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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

Page 32

by TN King

  The phone rang next to her bed, going off and startling her out of her thoughts. Oh, that might be him! Excitedly, reaching over and grabbing it off of the cradle to lift to her face immediately. “Hello?” she answered, fully aware that she was probably showing a little too much emotion even just with the one word.

  “Miss White?” The voice, that was definitely not Morgan, greeted her on the other end of the line. It sounded slightly questioning, as if her enthusiastic response wasn’t one they were used to receiving. “This is Room Service and we were instructed to bring breakfast up,” he explained, sounding half apologetic.

  She felt kind of bad about it, but not quite enough to say so, disappointed both in herself and with the fact that it wasn’t Morgan after all. “Um, yes, thank you,” she worked out, her fingers twisting the cord around them as she sat up further in bed. “Yes, do that.” Kind of startled when the dial tone immediately sounded, but then it was room service that had called… not a friend. She sighed, replacing the phone in its cradle and swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.

  She debated getting dressed for all of a half of a second, knowing that she didn’t really want to have to go through all of that if it wasn’t strictly necessary. It wasn’t like room service would be unused to people answering in all manner of states of dress. She knew Morgan wouldn’t be complaining either, she thought with a giggle, stretching as she stood out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom. She wanted to at least throw some water on her face and use the restroom before dealing with anyone else in the world.

  She had no more than just finished washing her hands when she heard something from out in her room. She opened the door excitedly, rushing out with a large grin to try and catch Morgan as he came in ‒ only the door to her suite was clicking to a close by the time she got out there, steaming, covered trays of food left sitting on her kitchen table. She sighed again, looking down to realize that she was still completely in the nude.

  Oh, well. She turned back, grabbing a comfortably, very plush robe out of the bathroom and shrugging it on before heading back out to the kitchen table to take a seat, pouring herself a cup of coffee and relaxing back into the surprisingly comfortable chair. She did feel a lot hungrier than she anticipated, but she was also tempted to wait for Morgan to come and join her. The idea of eating her breakfast and having her coffee with him was more than a little appealing.

  She hesitated, sipping on her coffee and deliberating, when she heard the vibration. Oh! My phone! She’d forgotten that she’d left it on vibrate the night before. She jumped up, looking around frantically. Where did I leave it? Not in the bedroom, not in the bathroom, the buzzing was coming from the hallway- lit up all nice and bright just there on the floor by her door. She bent, snatching it up and shaking her head. She must have dropped it on the way in the night before. She certainly hadn’t been in the most sober mind state. She lifted it, tapping the screen and her smile almost instantly falling. Oh, so it wasn’t a call… it was a text.

  She shrugged, letting it go and opening the text message up, eyes roaming the screen quickly and avidly.

  Ellie…I have been called away on Company business and I am sorry. I am unable to accompany you home after all. The driver will arrive this afternoon to take you to the jet and see you home.

  I will call you soon, Morgan

  Raising her head, she blinked, looking around the suite as if it held some answer for her. He just had to go? Leaving her here in the suites? And without saying anything to her in person first? She sighed, closing the phone and shoving it into the pocket of her robe. Well, he did run a multibillion dollar company. He’d told her before, on more than one occasion, just how stressful and last minute that could be. Hell, he’d told her just how many times he’d had to cut a vacation short to go and deal with something. And yet, her disappointment was still very real and very present. It was nearly polar opposite to what she’d felt the night before. What do you want Ellie, for him to be with you 24 hours a day? She bit her lip, looking around the room and then almost laughing at how quickly her brain supplied the answer to that. Yes! Of course, she did. That was just an unreasonable expectation.

  He had already done so much for her, treated her so well. The night before… . It is just the way it is. Get over it. She told herself sternly, heading back to start her breakfast. Alone, which she’d hoped not to be, but then that was just the way things worked. Even though it was delicious, as she’d known it would be, she still had nagging thoughts plaguing her. Why had he told her through text? Why couldn’t he have at least made it a phone call to explain it? Was it really possible he was that busy? No matter how she told herself not to get too far into it, she couldn’t help it though.

  She was scared, especially because of before, her fears taking hold all over again. Maybe this was it? Maybe he had his debut of the poor girl and achieved that deal and now the luster had worn off? She shook her head, fully aware of how silly it sounded even in her own head. Then why didn’t he plunder the spoils last night? Then he could have left her. He had already proven that that was his M.O. She sighed again. No, that wasn’t it and now you’re blaming him, because he has other priorities in his busy life? Remember when he said, ‘I have responsibilities and since I met you, I have neglected them.’ Yes, she needed to realize he did have a business and had to be at the helm sometimes. If you plan to stay with him and you full well know you do want to...then you will act right about it!

  She dropped her fork onto her now empty plate, now full and slightly calmer. She just needed to handle her emotions, they had a tendency to get out of hand, what with how quickly she reacted to things these days. She stood up, wiping her mouth and collecting her mess all onto one tray. She just needed… a bath! Yes, that would do it. Help her calm her nerves and feel better while also preparing her for the day. Yes! Do that for the last time. What female in her right mind wouldn’t? What person, plain and simple, wouldn’t?

  Ellie laughed, pushing that earlier fear and anxiety away as she headed back to the bathroom. Back to the heaven that was the oversized garden pool within, and back to calming herself down enough to properly handle Morgan’s busy schedule and the new role that it was going to have in her life. She just needed to learn to accept and cope with it.

  Her bath was heavenly, especially with all of the oils that she had found within the bathroom this time to put in it. When she got out, she felt like a million bucks, giggling to herself at the expression now, drying off and going to get dressed before she finally halted. Oh, shit. Dressed into what? She wasn’t going to be able to wear the dress from last night, which left the clothes that she had come in, she supposed. She sighed, walking back into the bedroom with the terry robe still wrapped around her. Of course, she was more than a little surprised to find suitcases sitting on the trunk at the end of the bed. Suitcases that weren’t empty on top of it. She stopped just in front of them, rifling through the clothes there and almost laughing when she saw how every single outfit there was just her size. Of course, it was. Morgan! He’d had these placed here.

  She did laugh then, letting out a breath as she looked at them. These were… hundreds of dollars’ worth of clothes… and all just the kind she admired most. Should she even accept this though? It was more lavish buying that she hadn’t been expecting, and ones she hadn’t agreed to. She raised the paisley dress up to herself, well aware it was one she would have loved to pick out for herself. She definitely wanted to keep this one… her eyes shifted, falling to another suitcase with the shoe bag and obviously lingerie within. Okay, just make up your mind. She thought with another sigh. She could wear what she came in and leave all of these beautiful outfits, obviously chosen specifically for her and her alone… Or...

  She could be slow at times but she wasn’t completely stupid! She laughed, grabbing up some of that pretty blue lingerie since it was so reminiscent of the night before, slinking into her paisley dress and rifling through the shoes to find the ones that matched. Why not? It
was a gift from Morgan after all, and she had all but decided to give over to him completely last night. Being his girlfriend was bound to come with perks. She giggled at the title, adjusting herself into the dress and slipping her heels on before she did a turn. She felt like a princess all over again.

  Although, naturally, after thinking about princess anything, she began thinking about the dress from last night… The Desaunt, she corrected herself, looking around the room for the puddle of silk they had left it in the night before. And finding absolutely nothing. Mmm, he must have come and taken it while I slept. Which was fair enough, it wasn’t his or hers anymore, it had been sold last night. She smiled again, heading to the bathroom to do her face and hair- which normally she would have wanted to do first, but the dress had been just too tempting...

  An hour later, while she was zipping all of the bags up and making last minute sweeps of the room for her belongings, the driver called up. “Miss White,” he greeted warmly upon her picking up. “I’m sending a bellhop retrieve your luggage, if you’re ready?”

  Deciding to be wicked about this whole set up, Ellie smiled into the phone, holding her giggles to herself. “What luggage?” she asked innocently.

  A pause went by and then he replied, nerves clear in his voice, “Mr. Hunt said you would have several bags, Ma’am?”

  She grimaced, feeling bad for messing with the driver when he was only doing his job. No doubt, he was worrying about what would happen if he had messed it up and someone were to complain to Morgan. The guilt ate at her, “I’m sorry, it was a bad joke,” she explained. “I’m ready now, and so are the bags.”

  His relieved sigh was easy to catch, his ‘thank you’ being all that he said at all before hanging up.

  In a few minutes, she was heading down in the elevator, only her purse and new clothing on her. She felt like royalty, walking through that lobby slowly, this time with her head held high and no anxiety about it at all.

  Why should she have any? Many raised their head and smiled at her in recognition, some waving as if they were old friends.

  Even the doormen bowed to her like she was royalty, their grins large on their faces.

  Ellie smiled at them, unable to help herself as she stopped just at those doors, waiting for them to be opened. “Thank you boys, for all your kindness,” she demurred, nearly laughing aloud at how much like royalty they made her feel in this moment.

  They beamed at her, glancing at one another and grinning even larger. Then one of them shifted, speaking quickly. “It’s so exciting with you here ma’am,” he rushed out.

  The other one nodded enthusiastically. “We can’t wait until you return.” His gaze moved around, his body instantly straightening and looking more official as he swung the door open for her. “Miss White,” he said with a nod.

  Her lips twitched, feeling warmer than she was sure the compliment warranted, but warmer all the same. Ellie wondered, honestly, if there would be a return, but then she giggled at their expressions and stepped outside. It didn’t matter either way. This visit had been wonderful enough.

  The driver stood waiting for her, tipping his cap at her and holding the door of the stretch limo open for her there at the end of the walkway.

  She smiled widely at him and headed to the car, pushing the strap of her purse up higher on her shoulder. Yes, it was sad that Morgan wasn’t here and maybe scary that he wouldn’t be on the plane, but after her walk of fame last night? She could do this on her own, she felt sure.

  Beaming at the driver, Ellie reached the limo, sliding confidently into the seat as he held the door. She was walking on air now, and she would soon be riding on it!

  Four days later, Ellie was almost out of her mind. Four days! Ellie hadn’t heard anything from Morgan. Not a visit, not a phone call, not even a text! She had tried twice to call him, just like he’d instructed her to do when he gave her the damn phone in the first place… but he’d never answered. She’d left him two voicemails as well, each one progressively more upset than the last. He didn’t answer, in any form, and the realization nearly knocked her off of her feet. She’d shut the phone off after the day following her second voicemail, putting it away and giving up on it.

  She’d been understanding, at first. She’d reasoned with herself and made excuses...but then had come the panic. Had something happened to him? Had something happened with his business? Of course, any of that would have made the news… so the dejection had been fairly quick.

  This wasn’t like last time though, and anger had followed even more quickly.

  He’d just dropped her… again!

  This time was even more puzzling though. They hadn’t slept together at the suite this time, not even when she’d wanted to, and she felt relieved now that they hadn’t. At least, she didn’t feel used and slutty this time… well, at least she didn’t feel slutty, she still felt totally used. She’d be fine- angry, but fine- all day, going through the motions of her life robotically. It was only when she got back to her apartment at night, all shiny and new, that she allowed herself to break down in her bed. Wondering if something bad could have happened. Could it have and she’d missed it? Could she have done something to make it happen?

  By the time she woke up the next morning, tear covered and drained, she’d be angry again. He had assistants, for one, any one of them could have called her if it was business related. Sure, it would have been impersonal, but it would have been better than no word at all.

  She needed to let it go. She had school starting in two days, courses that she was just barely prepared for. And tonight she had work at the diner. Both things that she did need to be allowing to occupy her time.

  Her life had gone from extreme grandeur back to the real ways of life, in a very short period. From a diamond dress to her waitress uniform. She had to laugh at that part at least. It could’ve been worse though, in reality. She still had a new lease on life, she still carried that with her, and she could be proud of that. She was going to school, she wasn’t struggling near as badly as before… at least Morgan Hunt had done that much for her. She wasn’t going to be totally brainless and allow herself to throw it away all over her hurt feelings. She’d known it was a possibility.

  When she arrived at the diner that night, Joanna greeted her with that same smile, a cross between her regular, and that same hope that she had been carrying the past few days. Please don’t let her ask me again. She prayed vigilantly to whoever might be listening.

  It would start off innocently enough. Had she heard from him yet? What had the holdup been? What were their next plans? Was she hearing wedding bells just yet? It’d all been the same, even more so since Sue had come running up two days previous with pictures she’d found online of the charity gala. Of course, after all the fanfare, there were going to be plenty enough of Ellie there…and there sure had been, Ellie strutting across that stage in a million dollar dress that had made Sue and Joanna both squealed.

  Ellie had almost cried, her heart seizing within her chest, but it hadn’t been out of joy or excitement. It’d been near tears from how lost, upset, and confused she’d felt over him doing this to her… again.

  It’d been a lot, all at once, and she didn’t know how to deal with not one bit of it.

  Now it was just day to day normality for her. It was well done and over, she’d had her day in the sun, on the high side of life, and now she would go off to college and make her own way in the world. Could she honestly say that he hadn’t improved her life? No, she couldn’t. But she was definitely done with being discarded. Even just the once had been enough, but twice? She fought back the tears now, hiccups seizing her chest. Ones she’d shed every night, all week long. No, she refused to cry one more tear over him.

  Maybe he had a bet of some sort? With that suave Chance guy or one of those other men there. Maybe that was all it had been all along.

  Even if that didn’t make complete sense.

  Even if she couldn’t wrap her head around that either.
  Those two had acted strange at the ball, for sure, and she couldn’t figure out why at the time either. But maybe it really had just been something about Morgan making a poor, unsophisticated girl from the lower slums of Philly into a beauty queen. Like some movie plot straight out of a B movie.

  No… she knew it didn’t happen like that. It was too far-fetched, even for her. But she still floundered for a reason for him disappearing from her life like this. With no goodbye… No it’s been fun, see ya. Nothing. He’d given her absolutely nothing. Well that wasn’t true. He’d given her a college education, or was going to. Given her hundreds and hundreds of dollars’ worth of clothes. He’d given her plenty, but an explanation was still lacking.

  She walked behind the counter, attempting to avoid all of those questions and the pain that always inevitably accompanied them. She tied her apron slowly, looking down to watch her fingers as she did so, avoiding looking back at Joanna again.

  “Coffee, please?” a deep voice asked from the counter, catching her attention immediately.

  Her fingers shook, head shooting up so fast that it nearly hurt, blue eyes meeting that familiar steel grey gaze widely. Her breath caught, heart hammering so hard it felt like it was caught up within it.

  Morgan stood on the opposite side of that counter, freshly pressed and looking every bit as handsome as the first day he had come into her life. “Hello Ellie,” he greeted with a warm smile, his eyes boring into hers.

  Her breath left her all at once, whooshing out of her as stared at him, eyes narrowing into a fiery glare. “Hello Ellie?!?” She seethed, her voice hissing out between her teeth with all the rage of a burning inferno.


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