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Reign To Ruin

Page 9

by Zoey Ellis

  Her eyes hardened, and as they did, his smile deepened. “Or maybe you like it,” he suggested. “Maybe you like being exposed with the thrill of knowing that the next merchant I have a meeting with will be entering at any moment.”

  Panic spiraled through Amara’s desire-riddled mind, but as much as she tried to fight she could not break free of the magic holding her firm.

  Malloron observed her for a moment and then sighed. “All right. I’ll help you.”

  He lowered to suck on her one more time and then performed a pattern of gestures with his hands and the magic suddenly dispersed.

  Amara jumped up from the chair covering herself as she glared at him. “It’s very easy to boast of your ability when the challenge is uneven,” she spat.

  “How can it be uneven?” he asked. “You just inferred that your Talent could rival mine. Clearly it cannot.”

  “If I had access to magic, I assure you it would be more of a rival than most of your weakling crafters you have protecting you,” she said hotly, fixing her neckline and holding her palms over her sensitive nipple.

  A slow smile spread over Malloron’s face. He rose from his seat. “So you cannot access magic. Good to know.”

  Amara froze, her stomach sinking. She had just told him that she, and therefore the other Omegas, couldn’t access magic.

  He sauntered toward her, causing her to almost stumble back until she hit the wall. “You may return to your room, chameleon,” he said, that annoying smile still on his face. He placed his muscled arms either side of her and leaned in. “It doesn’t look like this merchant is arriving. But make sure you are in your room. I will be stopping by later.” The heated look in his eyes caused her clit to jump. “I think it’s only fair I finish what I started.”



  The memory of Amara's shapely waist, round ass, and tight, tasty, wet pussy dominated Malloron's mind. At first, he thought it was because he hadn't had sex in years but quickly realized it wasn’t that. The Omega had an incredible body—it was truly something special—and her reactions were the most seductive he had ever seen… the way she rotated her hips, the low moans she made, and the way she fought against her bondage when it became too much… fuck. It was enough to make him hard for her again almost immediately after he left the room. He most definitely would be using this Omega for his plans, and in the meantime, he would take her as often as he wanted. He deserved it.

  He loved having his mouth on her pussy, her slick dripping down his chin, her moans filling his ears. He couldn't remember ever coming so powerfully in his life—it was as though he completely lost all sense of reasonable thought. The scent that came from her while he fucked her made him almost savage once it filled the room. The delicate fragrance caused something primal to surface in him, something vicious and consuming that sought to dominate her.

  The entire experience of mating with her was so incredibly satisfying; it shocked him how much he wanted her beyond that. He had never been possessive of anyone he had fucked before. Hell, he never minded sharing in the past, but something about the Omega drew out a dominance in him that almost made him wonder if the Talent was being used to trick him. He had to be careful. There was a reason why he did not fuck around with any of his slaves or anyone at all that he could not trust or completely control. He was sure that it wasn’t the case here, but he still checked himself numerous times using magical potions and spells since he began fucking Amara, just in case. Nothing seemed to be out of place.

  Clearly, she wasn't completely sexually inexperienced—not with the way she sucked his cock. The irritation he felt when that became obvious to him broke through all of the self-control he had mastered. Only when he had her perfect face in his hand while she looked at him so defiantly with those beautiful blue eyes framed with those long lashes, did he realized, with shock, what the fuck he was doing. Yes, it annoyed him that she would not admit if she had a lover. But his reaction was completely unnecessary. He had actually begun to consider looking into it himself, aiming to get rid of the mystery man. It was an absurd thought for him to have! Why would he need to go to such lengths when she was already his? And yet, something itched at him to eliminate all threats, especially when the faint scent of her slick filled his nose. He already decided he wasn’t going to put his mouth on her pussy again until after the dark moon. It made him too wild.

  Over the next week, he visited her early in the morning, fucked her over the bench, escorting her to meetings and then visiting her again in the late evening, but he still remained hard all the time; during every single meeting, during his nights in his temple, during every moment of every fucking day. It had gotten so bad that he began taking her during noon break, demanding her back to her room so he could fuck her over the bench again. He attempted to arrange his meetings to take place from morning until night—with just his sex break in between—restricting Amara’s time to wander around the castle. He wanted her close so he could get inside her when he needed to.

  Of course, he kept an eye on her whenever she did manage to explore in the castle, but she was completely unable to navigate his home. She had obviously underestimated how big the castle was, which indicated she had never been far from the servants’ area or any place her shifts took her. That suited him fine. A couple of times he sent Emric to collect her, but it was actually amusing to stroke her pulsing beacon in the palm of his hand while she roamed the castle getting herself lost.

  At the beginning of the second week, he headed to her wardrobe and picked out a black tunic with gold stitching, simple but elegant, and handed it to her along with a set of gold earrings and a crystal necklace.

  “This is a night tunic,” she said, holding it up.

  Malloron smiled. “It is more appropriate.”

  “Are we going to an actual bed this time?” she asked, her tone slightly jeering.

  “Put it on.” He turned and settled his mind, focusing on the magic in the room. Muttering a sequence of words, he wove together strands of shimmering magic to create a large circular sheen of magic in the center of her room.

  When he turned back to Amara, she had dressed and was staring at the portal. “Are we going outside of the castle?”

  “All of these questions,” Malloron mocked, shaking his head. “Do you want to have the freedom to roam my castle or not?”

  Amara’s mouth tightened. She moved to stand next to him without another word.

  Malloron chuckled, placed his arm on the small of her back and led her through the portal and into a large, elegant hall, quietly buzzing with activity. Elaborately dressed men and women gathered in small clusters talking and drinking. Along one side of the hall ran a thick black curtain that had openings at intervals. In the openings, black boxes were positioned on stands like tables, to give the impression of little booths.

  “Where are we?” Amara asked in wonder.

  “Your Majesty!” Duke Ainmire came striding toward Malloron from the middle of the hall. “I’m so glad you’re here, I wasn’t sure if you would make it.” He performed an awkward bow. “I know you normally send your assistant but it really makes a difference for the merchants and other rulers to see you here.”

  Malloron nodded. “When are you planning to start?”

  Ainmire bumbled at the direct question, as usual, and Malloron’s irritation was only calmed by lowering his palm to Amara’s ass. “In a few moments, Your Majesty,” he finally got out. “Your booth is set up as you requested. I will send up wine.” He gestured to the royal balcony above the rest of the booths, which had a booth set the same as the ones below, except the curtain and box were a deep purple.

  Malloron inclined his head and led Amara toward the black curtains. She looked around the whole hall, as they navigated the space, staring at the other rulers and their guests as though trying to commit them to memory, and looking at strange places in the hall, as though she was planning an escape. Malloron observed her as she observed the others and
began to squeeze her ass.

  “What kind of event is this,” she asked as they reached the stairs.

  “You’ll see.”

  Amara shot him an apprehensive look but he gave nothing away in his expression. “You don’t have any guards,” she noted as they climbed the stairs.

  “I don’t need any guards, though I do like to travel with them most of the time.”

  She glanced at him. “Why not today?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Once they reached the balcony, a servant arrived with wine and dried fruit and nuts. Malloron told him that he didn’t want to be disturbed for the rest of the event and then turned to Amara. “Take off your panties.”

  She stilled before lifting her face to look at him. “Excuse me?”

  He served her with a hard glare. “Take them off.”

  Reluctantly, Amara reached under her tunic, slipped her panties off and dropped them into Malloron’s outstretched hand. Malloron pressed them to his nose and took a long inhale of her scent before tucking them into his robe.

  Suddenly the hall began to darken.

  “What’s happening?” Amara asked, alert.

  Malloron beckoned her to the opening of the booth. From there it was possible to see the whole hall.

  “This is your seat,” he said to Amara, tapping the rectangular box that stood on the stand before him.

  Amara frowned, clearly unsure how to answer.

  Malloron opened the end of the box like a door. “Get in.”

  “What? No!”

  Malloron grabbed her and pushed her into the purple box. He muttered a spell to activate the crystal around her neck, and her protests turned silent. He closed the door and crouched down to look at her through the round hole in the door, as she slammed her fists on the sides. But the box was extremely sturdy and barely moved. When she saw him she snarled, but she couldn’t speak. “Turn around and push your ass out of this hole,” he instructed.

  Amara’s eyes widened. She furiously shook her head.

  “Now,” Malloron ordered, as though bored. He rose and stood behind the box, looking over the hall. Glancing down he watched Amara through the one-way view that made up the top as she sat still in the box, clearly thinking things through. Then finally, she turned around, lifted her tunic, and pushed her ass out.

  The apparatus was fashioned to tilt slightly to give access to her pussy while providing a comfortable position for her—not quite a seat but close to one. Bars ran along the long side of it, and the other end gave a full few of the hall, but the view was one-way. Malloron chuckled as she fixed her position—she had the best seat in the house.

  As the merchants all streamed in to take their positions at their booths, he ran his hand over her bottom, lightly caressing and pinching it. He unbuckled his pants slowly and when he dipped his fingers to her pussy, it was already soaked, just like he knew it would be. He played with her clit until the event started, rubbing himself with his other hand.

  As the slaves came in, he positioned himself and pressed into her. The apparatus was custom made for his height, though it was the first time he was using it, and it was glorious. Her pussy fit snug around him and no one could see her. He leaned forward on the box, the curtains either side of him and he slowly worked in and out, watching her from the top hatch that was a one-way view.

  She had her head down, and based on the movement of her shoulders she was breathing heavily. He increased his speed a little and realized that every time he thrust in, her ass rippled as it bounced up against him. Fuuuuck. He might not last long.

  The merchants began to bid on the slaves, and Amara’s head shot up. She peered down at the hall and he watched her reaction with interest. He couldn’t see her face but her hands gripped harder on the bar and she shook her head slightly.

  He quickened his rhythm, thrusting his hips until he was ramming himself into her, while his upper body stayed relatively still. Her silken pussy quivered around him, and he couldn’t help but let out a throaty groan.

  “Are you bidding, Your Majesty?” called Ainmire from the ground, gesturing to a handful of slaves.

  Malloron dipped his head in a nod, without breaking his rhythm.

  As the bidding continued, he sped up, watching Amara as she held on the bar trying to steady herself. As he was announced the winner of the bid, her pussy tightened and squeezed and gushed slick, and he knew she had come. Her head was down low and her body seemed to have lost tension, even though she still jerked from his slams.

  He spurted into her, his climax tearing through him—savagely sweet, utter ecstasy. He slammed his last thrust in, feeling that slight swell at the base of his cock, but not understanding why it felt so good when she squeezed down on it.

  He remained inside her until the next lot ended, panting under his breath, and then withdrew.



  Amara squeezed her legs together as she waited for King Malloron to finish accepting praise from the other rulers and merchants. Humiliation, anger and a lingering yearning stormed her body. She held herself stiff and still, hardly able to believe what he had just made her do; it made her sick to her stomach.

  Yes, she had agreed to let him use her body, but he had essentially used her as some kind of faceless hole to stick his dick into. She shouldn’t be surprised. After all, for the last week, he had bound her to furniture and fucked her from behind. But this was worse.

  She watched those slaves being bought and sold by the rulers and noblemen of the Western Lands, valuated as though they were property, or even worse, stock. Some of the slaves had clearly been drugged, swaying on their feet, their eyes barely open. Others looked scared or confused.

  And while watching that horror, she had been bearing down on the king’s cock, mentally urging him to go deeper, faster, and harder.

  It filled her with shame.

  What the fuck happened to her training? She was an Omega spy, trained to deal with all possible scenarios—she should have been able to do something, anything, other than orgasm so hard that she almost lost her mind.

  Finally, the king was ready to leave. He created a portal and led her through it.

  “I should get one of those apparatus’ in here,” he commented as he released the portal behind them. “I think it would make an excellent addition to the rest of the pieces, don’t you think?”

  “But, Your Majesty, how would you get aroused?” Amara said, her voice light and mocking. “Clearly you need frightened, drugged, and confused slaves in order for your cock to become rock hard? How would you cope in a closed room like this.”

  King Malloron’s smirk remained but his eyes narrowed. “Your concern for me is indeed touching, but I only need to see your ass to arouse me.”

  A flicker of excitement stirred in her stomach at his words, but she ignored it. “Yes, I’m sure any ass will do.” She turned to head to the bedroom. “It’s a good thing you’re so easy to please.”

  She gasped as the king grabbed her, pulled her against his hard, muscled body. His fist clasped her hair, and that sharp pull on her scalp made her pussy tingle.

  “No. Only your ass will do, chameleon,” he murmured. His eyes were like slits as he looked down at her. “Only your pussy can squeeze this cock like its hanging on for dear life. It is fortunate for me you have awarded me free and abundant use of it.”

  “I don’t see that it is fortunate for you,” Amara spat at him, ignoring the crazy reactions happening in her body at his words, the feel of his body pressed on hers, and his handsome face looking at her so lewdly. He had just fucked her, and it angered her that her body was preparing for him again… that she still couldn’t get enough. “Why have you made such a deal with me if you’re just going to treat me like some faceless ass sticking out of a fucking box? Is this what the Omegas have to look forward to if they agree to take your protection? Numerous Alphas fucking them against their will?”

  “Nothing was against your will!” he boo
med. “You knew what you were agreeing to when we decided our terms. You cannot expect to have free rein of Eiros Castle for a quick suck on my cock.” He lowered his voice to a rumble, and reached between her legs to stroke her sticky pussy. “And you cannot expect me to deny myself of this.”

  “So that is your goal? To have yourself some Omega pussy before you prostitute the rest of us out?”

  “The other Omegas have nothing to do with this,” he said casually, his fingers lazy on her clit. “This is between me and you.”

  “I cannot persuade them you have their interests at heart if you treat me that way.”

  “Hmm…” The king feigned thoughtfulness, and Amara tried to breath shallowly to minimize the fact that her breath was quickening. The pleasure rose leisurely between her legs and she fought not to react. “Does that mean you’d like to break our agreement?” he asked.

  She glared at him, her mouth tight, wishing she could say all the things she wanted to, but her mind was becoming dizzy with the sensations drifting in her.

  The king took in her expression and his dark eyes glinted, a slow smile spread on his face. He lowered his mouth to her ear and pressed his fingers firmer against her, beginning to thrum her clit. “You may, of course, pretend that you don’t enjoy this,” he murmured, “but you are wet every time I touch you.”

  She groaned, partly from her approaching orgasm and partly from despair of her circumstance. He was right. He had complete control over her body—it couldn’t be denied. But he didn’t have her mind. That was her own, and it was solely dedicated to her team and the children and she needed to focus on that going forward—it didn’t matter what he did or why he was doing it, he would never be honest anyway. The man was an outright liar.


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