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Roping Ryan (The West Series Book 6)

Page 4

by Jill Sanders

  Nikki’s head started feeling heavy, and she caught herself sliding further down in the chair. Her eyes felt red and swollen, and she desperately wished for a bed. Any bed.

  “I think we’re going to call it a day. We’ve been traveling all night.” He looked over at her, and she was grateful he’d noticed how tired she was.

  “Let me get you the keys to the place.” Lauren got up and grabbed a key ring from the hooks by the back door. “You’re welcome to use the spare truck.”

  “Old Betty?” Ryan asked.

  Lauren shook her head. “Nope, the tornado killed Betty. We had to replace her with Bertha.” She laughed and pointed at her sister Alex. “That’s what she calls it.”

  Alex shrugged her shoulders. “She’s a big ‘ol gal.” Ryan laughed.

  “The closest ranch house is open at least until next month. Then we can move you into the bigger one indefinitely. We’re a few weeks away from selling time.” She looked at him. “Could use an extra hand.”

  He nodded. “I don’t know how long we’ll be around, but if I’m here, you can use mine.”

  She nodded, then walked over to him and hugged him. “It’s good to have you back.”

  Nikki watched as Ryan hugged her back. Then he turned and shook his brother’s hand. “When’s that wedding of yours?”

  “A few weeks from now, November sixteenth.”

  Ryan nodded. “I’ll stick around.” He walked over and hugged Missy. “We’ll have to have dinner.”

  She nodded. “Soon.” He smiled and then turned towards Nikki.


  She nodded. “It was nice meeting everyone.”

  Outside, Ryan opened the door to the old green truck and handed her her bag. She sat it in her lap and leaned back against the soft seat. The truck smelled like hay, and for some reason that was comforting to her.

  “You have a nice family,” she said once he started driving.

  He looked over at her and nodded. “Yeah. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed them. I didn’t even know.” He shook his head.

  She smiled. “Why did you leave?” When he glanced at her, she continued. “I noticed that everyone avoided asking, but I assume it had something to do with your father.”

  He frowned as he turned the truck towards a dusty road. “Sort of.”

  She waited and when he didn’t continue, she asked, “What does that mean?”

  He looked over at her. “It was because of him that I was in a cemetery one night when the police squad assumed that I was there to meet for a drug drop. They hauled me away to prison. My father refused to pay my bail or send money so I could catch a bus back from Houston. Actually, he told me not to bother coming back. He apparently didn’t tell my brother before he died that I had joined the police force and was alive in Houston.”

  She watched the emotions cross his face and felt anger towards a man she didn’t know.

  “After I heard that the old man had died, I hesitated to contact Reece. By the time I’d worked up enough nerve, he was gone.”

  “He traveled with the rodeo for a few years,” she said. She had learned about his brother’s past as part of her research into the family.

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “He mentioned it to me over breakfast.” He looked down at his knuckles.

  “Why do you think your father didn’t tell him about you?”

  He shrugged his shoulder. “Why did the old man do a lot of stuff? He was crazy and mean as spit.” He shook his head. “He was always slapping at us, cussing at us.” He shook his head and tried to block the memories. “Reece had it worse than I did. I was surprised to hear that he stuck around so long.”

  “Your father died shortly after you left?”

  He nodded. “I didn’t hear about it until almost a year later.” He shook his head. “By then Reece had disappeared.”

  She reached over and took his hand in her smaller, much softer one and said, “I’m sorry.”

  Chapter Five

  Nikki rolled up tighter into a ball and tried to shut off her mind. Ryan was sleeping just outside the bedroom door on the smallest couch she’d ever seen. She thought of him out there, trying to get comfortable like her. She could hear him moving around and thought of his long body trying to tuck up on the couch.

  “If you promise to keep your hands to yourself, you can come lie on the bed,” she called out and then held still, waiting for an answer.

  Ryan opened the door and smiled at her. “Thanks. I was thinking I’d have to chew off my legs to fit on that thing.”

  She chuckled and then sobered when she saw that he’d removed his shirt and was wearing only his loose fitting jeans. She’d changed into the sweat shorts and T-shirt that had been packed in her bug-out bag.

  She watched him walk over to the bed, his eyes on hers. He was impressive. She noticed several large scars on his stomach and chest. Her mind refused to stop thinking about how impressive his chest was. It was wide and the muscles in his arms were lean and toned. He had a sexy six-pack and his pecs were bigger than any she’d seen before. They had a light layer of sexy dark hair, which she imagined would feel soft against her body.

  “Keep looking at me like that, princess, and I can’t guarantee I’ll keep my hands to myself.” He smiled down at her. She glared at him then rolled over and punched the pillow until she finally felt comfortable. She felt him crawl in next to her and was thankful he dropped the subject.

  “Why can’t I stay somewhere else? There’s probably plenty of room—”

  “Drop it,” he warned, but she sat up and glanced down at him.

  “It’s not like we’re a couple. Are you trying to convince your family of something?”

  He leaned up and looked at her. “Have you forgotten that there is a madman with access to a small army after us?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “So, give me one of my guns back. I can protect myself.”

  He leaned back against the headboard and crossed his arms over his chest. “Until I know that Hijo del Diablo and his men are locked behind bars or dead, you stay where I can see you.”

  She leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. “So, you’re just going to babysit me then?”

  He chuckled and then completely surprised her by reaching out and pushing a strand of hair away from her face. His fingers were so gentle, and his green eyes were so mesmerizing that she almost forgot that she was upset at him.

  “Listen, princess, there are a few things I’d like to do with you, but babysitting has nothing to do with them.”

  She growled and pushed his hand aside as he laughed.

  “You are so easy to rile up. Now, get some sleep. You look like hell.” He chuckled and then leaned back and closed his eyes. She felt like throwing something at him but rolled over and tried to get her body to relax inch by inch.

  When she opened her eyes again, it was dark out. She stretched her arms over her head and then noticed she was alone in the bed. She had slept like the dead. She always did. Her father had always joked that he had to have a blow horn just to wake her in time for school.

  She sat up and flipped on the light next to the bed. The room was small, but big enough for one person. There was a small bathroom off the back. She walked in, carrying her bag. She was happily surprised that there was shampoo and conditioner in the shower. Large white towels hung on the hooks. Thankfully, there was a box of new toothbrushes and toothpaste in the drawers.

  When she stepped into the shower, she couldn’t help but moan. The hot water soothed away the aches from sleeping in the car, the bus, and on a strange bed. She let the hot water run over her head as she leaned up against the cool tile of the shower.

  When she finally walked out of the bathroom dressed in a clean pair of yoga pants and a large T-shirt, she saw the note on the countertop from Ryan.

  Ran out for a while. Alex dropped off dinner. I’ll be back soon. Ryan

  She walked into the small kitchen and pulled out a plate of chicken,
potatoes, and green beans from the fridge. There was a jug of iced tea, and she poured herself some as she microwaved the food.

  She walked into the next room with her plate, flipped on the television, and sat down to watch a movie. Less than an hour later, Ryan walked in with a handful of grocery bags. She jumped up and helped him before he dropped everything on the floor.

  “I would have gone shopping with you,” she said, taking a bag.

  He shook his head. “I tried to wake you.” He chuckled. “You sleep like the dead.”

  She nodded and sat the bag down. “Yeah, I’ve been told that before.”

  He looked over at her, his eyebrows up as he smiled. “Did you eat?”

  She nodded and pulled out a bag of potato chips. She smiled when she saw they were the same barbeque ones she’d bought last night. Then she pulled out a box of Coke and smiled. “Got a thing for soda?”

  He nodded. “Keeps me awake. You can’t always get a cup of coffee, but you can get one of these.” He shook the can that he’d opened and took another sip.

  “You shop like a teenager,” she said, pulling out a box of cookies.

  He laughed. “I haven’t had a place with a kitchen in years.” He pulled out a stack of frozen dinners and she shook her head.

  “Next time, I’ll go to the market.” She sat a box of Fruity Pebbles on the counter and smiled. “I haven’t had these in years.”

  “Well, then, you’re in for a treat.” He took out another two boxes of the stuff and set them by the other. She laughed.

  “Is there anything in here to cook?”

  He nodded and tapped the microwave dinners, and she shook her head.

  “If I know anything about my family, they won’t let us cook. Just watch...” He leaned back against the countertop and crossed his arms over his chest. “First thing in the morning, we’ll have a feast delivered to our doorstep.”

  She turned and looked at him. He was wearing another new shirt. The jeans looked new as well, and he had a pair of boots on that she hadn’t seen before.

  “Do a little clothes shopping?” She waved to his clothes.

  He smiled. “I stopped by my brother’s house and borrowed a few of his things. I have a bag of stuff out in the truck.” He grabbed his Coke and walked out.

  She turned back and finished putting away everything he’d bought. There were even frozen fudge bars that were half-melted. She couldn’t stop herself from taking one out and popping it into her mouth. Even half-melted, it tasted good. If Ryan continued to eat like a teenager, she was going to gain weight while they hid out. She would just have to counter all his junk food with morning jogs. After all, she had her jogging shoes and clothes. Besides, she wanted to see the country. She hadn’t been up to this part of Texas before and was sure there was plenty to see.

  Maybe she could even go for a ride. She hadn’t been on a horse in years. She walked into the living room just as Ryan came in with a huge duffel bag of clothes.

  “Wow, is that full of stuff your brother gave you?”

  He nodded. “There’s some stuff in here for you, too.” He set the bag down. “Missy and my cousins heard that we had to leave town quickly and they were concerned you didn’t have enough.”

  “How sweet of them.” She walked over and sat down.

  “What are you watching?” He sat next to her on the small couch, which instantly felt smaller. His leg and arm were pushed right up against hers. When she tried to move aside to make enough room, he scooted over and took what little room she had vacated.

  “There is another chair there.” She pointed to the rocker that sat in the corner.

  He chuckled. “I’m not sitting on that hard thing to watch TV.”

  She glared at him. “Well, you’re taking up too much room.” She tried to push him away, but he just laughed. When she tried harder, he took her wrists in his hands and pulled her closer.

  “You smell good.” He pulled until she was halfway in his lap. Her hands went to his chest and when she tried to push him away again, he just laughed. “You sure are feisty.”

  “Let go of me.” She pushed him again. This time his hands dropped, and she realized she was almost straddling him. His hard thighs were under hers, her hands were flat on his chest, and she could feel his muscles jump under her fingers.

  She hadn’t meant to stay there on his lap, but then she looked at his lips, at his eyes, and froze. How had she not noticed how perfect he was? Her eyes ran from his beautiful green eyes to his dark lashes, over his perfect eyebrows, and zeroed in on a small scar that ran from his left eyebrow to the corner of his hairline. Reaching up, she ran a finger over the light scar.

  “How’d you get this?”

  His hands were on her hips, and she couldn’t imagine anything feeling better.

  “Ryan,” he whispered. “Or so I’m told.”

  She moved just a little and felt him react to the closeness. Her fingers moved back into his hair. “Why’d you cut it?”

  His eyes laughed a little at her. “To throw them off my trail. I’ve had the long hair and beard every time they dealt with me. They won’t really know what I look like clean.”

  Her fingers scraped his scalp, and she saw his eyes heat. “I knew it was you instantly.”

  He nodded. “You’d seen Reece...” He stopped when she ran her hand down his face. She didn’t know why she couldn’t stop touching his smooth face. His short hair. Maybe it was seeing his eyes go from cool emerald green to burning with desire.

  Maybe it was the fact that she’d been without the feel of a man next to her for the past four months.

  His hands moved up her back, and she arched into them.

  “This could complicate things,” he said, looking into her eyes.

  “Hasn’t it been pretty complicated already?”

  He pulled her closer and nodded just before their lips touched.

  He didn’t want to stop. She tasted like heaven and felt even better. She was rubbing herself all over him, her hands in his hair, holding him close as she used her mouth to send every ounce of his blood out of his head.

  It had been too long, years, since he had felt desire so strong. When she pushed his shirt open, he leaned up so she could push it off his shoulders.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned as she looked at him, running her fingers lightly over him. “Impressive.”

  He smiled and then started to lift her shirt, watching her eyes for any sign of rejection. When she pulled back and reached down to help, he held his breath. She was perfection. The tiny black bra she wore covered those perfect breasts he’d seen a hint of in the sexy dress she’d worn the other night. When he reached up and ran a finger over her lightly, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes on another moan.

  “Touch me,” she said, gripping his shoulders.

  He leaned up and placed his lips on her shoulder, letting his hands roam over every inch of her soft skin. He pushed the soft silk aside and ran his tongue over her exposed skin until she held him so tight, he thought he would explode.

  When he leaned back, she pushed his shoulders until he lay down across the small couch. His feet still on the ground, she began unbuckling his belt and jeans. He watched her struggle with getting the jeans down his hips and tried to help, but she swatted his hands away. So he sat back, resting his head along the arm of the couch, and watched her.

  Her eyes were focused on his body, causing him to become more impatient than she was. Finally, after she’d pulled his boots free, she yanked his jeans and, with a little help from him, they hit the ground. He heard her groan and watched her tongue dart out to lick that full bottom lip of hers. Then it was his turn to groan.

  She touched him softly, and his eyes closed on the pleasure she was giving him.

  “Princess…” She glared up at him and gripped him a little tighter. He laughed and took her hand away from him. “You’d better slow down.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Why?” She looked back down at him. “You look like y
ou can handle it.”

  He chuckled again. “Unless you have a magic bag with some condoms in it...”

  She smiled. “Side pocket of my bug-out bag. My father didn’t raise a fool.”

  Chapter Six

  Ryan smiled, and then he stood up quickly and picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder.

  “Ryan!” She struggled in his arms while laughing. “Well, really!” she huffed then relaxed as he started walking towards the bedroom.

  When he tossed her down on the bed, she stopped laughing and watched him walk over to the bag and retrieve the box of condoms.

  “I do like a prepared woman.” He tossed the box on the nightstand and then moved to stand over her. “Darlin’, you have entirely too many clothes on.” He smiled and then moaned as she ran her hands down her sides and tugged until the yoga pants slipped off her hips. “Beautiful.” He knelt on the bed next to her.

  When he ran his hands over her, his eyes closed with pleasure. Then she lost herself in the feeling of him pleasing her. His hands were calloused, but felt so good against her skin. When he touched her over her silk panties, she cried out and lifted herself from the bed.

  Too long, it had been too long since she’d let herself enjoy a man. When his hot mouth ran up her ribs, she gripped his hair. His hands moved aside her panties, and then his fingers pushed inside her, causing her shoulders to jump off the mattress.

  She called his name over and over again until he covered her lips with his mouth and continued to pleasure her with his fingers. When he settled over her, she wrapped her legs around his narrow hips and gripped his shoulders.

  She looked into his eyes as he slid slowly into her. When she couldn’t contain herself anymore, she arched her back and let pleasure totally consume her. Her nails dug into his skin as she felt herself building.

  “Let go,” he said against her lips, and she had no other option than to obey.


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