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Twisted Secrets

Page 4

by Keta Kendric

  Some members sat at the table and others took seats on the couches. No one sat on the couch next to me, although there was room for three. Instead, they squeezed four each on the other two couches or stood against the wall.

  Cousin Ansel sat at the table next to Aaron with his back to me. With Aaron and Ansel’s two big bodies in front of me, it helped stifle a little of my anxiety and made me a little less visible.

  Occasionally, Ansel would glance back at me with an inquisitive look on his face.

  I didn’t know what to make of him, but there was one thing I was certain of, he was a killer.

  There was a trait etched in a person’s eyes that I’d learned to read or sense. The vibe I’d sensed in Aaron was the same as I sensed in Ansel. He’d killed men, and from what I could tell, lots of them. Ansel presented a playful personality, but behind those pretty hazel eyes was the heart of a killer.

  Since most of the guys had gotten used to seeing me, I received a few odd looks, but no one had said anything about my presence in the basement yet. Those who didn’t know me glanced around Aaron and Ansel to sneak peeks at me. Did they know Aaron and I were together?

  The last member that entered the basement slammed and locked the door from the inside. The clink of that lock echoed inside my brain. The clunk of the man’s heavy footsteps made the steep steps groan and reminded me that I was locked in with a group that could kill me as easily as DG6 intended to.

  Nine instead of the usual eight sat around the chairman’s table. Ansel made up the extra member.

  As I observed the room more closely, confusion sent my eyes darting about like marbles inside my head. Each time I was brave enough to glance up and catch one of the men staring at me, they’d skirt their eyes away from mine. What was going on with these bikers?

  Shark slammed his big fist on the heavy wood of the table, and all voices and movements ceased.

  “If you don’t know by now, we have a new adversary. Those motherfuckers shot me, shot up the clubhouse, and tried to take Aaron out at the damn grocery store.”

  No one said anything in response to Shark’s words. They stared intently, letting the information sink in. Shark’s strident voice pulled me out of my thoughts and continued to emanate throughout the basement. “So far, we don’t know who these motherfuckers are, but either—”

  “They die, or we die.” They’d all spoken the statement at the same time, loud and sure. Even the people sitting on the couches and standing against the walls had recited the words. I scanned the room with curious, roving eyes. Each person in this room seemed ready to go out in a blaze of glory if that was what it came to. The realization that I’d grossly underestimated this MC, hit me.

  “Fucking right,” Shark continued. “They came at me, and my son, so they must die. I don’t give a fuck how many of them show up, you better put dick in the fucking dirt or die trying.”

  Agreeing words sounded around the table and heads nodded with enthusiastic faces. It was like a bunch of switches had been flipped to kill mode. I swallowed the large lump in my throat as I struggled to breathe past the suffocating testosterone that was being released into the air. They were willing to die and they didn’t know that these men were after me.

  “Informants couldn’t tell us who the fuck these people are. So, all we know is there was a group of about ten that came into town some days ago sniffing around for information. They may also have a secondary team hidden some place outside of town. Aaron took out seven of those motherfuckers the day before yesterday. The shit made the news, so the area is not only going to be full of motherfuckers we need to kill, but it’s going to be congested with pigs, Feds, and all kind of law enforcement.”

  I sat and listened to the men speculate on who this new adversary could be. They discussed strategy on how to best handle the group. It surprised me to find out that most, if not, all the members had already sent their families away. The club’s bar and strip club would remain open, mainly as traps to catch their adversaries. A five-man crew, armed and prepared to kill, would be deployed to stake out each location.

  The only place any of the men were to lay their heads was here at this safe house or the second safe house the MC owned on the other side of town.

  Once the group had planned their first line of defense, fifteen of the twenty-three men in the basement departed like soldiers with their assignments.

  Aaron swung his chair around to me. “We’re staying here tonight.”

  I nodded my head, stunned. I’d never seen anything like this. They were seriously considering going to war.

  Just as Aaron started to say something else, Cousin Ansel swung his chair around. His eyes drifted away from me and landed on the side of his cousin’s head. Aaron knew he was being ogled by his cousin, but he kept his gaze on me.

  “We got a lot to talk about, cousin.” Ansel’s words were low. He leaned closer to Aaron and dropped his voice even lower. He seemed not to want the remaining men to hear what he was telling Aaron. “We need to have a serious discussion about how your girlfriend, who happens to be strapped, was allowed to sit through a club meeting without anyone saying shit about it.”

  Ansel didn’t have to say the rest of what he was thinking. The fact that I was African-American should have been the number one reason why I shouldn’t have been allowed inside their meeting. The fact that I was the only female and may well have been one of the only females allowed inside their sacred meeting also had Cousin Ansel’s antennae up.

  Ansel glanced at me. He managed to make a devious smile look charming. “No offense to you, sweetie, but I’m a couple of puzzle pieces away from a clear picture here.”

  I half nodded and half shrugged. “None taken.”

  Truth of the matter was, I still had trouble figuring out what was happening. No one had ever explained anything to me. Other than the pieces I’d put together while working for the MC, I didn’t know why my presence hadn’t incited an internal MC war.

  Ansel’s eyes landed right back on the side of Aaron’s head. “Aaron, what the fuck is going on? And tell me everything.”

  Shark added his two cents after hearing his nephew’s question to his son. “That’s right, Aaron. Tell your cousin every fucking thing. Don’t leave out a single fucking detail.”

  Aaron placed his hand up to his forehead, clearly not wanting to get into explaining me to his cousin. He definitely wasn’t in the mood for his father’s comments.

  Aaron finally glanced over at his cousin. “It’s a long fucking story, Ansel. Let me get Megan settled, and then we’ll talk.”

  Chapter Six


  “So, let me get this straight. She shot Scud at the clubhouse, killed Chuck inside your house, and helped you clean up and bury the bodies? Plus, she killed two of the seven you led into the woods a few days ago? Get the fuck out of here.”

  This was the first time in a long time I’d seen my cousin dumbstruck. I had proceeded in telling him Megan’s backstory, including the details about her foster family, who they truly were, and of her being forced to lure innocent girls to their deaths.

  Ansel gripped his chin with his thumb and index finger, more than likely, his mind envisioning some of what I’d divulged to him about Megan. “You’re telling me that little innocent-faced woman I pulled out of your truck did all that shit? Plus, not only survived, but killed an original member of DG6?”

  Ansel didn’t give me a chance to answer his questions, his mind was probably working at warp speed. “How the fuck did she get Uncle Shark to agree to her crazy-ass proposal in the first place?” The loud snap of Ansel’s fingers echoed off the walls when he realized something. “That’s why Unc didn’t challenge that crazy shit you pulled tonight, having her in the club meeting. She’d already been in and out of the MC’s meetings before she even knew who the hell you were.”

  Ansel was having difficulties grasping the story I’d told him. We’d grown up together and had become as close as brothers. His mother, my aunt,
had taken her own life when Ansel was only eight, and federal agents had shot his father when Ansel was twelve. Shark took him under his evil black wings and raised him along with Ryan and me.

  Most people assumed Ansel and I were brothers. Our mothers had been twins, which was the explanation behind the close resemblance he and I shared, I supposed.

  All throughout high school, Ansel and I traded girls like baseball cards. I didn’t think there was one girl that I’d slept with that he hadn’t also slept with and vice versa. We made a sport out of it, most times rating them on his scale versus mine. I usually graded much easier than Ansel’s crazy ass, though.

  However, I think he picked up on the fact that I had no intention of sharing Megan with him. In case he didn’t understand my first few warnings, I reminded him again.

  “Megan is off-limits, Ansel. I mean that shit.”

  “Okay. You don’t have to keep telling me that shit. I get it. She’s special, the one, the one you’d be willing to go to war for.”

  Those specific words got my attention, especially the way Ansel had placed emphasis on them.

  “What makes you say that?” I asked, trying but failing to keep my brows from pinching as worry crept into my brain. Ansel acted a fool, but I knew he was a lot smarter than he let on.

  “This group of mercenaries…I don’t think they’re after you or us at all. If they were after anyone in this MC, you’d know who they were by now. Those motherfuckers want her, and you don’t care if you have to go to war to keep her safe. This could be DG6 after her for taking out a fucking original.” Ansel glanced at me, his gaze locked on mine. “And you call me the crazy one?”


  Ansel threw up his hand, cutting me off. “I get it, but not everyone in this MC is as open-minded as me. If they knew you were willing to lay their lives on the line over a woman, they would probably kill her or turn her over to those mercenaries. If they knew it might be DG6, they’d kill you and her.”

  Ansel twisted his neck left and right, popping it. He heaved a deep sigh and his forehead creased as deeply as mine. He was still digesting what I’d revealed to him about Megan’s past and a possible DG6 crisis. However, the fact that he was still sitting with me eased my tension.

  If Ansel had any intention of telling the MC the real reason why we were going to war, he’d have walked out of the room and shouted the shit to the house—after he’d put a bullet in Megan’s head. Yes, my cousin is that deadly.

  However, after we gave each other our stare of understanding, I knew he’d stand by my side and help me fight if it came to it. If I cared about something or believed in it enough, even if he still held doubts, Ansel would always take my side.

  “Does she mean enough to you that you can’t live without her?” he asked. The seriousness in his tone and gaze crashed into mine. “If you let me kill her, this can be over before it even starts.”

  In a normal family conversation, one might have been upset over a question like this, but I guess you had to know the person to understand them.

  “I can’t let you kill her, Ansel. She means that much to me.”

  He shrugged it off as if we weren’t just talking about him killing the woman he knew I would protect with my life.

  He asked, “Does she even know that she’s somehow managed to earn respect from this MC? Do you know how fucking shocked I was to not only see you with an African-American woman, but to see her sitting inside a club meeting? That shit still has me tripping the fuck out.”

  Ansel kept talking. However, his questions weren’t the kind he wanted answered, but they were more to express his surprise at what he’d witnessed. His brows remained pinched as astonishment surfaced in his gaze. “Do you know how much effort it took for me to sit at that table and keep my mouth shut? The only other woman I’ve ever seen in an August Knights meeting was your mother, and that’s because she was as vicious as any of the guys.”

  The idea of Megan’s progression within the MC was as big a shocker to me as it was to Ansel. However, Megan was nothing like my mother. My mother was an alcoholic, an abusive troublemaker, and an evil, vindictive woman. I believed until this day that she wouldn’t have hesitated to put a bullet in my brother’s head or mine if it served the MC.

  My father had his faults, but he’d never laid a hand on my brother or me. The only time I could remember my father raising a voice to my mother was when he’d catch her mistreating either of us. She’d killed herself in a head-on collision, driving drunk. Thankfully, she hadn’t taken anyone to hell with her after going head to head with an eighteen-wheeler.

  Ansel’s heavy sigh pulled my attention. He closed one eye and stared at me through the other. “So, Megan’s been killing since she was fourteen? And she’s killed at least six people that you know about?”

  I nodded, but his question had me wondering how many others Megan may have killed that she hadn’t told me about. She’d confirmed that she had infiltrated other organizations. Had she killed people within those groups?

  Ansel’s lips turned up into a tight smile. His mind was likely doing somersaults around the idea of Megan being a killer.

  “I can fucking see why you want her, that’s for sure. She’s sexy as fuck and she ain’t afraid to murder a motherfucker. She’s a sexy, little, sociopathic, serial killer. And she must have the best pussy in the world to send you this fucking far across the line.”

  My mind couldn’t formulate a response to Ansel’s comments because in a way, he was right. I was sure I wouldn’t have been interested in Megan if she was normal.

  Ansel continued with a slow teasing shake of his head. “I’m telling you now, cousin. I won’t sleep with her, but if you get yourself killed over her, all bets are off.”

  The pointed glint in Ansel’s hazel eyes made me aware that he was dead-ass serious. All I could do was laugh at my crazy cousin.

  Chapter Seven


  By the time I made it back to our room, which was thankfully, the only bedroom on the first floor, Megan was laid on top of the covers. She’d fallen asleep waiting for me. I crept into the bathroom and didn’t bother pulling clothes from the duffle I’d packed at my house. I wasn’t going to need clothes after I woke Megan up.

  Fresh out of the shower, I quickly toweled myself off, slapped on some deodorant and slunk my hot body in the bed next to her. She had on the only outfit I liked seeing her in, one of my shirts. My dick was already hard and poking into her side when she stirred.

  She let out a low, lazy moan, and as soon as her eyes met mine, she smiled. I’d turned the lamp off but left the bathroom light on to give us some illumination.

  When Megan turned towards me, I lifted my shirt over her butt, and a pleasing smile brightened my face. Smooth-brown and plump, the sight of her bare ass filled me with a desire that only she could elicit. A low groan escaped as eager fingers slipped around her waist before I pulled her closer.

  My lips skimmed the soft skin of her neck as I palmed one of her supple ass cheeks. My mouth roamed over the tender flesh of her neck and dragged over her collarbone until my lips clamped on to her nipple through my soft cotton T-shirt. A nasally moan escaped her as she squirmed under my play.

  My hand slid over a shapely hip before gripping and pulling her hot middle into my hard dick. Her breathy whine heightened my arousal and urged me to move faster. It was shameful how hot this woman could get me. When I lifted the tail end of my shirt and slipped it up her silky body, she assisted in slipping it over her head.

  We feasted on each other’s bodies before I spread her legs and dove, dick-first into her tight, welcoming pussy. We were hissing before I could get a good rhythm going. My palm pushed against the inside of her thigh, opening her wider while sending her leg up higher. The slight repositioning sent my dick in deeper and made her pussy clench tighter around me.

  “Aaron, you’re hitting my spot, baby. Don’t stop.”

  An exhausting, “Oh shit!” escaped me before a
loud mixture of a moan and groan rattled my throat. Nothing could have made me stop but a damn bullet in my brain. The mattress groaned, the box-spring knocked, and the damn headboard smacked against the wall. A damn marching band may as well have been passing through the room as much noise as we were making.

  “Someone is going to hear us,” Megan pointed out before she bit into my neck to quiet her loud moaning.

  “I don’t care. They’re grown. They know what women and men do behind closed doors,” I managed to say before my mind was overpowered by the intoxication of our sex.

  I didn’t know if Megan had heard my statement, not while my dick was stroking that tight buddle of nerves that she said was her spot. I kept hitting it hard…hard enough for her to forget all about who was going to hear us.

  When she started gasping, scratching my lower back and shoulders up, and yelling my name repeatedly, I knew I had her. She often left marks on my back, neck, and arms. Maybe I was a bit twisted, but I liked seeing the marks she left on me. They were beautiful reminders of the love, passion, and lust we shared.

  “You’re about to make me cum, baby. Shit!” I’ll be damned if I wasn’t about to cum too. At this point, that fucking headboard was about to knock a damn hole clean through the wall, but I couldn’t stop. My ass was possessed by the power of this woman’s pussy.

  With every hard thrust, our yells grew louder, and my fucking mind sank deeper into that zone that only she could take me to. I’m sure it was the same place that hard drugs took addicts to. There was no denying shit at this point. I was addicted to Megan and death was likely the only thing powerful enough to take me away from her.

  With our height difference, I still hadn’t figured out how she managed to get her legs wrapped around me the way she did but having her wrapped around me made our session that much more intoxicating. The way she gripped and tugged and pulled me into her, made me love her harder and deeper.


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