Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!) Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  Emma got the hint. “Thank you, I think this was a good start.” She nervously straightened her hair. “I have some more roast turkey. Would you like to take it for lunch tomorrow? Fergus and I can’t eat it all.”

  “I certainly won’t say no,” Josh said, following her to the kitchen counter where she opened a door and took down a plastic container. As before, he admired the confident way she moved around in her space, performing the task as if she could see exactly what she was doing. When she’d filled it to the brim and locked down the top, she handed it to him with a smile. “I don’t know about you, but as far as I’m concerned this was one sweet deal.” She placed a hand on his chest, then tiptoed up to find his lips.

  Josh didn’t make her hunt for them, he met her mouth with his own. Maybe coming home to Kerrville wasn’t going to be so bad after all.


  “You’re what?” Avery stared at Emma with her mouth open. “Do you think this is a good idea? When I suggested that you and Josh get together, this was not what I meant. I thought you would date, not come to some type of convenient, cold arrangement – an erotic quid pro quo. Orgasms for onion rings. A climax for a cookie. Cunnilingus for casseroles!”

  “Stop it!” Emma was giggling so hard she couldn’t breathe. “This works for us. We both get something we need. I hope.”

  “Well, we’re going to work on this. I’m not sure how I feel about Josh, coming up with something so…so…”

  “Don’t be mad at Josh, this was my idea,” Emma clarified as she started up the steps of her trailer. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to make a big pot of chicken and dumplings. I’m hoping to get to second base tonight.”

  “Good grief, girl,” Avery huffed. But she left Emma to her business and went in search of her husband who was finishing the placement of a liquor order. Once she found him, Avery lost no time laying it all on the line, telling him what was going on with Emma. After she’d finished, she wound her arms around his neck from behind. “Maybe you should talk to Josh.”

  “Now, baby, I don’t want to interfere.” Isaac, protested as he hit enter and shut the lid of the laptop.

  Avery set out to convince him, placing soft kisses on his neck. “But you can be so persuasive. Why don’t we invite them somewhere for dinner?”

  Logging off the computer, Isaac pulled Avery around the side of the chair and into his lap. “Do you know you’re incorrigible?”

  Avery laid her head against his chest and sighed happily. “I know.”

  “Do whatever you think is best, just let me know where it’s going down when the time comes.”

  “Thank you, baby.” Taking one of the buttons of his shirt between her fingers, Avery rubbed the metal disc between her fingers, pushing it through the buttonhole so she could get to his chest. “Why don’t we take a ride together?”

  Isaac automatically had a visual of Avery riding his cock. “Hell yeah,” he picked her up and started toward their apartment.

  Reading his mind, she whispered in his ear. “Let’s take a ride on the motorcycle first.” Nipping his neck, she added, “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “You tease!” Isaac chuckled. He set her down and kissed her soundly. “Go put on your leathers and meet me at the bike.”

  A little while later, they were splitting the wind, Avery’s arm around Isaac’s waist. She had her own motorcycle, but sometimes she just wanted to hold on to him and let her troubles blow away in the breeze. She nestled against him, loving the freedom of the road and the safety of her rock of a husband – it was a heady combination.

  As the tires ate up the miles, she let the roar of the big Harley lull her into a happy daze. Her life was just about perfect now. She was married to the man of her dreams, was pregnant with his child, and was lucky enough to have her dream job. On top of that - Aron was home, Libby’s cancer was still at bay, Joseph could walk, Noah had found his mother, Jacob’s baby was healthy – the blessings just went on and on. If only her own family and friends were as accepting of her situation, she’d have it made. Tightening her arms around Isaac, she vowed to just be thankful for what she had, because her man was a welcome, wonderful armful.

  When Avery raised her head and became cognizant of their surroundings, she found that Isaac had brought them to one of their favorite hangouts. Luckenbach. “Oh, Isaac, I love it here!”

  A small hole-in-the-wall – literally – Luckenbach, Texas was made famous in the song of the same name. A place that drew bikers and cowboys alike to the watering hole of a saloon that attracted some of the biggest names in country music. When Isaac’s Harley rumbled to a stop, he helped her off. “There’s not too many things I like better than traveling down the road with you holding me tight.”

  A roar behind them made them both look and they stepped to the side as several motorcycles came down the narrow road, parking under the massive oaks. “Let’s get something to drink, babe.” Avery took him by the arm and they strode ahead of the bikers, heading to the building that was rocking with live music, even at this time of day.

  “While we’re here, why don’t I buy you one of those Snail Creek hats you’ve been wanting?” he asked, kissing her on top of the head.

  “I’d love it. I think it will fit into one of the side bags, no problem.” As she walked, a funny feeling skated down her spine and Avery glanced over her shoulder. She felt as if someone were watching her. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling. None of the men who’d just arrived seemed to be paying her the least bit of attention. Letting out a sigh, she just tightened her grip on Isaac’s bicep and let the odd sensation go. “When we leave here, do you want to go eat at Alamo Springs?”

  Isaac tugged on her ponytail. “Sure. My favorite burger joint, conveniently located in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Actually, Avery had a plan of her own. For the next hour, they rummaged through the small store, had a drink in the saloon, then sat in the back and listened to a jam session by some musicians who were practicing for Waylon Jennings birthday bash. An hour later, they were back on the road, headed to Alamo Springs Café for, as Texas Monthly bragged, the ‘third best burger in the state’. As they sped along, she used the time to plot her next book in her head. The storyline was one she was looking forward to, another biker story with lots of sex. Just thinking about the hot scene she had planned, turned her on. Avery was lucky enough to have a sexy husband who provided her with endless inspiration, not to mention the opportunity to practice the scenes beforehand. Just the thought had her wet and wanting. Letting her hand slip down from his chest to below his belt buckle, she brushed over his ample package. When she did, Isaac’s bike swerved the smallest amount. She gave him a squeeze, their own private signal and soon he had blinker on and was turning down a small dirt road near the Old Tunnel State Park.

  Soon, he came to a stop. As he pulled off his helmet, Isaac chuckled. “You just couldn’t wait till we got home, my voracious little vixen?”

  “Nope, I need you to help me try something out, see if it works.”

  “Whatcha got in mind, Ms. Sable?” he asked, taking her helmet and setting them both on the seat.

  “Oh, no, not there.” She moved them to the ground. “I have plans for the bike.”

  Taking a look around, Avery tried to ascertain if they were hidden from view. “No one’s about, right?”

  Isaac shook his head, his interest peaking. “Nope, we’re miles away from anything…except for the three million Mexican free-tailed bats sleeping in the tunnels.”

  “Stop it,” she giggled. “Those bats don’t come out till night time. Turn around and let me set the scene, I want you to get the full impact. I want you to see what the hero would see if he just happened to pull down this road and find my heroine taking a little break.”

  Isaac did as she bid, crossing his arms over his chest, his stance wide. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intrigued, already his cock was lengthening and throbbing. “Being married to you
is just one adventure after another.”

  “I hope so; I don’t want you to get bored.” Avery answered, divesting herself of clothing. She set shoes, socks, pants and shirt to one side, slipping the leather jacket back onto her otherwise naked body. Then, she proceeded to lie down on the bike’s seat, head toward the handlebars and feet resting on the footrests – her legs spread wide, jacket open to reveal her breasts. “All right, I’m ready.”

  Not having any idea was to expect and with his blood hammering through his veins in anticipation – Isaac looked around to find his wife, his Avery, spread out on his bike, her beautiful body on display and her fingers between her legs. Her eyes were shut, her back was arched, her tongue licking her upper lip while she rubbed her clit in luxurious circles. The sounds coming from her lips were pure erotica. “Holy Mother of God,” he breathed. Unable to keep his feet still, Isaac moved to her side. “You are a goddess among women, wife.” He bent to crash his lips to hers, one hand moving possessively over her plump tits. His tongue slid against hers, mating, his mouth feasting on her kiss. In the cool night air, her nipples had beaded and Isaac worked them, pulling and tweaking, swallowing the moans she couldn’t hold back.

  “Isaac, help me,” she whispered, luring him between her legs with a sultry plea.

  He couldn’t resist, standing back to watch her play with herself, those delicate fingers strumming her clit, then dipping down to move in and out of her greedy little channel. “Doesn’t look like you need help, I think you have the matter well in hand.” Isaac bit back a smile, knowing exactly what his teasing would bring.

  Avery growled, a sexy feline noise that made his cock even harder.

  “Yea, I could do it myself.” She paused, purring a little as she rubbed her clit harder and reached up to twist one of her nipples. “My heroine doesn’t have to though.” She panted in between words. “When the hero finds her pleasuring herself…like this…he is overcome with lust.”

  Isaac knew the feeling. “What does he do?” he asked, rubbing his palm over the hard ridge of his cock.

  “Uh…um,” Avery tried to formulate words. “He comes to her and replaces…my…her hand with…his.”

  “Damn,” Isaac muttered, following her directions, putting his big hand at the top of her mound, then slowly pushing hers out of the way, taking over. He threw his head back and let himself revel in the creamy velvet of his wife’s pussy, a place he regularly worshiped with his hands – his mouth – his cock. “Like this?” Isaac caressed her slit, rubbing up and down, loving how wet and aroused she was.

  “Oh, yea,” Avery spread her legs wider, reaching up to grasp the handle bars. “Touch me, Sir. Please.”

  Yea, the Dom in him roared forth. He drew back his hand and slapped her pussy, knowing how much Avery would enjoy it. When she cried out, her body beginning to shake in orgasm, he placed his palm over the pad of her vagina and began to massage it, “that’s right, cum for me.”

  Avery burned for Isaac, gave herself over to the moment, opening her eyes to meet his. Nothing could mask the desire – the need – on his face. “Always.”

  “What comes next, what does your hero do?” With one hand busy between her legs, he used the other to unzip his pants, to free his hungry cock. Fisting it with his right hand, he rubbed the drop of pre-cum across the swollen head.

  “He takes her, picks her up, and sits her down on his…” Avery hissed out a sigh as he carried out her directions – one moment she was on her back lying on the motorcycle and the next she was in Isaac’s arms and impaled on his thick member. “Nailed it, Sir.”

  Isaac couldn’t help it, even as he moved his petite wife up and down on his cock, he chuckled. “What would I do without you?”

  Avery clung to his shoulders as he took pleasure in her body, giving her full measure of his desire and devotion. “I don’t ever want you to find out.”

  With powerful movements of his hips, he made love to his wife, vowing in his heart to never let a day go by that he didn’t give thanks for the privilege.

  * * *

  “How does that look, Fergus?” She set down a bowl of the fragrant chicken stew for her dog. “You get to try them first. Let me know if they’re good enough for Josh.”

  She could hear her buddy’s toenails clicking on the kitchen floor as he approached the bowl.

  “Blow on it, it’s warm.”

  She heard an answering bark, then the unmistakable sound of him eating his supper. She’d been looking forward to this all day. Before Josh had left the night before, when she’d walked him to the door, they’d agreed that he’d come over after work and eat with her. This had been the first day she hadn’t carried on a conversation with her fantasy man, mainly because an honest-to-god flesh and blood hunk would be coming her way very soon.

  Standing still, she tried to visualize and make sure everything was done. The food was ready, the little trailer was clean, she was sort of dressed up in jeans and a vest with a sequined heart on it. Emma ran her hand over the design, it was right in front across her breasts, two halves joined when the vest was buttoned up. She liked to have designs on her clothes that she could feel, like embroidery or lace, it was almost like Braille, something she could read.

  A knock on the door caused her to jump in place, a smile coming to her face.

  “Miss Emma, it’s me.”

  Fergus barked and she shushed him, going to let Josh in. “Come in, please.”

  He stepped in, noticing the light was on for him once again. Josh didn’t know why that meant something to him. He’d come home to a dark empty room more times than he could count. It was just nice knowing somebody was waiting for you, cared enough to leave the light on, even when she didn’t need it. “You look nice,” he said, clearing his throat.

  Nice. Emma smiled. She’d take it. “Thank you. Did you have a good day at work?” Emma clasped her hands behind her back, so conscious of his nearness her knees shook. What would they do tonight? Several times today she’d argued with herself – back and forth – about whether this scheme she’d ‘cooked’ up to gain a little experience with a man was wise or not. Would she enjoy herself? Undoubtedly. According to everything she’d heard, Josh was a master when it came to women and sex. Despite his reputation as a ladies’ man, Emma trusted him. If she was going to have the opportunity to experience what it was like to be a woman, Josh was her best bet. Emma ignored the niggle of uncertainty that her line of reasoning introduced.

  “I did,” Josh confirmed. “Busy.” Busy was right, he’d inventoried the Beefmasters, then went back to the office for Noah to teach him the computer system. He wasn’t illiterate when it came to technology, but it was safe to say he was challenged. At times like this, he wished he’d taken a few classes after graduation. “I spent part of the day in a doctor’s office getting checked out.”

  “For your leg?”

  “Not really, Joseph’s wife is a physical therapist, she’s helping me. The doctor’s visit was so I could get insurance coverage with Tebow Properties. They checked me out from top to bottom.”

  “I’ve heard Mrs. McCoy is very gifted. I’m sure she’ll have you feeling better in no time.”

  Gifted…yea, that was one way to put it. Taking his hat off, he looked for a place to place it, deciding to lay it on the end table by the couch. “Something sure smells good.”

  “I hope you like chicken and dumplings.”

  About that time Josh’s stomach growled. “Who doesn’t?”

  “Well, come on. Let’s eat and relax, talk and get to know one another little better. Is that okay?” Emma pointed toward the table. “I have everything set and ready.”

  Josh patted the dog, making his way to the chair she indicated. “Thanks.” He felt like he was here for Sunday dinner instead of sex. “What did you do today?” Josh coughed nervously, pretty sure his voice betrayed his state of mind.

  Dang, he was uncomfortable. “Prepared everything for tonight,” she admitted softly. “I’m messing t
his up, aren’t I?”

  Letting himself look at her, really look at her, he could see hesitancy and hope shining from those big blue eyes and a little bit of helplessness, like she didn’t feel sure of herself or him. “You aren’t messing anything up,” he assured her.

  “Okay. I hope not.” She took the lid off the soup tureen. “The dumplings were my mother’s recipe.”

  “I know I’ll love ‘em, I haven’t had any since before my mother…left.”

  She could hear sorrow in his voice. Maybe someday she could ask him about it, but not today. “I hope they’re good.” Emma pushed the plate of cornbread closer to him. “It’s all homemade.”

  “Looks marvelous, hand me your bowl, I’ll dish you some up.”

  Emma held her bowl out and he took it. She placed one hand over her heart, willing it to slow down. “I should be waiting on you.”

  “Nonsense. Here you go.”

  Emma heard him stand up and then she felt the air in front of her face move and realized he’d set the steaming bowl down in front of her.

  “Thank you, Josh. You’re a very nice guy.”

  He started not to respond, but knowing she couldn’t see him shrug or wave off her compliment, he couldn’t not speak up. “I hope so; I know I could be better.”

  “We all could.” She picked up her spoon and took a bite, taking a sip of tea. “It’s still really hot.”

  “Did you burn your mouth?”

  She could hear the smile in his voice. “A little.” The next spoonful, Emma blew on it a little while before putting it in her mouth. They ate in companionable silence for a moment, but she couldn’t stand to sit there without saying something. “I thought of some questions I wanted to ask you.”

  Josh was loving the dumplings, but her comment brought him up short. “About sex?”

  Emma laughed, hearing a hint of panic in his voice. “No, I won’t make you explain it. I’d rather you just showed me. What I wanted to talk about was me, I mean what I could do to make me better. How about my clothes? Are they okay?”


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