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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

Page 24

by Sable Hunter

  They shared moonlight walks on the river, discussing everything from children to the European Union. Emma discovered how smart Josh really was, he might not have a college degree but he had an understanding of people and the world that was undeniably brilliant.

  Talking wasn’t the only thing they did. Even though they hadn’t had sex since the night he spanked her, Josh made sure she knew how much he desired her. Every moment they were together; he was touching her somewhere. Just the memory of the way his hands felt on her body, the way his lips devoured hers, the intense sexual hunger he couldn’t hide – all of that kept her on the very edge of ecstasy anytime they were together.

  Emma had gone along with the slow movement of their courtship until one night, after work, she decided it was time to take matters – and his cock – into her own hands. She’d been a little embarrassed to ask Avery for permission to stay in the bar afterhours, but her friend had not only understood, she’d taken it upon herself to offer suggestions. “I can personally vouch for the joys of being tied to that St. Andrews Cross, or perhaps you’d like to blindfold Josh and torture him with feathers and ice cubes.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Well, what did you have in mind? Inquiring minds want to know?”

  “Well, Sable, if you must know. I was thinking about Josh and I playing on Zeus. I’ve always wanted to ride the mechanical bull, but I’ve never taken the time.” She knew she was blushing; her thoughts were definitely headed in an erotic direction.

  “Only because no one ever dared you.”

  Emma laughed. “True. So, is it okay?”


  * * *

  Josh was feeling optimistic. Horny, but optimistic. Emma seemed to be enjoying herself with him. Anything he suggested, she was ready to do. The only thing she hadn’t responded to was his mention of marriage. She had acted as if she hadn’t heard, but that was okay. He’d rushed her there and knew he needed to step back and approach her with a bit more finesse, instead of charging forward like a bull in a china shop.

  Tonight, she’d requested that he meet her in Hardbodies at closing time. He had no idea why, but he did have some wicked fantasies. There was no doubt about it, he was completely infatuated with Emma – her taste, her voice, the way she touched him as if she were memorizing every smile, every crinkle of his eye, every inch of his body. Sometimes he went to the bar and didn’t reveal his presence, just so he could watch her. Her laugh was infectious, and the bold way she threw herself into any task, any project, any endeavor was inspirational.

  Yea, he’d fallen in love.

  The cowgirl whisperer had succumbed to one woman, one small redhead with cinnamon freckles and big blue eyes that seemed to see into his very soul.

  How had he gone from the loner, the Rodeo Romeo who didn’t do anything but one-night stands, who lived for the road, who felt he had no roots to put down – how had he gone from that man to one who desired a home and a future?

  Josh didn’t really have any explanation…except for Emma. She’d changed him. And now, things were looking up. As he’d cradled her on horseback, he’d shared with her his idea of a small shop where he could display his leather goods, a place where he could have a workshop in back and a place to meet with customers in the front. He’d even taken her by an empty storefront near Tricia and Avery’s flower shop. Josh had taken her hand in his and placed it on the glass. “There’s a display window. Imagine a custom saddle propped up against a hay bale.”

  Emma had smiled. “Yea, and maybe a cactus in a pot with a belt lying next to it or a couple of bridles. You could even make custom purses with a place for a woman’s name to be engraved on the front.” She’d thrown her arms around him. “There’s so much you could do.”

  Yes, there was much he could do and with Emma at his side, he felt like he could do anything.

  Tonight, he’d decided to walk to Hardbodies. The night was beautiful, with a strawberry moon set like a jewel in the night sky. As he moved along next to the river, he heard a frog or a turtle bail off into the water, making a small but audible splash. Tiny laps of waves on the shore let him know the direction the current was flowing. The occasional rustle of leaves as a breeze feathered through the trees caused him to raise his face for its caress. Other than the moon and the stars, there was no light. The world was a study in shades of grey with darker shadows and hinted reflections. All he had to do was close his eyes, trusting his memory of the path, letting his senses, other than sight, feed him the information he needed to continue on his journey. A spike of regret seared his heart as he considered that this was Emma’s lot. Her view of the world was shrouded in darkness, colored only by what her mind could create. Never before had he felt this overwhelming urge to protect, to shelter, to make another person’s life better. But that was how he felt with Emma.

  Opening his eyes, he continued on his way. He wasn’t as adept at this as Emma. But if she would allow him, he would be her eyes. He’d share his vision of the world with her. Over the last few days, he’d struggled with the logistics of money, a home, and a life together. He knew Emma was independent, hell, she managed her life better than he did his. But if they were going to be together, there were things he needed to do to provide her with the life she deserved. He had to get the house fixed up, he needed insurance. One day soon, he’d like to sit down with Emma and a doctor and find out what her options were.

  Josh smiled – face it, he wanted to give Emma that moon in the sky on a silver platter.


  A few feet away, a noise caused him to jerk around and before Josh could get his eyes focused on the shadows, a motorcycle revved up and plowed out of the underbrush and raced down the highway. He stared after it, wondering how long they had sat there and watched him walk. Hell, he sure as fuck wasn’t about to let Emma out here alone at night anymore.

  As he approached the bar, he saw one of the McCoy’s men. “Hey, there was a guy on a motorcycle parked a little way down the road. He was in a good position to be stalking anyone going in or out of the club.”

  Roscoe thanked him. “We’ll check it out.”

  “Have you seen anything suspicious?”

  “Nope, but we’re going to keep a close watch on things.”

  “Good. I appreciate it. Someone very precious to me spends a lot of time in that bar.”

  Roscoe tipped his hat. “I hear you, Mr. Long.”

  When he entered, an old Willie Nelson tune filled the air, Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. He let the words and the melody flow over him, the mention of blue eyes in the lyrics had him seeking the only pair he wanted to see.

  “Hey Josh, if you’re here for a beer, you’d better hurry. I already announced last call,” Doris called to him as she passed with a tray of empty mugs and bottles.

  “Not here for the beer.”

  She laughed. “I figured. Isaac told us to vacate the premises ASAP. You wouldn’t know anything about that order, would you?”

  “Nope. I’m an innocent bystander.”

  Doris snorted. “Innocent. Right.”

  But true to her word, he didn’t have to wait long. Soon the place was empty except for him and one redheaded angel who was coming across the room toward him, seeming to hone in on his location, drawn either to the heat of his desire or the beat of his heart.


  “Here, baby.” He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was wearing a flouncy little sundress, mostly white with purple flowers scattered all over the material. The dress was held up by those sexy little bows she seemed to favor…and if he wasn’t mistaken, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Holy. Hell. “You served drinks to drunken strangers wearing a dress like that?”

  She gave him a big smile. “I wore an apron. I didn’t want to start a riot.”

  “Good girl.” He moved to meet her, going right into her space, slanting his mouth over hers to drink of her sweetness. “I missed you.”

  Emma’s throat felt dry. Thi
s was the night she planned to get them back on familiar footing. She enjoyed his courtship, his kisses and touches were heady – but Emma needed more. She wanted her insatiable cowboy back. “I missed you too.” Taking him by the hand, she led him first to the jukebox. “Can I have a few quarters?”

  “Sure.” He fished some out of his pocket. “Are we going to dance.”

  “I am; you’re going to watch.”

  Josh felt his cock stand up and salute. “Sounds exciting.”

  Emma laughed. “I hope so.” She pressed some buttons. “I’m not choosing randomly,” she assured him. “I’ve got the numbers and letters memorized.”

  “I never doubted it.”

  “Come with me.” Emma led him to a table at the back near Zeus as an old recording of Def Leopard’s Pour Sugar on Me poured from the speakers. And as Josh watched – mesmerized – Emma proceeded to strip for him, dancing – freely, unabashedly, more sensuous than any woman he’d ever known. She swayed, arms over her head, turning and bending over, giving him a glimpse of that sweet ass he’d spanked, what seemed like a lifetime ago. Untying those tiny spaghetti straps, she bared her breasts, then proceeded to drive him crazy playing with her nipples. Moving to the beat, she seduced him, teased him, tormented him until he was so hard he thought he might faint.

  When she finally moved toward him, it was to toss his hat on the table and tear open his shirt to kiss his nipples. “My God, Emma,” was all he could say. She was moving against him, unzipping his pants… when her hands found his cock, he almost lost it. “Please, baby.”

  “Yes, please, baby, please me.” She gestured toward the bull. “I want to take a ride – with you.”

  Hoping his imagination wasn’t teasing him unmercifully, he followed where she led. “Oh, hell yeah.”

  She mounted the bull while he flipped the switch, then he stood there with open mouth and hard cock while she made love to that damn bull. One hand held high in the air, while her body moved as one with the machine – up, down, around. “God, almighty, honey.”

  “Join me and bring the remote.” She beckoned him closer. Emma stood in the stirrups while he crawled on, his cock straining free of his jeans. “Now you sit and I’ll face you.”

  “Emma, you’re about to take bull riding to a whole new level.” He helped her get into place, letting her show him what she wanted – and thank the lord above – she wanted him. Holding onto his shoulders, she put her legs around his waist and eased herself down onto his cock.

  The sweet sound she made as he filled her up, nearly drove him crazy.

  “Now, let’s ride,” she whispered in his ear right before taking the lobe into her mouth to suck.

  Josh had to hold onto something – his mind, his control, his heart – he was on the verge of losing them all. And what he chose to hold onto, was Emma, for all he was worth. He floated in a sea of bliss, the slow moving of the bull, the weight of Emma in his arms as she moved on his cock, all of it together was almost too much. “You never cease to delight me, Emma. You’re a constant source of pleasure and excitement.”

  His praise gave Emma just what she needed. “Josh.” Her stomach clenched in excitement, her thighs shaking so hard, all she could do was clasp them around him and hold on.

  Josh kissed her throat, using one hand to hold her close while the other roamed her body, playing with her nipples and teasing the place where they were joined. “I love the way you say my name. I can hear a little breathless catch that just does it for me. You’re the sexiest woman in the world.”

  As they rose and fell, Emma whimpered. Their position kept constant friction and pressure on her clit. “Oh, Josh, this feels so good.” She shook uncontrollably, erotic electricity coursing through her body. With seeming raw desire, Josh held her, flexing his hips as he filled her again and again. Emma had never felt more desirable. Crying out, she dug her nails into his shoulders, the pressure between her thighs so intense she bowed, tossing her head from side to side.

  “Easy, baby.” He sought to hold her, never to tame her, he loved the way she responded to him. “Cum for me, show me how much you love for me to fuck you.”

  Emma slid up and down on him, her body rubbing against his. The combination of sensations robbed her of speech. Her mind was having a hard time processing the pleasure. “Josh!” An explosion of heat showered sparks from her clit out to the rest of her body. “Tighter, hold me tighter,” she demanded as her orgasm claimed her. Josh heard her and gave her what she needed, keeping the pressure on just the right spot as a delicious hot tingling rolled over her. “Oh god, oh god,” she cried, almost paralyzed by the swells of pleasure pulsing through her.

  Josh gave himself over to his own climax, reveling in the way she clung to him, the way her pussy milked him as the involuntary contractions of her body kept her moving in his arms. “What you do to me, Emma. I can’t explain it.” There was no question that he loved her, now all he had to do was convince Emma to be his.


  “Emma, what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know, Avery.” She readied Fergus for their excursion. “Josh is pulling out all the stops. He stayed here in the trailer with me last night. We both slept in that tiny bed. We had enough room, but only because I slept on top of him.”

  “Well, I’m not sure you should resist him. He’s a dreamboat and I think he’ll make a wonderful husband for you.”

  Finding her purse, she made sure she had her keys. Avery had asked her to accompany her to a book signing in Austin. The promise of a loaded hamburger at Hopdoddy’s was just icing on the cake. “I don’t doubt Josh would be a great husband, I’m just not sure I’d be a good wife. Joshua wants children. What kind of mother would I be?”

  “A wonderful one.”

  Emma shook her head. She was struggling with the whole thing. Trying to reconcile what she craved with what she knew was right and smart was torture. “Mondays are good, aren’t they?” She joined Avery outside. “With the bar closed, we can have a girl’s day out and not feel guilty.”

  “Yea, Isaac is taking advantage of our day trip to take some time for himself. He has a new bike and he said he wanted to take it out on the road and see what it could do.

  “Josh is at home. He’s repairing the porch today, laying a new floor.”

  “See, he’s getting his nest ready for you.”

  Emma giggled. “Nest. Good gracious. Josh doesn’t have a domesticated bone in his body. After his parents split, I don’t think he stayed at home very much. From what he’s told me, he lived at Tebow with Isaac half the time.”

  “He did. I remember. Oh, I wasn’t moving in their circle at the time, but I was aware.” They moved to Avery’s car and climbed in. “All during high school and for a long time after, all I could do was worship Isaac from afar. He was so out of my league.”

  “How can you say that? You’re perfect for each other.”

  “Oh, I knew that for sure. It just took me a long time to convince Isaac.” Avery glanced over her shoulder. “Fergus, are you comfortable back there?”


  “Ha, I just love it when he answers me.” Avery started up the car and was about to pull out into the road when she hit the steering wheel with her hand. “Shoot! I forgot my boxes of swag. Wouldn’t do me much good if I went to a book signing and forgot my swag!” She pulled up near the front door. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll help you.” Emma climbed out too, Fergus bounding over the seat and out the door, determined not to be left behind.

  “This won’t take but a minute. They’re in my office. I’ll take the box and you can bring the two totes full of the smaller stuff.”

  Emma followed her in. She noticed the bar felt strange today. A place that was normally so full of energy, now seemed to be full of ghosts. She shivered, feeling silly. Being alone in the bar was nothing new to her, and she wasn’t even alone. Avery and Fergus were with her. Still…something felt off.

through the main room, they made their way to the back hall and Avery’s office.

  They were both quiet, intent on getting what they needed and getting back on the road.

  A creak sounded behind them.

  “What was that?” Avery asked.

  “I don’t know. You locked the door, didn’t you?”

  Avery cursed. “No, I don’t think so. I was planning on just running in and running out. It was probably nothing.”

  “Yea, you’re right,” Emma agreed, quickening her step.

  Then, out of nowhere, someone spoke…

  “Nothing? I’ve been described as many things – a devil, a nightmare – but never nothing.”

  The harsh, cold male voice speaking from the darkness caused both women to scream.

  “Who are you?” Emma yelled, holding fast to Fergus. She wasn’t willing for him to sacrifice himself until she knew exactly what the threat could be.

  “Mrs. McCoy knows who I am, don’t you Avery?”

  Avery shuddered. “Ajax. I was really hoping to never see you again.”

  “Oh, why is that? I’ve been watching this place 24/7, just waiting for my chance to get you alone. I’ve missed you. The last time I saw you, you were so beautiful – naked, tied up, and at my mercy, your body decorated with beautiful red stripes of my own special design.”

  The venom dripping from the stranger’s voice terrified Emma.


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