Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!) Page 4

by Sable Hunter

  No one answered, of course. And that was okay.

  Emma still had hope that one day she’d find someone to love. If she could figure out how to relate to men, how to make them see she was just like any other woman – mostly - maybe she’d have a chance. Emma thought she had a lot to offer someone, a lot of love to give to the man who was willing to look beyond her faults.

  As she undressed, Emma put her clothes in the hamper and her shoes in the closet. There was no need to turn on a light, she just made her way to the bathroom by placing her hand on the wall and the furniture in the methodical order she’d memorized when learning the layout of her living space. “I’m going to take a shower, Fergus.” Flipping on the tap, she let the water warm up while she brushed her teeth and used the bathroom. There was no looking in the mirror to check her appearance, Emma hadn’t seen her own face or body in years. Avery said her shape was adorable and this made Emma smile and blush. Her boss was probably just being nice, but the compliment made her feel good.

  Once she was washed off, cleaned, and dried, Emma slipped on a T-shirt and headed to bed. “Fergus!” Soon, the padding of faithful dog feet could be heard on the floor and the mattress gave way with a bounce as he found his spot to curl up for the night. “I think I’ll listen to an audio book. Is that okay with you?” A big contented sign was the only answer she received.

  Leaning back against the pillows, Emma turned on her kindle and activated the speech function. Soon, she was deep in the story, her heart racing as the tale of unrequited love came to life. Emma couldn’t help but place herself in the role of the heroine and this time the hero had a face – not quite a Gerard Butler face, but one with more compassion in his eyes.

  For a long time, she lay and listened to the voice on the e-reader. When she grew tired, she turned it off and instead tuned her ears to the sounds of the night. She could hear crickets and the noise of an occasional car going down the road out front. And if she concentrated really hard, she could hear the sound of the river out back. Most would say the lazy water didn’t make any noise, but she could hear it. Doris said she had spidey-senses and maybe she was right.

  With a sigh, she nestled down in the covers. How wonderful it would be to have someone to cuddle with at night, to share the never-ending cycle of her solitary existence. A pang of loneliness struck her heart as she ran her hand over the cotton bed sheet. “Come lie with me, love,” she spoke to the darkness.

  But no one came.

  Closing her eyes, she invited drowsiness, letting her mind wander back to a time when she could see, before the shadows began to grow and her vision began to blur. Her father and the doctors tried to prepare her, and in some ways, she guessed they did. The world faded gradually, little by little, day by day, until the hour came when she was in total darkness. At least, Emma had time to reconcile herself to what she was losing. Almost worse than the annihilation of her sight was the dawning realization that people saw her differently. Friends became scarce. When all the other girls began dating, she was never asked. As the years passed, Emma had to come to terms with the possibility that love might never come her way.

  This acceptance of her fate could’ve meant that Emma withdrew into herself – but it didn’t. Instead she pushed herself, learning to cope, accepting challenges, undertaking feats that people vowed she’d never be able to do. There were places she wanted to go, things she wanted to see. Recently she’d learned about a Polaroid camera that she could use to take photos of objects or places and get a Braille image so she could read the visual and get a picture in her head. The very idea excited her. Emma was hungry to explore anything the world had to offer.

  With a longing in her heart, she soothed her palm over the vacant space beside her on the bed. How wonderful it would be to have someone here that she could touch, caress, share all of the love she so longed to give someone. Naturally, her thoughts moved to the man she’d met tonight. The few words she’d shared with Josh, the gentle touches he’d given her when he’d come to her aid, his concern, the brief connection she’d felt with him was so amazing, Emma craved more.

  Hungry for human contact, she laid on her back and passed her palms down her body – from above her breasts, over the sensitive tips, past her waist, to tease the top of her mound.

  Smooth. Warm. Soft.

  Would a man enjoy her body?

  Over the years she’d been hurt several times. A few men had hit on her, even asking her out, then pulling back once they discovered her handicap. One guy had suggested she wear sunglasses, telling Emma that her unfocused eyes creeped him out when she looked toward him. She didn’t take his suggestion.

  “Joshua Long,” she whispered, testing his name. Would she see him again? The way she automatically phrased the thought amused her and saddened her at the same time. She’d love to see him.

  But the only way she would…

  Would be in her dreams.

  * * *

  Isaac turned the lock and set the security system. He’d ended up escorting his former waitress to her car, Janice hadn’t taken being let go with grace or dignity. She even threatened to sue, saying she’d been fired without cause. He’d invited her to go for it, then he’d called Zane to let him know they might have a problem.

  Right now, he just wanted to relax and enjoy being with his wife.

  Walking through the club, he made sure all the lights were turned off. When he passed the playroom, he saw the door was ajar and a subtle glow came from deep within. Was someone there? He could’ve sworn he’d locked the door.

  Keeping his footsteps light, he eased through the door and down the narrow ramp, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. And what he saw when came to the bottom took his breath away.

  Avery. His Avery. His wife was waiting for him.

  She was leaning against the St. Andrews Cross, her hands over her head, holding on to the leather straps. His sassy, sexy angel was absolutely stunningly nude. Her breasts were thrust out, swollen and waiting for his lips. Her legs were spread, her skin flushed, her eyes bidding him to come closer.

  “Avery?” He whispered her name. “Baby?”

  “I need you, Sir. Do I please you?”

  Please him? His beautiful wife gave him everything he’d ever wanted and so much more than he deserved. “You please me greatly.” With sure deliberate movements, he stripped, dropping garments as he moved toward her.

  “I’m at your mercy,” she breathed. “Am I still pretty?”

  That she would need reassurance tugged at his soul. Pending motherhood only made her more lovely to him. “You are the most desirable woman in the world.” It was unacceptable for his Avery to doubt herself for a moment.

  There were times when Isaac would take control, topping her with discipline and power – this would not be one of those times. Just the sight of her made him weak. When he reached Avery, Isaac covered her hands with his own, layering his hard body against her softness, his erection strong and thick between them. He inhaled her kiss, drinking from those plump lips, then kissing his way down her body until he was on his knees at her feet. “I adore you,” he whispered, pressing his lips to the slightly swollen mound of her belly where his child safely lay.

  “I’ve being waiting for you. I need you so much.” She pushed her hips forward. “Please, Sir.”

  She didn’t have to beg. He wanted nothing more in the world than he wanted her. “If I’d known you were here waiting on me, wild horses couldn’t have kept me away. Put your legs around my neck.”

  Isaac helped Avery get into position and the first touch of his tongue to her clit made her cry out, her body bucking forward to urge him on. Taking hold of Avery’s hips, Isaac licked a trail down to her opening, sliding the tip inside and giving her a preview of delights to come.

  “I love you so much,” she whimpered as he nuzzled his way back to her clit, latched onto it and began to suck hard. She pulled on the strap and stared down at his beloved head as he feasted between her legs. Avery didn’t
think the feeling could get any better until he reached up to find her breast and began flicking the swollen nipple. His other hand slipped from her hip to her pussy, where he used his thumb to circle her clit while he moved back down to fuck her with his tongue, thrusting in and out and swirling it around. The combined onslaught of playing with her breast and pleasuring her pussy was almost more than she could handle. “Isaac!”

  Isaac held her until her body settled, nuzzling her sex, bringing her down slowly, loving the way she tasted, smelled. “You’re so sexy. I love you,” Isaac vowed as he helped her to stand.

  “I love you too, Sir. So much.” Avery clung to him. “May I go down on you?” Avery slid her hands down his muscular body to grasp his cock.

  “Fuck, you make me crazy. I need you. Now!” Bringing her legs up around his waist, Isaac slowly thrust inside, feeding his cock into her tight wetness. “Hold on,” he commanded. She obeyed gladly, wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her face against his shoulder. They were one, as close as two people could be, her pussy gripping him, gloving him in a warm velvet heaven.

  Avery couldn’t be still as his thick cock burrowed deep, she bucked forward, seating him deeper. “Oh, Isaac, yes!” He pounded into her, each motion providing exquisite friction to her clit, sending tingles all over her body. As he pumped his hips faster, grinding against her, Avery gripped his hair, slamming her lips to his. He devoured her, their tongues tangling as he ravished her mouth. Isaac pinched her nipples, rolling them between his fingers. Moaning, Avery rode his cock, crying out every time his pubic bone ground against her clit. There would probably be a few bruises on her butt the next day, but she didn’t care, she’d wear Isaac’s mark with pride.

  Faster and faster – harder and harder – in and out – they took pleasure in the one they loved the most. Using her teeth, Avery scored the strong cord of his neck, then she dug her nails into his hard biceps, as her whole being shattered into a million pieces. Throwing her head back, she screamed his name.

  The ecstasy he saw on her face and the way her sweet pussy squeezed his cock catapulted Isaac over the edge. “Fuck, baby,” he growled, surrendering to a fierce release. He held her tightly, leaning against the wall, his face resting against her throat until their heart rates returned to normal. “I want to end every day like this for the rest of my life. Promise?”

  Avery ran her fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead. “Promise.” After a few more minutes of rest, he carried her back to their apartment, straight to the shower where he tenderly washed his wife from head to toe.

  In bed, Isaac pulled her close so she nestled against his side, her head lying on his chest. “What are we going to name our boy?” he asked.

  “What if it’s a girl?” she countered. “We have to have names for both.”

  “Okay, but it’s a boy, I saw his equipment,” he chuckled. “He takes after his daddy.”

  Avery smiled, rubbing her fingers through the hair on his chest. “How about Marcus if it’s a boy and Dakota if it’s a girl?”

  “Hmmm, if it’s a girl, I want to name if C-a-a-s-i, Caasi. My name spelled backwards.”

  “Really? That’ sort of cute and a lot egotistical,” Avery laughed. “Bowie Travis’s wife is named Cassie; she’d probably enjoy a little namesake.”

  “True.” Isaac turned on his side to face her. “I was thinking about Chance if it’s a boy, which it probably will be. McCoy babies are usually boys.”

  “Not always. Your cousins, Pepper and Ryder, are girls. And Joseph and Cady have Angel.”

  “Yea, but my sperm is stronger than Joseph’s.” Isaac bragged.

  “They lost their little boy,” Avery whispered and they both sobered. “I just want our baby to be okay.”

  “Right,” Isaac agreed. “I don’t care what we have, as long as he’s healthy.”

  Avery smiled, kissing him right over his heart. “Do you think my parents will come around after the baby’s born?”

  Isaac rubbed his mouth against the top of her head. He hated how her parents treated her. After the initial protest her folks had made over Avery dating the badass of Kerr County, her father had consented to marry them. Everything seemed okay until word about her writing career leaked out. People who’d known and loved Avery all of her life turned their back on her when they found out she was Sable Hunter. If Isaac had it in his power, they’d never cause her another moment of hurt. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he planned on doing something. “Sure, your folks won’t be able to resist our little bundle of joy.” He wasn’t sure he believed what he was saying, but he wanted to comfort his wife.

  “I don’t know. My mother called me yesterday, she’d seen a photo of Micah and I from one of the book signings. She had a few choice words for me about what I was doing to my father’s reputation.”

  “Don’t worry about it, baby.” He stroked her hair, wishing he could shield her from every disappointment. “Every person in his congregation has had sex and what you write is a beautiful picture of the way intimacy should be between a man and a woman.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Avery was quite for a minute. “On a happier note, what do you think about helping me set up Emma and Josh on a date?”

  Remembering Josh’s response when they discussed Emma earlier, Isaac shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’m not sure they’re well-suited to one another.”

  “You don’t? Emma was asking about him tonight. I told her she ought to buy him at the bachelor auction.”

  “Really?” Isaac frowned. “Don’t encourage her. I’d hate to see Emma get hurt. Josh is a nice guy but he’s a lady’s man, he lives to play the field.”

  “Emma’s beautiful and sweet. Do you think he’d reject her because she’s blind?”

  Isaac idly caressed her arm, running his fingers from her shoulder to elbow and back. “There are other ways to be blind, baby. Some people can’t see what’s right in front of them and we can’t force the issue. Let’s just allow nature to take its course.”

  “Hmmm,” Avery sighed. “I guess. Letting nature take its course worked for us.”

  “Yes, it did,” Isaac pulled her up tighter. “I have you now and I’m never letting you go.” An uneasy feeling swept over him. Nanette Beaureguarde’s words came back to haunt him, words she’d whispered to him after staring into the black waters of a scrying bowl.

  Never take love for granted, Isaac McCoy. The day will come when you’ll be tested. Only the power that resides within you will save the one you love the most.

  He’d questioned the old lady, but she couldn’t or wouldn’t tell him more. After Ajax attacked Avery, he’d been sure the problem was over. The man went to prison, but not for attempted murder. The thought still angered Isaac. Because both he and Ajax had been a part of the BDSM community, Ajax’s lawyer had testified that what he’d done to Avery had been part of a scene. The whole idea was ridiculous. He’d gotten a much easier sentence than he deserved.

  Later, at their wedding, he’d spoken to Nanette again, but she’d only repeated her warning. Forces intent on darkness are out to destroy you and what you value most. Don’t let them.

  So, he held Avery tight and vowed that nothing or no one would ever take her from him.


  “Park the Mule by the hay barn, Josh,” Joseph told him. “I think we’ve made good head-way today.”

  “All right.” He drove the short distance, got out and hung the key on a pegboard in the office. His first day on the job had been surprisingly enjoyable. He’d hadn’t been on Tebow Ranch in years, it was one helluva spread. The McCoys and Lance Rogers made him welcome, assigning him a section of land, turning him loose with a four-wheel vehicle, an iPad and an iPhone. Ranching sure wasn’t what it used to be, for sure. When he returned outside, it was to find Joseph waiting for him, holding a halter in his hand. “Need repairing?” he asked, pointing to the gear.

  “Yea, broken strap. I’m going to take them i
nto town next time I go and see if anyone at the feed store knows a good saddlery man in the area. Since Harvey Monroe died, I don’t think anyone around here does that kind of thing anymore.”

  “Let me take it home. I can fix it. I’ve been doing all my own repairs for years.” He didn’t tell Joseph that having a saddlery shop was his dream. It might never happen, but everyone had to have a goal in life and this was his.

  “Great, thanks. I appreciate it.” Joseph handed over the bridle. “How you feeling?”

  “Not bad.” Josh lied. His knee was aching like a red hot railroad spike had been driven right through it. “Is there anything else I can do before I head home? I have to get ready for that dang bachelor auction you roped me into,” Josh good-naturedly grouched. He wasn’t really dreading the event, after he’d read the info Avery had sent him, he realized it was really just showing some girl a good time after she’d forked over some ungodly amount to charity. Since he didn’t have a lot of dough to spend on a date, he’d decided to offer a picnic by the river and a moonlight horseback ride. He just hoped he could mount a damn horse; he hadn’t tried since Army Tank had trampled him.

  “Oh, you’ll have a good time. Heck, you’re the only bachelor who could get away with asking the girl to take you on a date after she’d paid for the privilege. You’re going to set a record for the most bids, the highest bid, and the most satisfied customer, I’d bet money on it. If Avery’s smart, she’s been advertising all day that you’re going to be one of the bachelors. I’m sure the bar will be full of excited females all licking their lips over Josh Long.”

  “Oh, surely not,” Josh grimaced, leaning back on the tailgate of Joseph’s shiny black truck. “I’m assuming I can come in my regular get-up, no tux necessary. Right?”

  “They wouldn’t expect Josh Long, World Championship Cowboy, to show up in anything other than blue jeans, boots and a Stetson.”


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