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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

Page 26

by Sable Hunter

  Joshua smiled, tears were forming in his eyes. “If anything had happened to you, I don’t know what I would’ve done.” He drew her close, then just picked her up, holding her a good foot off the ground. “I might just hold you forever, that way you won’t be able to get away from me ever again.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Joshua. As long as you want me around, I’ll be here.” After everything that had happened, Emma realized what was important. She didn’t know what the future held, but she knew she didn’t have the strength to walk away from him.

  “Honey, I want you forever. I want to build a life with you. I want to raise a family with you. Please, say you’ll marry me.”

  “Think hard, Josh, please.” Emma asked. “Are you sure you want to saddle yourself with a blind wife?”

  Josh buried his face in her neck. “There’s no one else, Emma. I only want you. Don’t you realize what you did today? You took care of yourself. You took care of Avery. Honey, you can do anything. There is no one else that I’d rather face the future with than you.”

  He watched her face, saw the emotions flitting across it. Doubt. Fear. Hope. Love.

  “Come on. Take a chance, Emma. Love me, I dare you.”

  At his words, Emma melted. “Oh, Josh, I do love you, I have for a long time and I always will.” She threw her arms around his neck. “Hold me, Joshua. Never let me go.”

  “Never.” He picked her up, spinning around in a circle. “I want to make your every dream come true.”

  Emma caressed the soft hair at the nape of his neck. “Marrying you is a dream come true. I do have a favor to ask, though.” She placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

  “Name it and if it’s in my power – it’s yours.”

  “I want to marry you standing in a field of lavender. Can we do that?”

  “Consider it done, baby. The sooner the better.”

  * * *

  Two weeks later…

  “Are you ready, Emma?” Isaac asked. “Take my arm, I’m ready to walk you down the aisle.”

  It had been a crazy time. The bar was being repaired, Ajax had been indicted and all of his cronies that proved to be any threat were rounded up and indicted too.

  All of that was behind them. And now was the time to celebrate.

  “Almost. Just give me a minute.” Holding her bouquet of white calla lilies, Emma closed her eyes and let herself listen and feel, absorbing the atmosphere of the place where she would become Mrs. Joshua Long. “Avery, tell me again. How does it look?”

  “I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight, Emma. All of your friends are gathered together for you and Josh. We’re surrounded by row upon row of lavender, a sea of purple as far as the eye can see.”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “I can smell it, it’s beautiful.”

  “There’s a runner of white satin for you to walk on. The guests are seated in chairs, all waiting for you to appear. Tricia and I went all out for decorations. Even though you’re surrounded by the lavender, we put out four huge baskets of white lilies and there are bouquets of white roses at the end of every aisle. Angel, Joseph’s little girl, is wearing a light purple dress and she’s waiting to throw white rose petals at your feet. Colt and Case, Aron’s twins are serving as ring bearers and they’re cute as the dickens in their little blue suits. I’m not sure they’ll get down the aisle on their own steam, but those gorgeous rings you both picked out will be waiting for you. I promise.”

  “I’m so happy.” Emma wiped happy tears from her face. “And the best man?”

  “Your best man is standing on his own feet, all four of them.” Isaac chuckled as he patted Emma’s hand.

  “Oh, Fergus. I’m so glad he’s okay. And Joshua is here, isn’t he?”

  Avery put her arm around Emma. “Oh, girlfriend, he’s waiting on you. The man looks like a billion dollars in that black tux and black Stetson. There’s one touch of gold I can see, a pocket watch and chain. If you try, I know you can feel the caress of his gaze, the man is looking at you right now and the expression on his face says it all.”

  “What does it say?” she whispered.

  “He loves you and he can’t wait to make you his.”

  “Avery, you’re my matron of honor, go take your place. Let’s go, Isaac.” Emma whispered. “A man like Josh shouldn’t be kept waiting.”

  At Avery’s signal, on her way to the front, the music swelled and Emma started down the aisle.

  Everyone rose for the bride.

  From in front of the altar, Joshua waited for the love of his life. Every step she took toward him, his smile broadened. Oh, how he wished she could see his face. Read the love written there. She’d never question his absolute devotion to her again. And maybe…maybe one day, she would be able to see him.

  But until then, he would be her eyes. He would show her with actions, with words, with the touch of his hands, and the devotion of his body, just what she meant to him.

  As she drew closer, he held out his hands to accept the greatest gift he’d ever received. “I’ll take it from here, Isaac.”

  As the preacher asked who would give the bride away, Joshua was busy looking at her lovely face. “Hello, beautiful.”

  “Hello, Joshua. I’m so happy.”

  “Keeping you that way will be my mission in life.”

  “Dearly Beloved,” the preacher began, “we are gathered here to join Joshua Long and Emmalyn Zachary in holy matrimony.”

  The rest of the ceremony passed – words were said, vows were made and rings were exchanged. Seeing Joshua and Emma pledging their love to one another was a beautiful sight. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

  And later…as they danced under a grove of spreading oaks, surrounded by their family and friends, Joshua bent her back over his arms, making her giggle. “I’m so glad you taught me to dance. I wanted to make you proud.”

  “Oh, honey, I am proud of you.” He brought her back up in the circle of his arms. “I may have taught you a few things...”

  “About sex.” She whispered, kissing him on the chin.

  “Yea, I may have taught you a few things about sex, but you taught me more about love.”

  Emma raised her hands and moved her fingertips over his face. “Smile. I want to feel you smile.” His face broke out in a big smile, there was no way she could miss it. “I’m so lucky. You could have any woman in the world and yet you chose me.”

  “The best decision of my life.” He whispered. “I love only one girl, Miss Emma, and that girl is you.”

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  Godsend (Hell Yeah! Heritage)

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  Thrust from his home, Austin McCoy travels west to build a new life for himself in the wilds of Texas. Civilization has not yet arrived to the wilderness where he settles and his nearest neighbor is more than two days’ journey through Indian territory alive with bear, cougar and wolves. While difficult, carving out an existence amidst these dangers is not what weighs heavily on his heart. With nothing and no one to share his days, Austin is lost. The answer to his prayers comes from a very unexpected source…

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