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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

Page 38

by TN King

  He smiled for the first time, an animalistic, dark thing on his face that was no less sexy for it. His eyes were centered on her mouth, watching as her tongue disappeared back inside of her mouth. “I have to say,” he nearly growled at her, stepping back closer to the bed once more, “that your pretty little mouth may just have been the hottest, sweetest thing my cock has ever felt.”

  She writhed on the bed, her chest heaving with excitement. All over again, she could feel him, emptying himself into the back of her throat as his fingers knotted up in her hair. Fuck. She’d been so determined that night when she’d sucked his cum from his raging hard cock that he would never forget her at least—and she’d been extremely victorious at it apparently, his cock twitching in what seemed to be the same remembrance her mouth was watering from.

  He smiled again, his hand lowering so he could wrap his fingers around his cock, stroking it once for her viewing pleasure.

  Her eyes were stuck, riveted, to the sight of him touching himself like that. Like she was intruding on some private, naughty affair. He’s stroking himself while having me tied up at his mercy? She should’ve been incredulous, but instead her thighs dampened even further, no fabric to slow the juices dripping down her thighs.

  He stroked himself again, and again, watching her reaction and the way she twisted on the bed while watching him do so. “You’re such a natural submissive,” he purred, bringing his body even closer to the bed, giving her an even more stunning view of his hand pulling on the sensitive flesh of his cock. “Did you know this about yourself Ellie?” he asked, sounding almost as if he were cajoling her.

  She shook her head, panting through her nose as he came right up on the bed where she lay itself.

  “Even now, you know not to speak, unless I say you can, or demand it from you,” he crooned, bringing his knees up onto the bed and kneeling over her. His body hovered, eyes still on her face, as if testing her.

  Whatever test it was she wanted to pass, needed to pass.

  She looked up, still staring at his cock, and began to squirm under him again. God, she just wanted it… in her. Anywhere in her, in whatever hole he chose. She didn’t even care at this point, moaning softly as he lowered himself further over her. God, she just wanted him. Now.

  He removed his hand from his cock, instead moving both hands just over her, rounding over the supple skin of her chest. His fingers kneaded at the soft skin there, rolling her breasts between his fingers slowly. Working her up even further before his fingers moved, pinching the peaks of her nipples and playing with them.

  Ellie was panting, breathless, her whole body on fire. This was going to be torture, she realized with another moan. His cock was right there, right within her reach, but she couldn’t reach for it. Just out of the possibility to do so, and he was playing with her nipples, working her into a kind of crazed delirium.

  “Ellie,” he called softly, getting her attention with the way that he crooned her name.

  It sounded so sweet yet so dark. Promising. Enticing. She couldn’t help but allow her gaze to shoot back up to his, lips parting and her eyes widening as she met his gray, darkened gaze.

  “I only want you looking at my face Ellie,” he commanded, his grin almost sadistic, as if he knew where her thoughts had been drifting. “Only into my eyes,” he instructed her, his voice hard and without room to debate.

  She bit at her lip, giving him a short nod. Yes. Okay. She could do that, her gaze moved up, remaining on his with difficulty when she knew his cock was aching and throbbing so near to her.

  Morgan smiled again, lowering his face to hers slowly and deliberately. He grabbed at her lip with his mouth, removing her own teeth only to replace it with his, nibbling at the same spot that she had been with a careful kind of efficiency. His fingers didn’t stray from her nipples the whole time, rolling them between the pads of his fingers even as he teased at her mouth as well.

  Her breaths came in pants and gasps only now, breathy moans shifting out alongside them. She was already near delirious from his slow teasing, trying to lift up into his touch to encourage him even further, to encourage him to more. God, she wanted him so bad. Morgan was wicked, sinful, but this she already knew. This side of him as a tease… god, he was a tease too, and a practiced one bringing her just to the peak only to stop and start all over again. She wanted… god, she wanted to ask him to—

  His hard body slid down along hers, shifting to fit between her legs and she almost cried with the relief suddenly coursing through her. Her body rejoicing because oh god, yes, he was going to after all.

  He groaned into her mouth, sliding the tip of his hard cock up the center of her folds and back down again, working himself in between them to rub against her clit.

  Oh god. Fuck. Oh, fuck. God. Shit. Fuck.

  It felt so damn good, her thighs shifting against him, spreading wider to afford him more room, to ask for more. She wanted more, right there, right then, her hips just marginally lifting up into his. She needed more. It felt so fucking good, him sliding up and down along her, hitting her clit over and over again and working her into a frenzy. “Uhhh,” she groaned out without thinking, freezing whenever she realized that she had verbalized without permission.

  She thought he might pull away to punish her, or tie her up more, take his cock away from her entrance. But when she opened her eyes enough to see his face again it was to catch him grinning at her all over.

  “Ask me,” he urged, as if reading her mind. “Go ahead.” He rolled his hips back into her again, pressing hard against her clit with a grin.

  “Why?” She cried out, a shaking mess. “Why aren’t you fucking me?” she called, spreading her legs as if to try and pull him in with her words alone. She felt nearly insane.

  He chuckled, a low, raspy sound at her response as he pulled at her nipples again. “I want you to need me,” was all that he said, looking at her as if he knew just how crazy he and his actions were making her.

  Oh, god! Need him? Need this? I do, I do! How was he missing that, of all things? She had needed him like this from day one, and they had both already had to wait for such a long time… with so many things between getting what they wanted—fuck. He was messing with her on too many levels, building her up to high- but then she had just literally handed herself over as his plaything. The phrasing, even in her mind, made her all the more twisted up, pussy clenching at the words. His pussy, his plaything. God dammit, it was hot! She couldn’t help it, her moan working out of her lips again.

  Her panting and the way that her body was squirming was quickly getting to be a problem though. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to control it anymore, her thighs shaking from the pent up need that he was stroking with his every tease.

  “Stay spread eagle,” he commanded, locking eyes with her and forcing her to nod again.

  She was almost dripping wet at this point, her chest heaving with every pant as if they had already gone so much further than they had. She felt like she had run a mile, for her life, her body demanding even more. But like everything else, he commanded her and her legs fell open to either side even wider, pushing until she could feel the tremble in the muscle beneath.

  His gaze still didn’t shift, smoldering on her face as he took her in, as if drinking in her features. “In need, you are the most beautiful sort of creature,” he rasped out, his lips hovering just over hers. “Tell me what you want Ellie,” he urged, gliding the tip of his cock up and down over her swollen folds and clit. Tantalizingly slow, making the ache in her belly grow, all the more persistently.

  “Please?” she begged, her voice lifting on the end into another moan as his cock pushed against her.

  His hot, steely gaze remained steady, burning into her retinas. “Please what?” he asked, lifting a brow and refusing to give into her ploy. His hips stilled, cock pushing against her but no longer gliding.

  She panted further, squirming and raising her hips up into him, trying to recreate the feeling
. “Please fuck me?” she ground out, long and needy with her hips lifting like they were. “Please,” she tried again, softer and more breathy.

  He stared at her for a long moment, not breaking his gaze as he lowered his face further, lips pressing just over one nipple and opening to pull it inside of the hot cavern of his mouth. His tongue flicked the hardened point, teeth scraping against the sides as she squirmed, sucking on the softer flesh and forcing her back to near bend up into him.

  “Oh—ohhhh, fuckkk,” she panted, her back arching and her thighs trying to push even further apart. What did he need? What was she supposed to ask? She could barely think and all she wanted was him—all she wanted to feel was him. “Please Morgan?” she begged again, breathing the words out into the air like a prayer. “I need you inside of me, p- please- fuck please?” she moaned, lifting her hips and almost crying from how twisted up she was.

  He lifted his chin, lips losing her nipple with a slight pop as he stared at her as if gauging her reaction. She only managed to cry out one more time, wordless, before he lowered his hips, cock pushing against her folds and up inside of her with one, hard thrust that nearly sent her body jolting up the bed.

  Ellie’s head fell back, a scream emanating from her lips despite her trying to bite down on it. He filled her, totally and completely, pulsing inside of her with her body shaking around him, climbing and climbing until…

  She screamed again, longer and lower, edging off into a moan as her body fell to pieces, her climax taking her with a sudden, hard force. She hadn’t even known she was close before she tumbled over that edge, free falling into Morgan as he pushed his cock further up inside of her, just as she had asked.

  His head lowered, Morgan’s lips covering hers and swallowing her cries with his tongue moving against and into her mouth in the same rhythm that his hips had begun thrusting his cock in and out of her. His body moving, hips pressing harder and faster, building her back up and tumbling her once more off of that same cliff, her loud cry muffled by his shoulder then as he lifted his face from hers.

  “I am going to explode inside of my pussy now, in time with you coming all over my cock,” he groaned into her ear, his hips pulsing faster and faster, hands lifting her up into him, until he pushed so hard into her that he finally came— his cock emptying out into her warm, waiting pussy.

  She was clamped around him, spasming still, and the feel of his heat entering her was too much, pushing her up and even further over. It jolted her mind, forced her higher up a precipice that she had no experience with, to a plane she was wholly unprepared for. It was too much pleasure, too much at once, everything spinning around her as the light faded. Everything going black and her body tumbling over some plateau.

  She spun- and spun- and spun inside of the blackness. Inside of nothing. She didn’t know how long she swam for, how long she was gone, she only knew that something finally disturbed her, calling her back.


  Her eyelashes fluttered against her still heated cheeks. That was her name, yes. Though, she didn’t know why he sounded so urgent in saying it.

  “Ellie…” this time even more worried.

  Why was he saying her name like that? She felt fantastic, stretching out a little and finding no silk with either her fingers or her toes.

  Oh, what? Where did the silk go? She blinked, slowly opening her eyes to find herself in the same apartment, in the same bed, but with none of her limbs tied to anything at all. There was no way she just dreamed that, no way that she had gotten there all on her own, she could still feel her- his- pussy pulsing from how hard she’d come. She looked up, confused, waiting to see what came next.

  Of course, it was Morgan, hovering above her and staring at her as if evaluating her in her entirety. Why did his face look like that? Why was he staring at her so seriously? Had he not come as hard as she did? Didn’t he feel as wonderful as she did right now?

  She smiled softly, her lips beaming all of the pleasure that her body was still humming with. “Oh, hey Morgan,” she rasped, her voice more given out than she had anticipated. But then she guessed that’s what she got for screaming like she had… not that she’d had much of a choice.

  He shook his head, looking even more concerned as he checked her over, seemingly getting all of her vitals and her reactions at once.

  “W-what happened?” she stammered, beginning to worry herself.

  He finally stopped looking her over, meeting her gaze seriously, and somewhat shamefaced. “I think you passed out,” he admitted, his lips pulling in a slight grimace.

  She didn’t grimace though, a kind of real smile playing about her lips as he went to sit her up, her body stretching even further, still humming with that same pleasure.

  He jumped, going to try and steady her. “No, no,” he rushed out. “Stay there,” he urged, going to check over her all over again.

  She almost laughed, shaking her own head then staring at him. “I-I’m okay. I think?” Other than being so thoroughly fucked that she lost consciousness, sore enough that she felt like she needed to stretch for an hour, and still so wound up that she could probably try climbing him and go again… she felt just fine.

  He grinned at her, taking her in with a shake of his own head as he realized that she meant it. “Well, there have been a few firsts with you,” he said with a low chuckle.

  Confused, she stared at him, eyebrows raising in question. “What?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.

  “I never made a woman pass out before,” he admitted, sounding more proud of the fact than he had before.

  She giggled, realizing what he was saying, and shook her head again. “Well, I have never been mastered before,” she returned, equally proud. She would be again, and again, and again, now if she had anything to say about it. All by this man.

  His smile slid off of his face, staring at her with a kind of wonder that she couldn’t pinpoint. “You are absolutely perfect for me,” he whispered, his head lowering to hers and his lips claiming her all over again. It was a tender, sweet kiss, filled with the promise of the words he had just said and more.

  She hoped he was being honest. She hoped it was true, he’d said it before too. He had said that he loved her. All she could do was hope though. She’d never been so twisted up herself before, never been so turned inside out by anything or anyone else in her life. She… didn’t know what she would do if he didn’t now, didn’t know how she’d survive.

  All of her was twisted up in him, like she’d sewn her very identity into his being. Her lips relaxed, hand lifting to pull his face closer to her own and return that same promise with her lips as well.

  When Ellie woke up the next morning, it was slow, her body stretching out on top of the mattress in order to release all of the stress from them. All she could do was blink at the ceiling, a stupid, goofy smile covering her face. Last night had been monumental, ethereal even. Her gaze swinging to the pillow where Morgan had lain last night with that same happy smile—freezing in place when she saw it empty and not the head of hair she’d half been expecting. No, too soon. Stop Ellie. He didn’t just leave again and you know it. Just breathe. Relax. Calm down. It was easier said than done, as her breathing had already escalated, heart pounding in her chest as she slowly sat up in the bed. Just because he wasn’t in bed, or in the room even, didn’t mean he had left. She knew better this time, she knew him better this time. She let out a slow breath, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

  Life was good. She was good.

  She was real good, she thought with a giggle, grabbing the silky robe from beside the bed that hadn’t been there the night before and shrugging it on. Left for her. Another indication that he was still here besides just her believing in him. Sauntering out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to find him actually there, standing in front of the stove, was so much better than just her belief though, relief coursing through her avidly. He was in her kitchen, making breakfast, the spatula he held being wielded li
ke some kind of magic. “Mmm,” she let out, scenting the air and almost moaning. “It smells so good,” she greeted him, sliding into one of the plush seats at the stools in front of the bar.

  She wasn’t going to show him that she had actually been scared, wasn’t even going to acknowledge it. It didn’t matter. He was here, he had proven her right this time. She couldn’t keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and assuming that it would because they were doomed. Then it really wouldn’t work out. She shoved all of those thoughts away, swinging her feet up onto the bottom rung of the stool and leaning her chin into her hands as she watched him move expertly about her kitchen.

  “Thought I’d make breakfast before I left,” he greeted with a large smile to match hers, his gray eyes sparking with more warmth than even the stove could put off. “And after last night, I definitely owe you breakfast,” he teased, his voice dropping.

  Color ran into Ellie’s cheeks, the blush spreading as visions from the night before and all of the things that they had gotten up to flashed behind her eyes. She loved how he had the ability to draw out her deepest, most erotic desires, and then fulfil them so easily. It was like some kind of superpower, her giggle turning into a shaky inhale. “Last night was something else,” she agreed, smiling even further. He had—well. He’d made her pass out, just from the sheer force of her orgasm. How many females could claim getting to experience that?

  He grinned, flipping whatever he had on the stove and wiggling his eyebrows over at her. “We’ll definitely have to pick up where we left off when I get back from New York.” he promised her, eyes raking what he could see of her form before turning his attention back to cooking.

  That sounded fine and well—really… but she had different plans. She smiled, sliding off of the stool and going over to him around the counter, pretending to try and see what he was making even as he flipped a perfectly golden pancake within the skillet. “Okay,” she agreed, lifting up on her toes to place a soft, lingering kiss against his cheek. She shrugged, walking back away from him, but veering from the stool and angling instead for her bedroom again. “Or…,” she drew out, untying her robe and letting it fall from her form to the floor, leaving her completely naked standing there in the entrance to the hallway. “We could finish now?” she asked, a playful look tossed over her shoulder before she began walking back to her bedroom once more, this time completely nude.


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