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Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One)

Page 17

by Peckham, Caroline

  "You don't mind him coming along do you?" Anna asked.

  "No, course not," Oliver said untruthfully.

  She grinned form ear to ear. "I can't believe we're going for a drink with Rogan Ganderfield."

  "Neither can I," Oliver muttered, more to himself then Anna. She didn't seem to hear as she walked to a panel beside the door and ordered a taxi pod.

  Oliver realised he had no money. "Err, Anna. I don't actually have any way of paying for things here," he said, the blood heating up in his face.

  "Oh, right. Come over here. Do you have an account in Earth?" she asked.

  "Yeah, but I can't use that here, can I?" he asked.

  "Aleva has technology which links all bank accounts across the worlds. You just have to register and it will automatically change the currency when you use it," she said.

  Anna talked him through the steps so that his bank account was linked to one in Aleva then he registered his thumb print so he could pay. "That's brilliant. Thanks," he said.

  He realised Anna was standing extremely close as they both leant in to look at the screen. She looked up at him with her bronze eyes, making his stomach feel like it was floating.

  "Ready to go?" Rogan's voice chimed in his ear like a klaxon.

  Oliver stepped away from Anna in an instant and they turned to join Rogan. Anna's cheeks were flushed as she looked at the celebrity, making Oliver's heart sink.

  They took the taxi pod to Sumi's. The restaurant was located down a spiral of winding stairs that led underground. The floor looked as though it were made of ice and the bar was raised up on a stage surrounded by a moat of turquoise water. People were queuing to it over three metal bridges. The water from the moat cast patterns on the ceiling and walls, giving the feel of being underwater. Waiters in blue uniforms hurried around passing out food.

  The tables and chairs were made entirely of glass. Rogan rushed over to one in a corner and sat down, facing the wall. Oliver and Anna joined him.

  "Do you mind bringing me a drink over? I just don't want anyone to recognise me," Rogan said.

  "Sure, what do you want?" Anna asked.

  "Jinu, please. And get a Tab," he said with a smile that Oliver imagined would have sent any girl into a frenzy.

  "I'll come with you," Oliver said to Anna hopefully.

  "No, don't worry. Do you want the same?" Anna asked.

  Oliver nodded, his gut sinking as he sat down with Rogan.

  "She your girlfriend?" Rogan asked as Anna disappeared into the crowd.

  "No. Why?" Oliver asked defensively, his spine straightening.

  Rogan laughed. "Just curious that's all. Don't worry, I'm a mage. I've been engaged since I was sixteen. Where in Vale are you from?"

  "Earth," Oliver said, the weight in his chest lifting as he tried to recall everything his grandfather had told him about mages.

  "Earth? You messing with me?" Rogan asked, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

  "Nope. All of this stuff is new to me. I didn't know any of it existed until recently," Oliver said.

  "That's crazy. It was so weird meeting you earlier and you didn't recognise me. I don't remember the last time I had to introduce myself," he said with a grin.

  "Was that your fiancé back in the hotel? I saw you guys talking before," Oliver said.

  "Fighting you mean," Rogan said with a frown. "She drives me nuts sometimes. I'm glad to get out for a bit, I needed a break. Though I don't normally risk going out in public."

  Oliver felt a flash of guilt at having rejected Rogan earlier. He was about to ask why they had been arguing when Anna returned with a tray of drinks.

  She passed the Jinu out and placed an object on the table shaped like a trapezoid. It was black in colour and the flat surface on top of it held a screen that displayed the price of five Lokens. Oliver assumed it was what Rogan had referred to as a Tab.

  Oliver sipped the Jinu and felt the cold leave his bones. He spotted a group of girls nearby sidling closer and leaning backwards to get a better look at Rogan.

  "You've got a group of stalkers," Oliver said, nodding to the girls.

  Anna looked up at them. "I don't think they know it's you yet."

  Rogan brushed a hand through his hair. Oliver spotted an almost imperceptible light ignite between his fingers and his hair lengthened to cover one side of his face.

  Oliver suppressed a laugh. "It suits you like that."

  "Shut it," Rogan said through a smile.

  "Can't you just change your appearance to look like someone else completely?" Oliver asked.

  "I think that's basically impossible and definitely illegal," Rogan said with a laugh.

  The girls were closing in. One of them was leaning back as far as she could to try and see Rogan's face. A large blonde girl with broad shoulders pouted then strutted over purposefully to Rogan.

  "Heads up," Oliver muttered to him.

  The girl tapped him on the shoulder and, with a quick flash of light, Rogan rubbed his hand over his chin and swung around. He now had a long, bushy beard.

  "Can I help you?" Rogan asked the girl in a rough and croaky voice that wasn't his own.

  She looked taken aback for a moment. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else," she said with a sigh. She returned to her friends, shaking her head and Rogan turned back to the table, sipping his Jinu.

  Oliver and Anna suppressed their laughter as the girls walked away.

  "Are you here to watch the race?" Oliver asked Rogan after a moment.

  "I'm entering it. Quinn, my fiancé, got us a space on a friend's team. Are you guys racing?" he asked, running a hand over his face, returning it to normal with a glow of magic.

  "If we get two more team members we might be." Oliver's throat went dry at the thought of competing against mages.

  "You haven't signed up yet? I dunno if there's any spaces left. When you get your team together let me know and I'll put a good word in for you with the Race Committee. It pays to be famous sometimes," Rogan said.

  "Thanks," Oliver said, his eyebrows raising a little in surprise.

  "Don't suppose you know anyone looking to sign up?" Anna asked hopefully.

  "Sorry, everyone I know who wants to race is already on a team," Rogan said genuinely.

  "Hey, I thought it was you," said a male voice.

  Oliver looked up to see who had spoken and his jaw automatically clenched as he spotted Larkin. Rogan turned and smiled in recognition. He got up and clapped Larkin on the shoulder.

  "You alright?" Rogan asked Larkin.

  Oliver shared a look with Anna who's lip had curled back slightly.

  "Good, yeah. Why don't you come join me and Arrow?" Larkin offered, gesturing to a table where a dark-skinned boy the size of a tank was sitting.

  "Thanks, but I'm alright here," Rogan said, gesturing to Oliver and Anna.

  Larkin's eyes slid to meet Oliver's gaze and his mouth curved into a sneer. He looked to Anna with a nod. "Hey babe, you can come join us too."

  "I'd rather not thanks," Anna said, rolling her eyes.

  "What are you doing sitting with this loser?" Larkin asked Rogan, gesturing to Oliver.

  "What's your problem?" Rogan asked Larkin in an even tone.

  Oliver fought a smile.

  Larkin snorted. "You kidding me? Come on, ditch the Earthy."

  "Why don't you go back to your own table? I think your boyfriend's waiting for you," Oliver said, gesturing to Larkin's friend.

  Larkin looked to Rogan as if he expected him to do something. Instead, Rogan sunk back into his seat and took a sip of his drink.

  "Pfft," Larkin spat then slunk back to his own table.

  Silence hung in the air for a moment.

  "So Larkin's a tool," Anna stated brightly.

  Oliver couldn't help but laugh and Rogan joined in momentarily.

  "We went to university together. We've always got on alright but yeah he can be a massive tool when he wants to be," Rogan said. "He's always bee
n closer with Quinn."

  Oliver sensed something bitter in the way he spoke.

  Rogan sighed. "I don't want any tension with Larkin, I'm racing with him."

  "Seriously? You're on his team?" Oliver asked, not being able to imagine anything worse.

  "Yeah, he's not all bad," Rogan said with a laugh.

  Oliver nodded and sipped at his drink, not wanting to offend him. "Well I have to cut him some slack seeing as he's kind of my uncle."

  "What?" Rogan said, laughing as if Oliver were making an odd joke.

  Anna spluttered as she took a sip of her drink.

  "No seriously." Oliver laughed and proceeded to explain his link to Larkin.

  "Poor you," Anna said, grinning at Oliver and patting his arm in mock sympathy.

  "Yeah, that used to happen a lot when mages would divorce and have a new family. It's gonna be pretty much impossible soon though," Rogan said.

  "How come?" Oliver asked.

  "The High Mage wants to put a stop to it completely. He says it's damaging to a family unit," Rogan said.

  "What do you think?" Anna asked, leaning toward him.

  Rogan shrugged and Oliver sensed he didn't want to give an opinion on the subject.

  Anna took a sip of her drink and turned to Oliver. "What's your sister up to tonight?"

  "I dunno but she's gonna be mad I didn't invite her out," he said, not mentioning he had thought he would be spending the evening alone with Anna.

  "Is she on your team?" Rogan asked.

  "Yeah, just her and Anna so far," Oliver replied.

  "How old is she?" Rogan asked.

  "Sixteen. Weirdly, she doesn't exactly have a birthday," Oliver said with a slanted smile.

  "What do you mean?" Anna asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

  "When I was six years old my mum found her in the middle of the road. Just lying there in the pouring rain. She adopted her eventually and gave her a birthday as the day she found her, October twelfth. She looked about my age so," he shrugged in explanation.

  "That's crazy. So you have no idea where she came from?" Rogan asked incredulously.

  "Nope, never found out," Oliver said.

  "Wow," Anna said, looking amazed. "Doesn't that drive you crazy?"

  Oliver laughed. "It used to when I was a kid. I don't really think about it much anymore, it's just one of those things."

  "Why don't we all hang out tomorrow?" Rogan suggested.

  "We need to keep looking for team members though," Anna said hesitantly.

  "Well, we could do both?" Rogan pushed. "You could bring May along."

  "Sure, you could bring Quinn, too," Oliver suggested.

  Rogan frowned. "Maybe."

  "Why don't we go to the Hogtrout Caves?" Anna suggested excitedly.

  "Oh, yeah, let's do that," Rogan said with a grin.

  "Why?" Oliver asked.

  "It's where the first part of the race is held. There'll be loads of people there we can ask," Anna said.

  Oliver nodded. "Okay, sure."

  They paid by pressing their thumbs onto the Tab, splitting it three ways despite Rogan's insistence to pay and exited the restaurant.

  * * *

  They entered the hotel lobby which was quiet, the reception now left unattended.

  A girl was standing just inside the door looking both incredibly beautiful and terrifyingly angry. She had long, dark hair that flowed over her shoulders around her petite figure. Her large, chocolate-coloured eyes were framed by long eyelashes and her skin looked sun-kissed and glowing as if she had just returned from a holiday.

  "Where. In. Vale. Have you been?" she said, pouting her full lips at Rogan.

  "Ah, give it a rest Quinn," Rogan said, rolling his eyes.

  "I will not give it a rest. Thanks for abandoning me all evening," she snapped, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

  "It wasn't like that. You'd gone to your room anyway," Rogan said.

  Quinn took a deep breath and expelled it forcefully like a bull. "What do you want? An autograph?" she barked, noticing Oliver and Anna watching her.

  Oliver now fully understood why Rogan had wanted some space from the girl.

  "Sorry, should I know who you are?" Oliver asked.

  Rogan suppressed a smile.

  "Are you trying to be funny? I'm Quinn Thorn," she said, her face contorting in fury.

  Anna threw Oliver a look of warning.

  Oliver shrugged. "Doesn't ring a bell. Night Rogan, see you tomorrow," he said, taking Anna's arm and leading her towards the lift.

  "Meet here at ten!" Rogan called to them.

  Anna giggled as they disappeared into the lift. Oliver caught Rogan's eye as the doors closed and Quinn's screeching was cut off as they clunked into place.

  "She's gonna hate you," Anna said, grinning.

  Oliver laughed. "Well she shouldn't be so presumptuous about her status in the world."

  He grinned at her and their gaze lingered, making the quiet in the lift suddenly awkward. He realised he was still gripping her arm.

  The lift doors opened on Anna's floor. He instantly released her as he spotted an angry woman standing there, her hair a shaggy, brown frizz.

  "And where do you think you've been young lady?" she snarled, her eyes lighting up dangerously.

  "Out," Anna said firmly.

  "And you didn't think to mention you were going out? Your father and I have been worried sick," she said, glaring daggers at Oliver.

  "It was my fault, sorry," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  Anna's mother eyed him. "Come on, Annabelle."

  Anna gave him an apologetic look as she followed her mum down the corridor.

  The lift doors closed and Oliver leant against the back of it with a sigh. The doors opened again a few moments later and he made his way to his room.

  A note had been slid under the door.

  He picked it up and read it, recognising his sister's neat handwriting.

  Ely's wondering where you are. I covered for you. You owe me.

  Oliver grinned. He could always rely on May.


  Wings of Fire

  Oliver was awoken by a loud thumping on the door. He jumped up and ran to open it, realising too late that he was only wearing shorts. It was Quinn. She folded her arms, casting her eyes over his body so he felt somehow more naked than he actually was.

  "What do you want?" Oliver asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  "I came to apologise," Quinn said, looking irritated.

  "Did Rogan send you?" Oliver asked, suppressing a smile.

  "He insisted," she said, visibly gritting her teeth.

  "Well, I suppose I forgive you. Are you coming to the Hogtrout Caves today?" Oliver asked, deciding to make an effort with her.

  "What do you think?" she snarled and walked off down the corridor.

  Oliver shut the door more forcefully than he had intended. He went to move just as another knock sounded at the door and he opened it to find May standing there in her pyjamas.

  "Hey," she said and walked inside.

  "Hang on a sec," Oliver went to his room and put on some clothes before returning to the living area where May was slumped in a chair.

  "So, do you wanna explain where you disappeared to last night? I can't believe you left me. Ely spent the evening talking about Alevian politics with Laura. Turns out, it's just as boring as politics back on Earth. I almost went insane."

  "Sorry, Anna asked me to go out," Oliver said sheepishly.

  "Oh, I guess I'll let you off then seeing as you were on a date," May said with a smirk.

  "It wasn't a date. This guy ended up coming along with us anyway. Sort of invited himself actually," Oliver said, grinning at the memory.

  "What guy?" May asked and Oliver explained about Rogan and Quinn.

  "So, they're celebrities?" May asked incredulously.

  "Yep, and we're all going out today. That includes you," Oliver said.

"Hmm, okay. But don't go ditching me again," May said, reaching her leg out to kick at him.

  Oliver laughed. "I won't. Go get dressed, we're leaving at ten."

  "Alright, but go see Ely first," May said, heading for the door.

  Oliver saw her out then went and knocked on Ely's door.

  Ely smiled warmly as he opened the door. "Ah, there you are. Did you have a good rest? May said you got an early one."

  Oliver nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

  "Laura's joining the Race Committee today and I'm thinking about going with her. We can find out if any of the teams have dropped out."

  "Great, well I'm going with May and Anna to the Hogtrout Caves to try and find team members," Oliver said.

  "Good idea," Ely said, scratching at the stubble on his chin which was starting to grow there. "We only have ten days 'til the race starts so we better get a team together as soon as possible. Come knock for me when you get back and let me know how it goes."

  "Alright, see you later," Oliver said as he left.

  * * *

  Oliver and May took the lift down to the lobby just before ten o'clock. Anna was already waiting for them in the lounge wrapped up in a black coat and green scarf.

  "Good morning," she said brightly.

  "Morning, I hope your mum wasn't too mad last night," Oliver said with a worried look.

  "Oh, don't mind her. She's always like that," Anna said, shaking her head. "I love your outfit, May."

  Oliver eyed her sister and noticed that she did look particularly nice, her blonde hair cascading over the navy blue material of her coat.

  "Thanks," May said, her cheeks flushing pink as she fiddled with a button.

  Oliver hated how badly she took compliments.

  Rogan and Quinn appeared from the lift looking immaculate. The clerks at the desk kept glancing up at them, trying not to stare for too long.

  "Is that them?" May asked, stepping closer to Oliver.

  "Yep, how could you tell?" Oliver muttered sarcastically.

  "Hey," Rogan said as he approached.

  Quinn nodded her acknowledgement, glancing around the lobby as if someone more important might appear to take her interest.

  "This is my sister May," Oliver introduced her. "This is Rogan and Quinn," he said to May.

  May looked shy, her face paling from pink to a ghostly white. "Hi."


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