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Page 5

by Rasey, Patricia A.

  “What of her?” Grigore asked.

  “I’m sure most of you know her.”

  Several at the table nodded, some with sly grins that rankled Kaleb’s ire. He shook off the little green-eyed monster that tried to take root. “She’s my personal donor.”

  “You staking your claim, Hawk?” Anton asked.

  “No, Blondy.”

  “Then what exactly are you saying?”

  “She retired herself from being a donor six months ago. Let’s just say I took her out of retirement.”

  “Then you’re fucking her,” Grayson said.

  Kaleb glared at his VP, a muscle ticking in his cheek. “No.”

  “So what you’re saying is she’s still open game. We just have to keep our fangs to ourselves,” Grayson continued.

  Kaleb’s nostrils flared in his rising ire. To hell with what his brothers thought of his actions or his demands. He was the president, and as such he was allowed to make such an outlandish request. Usually donors were only forbidden from other club members if a Sons claimed them as an old lady.

  “Suzi Stevens is off limits. No one touches her, no one feeds from her. To do so means you’re willing to suffer my wrath.”

  Without another word or waiting for further reaction, Kaleb turned and exited the meeting room, slamming the door behind him. He had made the decision not to share her. He didn’t want any of his brothers feeding from his donor so that when he needed nourishment, she’d always be available to him. It had nothing to do with his messed up desire to fuck her. Hell no. If he ever gave into that desire, he’d need his own damn head examined.

  Chapter 5

  Suzi strolled through the DVD isle of the mom-and-pop grocery store that Tamera’s parents owned in Pleasant, picking up videos and reading the jackets as she went. She held one up and smiled. “We have time for two tonight? Channing Tatum has all the right moves in this one.”

  Her roommate smiled. “You take Channing. I personally like Joe Manganiello.”

  “Was there really a bad dancer in the movie?”

  Tamera laughed. “Yes, and I don’t think I need to say who.”

  The sound of a Harley Davidson drew Suzi’s attention away from the conversation as they both looked up from the Magic Mike jacket and peered out the large front window. A red and white sale poster, announcing ground beef at a bottom dollar low price, kept them hidden from view of the other side as they glanced around it. A bright red Sportster backed into an angled parking lot just outside the store. Suzi watched as Grayson kicked down the center stand, cut the engine, and swung a leather-clad leg over the bike’s black leather seat. He unsnapped his skull cap, then hung it from the handlebar. Dark shades hid his eyes from view. The vampire took a quick glance around at his surroundings before turning and heading for the entrance to the store. A bell rang over the door as it opened. Grayson stepped into the cooler interior, pushing his rich brown hair back from his face and placing his sunglasses atop his head. The day had been unseasonably warm as they headed into the spring of the year, though Suzi wasn’t one to complain. She hated the cold months of winter.

  Clutching the Blu-Ray jacket to her chest, she watched the VP of the Sons make his way past them. With any luck, the biker would get what he came for and be on his way without noticing their presence. After last night with Kaleb, she wasn’t in the mood to see any of the Sons today. But good fortune wasn’t on her side as he turned his head and glanced in their direction.

  “You think he knows we’re donors?” Tamera whispered as the biker took a left and made his way through the aisles, heading toward them.

  Suzi stifled a laugh. She had been a donor for far too many years for any of the Sons not to know of her, or at the very least recognize her. She’d probably fed nearly all of them at one point or another … some of them several times in fact. This one, though, had been a rarity. She could only recall feeding him a time or two. But it was pretty likely that there were those who didn’t yet know her roommate since Tamera was still young and fairly new to the society.

  Grayson stopped just shy of them and gave a nod in greeting. His gaze went from Suzi’s to the movie she clutched at her chest then to Tamera, where it held long enough to show interest. His gaze traveling back to the Blu-Ray, he plucked it from Suzi’s clasp and turned it over, looking at the front. His full lips turned up in amusement before handing it back. Suzi quickly replaced on the shelf.

  One dark brow lifted. “You two looking for entertainment?”

  “What do you want, Gypsy?” Suzi asked, gritting her teeth. He certainly knew how to take the fun out of their evening. The last thing she had wanted was to be standing there having a conversation with any of Kaleb’s MC brothers.

  “I was commenting on your decision.” His hand indicated the Blu-Ray she returned to the shelf. “I’m betting I have moves that will rival any of those in that movie.”

  “Seriously?” Suzi groaned, rolling her eyes. “You did not just say that.”

  His smile widened. “I’m just saying … you could have the real thing.”

  “Not in this lifetime, Gypsy. Why not head for the Rave? I’m sure there are plenty of girls out there who would fall for your cheesy pickup.”

  He ignored her jibe, not offended in the least, and glanced at Tamera. “Who’s the redhead?”

  Tamera stepped eagerly forward, appearing way too happy to meet the one biker, in Suzi’s opinion, she should stay away from. Suzi knew Grayson’s reputation with the ladies. One woman never seemed to be enough for the vampire.

  “Tamera Cantrell,” she said, eagerly sticking out her hand which Grayson took to his lips. But instead of kissing the back, he turned her hand over and slowly licked a path up her palm.

  “My pleasure. You—”

  “Oh please, Gypsy.” Suzi grumbled, not about to allow him to take advantage of her suddenly dumbstruck roommate. She definitely needed to have a conversation with Tamera on which Sons to avoid at all costs. The VP topped that list. “Move along already, Gypsy. It’s obvious we have better things to do than entertain you.”

  The vampire flashed Suzi another heated smile, his fangs slightly extended. “Sweetheart, I’m talking to Ms. Cantrell. You are obviously spoken for.”

  What the hell did he mean by that? At first she thought he referred to the solitaire on her hand, but it hadn’t been Suzi’s hand that Grayson had just French kissed, giving him far too much credit that he would pay attention to detail.

  “What do you mean?”

  Grayson turned to Suzi. “I really don’t have time to party, ladies. I have a couple of fallen brothers I need to help put to rest and the sun is starting to descend. So if you’ll excuse me, I need to get the fifths of whisky I came for and be on my way.”

  Suzi grabbed his forearm, stopping Grayson from retreating. No way was she letting him off the hook that easy. He had brought up the part about her being spoken for, so he wasn’t leaving without an explanation.

  “What do you mean I’m spoken for?”

  Grayson’s smile reached his eyes, seemingly humored. “You don’t know that the P’s claimed you, sweetheart?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? I belong to no one, leastwise Hawk.”

  “Then maybe it’s Hawk you need to be having this conversation with. He’s made it perfectly clear that you’re off limits.”

  “Of all the—”

  “Take that up with the pres, sweetheart,” he said with a wink before turning back to Tamera. He reached out and trailed his forefinger down her jaw. “I’ll catch up with you later, doll.”

  Tamera stared in Grayson’s wake, her curiosity and attraction clearly written in her expression. She looked like a schoolgirl with a crush. Too bad Suzi had to be the one to let her roommate in on why Grayson “Gypsy” Gabor was so not the guy you crushed on. Grayson was far worse than Kaleb when it came to women. Oh, he loved them all right. Too much was his problem. Rarely was he seen with only one girl on his arm. Hell, he had a posse of w
omen at any given time. She supposed his Hollywood good looks had a lot to do with it, that and his hundred-watt smile.


  “Don’t even start, Tamera.” Suzi shoved the movie they came for into her roommate’s arms. “I don’t even know where to start with all the reasons Gypsy is all kinds of wrong for you.”

  “Why?” Her brows knit together over the bridge of her nose, clearly annoyed that Suzi would think to dictate who she should stay away from. “Who’s he right for?”

  “Let’s just say no woman.”

  “Is he spoken for?”

  “Well … no. Not that I know of anyway.”

  A smile returned to Tamera’s lips. “Then that’s good news for me. Maybe I’ll head to the Rave—”

  Suzi blew out a steady breath. “Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “I hardly believe he can be that bad.” Tamera headed for the checkout with two bottles of merlot and their movie.

  Suzi tossed a large bag of popcorn into her cart along with several other items they were getting low on, then met Tamera at the checkout counter. She hugged her mom and thanked her as Suzi began placing the items on the conveyer belt.

  “You taking good care of my daughter, Suzi?”

  “Of course, Mrs. Cantrell.”

  She smiled widely, kissed Suzi on the cheek and said, “I’m glad she has you living in the townhouse with her. Otherwise, her father and I would worry something fierce.”

  Thanks to Tamera’s parents owning the place, Suzi got a great price on the rent. Half the price of what it would cost her anywhere else. “Really, it’s you and Mr. Cantrell that deserve my thanks.”

  “Nonsense, dear. Now you two have a great night. I have paperwork to get back to.”

  Tamera brushed her mom’s cheek with a kiss before the older woman left the checkout area for the back of the store with a final wave. Suzi could see where Tamera got her stunning looks from. Her mother’s bright red hair piled high on her head, and she didn’t look a day over thirty-five even though the woman had just celebrated her forty-ninth birthday.

  Items sacked and back in their cart, the two headed for Suzi’s red Neon. By the position of the sun, it looked like they’d make it back to the townhouse just before it got dark. Suzi thought of Kaleb and Grayson’s ridiculous statement that she belonged to Kaleb or that he had somehow claimed her. He had made himself perfectly clear the night he had fed from her. But if he thought for one minute that meant she was off limits to other men, he had a rude awakening coming. Maybe it was time to see if she could turn the tables and make the arrogant ass jealous.

  “The movie and wine tonight are compliments of Mom,” Tamera said as she helped load the groceries into the car.

  “You’ll have to thank her for me.” Suzi shut the trunk, then walked around to the driver’s side and climbed into the car.

  Once they were both seated, Tamera looked at Suzi as she turned the key and started the engine. “Is Gypsy really all that bad?”

  Suzi put the car into reverse and backed into the road, before sliding the gearshift into drive and heading toward home. “Let me just put it this way, Gypsy likes his women.”

  “That’s not a bad thing, Suzi.”

  “It is if he likes them more than one at a time and you’re not into that kind of thing. Are you?”

  Tamera shook her head. “Not that I’ve ever tried it. But I’m not sure I’d want to share my man.”

  “Then Gypsy is definitely not the man for you.”

  She appeared to mull over what Suzi had to say as she stared out the front window for several long moments. Finally she said, “Then maybe he hasn’t met the right woman yet.”

  “Maybe.” Suzi chuckled. “But then again, I’ve known him for over ten years and the right woman hasn’t come along yet. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Tamera nodded, then focused on the road, remaining quiet the rest of the way home. Suzi felt bad for squashing the younger woman’s crush. After all, what right did she have to comment on matters of the heart when her own love life couldn’t be more screwed up? Suzi sighed. Two more days and Kaleb would come looking for her if she didn’t show up at the Rave. That gave her two days to come up with a fake fiancé. Possibly one who would turn him green with envy.

  * * *

  “You said what?” Kaleb asked. A small chuckle erupted before turning into full-blown mirth.

  His MC brother never failed to amuse him, even after something as gut wrenching as ashing their brothers. Nicolas and Steven wouldn’t have wanted them to mourn their loss so much as celebrate their life, and the MC had been standing around the makeshift alter, turned pyre, in the back lot of the clubhouse. To all passersby, it looked like a rowdy bunch, passing a whiskey bottle around and sharing war stories. Those who saw and thought as much wouldn’t have been far off in their thinking, except for the detail of their comrades’ ashes scattering amongst the wind.

  “It’s a wonder you even get laid, Gypsy.”

  Grayson shrugged and joined in the humor. “You’d be surprised what bad pickup lines get you.”

  The two shared a twelve-pack as they now kicked back in the clubhouse’s main living area, following the send-off. The rest of the MC brothers had retired hours earlier as the sun had long ago risen. But not before toasting to the brothers they would miss and vowing revenge on the guilty. The Sons had stood in the brisk night air knocking back the amber liquid, feeling the burn until the wee hours of the morning and every last drop of whiskey had been consumed.

  Now, several hours later, still not yet ready to call it a day, Grayson and Kaleb sat on the worn sofas, feet propped on the scarred center table, rehashing the day over the last of the beers.

  Grayson took a pull from his longneck, then looked at Kaleb thoughtfully. “So what’s with Suzi Stevens’ engagement ring? You didn’t tell me she had a fiancé.”

  Kaleb’s humor quickly died and the smile shed his face as anger began a slow burn in his gut. It irked him that Suzi had any affect on his mood at all. He was supposed to loathe the ground she stood on. He’d do well to remember how she had reacted to his nephew’s death. Most women in her position would’ve fallen to pieces. But not her. Suzi had stood toe-to-toe with him, blue eyes locked on his without showing an ounce of compassion as if he had just told her nothing more significant than supper had been placed on the table. She had politely thanked him and walked away. No, Suzi Stevens was a cold-hearted bitch who had ice running through her veins, no matter how she claimed to have mourned in private. Kaleb would stake his reputation on his belief that she hadn’t.

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Gypsy? What ring?”

  “The one she wears on her left hand, dude. Are you fucking blind? It has to be a carat at the very least.”

  Kaleb tipped back his bottle, finishing the last of his beer. His jaw ached as he clamped down on his teeth with rising fury, then launched the empty bottle across the room where it smashed against the rough-hewn, paneled wall, sending shards flying about the space.

  Grayson held his palms facing out. “Whoa, I didn’t mean to make you go all postal, dude. I was just making conversation. Besides, you were the one who said you weren’t fucking her.”

  “I’m not.” He all but growled, cursing the night she stepped back into the Rave.

  Why did she have to be his one weakness? He should’ve tossed her out on her ass and found his nourishment elsewhere. But no. One bad decision and he would no doubt be left regretting it for a long time to come. He needed his head examined for claiming her as his personal donor. Jesus! Kaleb ran both hands down his tired face and blew out a steady stream of air toward the ceiling. Yep, it was official. He was a fucking idiot.

  “What’s got you all hell bent then? I’m sure whoever the unlucky bastard is, he isn’t feeding off her. Ain’t a vamp I know who follows that human tradition.”

  Kaleb had to agree with Grayson. None of his kind used rings of any sort to clai
m their mates. It was simple, when mated no vampire dared mess with another’s mate. To do so meant certain death. He’d rip out the throat of the first man who tried to take what was his.

  “She never mentioned she was engaged. And I was too focused on her carotid artery to notice. Not that I care. Like I said, I’m not fucking her. Regardless of her fiancé, she’s still a donor. And as such, I have a right to claim her for nourishment.”

  Grayson chuckled. “Whatever you say, dude. Try as you might to convince yourself, but you’ve got a hard-on for that little donor.”

  “That little donor belongs to Ion.”

  “Past tense, dude. Ion’s been gone for over ten years. You going to keep punishing her for not choosing you all those years ago?”

  Kaleb grabbed the last longneck from the cardboard carrier and pulled the metal cap off with his teeth and spit it to the wooden floor. It tinged across the flooring and skidded to a stop next to the broken glass of his last bottle. He’d need to clean that mess later. Taking a healthy swig, he slammed the bottle on the wooden arm of the sofa. Foam bubbled up, nearly spilling over as Kaleb stared at the paneled wall in front of him. He certainly didn’t want to admit that Grayson might be correct, that Kaleb had been trying to punish the young and impressionable girl all those years ago for choosing his nephew. Hell, he hadn’t even wanted her. Sure, fucking her had been like an aphrodisiac. But one woman? There were far too many women willing to suck his cock to settle for just one.

  So what the hell had him so bugged?

  He glanced back at Grayson. The vampire looked at him unapologetically.

  “You’re full of shit, Gypsy.”

  “Am I, Pres? You just stood in a room full of MC brothers yesterday, forbidding them to touch your donor. You all but growled that demand. You might as well have stated right then and there that you claimed the little brunette for your mate.”

  “I have no need of a mate.”


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