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Hunter II

Page 16

by Heath Stallcup

  She smiled and I loved how her dimples deepened. “Show me.”

  I thought about standing behind her and I was instantly there. I touched her shoulder and she yelped when she jumped.

  “Oh my god that’s creepy.” She shivered slightly and gave me an uneasy smile. “I mean, one second you’re there, then…yeah. Poof! You’re here.”

  “Comes in handy for fighting, too.” I sat back down and grabbed another handful of the bacon. “We’re going to need lots more of this stuff.”

  She nodded. “I’ll put it on my list.” She took a sip of her coffee and her eyes widened. “But, you said before that food made you sick? Then you had no appetite?”

  I nodded. “Pretty much.” I held a hand up. “Well, after the Nephilim, I could eat a rare steak from time to time, but if I ate it too quickly, it made me sick.”

  “But now you’re scarfing down handfuls of bacon and drinking coffee and…nothing?”

  I shrugged again. “No idea why, either.”

  Her face suddenly turned concerned. “What if the angel power is wearing off?” I gave her a puzzled stare and she held a hand up. “Stay with me here. This is just a thought, but…what if…I mean, okay. You eat the angel and suddenly you aren’t hungry, you don’t need sleep, you can zap to wherever you think of. Only now…you’re hungry, you slept for two freaking days straight and…” she trailed off, her mind working through it all. “Anything else changed?”

  I shrugged. “Not that I know of. I can still transport at will. I still have the same strength, as far as I can tell.” I didn’t want to mention that I could “see” things by just thinking about it. If she knew I had watched her sleeping she might freak out.

  She still looked concerned. “What if it is wearing off?”

  I shrugged. “It’s not a huge deal. I lived for centuries without these abilities. I can survive just fine if they fade.”

  She tapped at her chin with her finger. “How long did the effects of the Nephilim last?”

  “As far as I know, I still have them. I’m fine in daylight, I’m faster and I was a bit stronger even before the angel juice. As far as I know, nothing has faded.”

  She suddenly stood and untied the apron. “I say we don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. If the powers stay, they stay. If they fade, then we’ll deal with it; let’s just hope it’s not in the middle of a biker brawl.”

  “I still say good riddance.” I pushed the plate away and licked the grease from my fingers. “We definitely need more of that.”

  She grinned at me as she picked the plate up and placed it in the sink. “Trust me, I’ll get you plenty.” She turned away and commented softly, “As long as you can still eat it.”

  “I’ll find a way.”

  I TRIED TO transport myself to the mountain retreat. I wanted to share what was happening with the master. I have no idea where I actually ended up, but it definitely was not the master’s stone temple. I found myself teetering along the edge of an ocean side cliff and had to wave my arms to keep my balance. The rocks below looked jagged and quite painful.

  As I felt my momentum try to carry me over the edge, I focused on home and reappeared in my office. I’ll admit that my heart was pounding and my throat had gone dry. Something was wrong.

  I must have looked quite the mess when Laura stepped in. She took one look at me and inundated me with questions. It took me a moment to get her calm, then I explained what happened.

  “Has that ever happened before?”

  “No. But keep in mind, I haven’t exactly been doing this for a long time. I guess there might still be a learning curve.”

  She wasn’t convinced. “This is exactly what I’m talking about.” She gave me that look. “Your new abilities are expiring.”

  I took her by the arms and gave her my best solemn stare. “If they are, then they are. I’ll be fine.”

  She shook her head. “And what if you get stuck half a world away?”

  I opened my mouth to argue but quickly shut it. That was a good point. I had no idea what I’d do then; I mean, I had almost plunged to a rocky death moments ago. “I guess we’ll burn that bridge after we cross it.”

  She would have none of it. “Stay here. Don’t try to poof anywhere until I get back.”

  She turned and made a dash for the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m just going to run a few errands. I’ll be back soon.” She slammed the door then immediately opened it again. “I’ll get bacon while I’m out.” Her smile struck me like a blow to the chest. It was fleeting and it was only a glimpse, but…well, best not to dwell on it. It was just a smile.

  “IT LOOKS LIKE a watch but it has GPS built in. I’ll be able to track you down anywhere in the world.” I watched her wrap the black band around my wrist and try to buckle it. It barely fit.

  “Are you sure this is necessary? I feel…tagged.” I tried to pry a bit of play into it, but it was as loose as it was going to get. Sometimes being large sucked.

  “You want to poof to Antarctica and have to walk home?” She gave me that look. The one reserved for mothers with naughty children and lovers who said the wrong thing at the wrong time. I wondered which she considered me.

  I sighed and shook my head. “Not really.” I glanced at the ugly monstrosity and noted that the time was printed in large letters. I’d seen clocks like this on walls before. Now I was wearing one. Joy.

  She grabbed the papers that came with it and sat down at the computer. She typed on the keyboard and I tried to watch what she was doing.

  “I have to register it with the website. I’ll be able to track your location, your vitals, everything.”

  I got an uneasy feeling. “Everything?”

  She nodded. “Heartrate, O2 levels, calories burned, all that good stuff.”

  I nodded, not really sure what she was saying. “It can’t tell you anything else, can it?”

  “A few biometrics, your fitness levels…most importantly, your location. What else do we need?”

  I nodded. As long as the damned thing didn’t tell you what I was thinking, we should be good. “I guess that’s all of the important stuff.”

  I rubbed at the rubber band again and wished it wasn’t so tight. “How long do I have to wear this?”

  She gave me that dimpled smile again and I really didn’t hear what she said. I’d like to say that I tried, though.

  “Until you get a grip on your poofing or lose it all together.” She shrugged. “If you’re lucky, it won’t be long at all.”

  “Great. I’ve been lojacked.”

  She patted my arm. “It’s for your own good.”

  “Mother used to say that when she’d give me her healing elixir. It tasted like the inside of an old shoe.”

  She flashed that smile again. “And you know what an old shoe tastes like because…?”

  “Because that was what mother used to mix it in.”

  WE SPENT THE day catching up on paperwork and playfully teasing each other. I enjoyed suddenly appearing behind her and giving her a start. I’d play it off as if I were bringing her something important but I soon ran out of things to pawn off on her to do. It didn’t stop her from constantly looking over her shoulder.

  It may have been a simple pleasure, but it was exactly the kind of light hearted activity I needed to unwind. Her nerves on the other hand…

  The day was uneventful and we spent the evening testing new foods. It was almost like being human again, eating until I was satisfied, and then continuing to eat just because it tasted good.

  I determined that mankind had come a long way in cuisine over the past few centuries, but their ability to make beer had declined. The pale yellow brews they offered to the masses left much to be desired. What I wouldn’t have given for a stout ale or mead to wash down the smorgasbord Laura had prepared.

  I enjoyed watching her flit about the kitchen brushing her soft, black hair behind her ears to keep it away from the food. She wore a ti
ght tee shirt with a group of musicians across the front that could have passed for Vikings. Ahh, the fashion in young women to forego their foundation undergarments…the skirt beneath was full and, well, very short.

  The night was fair and we were outside, the firepit blazing, the grill hot. Like a predatory cat, she was playful and alive in the twilight, spinning from the oven to rotate the spit, flying to the kitchen for another pitcher of pilsner; she laughed for no apparent reason. Her joy was genuine and heartfelt. She had an enthusiastic energy about her that was becoming contagious. She smiled right at me; there was no hidden agenda, no manipulative charm. Her eyes were wide and a golden hazel color, very feline indeed; they were mesmerizing. I didn’t even mind when she rubbed her hand across the stubble of my head and told me that I’d look better with hair. I couldn’t argue with her. Every time I saw my reflection, I thought I was looking at my father. No man wants to see that.

  She capped the evening off with strawberries and dipping sauces. I had never understood people’s obsession with chocolate, but once she dipped that swollen red berry into the dark, melted decadence, I understood completely. There were no words; something about that creamy, bittersweet concoction made me…happy.

  She playfully tossed a berry at me when I refused to eat any more. I was so full that I truly thought I might split at the seams. I tried halfheartedly to block her throw but she connected with my ear. I, in turn, threw a berry back and the war was on. She grabbed handfuls of the uneaten foods and threw them with gusto.

  I was scooping her mess up and giving it back to her at high velocity. I only aimed to hit her a few times and before long, the kitchen was destroyed, dripping in every dish she had offered.

  We sat on the smooth, flagstone floor, laughing at each other and the mess we had made. She gave me a look that was hard to describe and for a moment I thought I had broken some unwritten rule.

  “I just realized…I’m the one who has to clean this up.”

  I gave her a soft elbow. “Don’t worry. I have an assistant who can help you.”

  That got me a punch to the arm.

  Did I mention that Weres are much stronger than they appear? I think she gave me a blood clot. I played it off like it didn’t hurt, but I really wanted to rub it. Instead, I patted her knee and told her that surely she could find a cleaning service that could take care of it for her.

  I watched her talk, not hearing a word she said. She looked absolutely beautiful sitting on the ground, food stuck in her hair, chocolate dripping from her cheek. I leaned closer, not realizing what I was doing. I caught myself before it was too late. I ran my finger along her cheek, collecting the dark brown liquid. I quickly licked my finger clean and gave her a cheesy grin.

  She had watched me and I think she knew what my original intent was. She sat upright and cleared her throat. I knew something bad was about to happen.

  “I, uh…should probably get started cleaning this.” She tried to get to her feet and slipped. I caught her by the waist and held her upright. Before she could say anything, I righted her and got to my feet.

  “You take a shower. I’ll start scraping the larger chunks up until you’re done.” I avoided her gaze and took in the mess. “Between the two of us, we’ll have this knocked out in no time. The birds can finish up whatever we miss.”

  I turned my back to her, afraid of what she really wanted to say. Instead, I heard a soft, “Thanks.”

  I listened to her disappear and I was left with some vividly carnal imagery in my head and the first mess that we created.

  Chapter 19

  IT REALLY DIDN’T take long to clean the kitchen. I was finishing when she returned, her robe pulled tight and her hair in a towel. She looked around the battlefield and gave me an approving nod. “Not bad for a savage.”

  The smirk she wore said more than her words.

  I dropped the towel into the sink and planted my hands on my hips, proud of the job. I caught the sound of a ‘plop’ at my feet and noted the goo that had fallen from me and onto my clean floor.

  “Son of a…” I grabbed the towel to wipe it up but she was quicker.

  “Go. Clean up. I can take care of whatever you track out of here…maybe take your shoes off before you go in.”

  It was my turn to give her a smirk. I snapped my fingers and poofed into the bathroom. I quickly shucked my clothes and stepped into the glass-walled shower.

  I let the hot water beat against my skin, wishing it could wash away the desires that always seemed to swell within and ruin what otherwise could have been a perfect day.

  Once I scrubbed the food from my body I stepped out and wiped the foggy mirror. My hair was starting to grow back and I welcomed it. I ran my hand across the top of my head and made a mental note not to allow it to get so long and unruly. Maybe I’d even visit one of the human groomers once it had grown out more.

  I quickly shaved and dressed. I had to admit, the clothes she had found for me were more to my taste. Rugged, but nice. Comfortable, yet modern. Well, modern-ish. Compared to most men I’d observed, these clothes would probably be considered backward. I wasn’t sure what flannel was, but I loved it. Soft and warm, durable, lightweight, colorful, yet stylish. What more could a man ask for?

  I laced the boots she got me and stepped out of my closet ready to return to the office and perform my duties. I turned for the door when it suddenly burst open and Laura strode in. She was still in her robe, but the towel around her hair was gone.

  “This just came in.”

  I was proud of myself for not allowing my eyes to wander to her partially opened robe. The rounds of her breasts were visible and I was certain that with little effort I could see more. Instead, I fought the urge and took the paper from her hand.

  I glanced at the report then scanned it. Apparently the local administrator was having problems with a curious human investigator. He was high profile and well connected, so removing him wasn’t sanctioned.

  “I’ll take care of this.” I reached for my long coat and slipped it on. Ensuring that my weapons were all still in place I turned to her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  I left her standing in my bedroom and wished that I hadn’t. I wished that I had pulled her close and kissed her goodbye. I wished…too many things. None of them could end well.

  I APPEARED AT the industrial warehouse where the local administrator was supposed to be set up. The place appeared abandoned and empty. I walked in a slow circle, my eyes scanning the darkened shadows. Not even a rat. Something smelled off.

  I can’t explain what happened next. I was standing alone in the warehouse when the two angels that had removed Grigori’s body suddenly appeared. I barely had time to react before they each seemingly plunged a hand into my chest and dragged what felt like my lungs out.

  I stumbled and fell to my knees, feeling the bones crunch under the strain against the concrete floor. I sucked hard for breath and looked up at the two blonde haired men. For a moment I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me…there were three. They weren’t exactly identical, but again, close enough in appearance that they could all have been brothers.

  I finally filled my lungs and sat upright, my head swimming. “What the hell did you do to me?”

  One of them cocked his head to the side and stared at me. “We have removed our brethren.”

  My stomach lurched and I felt so nauseated that my mouth began watering almost instantly. I leaned forward and spewed everything from my stomach violently. I honestly expected blood to be mixed in with what splattered the ground before me. It was vile and acidic and I nearly choked trying to suck in air at the same time I expelled the entire contents of my stomach

  I fell to the side and rolled to my back, away from the spew. “What…the…What have you done?”

  One blue eyed son of a bitch leaned over my prone form and smiled. “I have already explained. We removed our brethren.” He glanced at the spew near my feet. “I don’t think the parting agreed with you.”<
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  I rolled to my side and came back to my knees, not quite ready to regain my feet. I glared at the bastards and knew that in my current state, I was in no condition to fight all three. I thought of home, willing myself fervently away from this place.

  Nothing happened. I fought the shock and glanced around the room. They weren’t advancing on me, but I knew in my bones that this had been a trap. I closed my eyes and focused everything I had on home.

  Still nothing. I exhaled the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and waved my hand at the trio, praying that they had a little squirrel in them.

  Again, nothing.

  “You’re wasting your time, Northman. You aren’t going anywhere.”

  I spun and my eyes bulged. I stared at this huge greyish-blue being that stepped out of a mist and into the warehouse. He was easily twice my height and his voice boomed.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  I forced myself to my feet and it took every ounce of my energy to act unfazed by what had happened. I squared my shoulders and slapped at the nonexistent dust on my coat. The giant blue being slowly circled me, the trio of towheads slowly inching back and into the shadows.

  “Who else could I be?” He turned and glared at me with the most brilliant of blue eyes. I felt cold radiating from him and my mind raced trying to remember any angels that I had studied that might possibly match his description.

  “Let me guess. Michael? Gabriel?” I strained my neck looking up at him as he closed the gap between us. “Surely you’re an archangel.”

  He spat at me. “I’m no angel, Northman. I’m a god.”

  I could feel my energy slowly returning but I knew there was no way I could overtake this one in my current state. I seriously doubted I could even make an escape. I had to buy time.

  “A god?” I snorted. “Right.”

  His eyes flared and it was like staring into the headlights of an oncoming truck. The backhand that connected with me felt like it had been an oncoming truck.

  I slid across the smooth, concrete floor and came to rest near a support column. I used my arm against the concrete to come to my feet and stretched my neck. This time, when I slapped at my coat, the dust wasn’t nonexistent.


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