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STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series

Page 9

by Ward, Alice

  “That’s awful, Janette, and it’s fine if you’re not ready to start dating again. But why do you want everyone to think that you slept with Evan?” I was more than a little confused. In Waterloo, people thinking that you had a one night stand with someone isn’t a good thing… in fact, it’s about the worst thing that could happen.

  “Parker and Mark were so worried about me after the breakup… they went out of their way to make me feel better, so I don’t want them to know that I’m still falling apart inside. Every now and then I pretend to go home with someone, just so they think I’m back to my old self.”

  “You’re secret is safe with me, Janette.” I assured her. “And if you ever need to talk about your ex, I’m here to listen. You’ll feel ready to date again when you meet the right person.” I advised; she blushed uncontrollably. “Unless you already have found someone…” I hinted.

  “Other than Parker and Mark, the only man I’ve spent time with since my ex is Paul.” She began. “He’s easy to talk to, and he’s always relaxed because he’s stoned all of the time. He’s also really smart… we’ve had some of the most interesting conversations… and it doesn’t hurt that he’s incredibly hot.”

  “Good for you!” I smiled. “My mother has always told me that it’s best to get to know a man as a friend before you decide to date him. I know that her advice isn’t always the best, but I think that she has a point with that one.”

  “You think?” Janette asked. “I’ve never done this before… my relationships generally start with sex and move on from there.”

  “So… you haven’t slept with him yet?”

  She shook her head and smiled. “I haven’t even told him how I feel. I guess that I should take my own advice, huh?”

  “Only if you’re ready,” I told her. “You’ll know when the time is right… now, what are we going to do for dinner? I’m starving.”

  Janette was off for the evening too, so we decided to have a tame night on the town. We set off for an early dinner at Janette’s favorite Vietnamese restaurant and then walked the streets of Manhattan, dreaming about our futures out loud.


  “No offense, Kate, but you look exhausted. Are you sure that you can finish out your shift?” Steve asked suspiciously.

  “I’m great, Steve, I promise. I’ll be able to handle the dinner rush, I just need a couple of shots of espresso.” I explained.

  It had been almost three weeks since Max and Megan joined us at Janette’s show. My plan wasn’t working as well as I’d hoped, but Max and I were becoming closer as friends. The problem, as Janette had anticipated, was that Megan never left his side; she and I had inadvertently become closer friends as well. The more I got to know Max, the more I liked him; the opposite was true for his girlfriend.

  As my plan to win Max back crumbled around me, I threw myself into my work. Marion hadn’t secured me any auditions yet, but Serena had kept me updated about all of the open calls. I spent my mornings and early afternoons auditioning for small roles in big show choruses and sucking up to the important people Serena introduced me too; so far I’d exhausted myself for no reason. No offers came in from any of the theaters.

  “You just have to be patient and keep doing what you’re doing.” Serena kept telling me. “They’re going to make you prove yourself, but you’ll get there.”

  “Kate!” Steve’s voice brought my attention back to the present.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I asked apologetically.

  “I said that you need to go drink some caffeine and maybe splash some cold water on your face. You look like death warmed over and I don’t want you scaring off the customers. Pull yourself together or I’m going to send you home.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I promised him again. I walked towards the bar area, happy to have an excuse to see Max. The happiness faded quickly when I stepped into the room and saw Megan standing behind the bar with him. He had his arms wrapped loosely around her shoulders and they were in deep conversation. I cleared my throat as I approached.

  “Hi Kate!” Megan greeted me with a smile. “Another long night?”

  ‘What a polite way to tell someone they look like shit.’ I thought. “Not exactly,” I told her. “More like a long morning… a lot of them. I’ve been going on a lot of auditions.” I explained. “In fact, I haven’t had a drink since Morell’s.”

  “It’s good that you’re buckling down.” Megan nodded. “If I’d been as disciplined as you are, I’d probably be on stage today instead of here. It’s a hard business.”

  I was too exhausted and too fed up with Megan to listen to her for a second longer. “Yes, I’m sure that if I get a role, it will be because of my discipline… talent has nothing to do with it, right? Because it can’t be your lack of TALENT that kept you off of the stage…”

  “Kate!” Max gasped angrily. “That’s quite enough. What the hell is your problem?” Confusion and hurt filled Megan’s eyes and I immediately regretted my words.

  “Look,” I sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m exhausted and on edge, and I snapped. I never should have taken my frustrations out on you like that Megan. I just need a couple shots of espresso and then I’ll leave the two of you alone.”

  “It’s alright.” Megan said quietly. “We all have bad days. I won’t take it personally.” She turned to Max. “I should get back up front, I’ll see you on my break.” He kissed her on the cheek and then she went back to the hostess station. Max stared at me wordlessly for a moment before turning to focus on the espresso machine. He filled two ceramic shot glasses with the steaming liquid and slid them across the bar.

  “I hope this snaps you out of the god awful mood you’re in.” He said coldly. “If it doesn’t, you can send someone else to fetch your drink orders tonight.”

  I slammed back the first shot and set the glass back on the bar. “I don’t think that you can refuse to work with me.” I snapped.

  “Keep up that attitude and watch me.” He said with a hint of a dare in his voice. I rolled my eyes at him, turned away, and stomped back to the service station to wait for my first dinner guests.


  I managed to finish my shift without snapping at anyone else or falling asleep on my feet. The last of my tables cashed out at eleven p.m. and I clocked out and left without speaking to anyone. All I wanted to do was get home, take a long bath, and collapse onto my bed.

  I knocked on Janette’s door before unlocking my own; she didn’t answer so I assumed that she’d gone out for the night. I stepped into my apartment, tossed my purse onto the couch, and stripped out of my clothes as I walked into the bathroom.

  My full-sized tub was one of the major selling points when I rented the apartment; most of the units I’d looked at had only standing shower stalls. I plugged the drain, turned the hot water on full blast, and sprinkled some lavender bath salts under the tap. I shuffled back to the kitchen for a glass of cold chardonnay before sinking into the tub.

  The heat of the water relaxed my tired muscles; I rested my head on my small foam bath-pillow, sipped my wine, and thought about my life. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep going at my current pace much longer; something had to give soon or I’d collapse from exhaustion.

  ‘If only I could get a part time job that pays well… I wouldn’t have to slow down with the auditions…’ I sighed loudly and took another sip of the wine. The practical side of me thought that it would be best to spend a week or two away from the theater, rest up, and start auditioning again once I felt better. The determined side of me wanted to quit my waitressing job, burn through my trust fund, and throw myself full force into the theater. I was debating the pros and cons of each side when my doorbell rang.

  I wasn’t expecting anyone so I assumed that Janette had gotten home and was stopping by to check in. I took my time getting out of the tub; I dried myself off with a fluffy towel, wrapped my hair in it, and then slipped into my well worn bathrobe. As I stepped into the living room, the doorbell c
himed again.

  “Jesus Janette, I’m coming.” I called out as I crossed the room. I opened the door and was shocked to see Max standing in the hallway. “Oh… hi,” I said with a blush. “I’m sorry, I thought you were Janette… come in and let me get dressed real quick.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I’m not going to be here long.” He said as he stepped through the door. His tone was even but bordering on cold.

  “Is everything alright?” I asked him with genuine concern in my voice.

  “I don’t know, Kate. I came here to ask you that.” He sighed and sat down on the couch. “I know that you have a problem with Megan and me.” He said quietly.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I gasped, feigning shock.

  He studied me critically. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You were completely out of line today, but that wasn’t the first time I’ve noticed your attitude… I see the looks you give Megan when you think no one is watching you.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said again firmly. “I told you before, I’ve been really tired the last few weeks. Between the theater and the restaurant, I’ve been working my ass off. I realize that I’ve been snappy, and I’ll work on that.”

  Max sighed. “Kate, are you even capable of saying how you really feel? Could you just be honest and admit that you’re jealous?”

  “Fine, I’m jealous.” I snapped. “Are you happy now?”

  “No, I’m not.” He replied angrily. “In fact, I’m even more pissed off than I was before. What the hell is wrong with you Kate? You HAD me! I saw you that night at Syd’s and felt like I’d finally found what I’d always been looking for. That’s why I took you home that night! And then you just disappeared. YOU treated ME like a meaningless one night stand, and now you’re jealous that I’m seeing someone? What gives you the right?”

  I started sobbing. “I’m sorry, I know you’re right. I just assumed that I was just another random hook-up for you. I was embarrassed and ashamed and I didn’t know how to face you.”

  “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, Kate.” Max scolded. “If you’d just answered one of my calls, you’d have realized that I felt more for you than that…”

  I dried my eyes and stared at him. “The day I got the call from Marion, about that god awful audition… you were about to say something before my phone rang… you were going to ask me out again, weren’t you?”

  He blushed and nodded. “Yes, but then you suddenly had so much going on… it didn’t seem like the right time.”

  “And then you got serious with Megan.” I sighed.

  He nodded. “She’s really sweet. I’m sorry that it hurts you, but she and I really do enjoy each other’s company.”

  “And you’re no longer interested in me at all?” I asked with my best sultry pout.

  “I didn’t say that.” He replied quickly. “I just… accepted that you aren’t an option.”

  “So what do we do now?” I asked innocently as I let my robe fall partially open; Max didn’t notice.

  “I don’t know.” He sighed and held his face in his hands. “What am I saying? There’s nothing we can do now. I’m with Megan. She’s a good person and she makes me happy. I have to give the relationship a shot.”

  “You sound like you’re fulfilling an obligation, not falling in love.” I observed.

  Max let out a sad chuckle. “Maybe that’s true.” He stared at me for a moment; his smoldering eyes reminded me of the night we’d spent together.

  I tightened the strap of my robe and stood. “Look, we can still be friends, right?” He nodded. “You look like you need a beer.” I observed. I retrieved two Bud Lights from the kitchen; when I returned, Max was holding a joint I’d stashed under a coaster.

  “Do you mind?” He asked.

  “Of course not,” I replied, relieved that he wasn’t giving me a lecture on drug use. I grabbed a lighter off an end table and tossed it to him along with the beer. He took two long hits before passing it to me.

  We smoked in silence as we drank our first beers; I retrieved the rest of the six pack and we relaxed on my couch. The weed had relaxed us both, almost to the point of being giddy.

  “I can’t believe you smoke.” Max laughed as he pinched the cherry off the roach and set it on the table.

  “It’s one of my newly acquired tastes.” I laughed. “So far, it’s my favorite thing about the city.”

  “You aren’t having fun here, are you?” Max asked seriously.

  I sighed. “It’s just a lot harder than I thought it would be… I’m not sure that I have what it takes to make it here.”

  “Kate,” Max smiled patiently, “you have an abundance of what it takes to make it here. You’re beautiful, talented, and determined. And you have a fire in you like nothing I’ve ever seen before… I saw it that first night and I still see it now. You’re amazing… if you just trust yourself, nothing will stop you from living your dream.”

  “Thank you Max,” I told him with a warm smile. I leaned in and hugged him; he held me close and I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. “Do you ever… think about that night?” I asked with my head resting on his shoulder. He took a deep breath and sighed.

  “I think about that night all of the time.” He whispered. “I think about it when I’m trying to go to sleep, I think about it when I see you moving around the restaurant… I think about it all of the time.” He repeated.

  I pulled away from his embrace and smiled; my robe had loosened again and I didn’t bother to tighten it. “Do you remember how pissed off the taxi driver was once we got to your place?”

  He laughed. “Yes I do. By distance, that was one of the most expensive taxi rides I’ve ever had… but it was worth every penny.”

  I stood, took a few steps back, and turned to him. “Do you remember what happened once we got through your door?” I asked, holding intense eye contact with Max as I spoke.

  He nodded lustfully. “I turned to shut the door and when I turned back around… you… were… naked.” I pushed the robe off of my shoulders and let it fall to the floor as he spoke the words.

  “Kate…” he whispered, studying me as I stood before him.

  “Say the words, and I’ll put the robe back on.” I told him.

  He stood, took two steps towards me, and wrapped me into his arms. His mouth found mine and we kissed eagerly as he ran his hands over my naked flesh.

  “Oh Kate,” he sighed again as he moved his mouth down my neck. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders, another behind my knees, and lifted me into his arms. “Where’s the bedroom?” He whispered.

  I pointed to the door as I traced kisses down his collarbone. His growing erection pressed against my hip and my pussy got wet in anticipation. He pushed the door open, stumbled into the room, and collapsed onto the bed. He tried to lay me on my back but I resisted and climbed onto his lap. I unbuttoned his uniform shirt, kissing each piece of his chest as it was exposed. Once I’d discarded his shirt to the floor, I quickly tugged off his black slacks.

  “There are condoms in that table next to you.” I told him as I stroked his long shaft with a firm grip. He shook his head.

  “I want to take it slow this time.” He said as he leaned over and took my right nipple into his mouth. He traced light circles around it with his firm tongue before nibbling softly.

  “Harder.” I moaned. He bit down firmly and the blend of pleasure and pain made my pussy gush once more; the sweet, musky smell of my juices filled the air.

  “Oh god Kate, I have to taste you.” Max said urgently. He flipped me onto my back and shoved his head between my legs. He put his hands on my thighs and pushed my legs apart wider while his tongue plunged in and out of my aching hole.

  “I’m going to cum.” I warned through heavy breaths.

  “Yeah?” He groaned. “You like it like this?”

  “Yes…” I moaned.

  Instead of continuing what he’
d been doing, Max replaced his tongue with two fingers; he folded his lips over his teeth and started biting and licking my clit as his fingers circled my G-spot. The pleasure was unlike anything I’d ever felt before and I bucked against his face.

  “You like this better?” He asked softly when he came up for air.

  “Oh god yes… don’t stop.” I begged.

  He resumed his position and in a matter of moments I exploded in the most powerful, earth shattering orgasm of my life. Max lapped up my juices as fast as they flowed out of me and then collapsed next to me on the bed. He turned on his side to face me and pulled me into his arms.

  “I almost came just tasting you.” He said as he nuzzled his face against my neck. “I know that you need a minute to recover, I just want to hold you.”

  I rolled over onto my side and found his lips with mine. As we kissed softly, I threw one leg over his hip and angled my pussy towards his throbbing love wand. I moved my lips from his mouth to his earlobe and whispered, “I don’t want to recover. I want to keep going.” Max thrust his cock against my pelvic bone a couple of times before rolling over and retrieving a condom from the drawer.

  He quickly rolled the rubber down his shaft and returned to my side. I wrapped one arm around his chest and threw my leg over his hip once more. I reached down to guide him in to my waiting tunnel.

  “Do you feel how I ache for you?” He asked as I took his cock in my hand. I gripped him firmly and lead the head of his prick into position. Max put his hand on the small of my back and pushed himself deep inside of me.

  I gasped with pleasure as he filled me completely; we remained motionless for a moment and then Max ran his hand up my back and twisted my hair into his fingers. We kissed passionately as our bodies rocked back and forth against each other. I loved lying in his arms, but I knew that I could take him deeper if we changed positions. I put a hand on his shoulder and gently rolled him onto his back. I rolled with him, keeping his cock buried in me as we moved. As I sat up, I felt the last two inches of his cock slide into me.


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