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Breaking Day

Page 5

by Leilani Harvey

  “Most people haven’t. The core members move in small circles and travel light. The auxiliary members are the ones who become stationed in a specific town or area. The ones who are stationary recruit new members and make plans for big festivals before the elders arrive. Every one’s identity is usually kept confidential, no one person knows who every other member is. A lot of their business is on a need to know basis until they require a member to perform a specific task or attend a function.”

  Seleina squirmed in his arms and his rounded biceps flexed while he gripped her tighter. Her body temperature had dropped dramatically. Ryan laid a small kiss on her forehead to calm her growing fears. This next part was sure to put her in a worse frame of mind than she already was.

  “What does this all have to do with me?”

  “Our agency received a tip that the stalkers had been following you.”


  “The dogs that we encountered last night. Someone from the Order put them on to your scent. They only follow certain smells, certain people or items that their masters have given to them. A member of the Order wants you. Actually, they want your blood. Members believe they can gain special abilities when they perform these types of rituals on high days on their calendar, like All Hallow’s Eve.”

  Seleina shivered at the thought and Ryan resolved in his mind that he would keep this woman safe, no matter what. Not only because it was his duty, he had grown attached to her presence and would do anything necessary to keep her from harm’s way.

  “Ryan, I’m afraid,” she looked up at him and his heart melted at the site of tiny tears forming in the corners of her brownish-green eyes.

  “Seleina, no one is going to hurt you. I will not let that happen, I promise.”

  “I believe you,” she whispered and her breath flowed over his face like a light breeze. “Why me?”

  “What’s your blood type? Do you know?”

  “I’m not sure, but when I go in to the lab, I could run a blood test on myself.”

  “I can’t let you go back to work.”

  “Why not? I need to know the reason why they picked me out of all the thousands of other people roaming this city. Besides, I am just as safe there as anywhere else. If what you say is true, any one I meet could be a potential threat, including you.”

  “Seleina, never that.”

  She tried to rise out of his arms and he held firm and made her meet his gaze.

  “Don’t try that mind bending thing you do on me, it won’t work this time.”

  “I’m sure it wont, you have a very strong will. That’s what I like about you.”

  He placed the back of his large hand on her cool cheek and stroked the area. The touch of her buttery soft skin caused his manhood to stir to life and Ryan watched Seleina’s eyes grow wide as she undoubtedly perceived the wiggle movement he was performing under her ample bottom.

  “I watched you for days, Seleina, deciding whether or not to approach you. You were so magnificent. The most lovely creature I have ever been blessed to witness.”

  Her skin started to warm under his touch.

  “We almost never approach our assignments – the people we protect or take out. There is really no need to. We watch from a distance, wait until the offender makes his or her move, then strike, and erase the memories of all other parties involved.”

  His head went to the line of her neck and inhaled deeply.

  “But, I had to meet you, Seleina. I had to. You drew me in. The stalkers trying to sniff you out yesterday morning were just an excuse for me to come near you, to touch you. I should have waited until they came for you, and then captured them and traced their movements back to their masters – case closed. I fucked up, Seleina. I didn’t realize it then, but I purposefully came out of hiding so you and I could meet.”

  “Ryan, who are you?”

  Her fingertips traced the angles of his jaw and he turned his head to lick the palm of her hand, and taste the smell of honey that always floated from her pores, and then laid a kiss at the center.

  “I am a man who has done a lot of wrong over his lifetime, and who is tired of wasting away trying to find forgiveness that I don’t think I deserve.”

  “Please explain. I want to know about you. You already seem to know who I am, let me inside your mind this time.”

  “May I have a taste you again?”

  Ryan licked his lips and then captured Seleina’s mouth before she could protest. Inhaling every breath she exhaled, he cupped her ass and discovered she didn’t have a panty line.

  “Are you wearing a thong?” He asked as heat spread over his chest, causing the sprinkle of hairs there to stand on end.

  “Yes,” she said as her eyelashes lowered.

  His hand slid up to her right breast and the distinct feel of a puckered nipple met his thumb.

  “No bra?” The breath was all but sucked out of his lungs.

  “I thought you might want seconds.”

  She sucked in her lower lip and he lost all sense of reality.

  “Damn straight, I do.”

  Ryan stood and placed Seleina’s feet on the floor. He raised her arms and lifted her top off. Quickly pushing both of her brown tits together, he proceeded to suck at both nipples simultaneously. When he sensed her beginning to sway on her feet, he stopped and pulled at her bottoms until they hit the floor. Seleina kicked off her sneaks, and Ryan lifted first her right then her left leg from the pant legs until he beheld the fire engine red thong that was pasted to the front of her near clean-shaven pussy.

  He went to his knees and gripped her hips, placing his thumbs on either side of the perfect camel toe. His mouth watered as memories of its silky taste flooded his mind.

  “Oh, Seleina,” he whimpered, “this is a perfect view. One question.”

  He had to will himself to hold it together. He needed to know the answer before he proceeded any further.


  “Who’s shirt am I wearing?”

  She chuckled.

  “I was wondering when you would get around to asking that question. What took you so long?”

  He raised an eyebrow up in her direction.

  “I’m not playing around here. Am I going to have to knock some guy’s head off when he comes through that door and finds out you belong to me now?”

  She placed a dainty finger under his sturdy chin.

  “Not unless you want me to have to hurt you for trying to lay a finger on my brother.”

  Brother, James Vaughn, thirty-five years of age, schoolteacher at New York PS142, married one year, no children. Ryan ran through the stats in his mind and scolded himself for forgetting that Seleina had an older brother who had visited her twice since she moved to this area. He had probably left the shirt during one of those times.

  While she was still giggling at his jealousy, Ryan moved the red strip to the side and inserted his tongue between her thighs and lifted the tip to stroke her clit. When Seleina went limp under the tantalizing assault, Ryan scooped her up and placed her stomach down on the tabletop. Carefully moving his plate and placing it on the chair they had just vacated, he positioned himself between her legs.

  She laid her cheek on the surface and spread her arms across the table and bucked her back cheeks against his stomach causing his giant length to harden instantly and the tip to sprout into a full mushroom head.

  “Seleina, you’ve been naughty.”

  “I have?” She purred.

  “You knew I would be jealous. You know I want you all to myself.”

  “You do?”

  Ryan tapped her rear and the double bubble of soft skin jiggled and he could wait no longer to have her.

  Pulling his painfully engorged member from his pants, he laid its heaviness between the slit separating her round buttocks. After covering his length with the rubber film, he placed the swollen head at her juiced entrance. Seleina pulled in a gulp of air and her leg shuttered slightly.

  “Too late t
o be nervous, sweetheart.”

  “I’m not nervous,” she hummed, “I’m excited. I want it all. Hard and fast.”

  “Hard and fast, you shall have.”

  Slamming the thickness of his cock up her tight channel, Ryan saw his vision go double.

  Her sweetness was like nothing he had ever sampled before. He almost discharged his entire load with one thrust. Pulling out slowly, he tried to count backwards from ten, anything to keep himself from spilling prematurely.

  Seleina turned her head, dark curls with hints of golden cinnamon covered one half of her face, and only a bright green eye was visible and watching Ryan closely.

  “What’s the matter? Can’t keep up?”

  Ryan smirked. She was actually challenging him.

  “Hold on.”

  “Why?” Seleina’s voice caught in her throat as Ryan flashed a wickedly sexy smile.

  He placed his index and middle fingers in his mouth and soaked them before placing them at the entrance to her tightened rear. The dark blue had turned black as midnight again.

  She gulped.

  “I – said – hold – on.”

  She obeyed his command and grabbed at either end of the square table.

  He inserted the tips of his fingers deep inside the rosy channel and Seleina squealed.

  “Easy, baby. Relax.” Ryan stroked her back while he said the soothing words.

  She loosened somewhat and moved back further against his length filling her primary hole. He met her thrust with his own. While his cock pumped at her tight pussy, which fit perfectly around his extreme girth, his fingers worked back and forth in her puckered hole.

  Seleina’s ass jiggled even more and Ryan’s mind went blank as his animal impulses kicked into high gear and he let his body guide the ever-increasing rhythm. He grabbed a handful of her hair with his free hand and pulled slightly as she writhed her breast hard against the kitchen table.

  “Ryan! More, please! Now!”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He increased the frenzy of both sets of strokes.

  “I can’t hold it!”

  “Give it to me, baby. Come on, Seleina. Cream all over my cock.”

  “Uhh! Uhh!”

  With one final push deep into her core, Seleina’s walls shook and thick juices poured all over his hardness. The feel of the splash and more syrupy wetness oozing over his length caused his eyes to cross.

  “Seleina! Shiiit!”

  A powerful explosion raced through every corner of Ryan’s body. He exploded so hard, he just knew that the condom he wore had burst under the pressure. When ever drop was spent and Seleina lay limp, he eased his body down over hers. Finally, he released the mass of her hair clutched in his hand and kissed the full length of her caramel colored back. This was the woman he had waited for his entire, crazed life.


  “Finish telling me.”

  Seleina picked up her head from Ryan’s chest and watched his irises slowly morph back to a deep turquoise blue. He had maintained enough balance and energy to slowly carry them both back to the bedroom upstairs.

  “There’s not much to tell.”

  He fingered a tattoo on his left wrist depicting three perfect circles that were intertwined and printed in dark ink.

  “Don’t play games. I want to know everything.”

  Ryan placed another pillow behind his head to gain more elevation, then wrapped a muscled arm around Seleina’s shoulders. He placed his free arm behind his head and stared straight forward. He did not dare look at her lovely face while his mind traveled back to where he needed to go to tell the story.

  “I used to be a cop – a detective – vice, then homicide, then back to vice. That squad was fun, a lot of action to be found. I liked the fun and excitement of it all. The girls, the guns, the money, partying – everything. The problem was, that life wasn’t real. Sometimes, when a cop goes too far undercover, he forgets who he really is. That happened to me. I took it too far, started really dealing, really turning the girls loose, really spending the money, really living the party lifestyle I was only supposed to be pretending to have to catch the real bad guys, only it turns out, I was one of the bad guys. Anyway, a bust went way wrong, a few other UC’s – undercover officers – were hurt, a rookie was injured for life, one of the real dealers died, the others got away free and clear while I was left to take the fall.”

  “That’s what you meant, when you said you were ‘fallen’?”

  “Yeah, I became a police officer to do good, to help make the world a better place. I ended up being the cause of an entirely new cycle of bad shit going down. So, I had a dishonorable discharge from the force, I had a trial, went to prison for a year – that is most definitely a whole other story – then received a visit from a recruiter. However, this recruiter wasn’t with any agency I have ever heard of. This program was different. They don’t operate under a country or a political power – recruit, recondition, reform,” he repeated the mantra that had been drilled in his head.

  Seleina saw him grit his jaw and placed her fingers over his lips.

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to finish.”

  “No, I want you to know.”

  He pulled her in closer.

  “This agency – the Elite Ops Corps, the EOC, for short – is a secret that everyone involved would kill to protect. They monitor everything and everyone, at all times. They probably know every move we’ve made so far. Underlings like me get recruited out of whatever dead-end situation we put ourselves in, which makes it nearly impossible for us to say ‘no’ to the offer. We get reconditioned. All kinds of testing – eyesight, hearing, reflexes, telepathic abilities, physical endurance level, immune system, tolerance for pain – you name it, the docs test it and enhance it. In one area, our own natural ability may be enough, in another, one might need – treatment – basically conditioning with drugs, starvation, torture, whatever is needed to get you up to par.”

  “What happens if you fail to strengthen in an area? I mean, what if you don’t get up to their standards?”

  “Death. Either the treatment will kill you or they will. You pass, you live. You fail, you die. Every assignment, every mission has a similar outlook as well.”

  “So, you mean, if I die, if the people who are trying to get me – if they succeed – you might die too? For allowing that to happen?”

  Ryan blinked. That was the only answer he could will himself to offer.

  Seleina buried her head further against the wide expanse of his powerful chest.

  “Don’t worry, babe, I told you, I won’t let either of us end up like that.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. She sighed in return.

  “What about the last part?”

  “Reform. Once we survive all that, we each go on small challenges at first, to build up our knowledge and skills, usually assisting higher lever service members. If we live through that part of the training, we start to go solo. Our entire mission is to keep balance and restore order, whatever it takes.”

  “What does that mean? Whatever it takes?”

  “Sometimes I’m part of the good team, other times, I might be helping the opposing side.”

  “Why do you continue? When is your sentence up?”

  “It ends either one of two ways. Your tour of duty is up either when your court sentence should have been up or when lay they you in the casket of an unmarked grave.”

  “What was your criminal sentence?”

  “Twenty-five to life.”


  It was a strange and exhilarating feeling riding across town on his coal black ninja-style motorcycle, with the feel of the crisp wind blowing through her hair.

  Upon entering the hospital foyer, all eyes followed the couple’s every move. Seleina watched with little composure while receptionists of all shapes, sizes, sexes and colors battered their eyelashes in Ryan’s direction, despite the fact that she had been walking next to him the entire time. To his benefit, R
yan never returned one attempt at flirtation. He kept one eye trained on Seleina at all times and the other either straight forward or monitoring their surroundings.

  When he went to follow her into her work area, Seleina put her palm against the middle of his chest and halted his movements.

  He lowered his brows and she matched his fierceness.

  “Come on, Seleina. We agreed if you come back here, I don’t leave your side.”

  “No, I agreed to let you come back to the hospital with me so I could run my blood test. Not to play babysitter while I try to do my work.”


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