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Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One)

Page 31

by Peckham, Caroline

  Oliver and May followed their grandfather inside and sat in armchairs in the tiny lounge. Ely made them each a huge mug of Glacian tea and Oliver accepted his gladly, resting his head back in the chair as he sipped at the sweet liquid, soothing his anxiety.

  * * *

  Ely had bought them a brand new backpack each filled with thick, fur-lined clothes for their time in Glacio. There was space inside for their other things which Ely had brought from The Ganderfield Hotel back in Crome.

  "Thank you for the clothes. And, well, just everything you've done for us," Oliver said.

  May nodded next to him and gave him a hug.

  "Not a problem," Ely said cheerfully. "As you might have guessed by the clothes I bought you, Glacio is pretty darn cold. You can put your snow boots on when we go through, they won't be comfortable for walking up the mountain."

  A knock on the door announced their friends' arrival. Oliver and May shouldered their packs, following suit with Ely, whose large bag was almost the size of him. The weight didn't seem to affect him somehow as he walked forward with ease. Oliver suspected he was using magic to assist him.

  Rogan and Quinn were waiting at the door with their own packs on their shoulders. Quinn seemed brighter after a morning's rest and even pulled him and May into a hug.

  They walked out into the garden and found Anna leaning on the gate, her eyes were red and puffy. "I can't go," she said. "My parents insisted I wait until I'm eighteen before I'm allowed to go to Glacio. That's almost two years."

  "It's okay, Anna, we'll see you again soon," May said, drawing her into a hug. Rogan followed suit then Oliver felt suddenly awkward as the others looked at him expectantly. Anna didn't meet his eye.

  Rogan cleared his throat. "We'll go ahead," he said with a meaningful look at May and Quinn. Ely locked up the door and Rogan quickly engaged him in conversation as the group began walking up the incline towards the forest.

  Anna looked up at Oliver finally and his heart skipped a beat. He never usually found it difficult to talk to her but his vocabulary was suddenly void of words. Thankfully, she spoke first.

  "I'm so glad we got keys, for May's sake," she said.

  He nodded and his words returned. "Me too," he said with a sigh, feeling relieved.

  "Will you come back to Aleva? After you get May help in Brinatin?" Anna asked after a moment. She was still hovering by the fence, a few feet separating them.

  "Yeah, course." Oliver took a step forward.

  "You'd better," she said with a playful grin.

  He couldn't help himself. He walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on her head. She pressed her face into his shoulder and he felt wet tears seep through his shirt. He pushed her back a little and she looked up at him.

  "It's okay, we'll be back in no time," he said, wiping a tear away with his thumb.

  She looked down. "I know. I'm just being silly."

  "Come on, let's go up to the Gateway. We don't have to say goodbye just yet," Oliver said, stepping away from her and taking her hand in his. He led her up the mountain trail, walking slowly to enjoy their time alone.

  He didn't let himself think about not being around her and suppressed the twisting, sinking feeling in his gut as he gripped Anna's hand tighter.


  The Hard Way

  They were huffing and puffing by the time they reached the top of the mountain. A clearing opened up where a large crowd had formed. Towering over them all, was the Gateway.

  It was completely different to the one back at Oakway Manor. Oliver recognised it from the opening ceremony but it was much more impressive in real life. An enormous tree had grown out of the ground, bent back over and planted the top of itself into the earth. Moss covered it in parts and the glistening keys were embedded in its bark.

  A stage had been erected in front of it and he saw Laura amongst the Race Committee who were sitting to one side of it on a row of chairs.

  He spotted his friends waiting for them at the edge of the clearing. His and Anna's hands unclasped as they rejoined them and he instantly missed the closeness. Ely took their packs and disappeared into the crowd to find a seat.

  The teams that had won the race the day before were sitting in rows of chairs beside the Gateway, facing the crowd. Team Visikin was amongst them and a row behind them were in place for Oliver's team. They moved through the crowd and took their seats behind Larkin and his teammates.

  Oliver ended up sat behind Arrow and the creases of his bald head grimaced back at him. Larkin threw a glance at them over his shoulder but didn't say anything. Oliver spotted Larkin's parents, Chester and Delphine, in the crowd. Delphine wiggled her fingers at Larkin but he ignored her.

  Rogan and Quinn waved at a group of people who were standing in a cordoned off area at to the side of the crowd. They sat in red velvet chairs, much more luxurious than those the majority of the crowd were sat in.

  "Who's that?" Oliver asked Rogan.

  "That's my mum and sister, Aliyah, with Quinn's parents," he said.

  Before Oliver could ask more, Abbicus Brown appeared and took to the stage. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the key presentation ceremony. This season, the three teams in first, second and third place are: Teams Thrake, Zhoulin, and Thorn." He paused for a round of applause. "And I think you'll all agree that both teams Visikin and Pandalin deserve a special round of applause for coping with the dreadful and unforeseen circumstances with which they were faced."

  The crowd cheered and clapped madly. Camera flashes went off in dozens as journalists focused their attention on their teams. Oliver blinked as lights swam before his eyes.

  "So, without further ado, can I please have a huge round of applause for all ten winning teams of this season's Great Race of Aleva," he said, raising his ham-like hands into the air and smacking them together as the crowd applauded. "Now, please welcome to the stage, for the final time, the two people who have kept us on the edge of our seats throughout the race. They have brought you the highs and lows of our contestants' journeys and they are here this afternoon to present the keys to our winners." Oliver's heart dropped into his stomach. "Ray Falls and Truvian Gold everybody." Abbicus clapped as he backed off of the stage, allowing the two of them to step up.

  May gripped Oliver's sleeve on one side of him and he felt Rogan's whole body tense on the other. Oliver hadn't even considered the possibility that Truvian would be at the ceremony. He felt his face heat up as the blood rose under his skin.

  "Thank you, thank you. We have had a fantastic race this season. The teams have competed with incredible vigour and we have seen some really brilliant competition from all of this season's contestants," Ray Falls said.

  "The unforeseen vark attack will be re-watched for years to come," Truvian Gold added, flashing a perfect set of teeth.

  Oliver shuddered at the sight of him as the crowd cheered once more.

  "Now, please welcome to the stage, this season's winners: Team Thrake," Ray Falls said, clapping along with the crowd.

  Ray stood at one end of the stage and gave each team member a key whilst Truvian stood at the other end, shook their hands and placed a medal around their necks. The team descended from the stage and shook Abbicus's hand who was standing at the bottom of the steps next to the Race Committee.

  The crowd continued to whoop and cheer as Team Zhoulin were called up, followed by Team Thorn. Once they had all been handed their respective medals, Gold, Silver, and Bronze, Truvian placed another set of medals on his arm that looked as though they were made of a lighter metal.

  Oliver cursed inwardly, he had hoped Truvian wouldn't have to place a medal on them. He didn't want him touching May. Or him for that matter.

  Ray Falls called the remaining teams up one by one until she reached the final two. "Team Viskin!"

  They filed onto the stage and the crowd went wild as Larkin raised his medal up triumphantly and kissed it. Oliver realised that, no matter how much he disliked Larkin, it wa
s nothing to how he felt about the man standing opposite him.

  "Please welcome our final team tonight. With a special thanks to Quinn Thorn and Rogan Ganderfield who did a great job of fighting off the vark." The crowd cheered madly and Oliver stood up and followed Anna, Quinn then Rogan, up towards the stage.

  His heart was beating so hard he could feel it thumping against his ribcage. He took the key from Ray Falls then walked slowly over to Truvian who was grinning broadly, though Oliver was sure he could sense a smugness behind it. Truvian leant forward and dropped the medal over Oliver's head.

  Truvian paused next to his ear for a second and whispered, "I'm coming for her." He adjusted Oliver's shirt around the medal. "Your father sends his love." He beamed casually.

  It took everything Oliver could muster not to punch the guy there and then. He wanted to shout out to the audience and tell them what a monster the man was. It pained him to bite his tongue and say nothing. Truvian was going to get away with everything he had done.

  "I'm going to make you pay. You won't get within an inch of my sister," Oliver said through gritted teeth.

  Truvian reached out and pulled May towards him by her arm. From behind, it must have looked like a friendly tug but he didn't break eye contact with Oliver as he did it, which made it all the more threatening. Oliver glowered at him as Truvian placed the medal around her neck. She recoiled from him with a disgusted look.

  Oliver glanced towards Abbicus Brown who was chatting animatedly with someone in the crowd. No one was looking. No one noticed anything. Truvian released May and they descended the stairs. It was over.

  Abbicus Brown shook their hands and Oliver pulled away from him as quickly as he could. The man furrowed his brow in confusion but didn't say anything. Oliver couldn't wait to be a whole world away from Truvian Gold.

  Relief swelled in Oliver's chest as he joined his friends and Ely.

  Abbicus made his way back to the stage and Truvian Gold and Ray Falls stepped aside. "Now, I'd like to thank you all for attending this season's race. Those of you who have received keys please line up to get them encoded by our Gateway Keeper, Rex Haven." He gestured to a thin, bald man who waved them over.

  The teams lined up, allowing the mage to prick their finger and use magic to bind the keys to their respective owners. Oliver shuffled up to the man who was sat behind an ancient looking table that looked as though it had grown from the ground. Beyond him, Oliver noticed a cosy-looking cottage nestled amongst the trees which must have been the Keeper's home.

  Oliver held out his hand as he approached him.

  "Name?" Rex Haven asked.

  "Oliver Knight."

  The man jotted it down in a large, leather-bound book then took Oliver's hand. He repeated the process that Ely had used when he had been given his first keys. The blood from his finger turned the tiny, spherical key to the colour of ice. It shimmered in the light like sun on snow. He retrieved the Lock from around his neck and placed the key in the clasp marked Glacio.

  "Next," Rex Haven called, and Oliver moved aside to allow May access.

  Oliver returned to join Ely who had found Laura amongst the crowd.

  "How are you feeling?" Laura asked him.

  "Much better thanks." Oliver smiled at her.

  "Are you ready to go?" Ely asked.

  "Yeah. I just want to say goodbye to Anna," he said, glancing over at her as a knot tightened in his chest.

  "Of course," Ely said, following his gaze.

  "You'll see her again when all of this is over, you know?" Laura said with a smile. "And you better come visit me on your way back too." She folded her arms.

  "Definitely," Oliver said, grinning at her then sighed. "We have to focus on getting May to Brinatin now."

  "Yes, that's the main thing," Ely said.

  "What's the challenge in Glacio like?" Oliver asked.

  "It's relatively simple," he said vaguely. "It won't take long to complete so we should be passing into Brinatin within a couple of days. The challenge is held in the Palace of Galice. Just wait until you see it."

  "Sounds great," Oliver said, distracted. "I'll meet you by the Gateway in a minute."

  Oliver walked over to his friends who had gathered together in a circle. May was hugging Anna goodbye and Oliver smiled at her over his sister's shoulder.

  "Take care of yourself May," Anna said, releasing her.

  "I'll be fine. I've got my idiot brother looking out for me," she said, laughing.

  Rogan and Quinn took it turns to hug Anna goodbye.

  Quinn pouted as she stepped away from Anna. "I could talk to your parents if you want?" She raised an eyebrow and Anna laughed.

  "I don't think even you could take on my mum," Anna said.

  Quinn folded her arms but looked as though she were fighting a grin.

  Rogan turned to Oliver and May. "We'll meet you at the Gateway in a sec. Just gonna say goodbye to our families," he said and walked off with Quinn.

  May waved to Anna and went to join Ely.

  Oliver opened his mouth to say something to Anna but, before he could, she rushed at him, pulling him into a tight hug. "You better look me up when you get back here."

  Oliver laughed into her hair. "I will."

  She pulled away, sliding her hands down his arms and taking hold of his wrists. She squeezed then let go and walked away, throwing a glance back at him as she joined her family.

  Oliver walked towards the Gateway where his grandfather was standing with Laura, holding their bags out for them. Oliver shouldered his pack and tugged Laura into a one-armed hug. When he pulled away she waved her hands under her eyes, trying to dry the tears that had collected there.

  "Are you alright?" May asked.

  "It's just been so good to spend time with you at last," Laura said with a sniff.

  "We'll be back in no time," Ely said brightly, pulling his daughter into a hug.

  Laura bent over and kissed his cheek. "See you Dad," she said.

  The equipment for the ceremony was being packed away around them and someone had already dismantled the stage, leaving a clear entrance to the Gateway.

  Larkin stood talking to Chester and Delphine, seemingly saying their own goodbyes. Oliver felt a pang of annoyance that Larkin would be going to Glacio too. Arrow joined Larkin a moment later, waving to his family as they walked together towards the Gateway.

  "Great," Oliver muttered to May.

  "What?" she said, clearly breaking out of a daydream.

  He nodded to the two boys. "They're going to Glacio too."

  May frowned and looked at them. Larkin and Arrow held out their Locks and the centre of the Gateway came to life with a shimmering, milky light.

  Larkin stepped forward. He was almost knocked over as a huge man stepped through from the other side. He was dressed in dark armour with a gun-like weapon holstered on his hip, a canister attached to it glistened red.

  "Oi!" Larkin barked, stumbling backwards.

  "This Gateway will be closed until further notice by order of the Queen of Galice," the soldier said.

  "What do you mean?" Abbicus Brown appeared.

  "The Queen's son, Prince Kile, has been kidnapped. And, until he is returned, no one is allowed in or out of Glacio."

  "This is preposterous. You can't close the Gateway without giving notice," Abbicus snapped.

  "Please step away, sir," the soldier said. "A guard will be positioned here for the foreseeable future. Any person to step through this Gateway will be arrested."

  "But we must get through, it is a matter of urgency!" Ely rushed over in a panic.

  Oliver's eyes darted back and forth between the soldier and Ely.

  The tall soldier looked down his long nose at Oliver's tiny grandfather. "Step away from the Gateway, sir," he growled, baring teeth like a wild animal.

  Oliver stepped forward. "We have to go through. Can't you make an exception?" he said angrily, unable to help himself.

  The soldier glanced at him then
folded his arms and took a step backwards so he was firmly planted in front of the Gateway. "No."

  "But it's an emergency!" Oliver snapped, overly aware of Larkin and Arrow listening to him.

  "You have to let us through," May pressed.

  "Oh, I have to, do I?" the soldier snarled, touching the weapon at his hip threateningly.

  "Come on. Come away," Ely said, gripping their arms.

  Oliver grimaced at the solider but let Ely pull him away.

  "We have to get through the Gateway, we have no choice," Ely whispered to them, looking hard at May.

  "Maybe the bond on me will hold for longer than you thought?" May suggested hopefully.

  "We can't risk it," Ely said, shaking his head. "We have to get through." A wild look entered his eyes.

  The crowd was disappearing as they filed away down the pathway, chattering excitedly about the soldier. Only a few people were left in the clearing and Anna lingered amongst those remaining, her family heading down the path.

  Rogan and Quinn joined Oliver and the others, frowning.

  Ely flexed his hands. "When the way is clear, go through the Gateway."

  "What?" Oliver asked in shock.

  "Ely, no," Rogan warned.

  "We don't have time to argue," Ely snapped. "You two can do what you like but we're going," he said to Rogan and Quinn.

  Oliver glanced doubtfully at the soldier then back at his grandfather. "Ely-"

  "Do you want to save your sister or not?" Ely hissed.

  Oliver went quiet. He would do whatever it would take. He nodded.

  May stayed silent, gazing at the Gateway as if it held all hope beyond it.

  Anna came over. "What's going on?"

  No one answered.

  "We can't," Quinn whispered to Rogan. "Our reputation-"

  "That's not more important than May's life for Vale's sake," Rogan hissed at her.

  "I didn't mean that, it's just, we can't." Quinn looked at him desperately.

  The clearing was empty but for their group, Larkin and Arrow.

  Ely made his move. A force like wind appeared in his palm and he propelled it towards the soldier. The man cried out as the magic hit him, forcing him to the ground. The soldier reached for his gun, struggling against the force of the magic, and aimed it at them as they hurried towards the Gateway.


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