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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

Page 21

by Sable Hunter

  He managed to walk the next few yards without further mishap. Juggling the glassware and bottle, he opened the door and entered, setting the items down before he turned to see Emma. But when he did, she took his breath away. “Fuck, baby,” he whispered. A dream, she looked like every man’s wet dream. Stretched out, arms over her head, the sweet line of her back and – best of all – the luscious curve of her rounded ass. All of her, laid out and on display. For him.


  “I’m here, baby.” In awe, he moved slowly toward her. Josh couldn’t have kept his hands off her if he tried. With near reverence, he let his hand skim her back, caressing the velvety expanse. “You are so perfect, so sexy.” He bent, placing a kiss on one hip. “Are you ready for me?”

  “Completely. Feel between my legs.”

  Josh groaned at her invitation, one he couldn’t resist. He stepped behind her and dipped his fingers into the pink folds. She was right. “You’re soaked.”

  “I’m trembling. I want whatever you’ll give me. But I do have one request,” she said tremulously.

  “And what is that?” He was still touching her, running his palm over the curve of her ass, cupping the cheeks, kneading the soft flesh.

  “I want you to use your hand, not a paddle. Okay?”

  “Perfect. I want all the contact with you I can get. That’s what this night is about. I want to immerse myself in you, I want to mark you as mine, bury myself so deep that you won’t know where you end and I begin.”

  Emma hissed out a breath, raising her hips to him. “Please, Josh.”

  “You let me know if it gets to be too much and I’ll stop.” He didn’t make her wait. Rubbing the swell of her hip, he raised his hand and let it pop against her flesh. She jumped, making a tiny gasp. “You’re a good girl who likes to be bad, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, yes,” she whimpered. “I like being bad – with you.”

  Pop. Pop. Pop.

  Josh let his hunger grow. She was so beautiful. He was mesmerized by how pink she glowed, seeing the imprint of his palm on her creamy flesh fired his desire.

  “Mm, Josh, my God…” She gasped, fingers digging into the cushion beneath her head. Every part of her felt so alive. She’d had no idea her body would respond so completely. “More, please more.”

  Her request enthralled him. From the first, Emma surprised him. She reacted to nothing as one would expect. Emma was so full of life; her arms open wide to welcome as much joy as life would give her. And he wanted to be part of that, he wanted to see the world through her eyes. Over and over again, he rained erotic slaps on her cheeks. In between, he would slide his fingers into her pussy, teasing her slit, spearing his fingers deep inside. Then he’d give her more, moving his hand from one spot to the other until her ass was as rosy red as her swollen needy sex. “I can’t wait, Emma. I need you.” He picked her up and she immediately nestled into his arms. “Did you mean it about wanting me to have a first with you?”

  “Yes, oh yes.” She wanted to give him anything she could. “What can I do?”

  He placed her on the bed, then ripped his clothes from his body. “Remember I told you I’d always used a condom? Remember I told you I was clean?”

  “Yes, and I told you I was on birth control.” She was trembling from head to foot, so aroused she was shaking.

  “I want to take you bare, Emma. Roll over, baby. I want to see that fine pink ass.”

  She went on all fours and presented herself to him. Josh knew her enthusiasm wasn’t feigned, her seduction wasn’t planned – it wasn’t fake, it wasn’t calculated – she wanted him. Him. Not Joshua Long the rodeo champion, she’d never known him in that capacity. She wanted him, the man. Coming down on the bed, he thanked Cady McCoy that he could kneel without pain. “I don’t have the control to wait. I have to have you now.”

  In complete surrender, Emma rested her face on her forearms, spread her legs and offered herself to him. Covering her, Josh pressed kisses down the sexy line of her spine. With one hand supporting himself he used the other to reach under her, to play with her breasts. She moaned when he milked the nipples, pulling on them, tweaking, rubbing them between her fingers. “You like that, don’t you?”

  “Oh, yes.” She pushed backward, her hips coming into contact with his aching cock.

  Raising up, he fisted his dick, pumping it a few times, relishing the thought that he was about to sink into a woman’s bare pussy for the first time. Making the moment last, he took his cock and slapped it against her hip, realizing what a treasure he’d found in Emma. “Ready for me?”

  A little groan of frustration came from her lips. “If you don’t hurry, I’m going to jump you myself.”

  He laughed. “We can do that next time. I look forward to it.” Positioning his cock at her entrance, he placed one hand on her hip and started to push in. “Fuck, baby, fuck,” he groaned as bliss washed over him. He’d known it would be good – but this…this took his breath away.

  Emma could feel him entering her. Warm. Stretching. Burning. She tightened around him, trying to capture him, to keep him deep inside.

  “Oh God, baby, this is incredible.” He eased out. Back in. Thrusting slowly, bathing himself in her wet heat. Flexing his hips, he pumped, lost in the unbelievable sensation of skin on skin. No barrier. He could feel her cream coating him, every sensation was magnified. Nothing he’d ever experienced felt like this. Coming over her, he braced himself and picked up speed. “You slay me, Emma. I…I…” He couldn’t talk, all he could do was feel.

  Ripples of ecstasy swept over Emma like an incoming tide. She was surrounded by Josh. Inside and out. All she could do was accept, cherish, memorize every nuance, every touch. “Take me, Josh. Take all you need.”

  He took her at her word, unleashing all of his hunger, his desperation. Resting his head on her back, Joshua pounded into her – over and over. He was swamped with pleasure. Everything he’d ever experienced before, vanished. He was reborn. Anew. “Cum for me baby, please, I beg you.” Josh slid his hand around her waist and found her clit. As he possessed her, rutting - countless long and short jabs – he swirled his fingers over and around the center of her femininity, until he felt her fly apart.

  “Yes, yes, Josh, yes!” she screamed. As she jerked and quivered, Josh sank his teeth into her shoulder, holding her in place while he emptied himself.

  Emma felt the hot wash of his seed inside of her and she felt branded. Claimed.

  Holding her tight, Josh collapsed, taking her with him as he rolled to the bed. Layering his lips to hers, he kissed her deeply. “No one else has ever made me feel this way. No one.”

  “Good.” Emma kissed him on the chest. “Cause you owe me, big time.”

  “Oh, I do?” He chuckled. “I thought you wanted to be spanked.”

  “Oh, I did,” she assured him sweetly. “I just want equal time.”

  “What do you have in mind?” She didn’t know it, but he couldn’t think of anything she’d ask of him that he wouldn’t do.

  “Well, two things. I want you at my mercy. I’d like to tie you up and get my hands on that fine ass of yours.”

  “Hmmm,” he pretended to have to think about it. “I think we could negotiate something. How do you know my ass is fine? My looks are my greatest asset and you can’t even appreciate them.”

  “Oh, I know you’re fine. I’ve felt you up.” She smiled as his chest rumbled with a chuckle. “And as handsome as you are, your good-looks are not your finest asset.” She kissed his arm. “You are kind, sweet, and caring. You, Joshua Long, are a good man.”

  “Thank you.” He felt humbled. “Now, what’s the second thing you want to try.”

  Emma didn’t even hesitate, she felt confident. Free. “I want to have sex with you on that mechanical bull. I read a scene Avery wrote in one of her books and I just know she was basing it on reality. I want to try it too.”

  Josh was intrigued. “I like that idea. Anytime you say, I’m your man. I can’t
believe how much you love sex.”

  She giggled. “I’m bingeing, there’s no telling if I’ll ever find another man who is so patient with me.”

  Josh pulled her tighter against him. For the first time tonight, he hadn’t liked the words that came from her sweet lips.

  Next man? There wasn’t going to be a damn ‘next man’.

  * * *

  “Head her off, Lance.” Joshua called as he cut the biggest black Angus off from the herd.

  “Got her.” Lance answered as they worked to separate some pregnant cattle from the rest. The vet was coming to give vaccinations and these little mamas were due for some prenatal care.

  As Josh headed in, driving the dozen or so cows toward the barn, he saw Aron standing at the fence waving his hat. Josh realized that the eldest McCoy was trying to summon him. “What the heck did I do?” he asked Lance.

  “I don’t know. Did you do something?”

  “Probably. I can’t stay out of trouble long. I guess I better see what the big boss wants.”

  “You do that. I’ll take these babes on into the holding pen. You have a good evening; it’s just about quitting time.”

  Josh rode up to the fence, tied off his mount and met Aron at the gate. “Something wrong, Aron?”

  “Not at all. I just wanted to talk to you for a few minutes if you’ve got time. Let’s go sit under the pavilion where it’s shady.”

  “All right.”

  When Josh looked back at his horse, Aron noticed and called out. “Hey, Denver. Will you deal with Josh’s mare? I need to talk to him about something.”

  Denver who was walking by lifted his hand and answered. “Sure, no problem, boss.”

  Aron smiled. “It’s good to be in charge.” They walked up the steps. “Let’s sit over here by the wet bar. If I’m not mistaken, I think I left a few cans of Shiner beer out here.”

  “Beer sounds good.” The Texas sun was beating down hard. “Gonna be a long, hot summer, I hear.”

  “Yep.” Aron knelt down by the small fridge and took out two beers. “Here you go?”

  “What’s on your mind? Did I do something wrong?”

  “Hell, no. I just wanted to have a word with you. Isaac told me about your leather work and Joseph showed me the bridle you repaired.”

  “Okay. I had no idea Isaac knew what I’ve been doing.”

  “I think your Emma showed him her belt. She was as proud as punch of it, Isaac said she bragged on you like nobody’s business.”

  Josh felt his face grow hot. “Emma’s a little prejudice, I’m afraid.”

  “Rightfully so, she’s supposed to be. That doesn’t negate the fact that you have a talent we could use. And not just us. I wanted to make you an offer, but I have to be completely honest with you.”

  Uh-oh. Here it comes. Aron couldn’t have missed all the talk about him. He had to know how he’d lost his sponsorships, how Keira’s brand of poison had infected his life. “I want you to be honest.”

  “I’m a sculptor. Did you know that?”

  “No, I had no idea. I’ve been traveling so much, I missed a lot of things.”

  “Well, I am. I’ve got pieces in several museums. Hell, I could quit ranching and just do art work, but I don’t want to. But you and I are a lot alike, we have a gift to be able to create something beautiful, something people want. And that gift can still keep us close to the life we love.”

  “I agree, but you’ve got to know that I don’t have the money to start up a saddlery.”

  Aron nodded. “I suspected that, I know about the trouble you’ve had and I have to tell you I sympathize. I got myself involved with a viper who did her best to ruin my life and tear up my family. After I managed to get loose from Sabrina’s clutches, I vowed to never get involved with another woman again.” He laughed. “I guess you see how long that decision lasted, I assume you’ve met my lovely wife, Libby.”

  Josh smiled. “I have.”

  “Anyway, I’d like to make you an offer. For a percentage, I’d be willing to finance your business for three years with the option for you to buy me out or keep me on when that time is up.”

  Josh was stunned. “You’re serious?”

  “As a heart attack. Isaac isn’t aware that I know as much as I do, but I remember what he went through after Mom and Dad drowned. I’m also aware that you stood by him and if you’re worried about the gossip about your Daddy, don’t be. Someday I’ll sit you down and tell you all the McCoy gossip.”

  Joshua felt like the weight of Canyon’s anvil had been lifted from his chest. “Well, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well, don’t say anything yet. I’m not through. Hell.”

  He let out a long breath and Josh tensed up, waiting.

  “You know it’s the pits to be honest sometimes.” He slapped his dusty Stetson on the leg of his blue jeans. “I ran into Bull Redford the other day.”

  “Bull Redford? The stock man?”

  “Yea, I know you’ve heard of him. You’ve walked in his shoes. He’s one of the best bull riders in history and now he’s formed a company that has risen to the top. Bull knows bulls, if you what I mean.” They bought laughed at his joke. “He’s been picking the winners, the bulls that give the cowboys the highest scores. In just a couple of years, he’s earned a sterling reputation of putting together a lineup of animals that have broken all the records.” Aron let out a sigh. “And he wants you to work for him.”

  Josh’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

  “You know I can’t keep my mouth shut and that tendency tends to keep me standing in an inch of horse manure about half the time. I let it slip that you were back and working for us. Bull knows you, he respects you, and when I sang your praises about knowing cattle better than anyone else, he agreed.” Aron pulled a card out of his pocket. “He wants to offer you a job.”

  “Well, hell.” Josh said softly.

  “Yea, that’s what I said. Anyway, you’ve got a choice to make. Do you want to stay here in Kerrville or go back on the rodeo circuit? It wouldn’t be the same, it would probably be better.”

  “Thanks, Aron.”

  “When you make up your mind, let me know. Okay?”


  Josh had some thinking to do.

  * * *

  “When are we going back to Austin? I hate this one horse town.”

  “We’re not here for the livestock, Lexa, you know I came to see Josh.”

  Emma had her back turned to the pair of women who sat at the bar. She was busy opening a half dozen longnecks to fill an order for Doris. When she heard them say the familiar name she stilled. Of course, the likelihood they were talking about her Josh was slim to none. It was a fairly common name.

  “Yea, but you’ve got your hooks into him again. He took the bait. Now all you have to do is reel him in. I’m sure Josh is tired of a place like this anyway.”

  Emma froze, the woman’s voice had risen, then slowed. It was obvious she was trying to make a point, directing her comments at someone other than her friend. Emma had an odd feeling they were putting on a show for her.

  “He’s used to a higher class of people. Can you imagine having to date a blind girl? Did you hear the same gossip I did? She had to buy his time. Isn’t that pathetic?”

  Emma whirled around. “If you have something to say, why don’t you just say it to my face?”

  “All right, I will. Since you can’t see me, let me introduce myself. My name is Keira Fisher. Josh Long belongs to me and I’ve come to drag him back to where he belongs.”

  “Joshua doesn’t belong with you. He’s happy here.” Emma said, standing up straight with pride. “I’ve made him happy.”

  “Oh, really? If that’s true, why did he have sex with me yesterday?”

  Emma felt like someone had splashed ice water into her face. “He did not. He was with me last night.”

  “He was with me yesterday afternoon.”

  “You’re lying.” Emma knew she was
raising her voice. She also knew they were drawing a crowd. After all, they were in the middle of a public bar.

  “I am not lying. Ask him.”

  “I don’t have to ask him. I trust him.”

  “Oh, really, well let me see if I can prove it to you. Yesterday, I was in his bedroom in that shack of a house he’s been staying in. I don’t know how much you know about how things look in his home, you being blind and all, but his bedspread is blue. He has a table littered with that leather crap he’s always working on and somewhere down the line he’s picked up an old pocket-watch. I saw it lying on his dresser. While I was waiting for him to come to bed, I picked it up and the words Dare to be Brave were engraved on the back. Does any of that sound familiar to you?”

  The bottom fell out of Emma’s world.

  “I can tell by your face that it does. Well, my work here is done. I suggest that you get used to it. Joshua belongs to me.” Dropping her voice and feigning sympathy, Keira drove the knife deep. “You had to know he couldn’t ever be serious about you. You’re blind? What do you have to offer a man like Joshua?”

  Emma didn’t answer. She stood still for a moment letting the pain cascade over her. Keira was right. She had nothing of real value to offer a man. But if Joshua didn’t respect her enough to keep his promise, he wasn’t the man she thought he was anyway.

  “Hey, Emma, how about a drink?”

  The customer’s call drew her attention. “Be right with you.” She wiped a tear from her eye. Now wasn’t the time to fall apart. There would be time for that later.

  For the next little while, Emma worked mechanically. What was she going to do? Josh was supposed to come here to pick her up after work. For all intents and purposes, she was living with him. Could he have done what that woman said? A searing pain tore through her middle. Yes, he’d done it. She couldn’t doubt the truth, not after hearing what Keira Fisher had to say.


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