and looking at all of the different, eye catching
features. The lamps looked as if they were polished in gold, more unique artwork hanging off of the walls in particular intervals, the sheer size actually awe inspiring.

  He grinned, not answering anything in her questions at all, but instead pulling on their joined hands to lead her across the marble floors, barely allowing her to pause long enough next to the plush couches to run her fingers over the fabric of them. His feet carried them even further, past what looked like a full, stainless steel kitchen into a long hallway.

  “This is like a house!” she finally blurted out loud the thought that had been repeating within her mind.

  He laughed heartily, looking around him as if he were just seeing it for the first time. Or maybe it was just seeing it from her perspective for the first time. “Yes, I suppose they made it to feel that way,” he said thoughtfully, lifting a shoulder in dismissal. He stopped at door in the hallway, then tapped the screen with a few numbers, moving his hand so that she could keep track of it. She was, after her new apartment, familiar with this move. The door clicked, swinging open with his slight push on it, tugging her alongside with him into it. “This is your suite.” He said grandly, the lights coming on with a flair.

  She halted again, her breath stopping entirely as she stared. It was… gorgeous. More than. It was more than she had even been expecting. She kept trying to look around her but he just kept pulling her forward, passing another kitchen that she wanted to explore. She tried to dig her heels in but he just kept pulling, as the next room, made her gasp out loud. “Is that a jacuzzi?!” She blurted, flabbergasted by the very idea of it. She was sure that it had been- in the corner of a room obviously set up to be a gym of some sort. It certainly had all of the equipment for it.

  He just chuckled, leading her past it even further and down the rest of the hallway to a distinctive, engraved door. She didn’t even know that doors outside of museums or churches had doors with decoration on them.


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