Book Read Free


Page 26

by Valerie Willis

  “Hey, I was wondering who else made it to the second round.” The curly haired girl pushed up her glasses as she looked up; it was the receptionist from the radio station. “Now that there are less people back here, I figured it would be worth my time to see who was who. Get a feel for what I’m up against.”

  “Yea, no problem! I was just printing out the list.” She handed him a paper from the printer and went back to work on her laptop. “Good luck!”

  “Thanks.” Hotan walked away, heading towards the rest of the band, when he froze, his eyes reading one of the lines twice. “He’s here.”

  What’s wrong? It was Kyle; he was watching him from far off. Are you okay?

  Geliah is here. Searching from one end to the other he looked for any sign of Geliah. He’s here, apparently with his very own band. They are on the second round list, Geliah, Cassie, and Callan. There’s no mistaking that.

  How did we miss all three of them? Kyle sounded as alarmed as he did. Good thing Shellie is out in the crowd and not back here then.

  Let’s hope so. They spent the next several minutes trying to spot any signs of the three, but there were none to be found.

  The second round was moving much faster than the first. There were still no signs of Geliah or Cassandra in all the commotion that was still going on, despite there being half as many bands. He wasn’t worried about Callan, but he was worried about Shellie’s safety. He couldn’t get his nerves to lay flat knowing that the three of them had slipped in under even Kyle and Metsy’s radar. All they could do is stay on high alert while at least finishing the task in front of them.

  Once more, the stage light beamed red and it was their turn again. Sweat was already trickling down his temple as they walked out. His heart stopped, Shellie was gone. Her spot empty, almost as if she was still there. Frantically he searched the crowd, but the twisting in his stomach told him what he already knew. Geliah had found what he was looking for.

  Without hesitation, he threw his guitar to the ground, the neck snapping in half from the forceful shove against the stage floor. Kyle had run out ahead of him in his moment of panic, long out of his sight. All he could do was thank his luck. Losing the old Kyle and having a braver one in his place was already proving its weight in gold. All he could think was to head for the alleyway out back. That’s where he sensed Kyle had gone. Metsy was right behind him before being caught by the stage manager demanding answers for the odd reaction.

  As he burst through the door, he caught sight of a column of earth slamming Kyle against the brick building across from where he stood. Flames distinguished as he fell to the ground with a sickening thud. Hotan wasn’t sure if he was dead or passed out. Cassandra was standing not far from his right. She was laughing. Her short choppy hair bounced around her face, knee-high leather boots and a provocative mini skirt complete with the strapless top only added to her villain persona. He quickly jumped over the railing running for the heap on the ground, hoping Kyle was at least alive.

  Much to his relief he was breathing, but cold and clammy feeling. He had over exerted himself. Standing, he turned his full attention to Cassandra as she smiled wildly. Her dark red lips and black eyes danced as flames from a nearby trash heap whipped high into the air. Her tattoo spotted her skin and she was glowing in a faint blue. They had gone out of their way to regain their endurance in order to use their powers like this.

  “What’s wrong, kid? You look like you’re missing something?” She was slowly walking towards him. The ground beneath him was quivering and rumbling. “Maybe she’ll enjoy her date with Geliah.”

  “Where is she?” Heat was rising within him as his feelings about Shellie and Kyle boiled up. “I refuse to let you get away with hurting Kyle, and you’ll pay for taking Shellie.”

  “Big words from a little punk that can’t use his powers.” Her left arm lifted up and he could feel his feet go with it. “I was told not to kill you, but I’m going to have some fun first.”

  Hotan realized that the ground beneath him swept away. Right out from under him like a rug. He scrambled back to his feet, only to see a large column, larger than what had hit Kyle, coming right at him. All he could do in his fright was to close his eyes and prepare for what was flying at him. His ears could hear the rumbling pile of dirt and then something caught his attention. He could hear a motorcycle and it was speeding in their direction. The sound had interrupted the momentum of the wall of earth before it could reach him.

  Opening his eyes, he watched Hisota slide his bike across the ground. He flung himself from it, rolling off to the side and sending the motorcycle skipping across the ground right at Cassandra. Her column of dirt retracted from its current path and blocked what it could of the surprise attack. Knowing he had no time, Hotan ran straight at Cassandra. She was panting and he could see that she was at her limit as she struggled to keep her glow about her. Tackling her to the ground, he hit her with the force of a bus. Her head hit the asphalt as they slammed into the ground. There was no room to be soft at this point.

  Jumping to his feet, but was relieved to see she had passed out, whether from exertion or the smack to the head, Hotan wasn’t sure. He jogged over to where he saw Hisota roll away, but as he turned around, he was limping towards him. Grinning despite having to hold his injured arm, they were happy to see each other safe. There was never a time Hotan thought he would see Hisota risk himself for anyone, and here he had proven him wrong. He had even sacrificed his bike. It pained him to know he was so wrong about him.

  “Are you ok?” Hotan looked at him wide-eyed as he looked over the scraps and cuts Hisota wore from his moment of bravery. “I can’t believe you did that!”

  “Heh,” Hisota eyed Cassandra on the ground. “Who or what the hell is she?”

  “It’s a long story.” He walked back to Kyle, propping him up against the wall. “Any chance you saw Shellie?”

  “No, why?” Hisota was tapping Cassandra with his foot who only managed to moan in response. “Good, she’s out cold.”

  “They took her,” Satisfied at how Kyle was doing he started marching towards his bike, passing Hisota. “And I am going to get her back.”

  “Have you lost your mind?” He hobbled behind him. “Hotan I just saw this chick move dirt like something out of a sci-fi movie! You can’t be serious!”

  “You don’t understand. If I don’t go he will kill her. He wants me, nothing else.” Sirens were screaming in the background. “Look, stay here. Make sure Kyle gets help. Metsy must’ve called Jacob for back up. Tell them I went to the Cathedral.”

  “That old church? Wait, who’s Jacob?” His bike roared to life on the first try and he spun it back around as he goosed it. “This is just insane!”

  “Let’s hope I live to explain it all to you. Sorry I ever doubted you as a friend.” Hotan lay on the accelerator, leaving Hisota in the dust.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The wind whipped his hair across his face, but he paid no attention to the stinging sensation. His heart pounded into his throat with each passing second. Geliah had Shellie and no one knows what he will do. The tires squealed at every turn as he gunned his bike as far as it would go without losing control. He could see the cathedral’s silhouette against the night sky, growing taller as he came down the last stretch.

  My worst nightmare has come true. I have put Shellie in trouble, no worse; put her very life at risk!

  He skidded to a stop on the street out front, dropping his bike hard on the asphalt as he raced towards the doors. Hotan felt queasy as he held his breath, unsure of the scene that would appear before him when he finally pulled the doors open.

  “Finally! You’ve joined the party!” Geliah laughed as he jerked Shellie closer to him causing her to squeal and sob. “I was wondering if you’d have the balls to even show up!”

  “Let her go, Geliah.” He took a cautionary step forward, but it didn’t intimidate Geliah at all. “This fight is between us. She’s nothing to you.”

p; “Oh! But she’s something to you, is she not?” His amber eyes grew eager as he grinned, you could see the excitement tremble through him. “She does look a lot like the last one you lost.”

  “You might as well give up on using the past to stir my nerves. I’m not the Hotan you think I am, but I am what you’re looking for.” He took an uneasy swallow, unable to read Geliah’s thoughts or actions, his new skills weren’t doing him any good. “I don’t care that you made a deal with Talib to wait a few more months. We can settle this now.”

  “Oh but that would be too convenient for the both of us.” He jerked Shellie’s face up against his own, cheek to cheek. “Wouldn’t it my dear?”

  “Please, please let me go.” She sobbed heavily, her green eyes terrified and wild.

  “What do you want? Tell me now!” Hotan didn’t break his stare on Shellie as Geliah handled her roughly. “Name it! Anything Geliah!”

  “Oh, but I don’t think you want to pay the price.” Geliah growled, his grin never faltering as his eyes glowered at him. “You see. What she’s seeing now is much more frightening than me!”

  “How dare you.” He was still working his way closer to Geliah, who stood below the crucifix that bear witness to the events unfolding below it. “What did you do to her?”

  “Oh, just a simple trick,” He jerked her once more, placing his blade tight against her throat sending her in a tearful panic. “Nothing out of the ordinary really.”

  “Please,” She begged her voice hoarse from her long excursion through hell. “Please Hotan, don’t kill me. Please, I love you. Don’t kill me, Hotan. I don’t know why you’re so angry with me. Whatever is going on, I can help. Just please, not this.”

  “You bastard!” He could feel his blood boil at the very thought that Shellie sees it as him threatening to take her life away. “Stop this! This is insane, it’s uncalled for! You’ve had your fun with her! Now stop it!”

  “Oh is it now? Uncalled for?” Geliah laughed, enjoying the game he had laid out. “Or else what? You’ll use those non-existent powers of yours to stop me?”

  They stood in silence for a few moments. Hotan had no idea what to do, especially with the way his chest ached at the idea he was the person causing Shellie’s fear.

  If I could just tell her, I am here to rescue her. That it isn’t me, that it’s Geliah, but-

  He knew no way of clearing the spell that held her mind and eyes.

  I can’t focus enough to sense how he is using his ability. What should I do? I haven’t figured out my own powers and to battle Geliah now would be suicide.

  Her bottom lip trembled as tears continued falling.

  Suicide will have to do as long as it means saving Shellie. She made everything worth living through and dealing with, no matter how horrible it looked. Where is Talib? Even Jacob? I hate that I can’t do anything. I need help, but they are all probably on the other side of town still.

  “Oh that’s right! It almost slipped my mind!” Geliah released Shellie and she dropped to her knees, revealing the shackles chained to the statue behind her. “Cassie, my dear, bring in the rest of our Tea Party guests!”

  Who else? Who else does he have! Cassie was passed out! I was sure of it before I left!

  His eyes grew wide as he watched Cassie and Callan drag in Talib and Jacob. They were barely conscious as they shoved them both to the ground, pale.

  Jacob might have over expended his power, but Talib too? Did they catch him off guard?

  His breath tightened in his chest realizing he was on his own. Kyle he prayed was at least on his way to the hospital thanks to Cassie’s ambush earlier.

  I hope that means the same for Hisota.

  Now the people he depended on the most for power had failed to stop the nightmarish movie that played out.

  Alone, again.

  “Here you go, Baby.” Cassandra blew Geliah a kiss as she propped one heeled boot on Talib’s back, making him flinch and moan. “I believe that finishes roll call for this evening. Maybe you should have enrolled in sports, sweetheart. That tackle was weak.”

  “What now, oh great wise Hotan?” Geliah’s delusion continued on as Hotan’s blood went from boiling to ice. “You have no one left, and you were so careless, all your friends got hurt playing with us. What a shame.”

  “This is insane.” Hotan breathed as he painfully stared from one hurt face to the other and stopping on Shellie’s terrified face full of tears. “I’m so sorry. If I knew, if I could...”

  “Aww, he’s getting weepy on us, honey.” Cassie mocked, watching on with the same compassion as her lover, Geliah. “Are you going to cry?”

  “Well, I think everything is in order.” Geliah walked up the steps and stood in front of the statue, stretching his arms out. Letting out an excited scream, it sounded much like a singer on stage, yet primal. “Oh am I going to love watching you being so helpless! I hated that you made me live all those futile lives, so weak and disgusting! An insult considering what we went through!”

  “I’m so sorry. This is my fault. Everyone’s hurt because I couldn’t figure it out.” Hotan was starting to shut down as his emotions swallowed him down into the deepest and darkest place it could. “Just kill me. End it now.”

  “Oh? That would be too easy.” Geliah took in a deep refreshing breath as he stared him down. “I prefer to let you suffer some. Let’s see, I have the choice between the brother and the lover, which to start with?”

  “Leave them out of it. I’m what you’re after.” Every muscle in his body burned as he fought not to shake in fear and anger. “Your curse was my doing and only my death can undo it. Just kill me. Take me instead. I can’t fight back, what more could you ask for?”

  “Feh, you’re no fun.” Geliah’s smile faded as he looked across the room and took in his masterpiece of devastation. “Ok, I’ll let you say your goodbyes, and then I’ll finish you off.”

  “You mean it. You’ll let them go?” Mouth dry, throat hurting, Hotan looked at Shellie, his heart racing in terror and hope. “After they go, we’ll finish this?”

  “Sure I’ll let them go. Here.” Hotan flinched as keys landed at his feet. “I’ll even let you unlock your girl’s shackles personally. Hell, even exchange kissy faces a little for kicks! Make a good show of it!”

  “It’s a deal then.” He crouched down, picking up the keys and watched Geliah, cautious of what he may do next. “I’ll say my goodbyes and then we’ll get down to business, just you and I, no one else.”

  “Deal.” The grin on Geliah’s face sent chills through him as he cautiously walked over to the heap that was Shellie. “Shellie? Are you, are you ok? It’s me. The real me, I won’t hurt you. I never would hurt you. God, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Please, I’m sorry.”

  “Please, please don’t hurt me.” She mumbled as she stared at the ground. “Please let me go, Hotan. Please.”

  “It’s ok. Everything’s going to be ok. Be strong.” He helped her to her feet and began to undo the shackles around her ankles, his chest feeling as if it was going to explode from the distraught he felt. “This nightmare will be over soon enough. I’m so sorry. I should’ve been there for you more. Please forgive me, Shellie.”

  “Hotan?” She stared at him now, as she stood, backing up, placing his hands on her shoulders. “But, you, you’re, please Hotan.”

  “Please for the love of God forgive me.” A tear slid down his cheek as he stared into those lush green eyes that had been hurt so horribly. “I never would’ve put you in danger like this if I had known.”

  “Hotan, it’s real- Ugh!” Hotan felt ripping agony burn through his abdomen as he watched her face contort and eyes go out of focus. “Ho, tan.”

  “Shellie!” He held onto her as the ripping sensation horrendously removed itself and they fell backwards onto the cold, hard marble floor. “You bastard! Augh!”

  Hotan saw Geliah standing over them. He had failed to keep an eye on him and had paid the ultimate price. Geliah
had swooped down like a hawk, running his wicked blade through Shellie and into Hotan’s own gut. The pain burned through him and he could feel the warm rush of blood as it waved over his body. He had failed to protect Shellie. She lay limp and heavy on top of him as the warmth from her body was starting to drift away into a lifeless chill. He rolled her to the side, frantically brushing her hair from her face, sobbing as he shook her, ignoring his own injuries as he continued bleeding. Blood spread out around them as it crawled away from her body.

  “No! Shellie! Please, please wake up.” His heart was breaking, she wouldn’t open her eyes, and he could feel her fading away. “Don’t leave me, I need you. Don’t leave me alone here. Please, why, why you?”

  Hotan shook her repeatedly, desperate for some signs of life. At last, he realized she was gone.

  I failed her, I lost her. Alone, I’m all alone.

  She was cold, her eyes faded, no longer alive with the green that he had grown to admire. Shellie would never be there by his side. He was alone in the world. He hugged her bitterly limp body close to him as he cried and screamed, rage consuming him as he did so.

  Geliah watched with satisfaction that he had gotten what he wanted from his deceitful act. The floor around him slowly filled to red as he rocked her in his arms, falling into a remorseful silence.

  I’m so sorry Shellie. I should have protected you. I was careless. Please forgive me. I can only hope you realized it wasn’t me, in the end, that brought you such fear. I will make Geliah pay for what he’s done to you. What he has done to Kyle and everyone else, this has to stop, even if it costs me my life. I will make it up to you.

  “I kept my deal. I let her go.” Geliah’s growing chuckle added to the wintry atmosphere that had filled the room. “I never said I was letting her go alive! Tsk-tsk, will you hold up your end of the bargain? We made a deal! Bahahaha!”


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