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Hunter II

Page 14

by Heath Stallcup

  “I’m not a formal type of person.” I squared my shoulders, half expecting an argument. “I don’t wear suits.”

  “That’s fine sir. I’m not a dressy type either.” She suddenly stiffened and turned to me. “I’m supposed to wear this uniform, here.”


  She nodded. “It’s an ugly grey thing. A housekeeper uniform.”

  I shook my head. “No. You don’t wear anything.” Her eyes widened and I realized what I had said. “I mean, you don’t wear anything like that. You…uh, you wear whatever you want.”

  She smiled and turned back to her chore. “Thank you. I didn’t want to ask, but that thing is just so uncomfortable. And since I’ll be here almost all the time, I just thought maybe you wouldn’t mind if–"

  “Wait. What?” Did she say that she’d be here all of the time? Surely not. Weren’t big cats into a fairly private life?

  She stood and dumped the mess into a waste basket. “There’s a room off of the kitchen that I’m supposed to stay in.”

  “You know you don’t have to, right?” I stepped forward. “I mean, surely you have your own place.”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I live here. I went out for some groceries and heard noise up here when I got back.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. Surely she wasn’t a slave.

  “They do pay you, yes?”

  There was that smile again. “Oh yes. Quite well, actually.”

  “Okay, good.” I suddenly felt uncomfortable and wasn’t sure why. I saw her eyes dart beside me and I realized, I had been blocking her exit. I stepped aside and let her slip by. I watched her walk away and yeah, I’ll admit it. I was checking her out. She had a nice ass, okay?

  I was about to say, “I’m only human,” but…

  Chapter 16

  I SAT AT the computer and wanted to scream. The different programs they had installed were enough to make me want to throw the damned thing out the window. It took me forever to find the hunter’s files and even longer to figure out what some of their terms meant.

  I needed a drink.

  I stood and didn’t know if I would be able to drink. I wasn’t hungry or thirsty, but dammit, sometimes you just need a snort of something that burns. I went to the kitchen and dug through the cabinets. There was every kind of food thing you could imagine. I couldn’t find the alcohol.

  “Are you looking for something in particular?” She wiped at her eyes and I saw her standing in the doorway in a long t-shirt. I had to turn back to the cabinets quickly. Her form was expressive in the thin fabric and I knew I would get caught staring.


  “Ah.” She pattered past me on bare feet and walked me to the den across from my office. She pointed to the bar and I shook my head. How did I miss that?

  “Thank you.” I stepped aside and allowed her to pass. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

  She smiled and patted my arm. “It’s okay. I don’t really sleep any set times. I tend to take a lot of cat naps.”

  The humor wasn’t missed.

  I leaned against the doorway. “So, you’re my assistant? How does that work?”

  She paused and turned. I tried not to stare at her breasts swaying under the thin fabric. “Basically, I’m your right hand man. Anything you need, you tell me and I make it happen.” She stifled a yawn and gave me a bleary eyed smile. “Especially things that need taken care of during the day.”

  I nodded. I wanted to tell her that daylight was not my enemy but I held back. Trust was something I was not ready to give any time soon. No matter how attractive she was, and if I was trying to lull someone into a trap, well, I’d make sure the bait looked something like Laura. I had been burned too many times by a pretty face and a great ass.

  I nodded. “Thanks.” I watched her turn to leave and I stifled the groan that rose in the back of my throat. She wasn’t wearing a thong…no, she had too much class for such things. But her cheeks were just poking out of the edges of her underwear and that perfect curve called to me as she walked away.

  I quickly poured a stiff bourbon and swallowed it. The burn was welcome and I waited for the buzz that I truly hoped would come. Alcohol didn’t really affect me as a vampire. Now that I was something else, I prayed that I could find some joy in one of my favorite past times.

  The warmth spread from my gut to the rest of my body, and even though it didn’t really affect me the way I had hoped, it did have a relaxing effect that I was grateful for.

  I snatched the bottle from the bar and carried it and the crystal glass back to my desk. I fell behind the chair and set the bottle beside the computer. A quick stretch of the neck and I was back at it. Studying the different hunters, researching their pasts, their abilities, and their records. Most were efficient at what they did. Some had problems in the field, but then, don’t we all? Not all hunts go as expected.

  I stared at the screen until my eyes felt like they were going to cross. For whatever reason, Laura kept popping back into my mind.

  I poured another glass of the amber fire water and leaned back in the chair. I closed my eyes and thought about her. I didn’t want to suddenly appear in her bedroom, but I wanted to know what she was doing.

  I could see her. It was as if I were floating in the corner of her room and I was shocked at how small the living space was. It was really little more than a converted pantry. Maybe a large closet.

  There was barely room for a bed. Her walls were adorned with photos and a small shelf was lined with books. Trinkets were scattered about and her pants hung over the back of the footboard. I stared at her, sleeping in a fetal position and I felt…something. I guess I felt bad that so much was expected of her and yet she was treated so poorly.

  I snapped back to my chair and sat up. This wasn’t right. There were six bedrooms in this house. Hell, the closet in any one of the rooms was bigger than what she had now.

  I marched up the stairs and looked in at the five bedrooms. Any of them would do well for her. Each had its own private bathroom. Ample closet space. What more could a young female want?

  I stepped back into the hallway and stared at the master. My mind went into overdrive. What message would it send her if I put her too close to my own room? What about too far away? Would she think that I wanted her if I put her next to my room? It’s not like I would actually sleep in the room, but no one knew that. Then, if I put her on the other end of the house, would she think that I thought of her as only “the help” and wanted her as far from me as possible?

  I was about to get caught in that endless, mindless, mental loop of second guessing everything when a thought popped into my head. The gears ground to a halt and the spinning out of control dissipated like raindrops in the ocean.

  “I’ll let her choose.”

  I smiled to myself as I made my way back down the stairs. I saw the sun rising through the kitchen window and I stood there a moment and took in the view. The yellowish orange colors danced as the sun made its way up over the horizon. I loved this time of day. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth creep over my skin. I couldn’t help but smile.

  It only took me a moment to snap back to reality. I didn’t want her to stir and catch me basking in the glow of the sun’s rays. I went to her room and knocked gently.


  I opened the door slightly. “Are you decent?”

  “Always.” She sat up in the bed and I poked my head in. “I was going to–" I played this as best I knew how. I looked around her “quarters.” “Is this where you stay?”

  She nodded as she wiped at her eyes. “You needed something?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not that important.” I pushed the door open completely and realized, I couldn’t stand in her room. There’s simply wasn’t enough space. “This is unacceptable.”

  She perked up. “I’m sorry. I can clean this up and–"

  “No. I mean this room is unacceptable.” I squared my shoulders. “Are you my assistant or not?”

  She nodded emphatically. “Of course, sir.”

  “Good. Then stop calling me sir. My name is Sven. And then you can pack up all of this and choose a room upstairs. At least you won’t have to step outside to change your mind.”

  “Oh, sir, I couldn’t–"

  “You can. And you will.” I gave her a stern look. “You might be my assistant, but you’re not a bastard stepchild. You’ll not be sleeping under the stairs. There’s five extra rooms upstairs and I can’t use them all. Pick out one you like and get moved in. Feel free to decorate it however you like.”

  She nodded absently. “You needed something?”

  I gave her a confused look. “Huh?”

  “When you came here. You needed something?”

  I shrugged. “Whatever it was can wait.” I turned to leave. “I’ll be in the office. In case you…need me. Or anything.”

  I made my way back through the kitchen before she could catch me in the sunlight and actually felt kind of satisfied. I sat back at my desk and poured another bourbon. This might be a good gig after all.

  “SIR, YOU HAVE a fax.” She held the paper out to me.

  “Sir doesn’t live here.” I looked up from the computer and gave her a sly grin. “Hi, I’m Sven.”

  She lowered her eyes and nodded. “Sorry sir. I mean…Sven. I’ll work on it.” She thrust the paper out to me and I studied it.

  I groaned as I stared at the Georgia address. “Who runs this area?” I was asking myself as I tried to pull up the hunters’ profiles on my computer.

  “That would be Marcus Wells. He’s been over the area for about twelve years now.” She stood at the end of my desk and tried not to stare.

  I sat back and studied her. “How long have you been an assistant to…whatever this is?”

  She gave me a shy smile. “I’ve been an analyst for the council for the past eight years. This position was just created and they thought I would be a perfect fit.”

  “This?” I waved my arms to include the house. “This was all yours before I came?”

  “Oh, no. No…not mine. There was a council member who lived here until about a year ago. I was his assistant. That’s why all of the windows have light blocking curtains and UV coatings. That way even if light comes through it’s not nearly as damaging.”

  I nodded. “So…who do you work for?”

  She gave me a confused look. “Sir? What do you mean?”

  “I mean, do you work for me or do you work for the council?” I didn’t mean for it to sound as intimidating as it probably came across, but there was no uncrossing that bridge.

  “I work for you.” She eyed me cautiously. “And we both work for the council. Don’t we?”

  I leaned back in the chair and studied her. “And if I asked you to maintain a confidence? Something that the council would be very interested in, but I didn’t want them to know?”

  She shook her head slightly. “I don’t follow. Why would you not want the council informed?”

  I continued to stare at her. “For whatever reason.” I shrugged casually. “It doesn’t matter. Where do your loyalties lie?”

  Her mouth opened then closed. Twice. “I suppose…”

  “No. Don’t suppose. You’re either with me or you’re a company man. The two won’t always see eye to eye; they should have warned you about that. I just need to know if push comes to shove, are you with me or are you with them?”

  She swallowed hard and shook her head. “I suppose…I mean, I am your assistant. If you tell me to keep something private, then it’s private.”

  “No matter how important you might think it is?”

  She tried to read me and couldn’t. She finally stood tall and eyed me confidently. “I’m your assistant. If you tell me that something is private, then it’s private.”

  I scrutinized every inch of her as she stood there. She was unwavering. Confident. Something I hadn’t seen in her since we met. I’m not good at judgement calls when it comes to women, but my gut told me that she could be trusted.

  I guess I’d find out; I just hoped it wouldn’t be another lesson in faith.

  “I’LL BE BACK by morning.” I slid the blades into my long coat and pulled it over my shoulders.

  “By morning?” She was confused. “Aren’t you going to Georgia?”

  I nodded. “I am.”

  “But how can you get there and back by morning?”

  I didn’t really answer her question. “Figure of speech. If the issue can be resolved quickly, I will be back before you realize I was gone. If not, I’ll call you.”

  She pointed to the fridge. “Do you need to feed before you leave?”

  I stared at the stainless steel monster and shook my head. “You can clean that out if you like.” I pulled the coat tighter around me. “I have my own source…one I’ve been using for a long time.”

  She blanched and nodded. “Of course. I’ll see to it.”

  I stepped outside and pulled the door shut. I watched her turn and walk back into the kitchen from a front window. I stepped under the camera where I knew I couldn’t be seen and closed my eyes.

  It was much more humid in Georgia and the buzz of mosquitoes was enough to make me grind my teeth. Thankfully, they didn’t care for vampire blood.

  But…I’m not just a vampire any more. I glanced about nervously hoping that the flying parasites didn’t decide to taste test me. I watched as a particularly nasty one, a striped bastard, landed on my forearm; big sucker…about the size of a pigeon with a heart needle in its face. It poised to plunge…yep. Didn’t care for the smell. I squashed it with my other hand, just before it could lift off. Left a little blood streak. So, angels have something in their blood that repeals the wee beasties. Lucky me.

  I pushed open the door to the Georgia field office and the man who instantly came to his feet stared at me with wide eyes. “Who dares…oh.” He stepped from behind the desk and approached slowly, both hands lifting into the air. “They said you might be coming but I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”

  I pushed the door shut and had to look down on the much smaller man. “Hello,” I looked at the file, “Marcus. What is this supposed to mean?” I held the fax out to him.

  He groaned and pulled the paper from my hand. “Look, Mr. err, Mr. Sven. We have a bit of a problem here. It’s not my fault, okay?”

  “Care to explain?” I crossed my arms, doing my best to look intimidating, which, if I may say so, is pretty damned effective.

  “There’s this local biker gang. Apparently they caught one of our, well, yes, one of my, people feeding on a whore behind their bar. They had enough numbers to overpower our man and they ashed him, accidentally, as it were. Of course, they were just smart enough to put two and two together. Now they’re…”

  “Now they fancy themselves vampire hunters.”

  He nodded. “We’ve lost four so far.”

  “Mother of…. And your numbers aren’t large enough to stop them?”

  “Well, no. Yes, but they have at least thirty people in their gang; it’ll be problematic. There’s the local authorities…that many outlaws goes missing…well, you know. Then there’s,” he gave me sullen eyes, “well, they’ve coated their weapons in silver.”

  I nodded. “Where are they?”

  He went back to his desk and wrote down an address. “They pretty much live at this bar. Lately the only time they leave is to hunt us. Great sport, you know. Usually after midnight they ride out in twos and threes.”

  I glanced at the time and noted it was just a few hours past sunset. “They’d be there now?”

  “Yes, but–"

  “I’ll take care of this.” I pointed a finger at him. “Bring your people there at three. Bring shovels.”

  “But, sir…how can you…” I silenced him with a stare.

  “This is what I do, Marcus. Don’t make me sorry I came.” I reached for the knob and paused. “Once I’m done, you get control of your area. You don’t want me to ha
ve to come back.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course, I’ll–"

  I shut the door behind me, cutting off his reply.

  Chapter 17

  THE BAR WAS everything you’d expect from a shit motorcycle gang none of the big ones would franchise. Barely a shack. Neon lights advertising every brand of swill these backwoods hicks might dare to swallow, which was approximately three. The thumping of roadhouse music pounded from every seam and crack. The gravel lot was papered with cigarette butts and the stench of smoke oozed from the wood itself.

  I glanced at the moon and shook my head. I really wished I could catch these mouth breathers during the day while they were sleeping off their drinking binges, but I didn’t dare allow them even one more night to hunt any more vampires. I walked up to the beaten double doors of the bar and stared back at the line of motorcycles parked out front.

  I smiled to myself as a hateful thought popped into my head. The only thing bikers loved more than their bikes was their own hides; and with some it was a tie.

  I picked up the closest iron horse and used it like a metal bat. I swung at the remaining bikes and laughed at the crunch of metal on metal. Custom hogs and want ad choppers…didn’t matter. Pieces flew into the darkness as I pounded each bike with the giant metal hammer. I kept glancing at the door of the bar expecting some leather clad hairball to come screaming out at me wielding a Walmart hunting knife for hurting his ride. I guess the music was too loud.

  I continued to beat the bikes into submission and when nobody came rushing out to greet me, I picked up the closest bike and hurled it through the greasy window.

  I walked across the dirt road and leaned against a tree. It didn’t take long for the shock to wear off and the front door to explode. Creatures that were shaped like men but smelled like swine poured out of the door and some fell to their knees as they took in the carnage.

  “Damnedest thing I’ve ever seen.” I stepped from the shadows and into the moonlight. “I was just standing here, minding my own business, when these cursed machines got into an argument. This one’s prettier; this one’s faster; this one’s old lady’s got bigger….I tell ya, boys, the next thing I knew, they were attacking each other and…well, it got ugly fast.” I flashed my most brilliant smile.


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