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Cedric the Demonic Knight

Page 5

by Valerie Willis

  “Where did the witch go?” He barked at her. Angeline could sense that something had seriously gone wrong on his part as well. “She will pay for this stunt she has pulled as soon as I find her!”

  “She is gone.” Her father approached Cedric, but he made no move to help his daughter. “Angeline knows nothing. The witch has left.”

  “Worthless.” Snarling, Cedric released her with a shove, knocking her to the ground and against the chair. “I have no patience for riddles and games. Someone better tell me something, or it won’t be the hellhounds that destroy everyone here.”

  “She’s the witch’s heiress.” Disbelief took hold of Angeline as she stared at her father, feeling betrayed. He continued to explain, “Angeline is the current carrier of the old woman’s powers, but she may never be able to use them. The hellhounds were sent to seek her magic.”

  “Those hellhounds are Coinn Iotair! They crossed the English Channel and traveled miles to get here! Their powers have been magically enhanced beyond their normal means! Whoever is seeking this witch out is a very powerful magic wielder.” A look of repugnance came across Cedric’s face as he looked down at Angeline. “And I am cursed to have this wench for my bride, if what you tell me is true. Why do the spirits taunt me so?”

  “You? I’m the one who’s cursed!” Pulling herself to her feet, she attempted to shove him. “I hate you! You have made my life a living nightmare! You’re the one who chose me as a prize! How dare you point the finger at me! You’re the monster!”

  “GO ON! CRY SOME MORE ABOUT IT!” Yelping at his shout, she shrank back from him, noticing his tanned skin growing paler. “That’s all you’ve done since I took you from your precious court! You should have stayed in your bed, whore! I had no desire to pick you over the others except you were there the night before. I should have killed you with the other piece of shit human instead of lulling you to sleep. You have been nothing but misfortune and worse, you are of magical blood. You disgust me.”

  “You asshole!” Angeline gathered enough bravery to look him in the eye; she could see he wasn’t focusing on her like normal as his eyes lacked their sharp stare. Despite wanting to continue their argument, her nerves were pulling at her joints. As her stomach tightened, she held her tongue a moment, looking him over before she spoke in a far softer tone. “Wait, what’s wrong with you? What happened?”

  “I’m fine.” Jerking his face from her, she saw a flush of color hit his cheeks as sweat dripped down his forehead. “It’s only recoil. What did the witch want with you? She clearly had several motives luring us here. Why is she so enthralled by me instead of her own flesh and blood? Did she not tell her own kin of her intentions?”

  “Nothing...” Her arm was throbbing from where Cedric’s hand had released it. “She—I was told I am to go with you, despite what I wanted.”

  “How insulting...” Brushing past her, Cedric took a seat in the chair, his breathing growing more restricted with each movement. At times, it sounded as if he was panting like an animal. “I think this is the longest I have seen you go without tears or wailing like a banshee. Did she cure you of that? If so, perhaps I can look past this nuisance she has placed on me.”

  “Is he alright?” Her father was staying far out of their dispute as he continued to watch. “He isn’t well, is he? Lord Cedric, are you well?”

  “I, I don’t know if he’s feeling normal. We haven’t been together long, but maybe.” Keeping her distance, she looked Cedric over as he struggled to breath, failing to respond to their questions. “Cedric, are you…? Are you dying?”

  “No!” He shot her an irritated glare, but his body was having a hard time with the power he’d taken in. Between the Orm and an enhanced Coinn Iotair in such a short space of time, he was overloaded and his body drunk on the rapid increase in power he had gained. His lust was raging, greedy, demanding more. “And don’t talk like I can’t hear you. Now, tell me what else she told you. Surely, you had some exchange of words with the old hag. I have no patience left for stalling, pet.”

  “I… she didn’t say much else before you barged in.” For once, she was starting to feel sorry for the demonic knight. The sweat now soaked his clothes and heat from his sudden fever radiated from him. “C-can I get you something? Do something? Perhaps some cool water?”

  “Don’t touch me.” He shot a cautionary glance at her, making her heart skip a beat. “No one touch me. Stay far from me. I don’t know how long this is going to last. I am in no mood to isolate myself until this wave subsides.”

  “How long this will last?” Angeline dreaded what answer that would follow. Her stance became unsteady as she felt her knees shake. “What do you mean by that?”

  A panicked knocking came from the door, startling everyone. It was followed by a desperate cry through the wood. Her father opened it, finding a hysterical old woman. Tears soaked her face and her jumbled words led to more confusion. Through her pointing and screaming, it became clear that the witch had left them vulnerable. All the undead residents were crawling back into the ground. Josef, the guardsmen from before, shot a sorrowful look toward them before he too returned to the earth. Deep in the woods, the sounds of howls filled the air. There was no mistaking the thudding of the paws as the hellhounds’ ran back and forth outside the outer fences. Unnerved, the remaining villagers gathered their things. The sun was sinking behind the trees, signaling the day’s end. As soon as night fell, they would be open to attack.

  “That bitch!” Angeline jerked at the sound of Cedric’s outburst, followed by the screeching of the chair as he stood. Huffing and panting as sweat dripped from his chin, he gritted his fanged teeth. “She purposely set me up! She knew! The old hag will be dead if I ever find her. I will not let her mock me like this, that manipulating magic-wielding whore!”

  “Knew what?” Angeline’s heart quickened as Cedric approached the doorway, still raging. “Cedric, what’s going on?”

  “Tell everyone to stay in their homes. No one is to come out until daybreak. I have no choice but to deal with the Coinn Iotair and finish the work the witch has put me to do.” Looking back at her, he gave her warning glare. “Lock your doors tight and pray I do not return tonight either.”

  “But, can you fight?” Angeline asked, baffled by his orders, trailing behind him as Cedric walked out into the street. Seeing his failing health, no one understood his intentions and watched him with a mix of confusion and panic. “You look like you are about to pass out. You can’t fight like this! Are you mad?”

  “I mean it! Stay in your homes! I will kill any man or woman who dares come out before daybreak!” The dwindling sunlight reflected in his eyes, glowing as if she were looking into the face of an animal. Sweat glistened across his face and shoulders. He winced suddenly as if in pain before he continued, “You have no idea what you are looking at. Heaven help you if you realize what’s wrong with me. If you ever do, I will kill you one way or another. That, I can promise you, pet.”

  Stopping at the inner fence, she watched him walk away into the woods towards the howling that urged the night to come. “You’re a monster, why should I care what is wrong with you?”

  Cedric could hear the village clamoring behind him as shouts echoed over the trees. His skin crawled with lustful excitement and his fangs itched to be set loose. What they mistook for pain was much of the opposite. Each flinch was a wave of arousal, almost pleasure, hitting his core and sending his blood boiling. After a normal feeding, this drunken sensation was manageable, but the enchanted dog sent him over his limit. His body was in a state of ecstasy from the recent power absorption. Sensations that would normally be nothing but whispers were snaking in the background, screaming at him. There was no doubt his incubine blood desired power gain. There was a new and more obvious lust for Angeline in the mix of his exhilaration. The rage he felt with each wave and pull towards the girl did nothing to tame the incubus within him.

  The only relief he could find came as he increased the distanc
e between himself and Angeline. The incubus bloodline was exerting its influence on him, instincts attempting to override logic. Everything quickened while he was in this state. His heart and lungs doubled their pace as he stomped away from the village and ever closer to the hounds. Anger fueled his thoughts with every step; he could not stand losing his will in the face of his incubine desires. Sounds of panting and the pattering of invisible paws followed him along the path through the trees. The heat from the hellhounds’ breath caressed his skin and made him quiver in delight. Once the sun set, there would be a burst of hellfire as the Coinn Iotair manifested themselves on the physical plane. They were ready for battle, minutes away from nightfall.

  How did the witch know that power consumption made it difficult for me to hold back my incubine bloodline?

  He spat at the ground as he came to a stop, satisfied he’d attracted all of the Coinn Iotair. Horns extended from his head, spiraling into a sharp point like a ram’s antlers. Letting some of his self-restraint ease back, he could feel his claws and fangs grow more ferocious like those of a lion.

  It has been a long time since I last struggled against my incubine instincts. The old witch had to have known devouring too much power would trigger it. However, I am eager to gain more power. I have much to gather before I can take my vengeance upon my creator. Perhaps this was more of a blessing than a mockery of my weakness.

  Anticipation slithered across his skin as he inhaled, smelling the power that the enchanted hellhounds held for him, adding to his arousal. He felt drunk with desire; no feat seemed too big when he was in this state.

  I have to keep away from the village long enough to ride this wave out. If I get too close to the girl, my instincts will shatter what willpower I have held onto. At least the hounds will provide a distraction. If I am quick, I can devour their power and have more than enough time to ride out the lust until daybreak. Why would a witch toy with me then give me enough to feed on to triple my current power? Is the girl so important that I am the best escort she could have? What manner of magic does she hold? Why does the old hag require me to jump in power so quickly?

  More sweat poured from his arms and face as a throbbing sensation pulsed through him.

  Damn it, thinking of the whore triggers my incubine instincts! Curse this bloodline of mine! This relentless desire for the flesh will be the death of me!

  Roaring filled his ears as a flash of hellfire brightened the night air. The Coinn Iotair, fully formed, stood nearly as tall as Cedric. Three of them stood before him growling as light smoked from their eyes. They were starving, which provided Cedric with the advantage. All at once, they leapt at him. Catching the first attacking dog in both hands caused it to snap and snarl inches from his face.

  Cedric threw his weight into the large canine, falling on top of the hellhound, still gripping its neck. The other two were short-tempered and snarled at one another as their starvation fueled a fight between them. Taking the opening, Cedric quickly made his first kill. He dug his fangs deep into the beast’s neck, the warm blood dancing on his tongue. Eagerly he gulped down the bitter, metallic taste of magic mixed with blood that invaded his mouth. With his incubine blood taking hold of his senses, he was draining the power with ease. His instincts greedily urged him for him to take in every drop and left him hungry for more.

  Sensing the death of their pack member outraged the remaining hounds and they immediately turned their focus back to Cedric. One darted forward and was met with a hound carcass to the face, knocking it back. Before he could shift his attention, the other took action, landing a bite on one of Cedric’s arms. Hellfire boiled out of its mouth, burning the flesh as it spilled across his skin. The smell was ungodly. The heat seared Cedric’s skin while the hound’s teeth tore the flesh. Blood bubbled in the flames as it oozed from where fangs penetrated the melted skin. Despite the savage damage being inflicted on his arm, Cedric grinned. An animalistic persona crept forward, adding to the chill on the breeze.

  “You’ll pay for that!” Snatching the hound’s nostrils with a thumb and finger, he twisted; yelping, the hellhound released its hold on his arm.

  The hellfire was still smoldering and flaming on his arm as he jerked the canine’s head to the side, slamming it into the ground head first. Breathless, his chest heaving, Cedric glared down at the heap at his feet. A gurgling sound came from the beast as it struggled to stand up. The other hound circled back. In an effort to defend its pack mate, it leapt onto Cedric’s back. Fighting to chew at his head, the hound found the horns to be stronger than it expected. Reaching back, Cedric grabbed fists full of fur, flinging the great beast onto its injured partner on the ground. The hellhound’s short trip ended with a sharp crack, pop, and muffled yelps. One of them was not returning to the fight.

  Rolling up on its feet the other hellhound snapped and barked at him, flecks of foam flying from its mouth as it growled. Hellfire was building as purple and blue flames poured out from under its teeth, giving the foam an eerie glow. An uncanny howl rolled forth with hellfire riding it, aimed for Cedric. In defense, he raised his burnt arm. As his flesh smoldered more, he did not flinch from what should have been a painful impact. Green eyes caught the glowing hellfire ones, mocking the large hellhound’s efforts. It was useless trying to harm him at this point. The feedings had already let lose his incubine desires; pain was pleasure in this drunken state. The hellfire plume died as the Coinn Iotair faltered in its focus.

  With lightning speed, Cedric pushed back the beast, his fangs locking onto the hellhound’s neck. A hair splitting yelp escaped the canine in its panic. Eagerly, he pulled power out of the beast, suckling and slurping. Growling came from the injured hound on the ground, still struggling to move with its broken legs and back; it was unclear if it aimed to flee or wanted to fight. Steam and smoke wafted off Cedric’s blackened arm as he continued drinking, feeling engorged. Each gulp brought immense pleasure and his eyes rolled back in response. Excitement crept through his body, overriding his sense of self. The blood in his veins burned through him with a new level of power and he wanted more.

  Pain in this form comes to me like pleasure, dogs. Incubi crave such harsh battles, and after I have drained you both, no marks from this battle will remain. You have only granted me a moment of pure bliss, like whores to the depraved. I know nothing but desire in this form, and with no way to stop or distract me, you were dead before sunset. Nothing is more satisfying than the sensation of my claws ripping through flesh or the ecstasy of the teeth and claws that rip through my own skin.


  Angeline opened the door, watching the sunlight fall across the dusty cottage floor. She poked her head out to have a look. The presence of hellhounds from the day before was gone. Despite the battle she knew had taken place the night before, the village looked to be intact, however there was no sign of Cedric. Daybreak had passed hours ago, but still, no one dared to venture beyond the safety of their doors. Yesterday had been so eerily quiet that it was a relief when she heard the songs of the birds. It no longer felt like anything was wrong in Raven’s Den. Turning to her father, she finally saw him for the broken man he was. Mustering a smile, she hoped to add a sense of forgiveness between them. He truly was a coward, and at least her mother didn’t have to see what little of the man was left in him.

  “There is a chance he is hurt.” Her father’s words were low, nothing but a whisper. “Do you not worry for Lord Cedric?”

  “Why would I?” Her smile failed, appalled at being asked such a ridiculous question. “Why would I care for a demon like that? He mistreats me! You saw how he shoved me to the ground like a ragdoll! I am not his-”

  “Pet.” Her nerves rattled from her feet to the top of her head at the sound of his voice, sharp to her ears. She could feel his breath, warm and steady, grace the back of her head. There was no denying he was alive and well. Taking in a deep breath he continued to speak, “Hate me all you want, but you’re mine. I can do whatever I wish with you. Don’t you
ever forget that, precious.”

  “No,” Tears slipped their way down her cheeks as she whispered to herself. “I won’t cry.”

  “What was that?” Cedric stood close behind her. She could feel the warmth of his body radiating into her own. Huffing onto the nape of her neck, he continued his stinging words, “Are you crying again? What a waste.”

  “I won’t cry for you anymore!” she yelled, fortifying her nerves. With a deep breath, she turned on her heels, glaring at his sharp dagger eyes. “I will not entertain your insults by crying for you! No more, demon!”

  “What a relief.” A smirk vined across his mouth, and she bit her bottom lip. He seemed different to her somehow and far more powerful than when he left last night. “Now get your things. I need a more dependable horse, and I’ll need you for bait.”

  “We have horses here!” She fought the startling sensation that pulled at her. Every time she got close to him it heightened, and she struggled to find a safe distance to prevent this new feeling. “I am not your bait to lure your-”

  “Still your tongue!” His fingers dug into her jaw and cheeks, forcing her to stand up on her tippy toes. Tears welled up in her eyes as the pain shot through her and all she could stare at was his sour face. Cedric had lost all patience for her. “You can spit your venom at me when we are on the road! Get your things now!” Echoes of his angry words bounced around her eardrums. Cedric released his grip on her and she lost her balance, landing hard on the ground.

  He strode outside to wait for her at the far fence. There were no signs of his horns; his injuries from the grueling fight filled with hellfire had vanished. No clues were left for anyone to gauge what the battle had been like. It took longer than expected to get his blood to sit still, but he knew his incubine half was pushing its way to the surface, filled with desire. He’d gained so much power in the last two days that he could feel it down to his fingertips. His enhanced senses were gathering more information and his muscles even twitched and seemed larger just from last night’s feeding frenzy. It was clear that there was a faint smell of magic in Angeline’s blood.


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