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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

Page 40

by TN King

  Ellie took it back into her hands, shaking her head and looking down at what was, assuredly, her phone. “I didn’t remember seeing you stop to pick anything up,” she said quietly, still trying to make sense of it in her own head.

  His derisive snort was loud, forced her confused gaze back up to him. “That, Ms. White, is because you obviously do not pay attention to anything,” he said snobbishly, his snide grimace further souring the words.

  She flinched, gaze dropping back to her phone again. But why hadn’t he given it to her right there and then? Surely, he couldn’t have known she was going to be in his class… she sighed, seeing the time on her phone screen and almost squeaking. “Right, sorry,” she blurted out, unable to answer his comment, or ask him her question. “Thank you,” she rushed out, turning and nearly tripping over a desk as she began jogging towards her next class.

  She couldn’t be late to that one on top of everything else… as fascinating as Professor Hillborn’s lecture had been, more than one of his comments had seemed very off… and something had also seemed very off about him as well. She didn’t have time to dwell on it though, running through campus to get across the other side in time.

  The rest of her day, thankfully, went by without any further mishaps. It flew by, meaning that before she knew it, it was time for her to head to the diner. She’d agreed to pick up the night shift there to help Joanna, but really it was because she dreaded going back to her beautiful, but empty apartment. Not after how used to being with Morgan she had become. Which is why, until Morgan came back, she’d happily spend all of her free time either working or at the school studying.

  She rushed from the campus to the diner, not a super long walk, but still a taxing one for her to be getting used to. It wouldn’t take long, she was just out of shape from having been spoiled so royally with her new car, she reasoned. Which was why she would be walking everywhere that she could. Saved on gas… and saved on gym fees to try to keep up with Morgan, she thought with a giggle. She jogged the last few steps up the curb, adjusting her clothing as she squeezed through the familiar door into the establishment of her work. She was expecting to rush back to the locker rooms, or maybe even to have to duck and run in order to avoid speaking to Harry, the regular that she could see sitting already at table six.

  She wasn’t expecting to see Joanna right by the door, standing to greet her with a large, buoying smile. She smiled back instinctively though, eyebrows lifting in question that she wasn’t even able to voice for the enthusiasm that she was met with.

  The older woman threw her arms around Ellie, pulling her close and squeezing before she spun her about in place. “Look what came for you today!” she exclaimed, showing Ellie the biggest bouquet of flowers that she had ever seen, waiting there on the counter.

  She didn’t have to even pause to know who they were from, the wide array of giant sunflowers and orange star lilies brightening up the space like a familiar greeting card. She had told him, that first night they’d stayed up walking in the park together, that the two were tied for her favorite flower. Something her father had made fun of her for years, reminding her that it wasn’t like they were normally sold in bouquets together. And they weren’t. Before now, Ellie had never been allowed to see them side by side as they were, so expertly arranged within the crystal vase that they had been delivered in.

  Ellie froze, her eyes widening and her heart thumping impossibly fast just from the sight alone. “Oh, my god!” she exclaimed, plucking the small card out and flipping it open within her fingers.

  Her smile widened before she even got to read the card, worth suffusing through her.

  “Well, who is it from then?” asked Joanna impatiently, crowding at her elbow and pushing even closer alongside her.

  Ellie almost laughed, shaking her head with a smirk. “You mean you haven’t read the card already?” she teased, knowing full well the nosey old biddy had. She elbowed Joanna lightly, then opened the card herself.

  Joanna’s hand lifted up to her own mouth though, giggles coming out in a way that made it obvious it was hard for her to so much as even try to contain her excitement over all of it. “So, I’ll ask again, when is the wedding?” she trilled, giggling again.

  Ellie rolled her eyes, lifting the delicate little car and eying the fancy script.

  My dearest little sex kitten,

  Stay hot for me. I’ll be back soon.



  Ellie’s chest warmed, her face turning to smile widely at the woman next to her. She winked at Joanna as well, shaking her head and closing the card immediately. She refused to share the sex kitten part with her boss, even if she actually had already read it. “It says that he loves me,” she divulged, barely able to contain her own excitement over the words. And it did, even if not in those words exactly, it said them in the way that Morgan would have. Just like he did with his gaze, or the way that he brushed her hair back from her face, or even the way that he worried and needled over her safety... Mercy, she loved the man. More than she’d even known was possible to love another person. Her lips shifted, a soft, warm smile pulling at the corners insistently.

  Joanna’s bark of laughter was quick, her whole face rounding with the sort of enthusiasm only she was capable of. She listened to Ellie, and took one look at the expression on her face after she finished speaking. Her short, squat body almost lifted off of the floor entirely with her fist pump, whooping out her happiness at the situation. “Yes!” she cried out, doing another celebratory, if landlocked, fist pump. “Wedding bells! Like I said!” she crowed victoriously.

  Ellie, for her part, just stared- grinning and shaking her head as she watched her boss’ theatrics. Oh, god. I hope I didn’t look like that a couple of weeks back when I wore the diamond dress. She prayed, lips twitching even as she rolled her eyes along with it. Well… who cared if she had? Certainly not Morgan. He had been just fine with the whole thing, laughing along with her right up until she had almost passed out on him following thereafter. She snorted, placing the card back in the flowers and walking back towards the locker rooms with laughter following her. She was going to put her flowers somewhere safe… and then she would throw herself into work until such a time as she could write Morgan over how well appreciated those flowers were… who knew, maybe she’d even throw in a picture of herself waiting at home for him… in her lingerie… Her own laughter lifted, circling the diner as she disappeared through the back door.

  Whatever she did, she knew it would be well received. And that was the kind of emotion, the kind of emotional security, that you could hang your hat on.


  His eyes followed her as she walked from the campus to the nearby diner, watching her take her trek over, and studying her movements carefully. He had a lot to learn, and a short time frame in which to do so…. But all that he could think about was the soft, inviting feel of her body when she’d bumped into him earlier that day. The way her breasts had pressed up against his arm so beguilingly. He could tell, from that very first moment, what a vixen she was… just by the way she walked and talked.

  An oblivious vixen though, that much had also been abundantly clear. It’d been far too easy for him to slip her phone out of her pocket without her so much as suspecting it could be happening, much less that it was. She hadn’t so much as checked for it either as he rushed off.

  Completely oblivious.

  He had hoped, honestly, to find something of more value to him than just those pathetically romantic texts she and her boyfriend sent back and forth on the thing… but that really seemed to be all the device contained. Not that it really mattered, in the end. She was in his class, he would have his chance to see more of her, to learn more about her. It might take more time now, but it was hardly of dire consequence. It just meant that he would be a step further behind than he would have liked to have been.

  Well, more than one, really. He knew this was going to be a slow acquisition, but he knew it wou
ld be worth it in the end. She was such a young and stupid little thing. He would definitely be able to teach her a thing or two, something he was avidly looking forward to. It would just take time. Time and patience both… He reached down, adjusting himself in his seat so as to allow his fingers better access to his groin, feeling it spring to life between the circle of them.

  “Yes, Ms. White. You are certainly responsible for this,” Richard Hillborn muttered, stroking his hardness through is trousers. The very same trousers he had been forced to adjust multiple times since meeting her. Her and her vixen like ways. She’d been so devious, rubbing herself against him like that, shifting in place as she had during class, and making sure his eyes kept coming back to her throughout the entirety of his lecture.

  Young girls like her were always wanting sex, he surmised with a sneer. It was made so readily obvious by his reaction to them. It wasn’t his fault that the chemicals in his body simply reacted to the hormones in theirs. He had tried to ignore it over the years, at first, but girls kept getting more and more slutty…forcing his reaction to them chemically. If they weren’t giving off such hormones then he wouldn’t be responding in the way he did, they asked for it, even if not verbally.

  He recalled, too easily, the way that her fitted top had hugged the curves of her firm, young body. Shifting and rolling those curves, she had so purposefully as to catch his attention. Caught his attention she had and then some. He wondered if she had thought about the reaction she would inspire later, or if she had just been focusing on the reactions she had wanted to receive at present...

  Mmm. That slut! Even with how oblivious she was, she had to have known what she was doing… She had to have designed it just so as to leave him wanting more. And want more he did. He wanted a lot more, a lot faster than he was used to reacting. He closed his eyes, taking the time to imagine how she’d look on her knees, bent before him with her lips opened to him and him alone. Picturing his penis stretching those pretty little lips of hers... Oh, yes, Ms. White. I can make that happen. I can give us both that…

  He used his free hand to pull out his newest professional camera, aiming the lens so that he could capture some pictures of her as she walked into the diner. It wasn’t, as far as he knew, a regular haunt for students or faculty, but that question was almost immediately answered. He was able to conclude, rather quickly, that she must have worked there. Not only because of it being unknown to him, but because of how she disappeared into the back, only to come back out front while tying an apron around her petite little waist.

  Yes, that was good. More useful information for him to store about her. Much better than the romantic texts between she and her boyfriend that he had been allowed to read over. This could actually serve him. He smiled, capturing a few more pictures of her, angling them as best as he could to get as many diverse shots as possible. He wanted to be sure and capture as many of her as possible to start with. Of course, the fact that she was still wearing that tight fitting blouse, only now with the apron strings cinching it even more firmly to her person- meant that he could practically see the pattern of her bra outlined against the swell of her breasts with the zoom on his camera. A fact that didn’t go unnoticed. His breathing became more ragged, his hips shifting in the seat of his car as he watched her. “Oh, you devious little girl,” he breathed, a groan vibrating the edge of his words. “Look at what you do to me, you dirty whore…”

  His fingers curled further, eyes dropping to his lap only to see that his pants had now tented fully up now that he was completely erect- and he wanted satisfaction in the worst way. He groaned again, slowly pulling the zipper on his pants down until his member was allowed to spring free, waving in the open air. The member that she and her actions had forced to stand as it did now, throbbing and begging for any sort of release. Release that it seemed only she could give him. Soon, he promised with a ragged exhale.

  His hand lowered even further, fingers wrapping around his penis as he began stroking it up and down, pretending that instead it was her pretty little hand carrying out those motions. He groaned. No, no. Better even still, he imagined her little mouth instead, stretched open and swallowing against him as he pulsed in and out of it. Imagined that her pretty blue eyes were bulging as he forced himself further and further inside of her, gagging her and her whore mouth so that she was unable to speak at all.

  Yes. That’s it.

  He smiled with another groan, tightening his fingers and rolling them along himself. He was so close… He could feel it, tensing all of the muscles in his body at once, that ever elusive release that was tempting him so. His pace increased, hips beginning to lift up into his hand with each new tug- but the sound of a car pulling up behind him cut off that mission he had been hoping to complete. His eyes lifted, glancing into the rearview mirror in time to see the lights on top of the vehicle in question, silent and still but nonetheless alarming for their presence. Fuck! He mentally cursed, shoving himself hurriedly back within the confines of his trousers and zipping his pants over the evidence. It wouldn’t do for him to be caught in such a position publically, especially not by the two uniformed bodies exiting their SUV with loud laughter, looking either way before they attempted to cross the street.

  He wouldn’t have her now, but he would later, when he could finish what he started… outside of the opportunity of other gazes catching him. He certainly had enough pictures. He shook his head, trying to clear it, before taking one last, long look at Ellie before he put the car into drive. He’d be back for her later. His little oblivious, teasing whore, he thought with a cruel edge, carefully navigating off of the street to head back towards campus and the dark room that he had there. He’d see her again soon.

  His lips tilted into a sinister, dark smile as he drove, again imagining her bulging eyes and strained lips. Not nearly as strained as her throat would be though… He had the perfect scheme in mind for her and her tight little body. He just had to put it into place and get the ball rolling. He would have what he wanted, and then some, before the next month was out. He would have her, just where and how he wanted her. He always did…


  Did you enjoy Possess Me? Undone Book Two is releasing August 28th, but you can grab the first 2 chapters for FREE by signing up for my newsletter. I hope to see you on the other side.


  T.N King grew up in the heart of Texas, and now resides in the sunny beach of San Diego, California. He’s a football fan, a Netflix binge-watcher, and loves barbecue. A writer of romance, he’s the author of Torn, Chasing Dr. Bedell, Player, The Seduction of Amy, and many more. T.N King plans to write many more sexy, suspenseful stories for his raving fans.

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