Book Read Free

Good Boy

Page 24

by Sarina Bowen

  But Jess isn’t Molly. Jess isn’t insecure or vindictive or scared of anything other than looking like a failure in the eyes of the people she loves.

  I want her to move in. I do. But the doubts have already crept in, and as she sits there looking at me with those inquisitive brown eyes, I can’t bring myself to make the offer.

  So I say, “Make sure to check They’ve, ah, got some good deals, too.”

  31 Reunited and It Feels So Sexy


  When I return to Toronto after Thanksgiving, I feel completely and utterly rejuvenated. The trip to California was just what I needed, and I hadn’t realized just how much I missed my family until I was back in their loud, crazy, chaotic clutches again. I swear my niece Lilac has doubled in size. Joe has a new girlfriend. Tammy’s husband got a promotion. Brady grew what Jamie and I dubbed a “pimp mustache.”

  I was sad to say goodbye to them, but happy to say hello to Blake. I can’t believe how much I missed that big oaf—and I was gone for only two days. My first order of business when I got back was taking a cab to his place straight from the airport and spending about, oh, ten hours in bed with him.

  Blake called it our reunited and it feels so sexy sexy-times. I pointed out that the back-to-back use of the word sexy was kind of redundant, at which point he said I was redundant and proceeded to fuck me again. Which leads me to believe he doesn’t know what redundant means.

  Now it’s two weeks since my trip and I’m over at Blake’s apartment again. Hell, I’m over so often I almost feel like I live here, and Blake doesn’t seem to mind that I’m all but squatting at his condo. It’s just so…spacious. My dorm room is teeny and offers even less privacy than before, because Violet is…wait for it…dating someone. I couldn’t believe it when I got back to discover that she’s going out with Keith Chan, one of our fellow nursing students. I guess she’s finally starting to chill out, letting go of that must-study-always mentality.

  And also? Blake is here. I can tell myself that it’s the floor plan that draws me to apartment 1504, but it’s really the big guy at the other end of the sofa.

  I sneak a look at him, and he doesn’t notice, because his attention is focused on the movie listings. I study his sturdy jaw and rugged cheekbones. He has laugh lines at the corners of his mouth, and I feel my own smile start to grow just from looking at him.

  I always told myself I’d end up with someone deep and artsy, but it’s a fun-loving, goliath-sized hockey player that makes me smile like an idiot whenever we’re in the same room together.

  Who knew?

  “Baby-cakes,” Blake grumbles from a few feet away. “I’m horny.”

  I snicker at him. “I know you are, big boy, but tough cookies. Stay over there on your side until the surprise arrives.”

  He pats his crotch. “I’ll give you a surprise, how ’bout that?”

  “Nope.” I point to the screen. “Be quiet and watch the game.”

  At his exaggerated huff, I hide a smile. He’s been trying to tear my clothes off ever since I arrived, but I’m expecting a delivery and don’t want us getting interrupted by the doorbell. Of course, asking Blake to keep his pants zipped is like asking a dog not to lick his balls, so I’ve banished him to the far end of the sofa for the time being.

  “The game’s over,” he complains.

  I glance at the TV and realize he’s right. The Chicago game has been replaced with the news. “Watch something else, then.”

  “Okay. Take off your clothes and I’ll watch you.”



  “I’m about to give you the best surprise of your life,” I inform him. “The least you can do is quit whining like a preschooler.”

  He heaves himself off the couch. “Fine. I’m taking a shower, then.” One brow arches at me. “And maybe I’ll shake the snake when I’m in there, how do you like that?”

  “If it shuts you up? I’ll take it.” I wave my hand toward the hallway. “Go. I’ll come get you if the delivery shows up before you’re out.”

  “You’re no fun, J-Babe.”

  His footsteps thump on the hardwood as he trudges off. He might be pouting now, but that’ll change once he sees what I have in store for him. I’ve been shaking with excitement for three days now.

  I hear the faint sound of running water from the direction of the master bedroom and nod in approval. Good. I hope he is jerking off in there, because once that door buzzer goes off, we probably won’t be having sex at all tonight.

  Knock knock.

  My head jerks toward the door. What the hell? Nobody gets into the building without getting buzzed in first—the doorman in the lobby makes sure of that. Besides, my delivery person is supposed to text me when she’s downstairs.

  Wary, I rise to my feet and walk to the front hall. Blake’s door doesn’t have a peephole, so I keep the chain on as I open the door just slightly.

  A gasp gets stuck in my throat when I find Molly standing there.

  Her expression darkens the moment her eyes meet mine, her pretty face a mixture of shock, anger and annoyance. “What are you doing here?” she demands.

  I force myself to remain calm. But seriously? “Um, I think the more important question is, what are you doing here? And how did you get up here?”

  Molly’s lips tighten. “Can you please take that chain off? It’s rude.”

  I’m the rude one in this equation? Ha. Still, I slide off the chain and open the door a bit wider. But I don’t invite her in.

  “The doorman said it was all right for me to come up,” Molly explains, averting her eyes. “I told him I knew Blake.”

  Oh brother. This guy must be new then, because no one who’s worked in this upscale building for more than a day would ever let unapproved visitors into the elevator. I bet a hundred puck bunnies show up here daily claiming to know Blake or Wes.

  I make a mental note to tell Blake to have a chat with the guy.

  “Is he here?” she asks, trying to peer past me.

  “He’s in the shower.”

  Blake’s ex bites her lip. “Oh. I see. And you?”

  “And me what?” I can’t stop a sarcastic retort. “Am I in the shower? No, Molly, I’m not in the shower.”

  Irritation flickers in her eyes. “I need to speak to Blake. May I come inside and wait for him?”

  I gape at her for a second. Then I answer in an incredulous tone. “No offense, but I don’t think Blake would appreciate coming out of the shower and finding you sitting on his couch. If you need to speak to him, why don’t you give him a call?”

  She scowls, and it’s not a good look for her. “Because he’s not answering my calls.” She adjusts the strap of her black leather purse. “Look, I need to talk to him.”

  “Why?” I ask bluntly.

  Apparently Molly doesn’t like to be questioned, because she scowls even harder. “That’s none of your business, Janet.”

  “It’s Jess,” I say in a tight voice. “Which you already know. And FYI? I’m sure you’re trying to make me feel inferior or some shit by purposely screwing up my name every time you see me, but it’s not working. You can call me Janet or Jackie or Julia-fucking-Child, but it won’t change the fact that I’m Blake’s girlfriend.”

  God, I should probably shut my mouth already, but for some reason, I can’t stop talking. The sight of this woman—this woman who had the greatest man in the world and then lied to him in order to “keep” him…it’s infuriating.

  “He kept your secret for five years,” I say in a low voice. “He allowed his family to think the worst of him. He allowed you to be the martyr when, in reality, you broke his heart. He did this because your reputation was more important to him than his.”

  Molly has the decency to wince.

  “But you didn’t deserve it,” I say frankly. “And you don’t deserve to even be in the same room as him. You’re here to apologize, right? To try to win his forgiveness so he talks to Brenna
on your behalf? So your best friend stops thinking you’re a monster?”

  Her cheeks redden.

  “Do you realize how unfair that is?” My voice softens. “I won’t let you drag him back into your bullshit, Molly. I’ll tell him you stopped by. I’ll pass along whatever message you want me to give him, but if he asks for my opinion, I’m going to tell him that you’re not worth his time.”

  “Jess,” she pleads, and there’s desperation in her eyes. She must be desperate if she’s actually using my name. “You need to do this for me. If you don’t, I’ll tell the WAGS you’re a gold-digger, and they’ll shun you.”

  “Knock yourself out,” I growl. “I don’t give a crap about joining some club, even if they do make really yummy daiquiris. You hurt Blake. You hurt him, and I’m not letting you hurt him again, you hear me? So turn around, put your weepy, lying ass in the elevator and pick up the phone to leave him a message. Because there’s no way I’m letting you step foot in this apartment!”

  Her mouth opens in a protest, but I’m already shutting the door. Then I lock it for good measure.

  Maybe I was out of line. Maybe I overstepped, crossed a line that’s going to make Blake furious with me, but—

  “Thank you.”

  The gruff voice has me spinning around in shock. Blake is right behind me, clad in nothing but a towel that rides low on his hips. For once, he doesn’t offer a cocky remark about his nearly naked state. He doesn’t give me his goofy Blake grin or make some inappropriate comment.

  He simply stands there, staring at me with something akin to wonder.

  “How much of that did you hear?” I ask ruefully.

  “Most of it.” His throat bobs as he swallows. “Nobody’s ever…” He clears his throat. “Ah, nobody’s ever defended me like that. I mean… Cheezus, Jessie, I think you actually would’ve beat her up if she tried coming in here.”

  “Very likely,” I admit.

  Now he grins. My Blake is back.


  Closure. It’s a funny thing.

  Five years ago, I was going to marry a girl named Molly. I loved her. I thought she loved me. And…it didn’t work out. Then I spent five years trying to pretend it hadn’t ruined my entire view on relationships. I played along with a crazy lie because I didn’t want my family to get hurt by Molly the way I’d been hurt. But despite that, I’d thought I’d moved on.

  I have moved on, but I didn’t realize until this very moment that there’s been a thundercloud following me around since then. I’ve smiled and I’ve laughed and I’ve fucked, but that cloud was always there.

  Not anymore. Because Jess Canning just shot her rays of sunshine into that cloud, and now my sky is so blue that I can’t even remember the gray. She defended me. She made it crystal clear that she’s never, ever going to let anyone hurt me.

  Nobody’s ever done that for me before.

  I exhale in a big fat rush, and then I just fucking ask what I’ve been wanting to ask her for weeks. “You wanna move in with me?”

  She blinks. “I’m sorry. What?”

  “Do you want to move in with me? In here. Together.”

  The surprise doesn’t leave her expression. But it’s joined with suspicion. “Are you only asking because you feel sorry for me?”

  “Fuck no,” I say immediately. I march over and plant myself next to her. “I’m asking because I want you to move in.” When she looks ready to object, I hold up my hand. “I wouldn’t dream of offering you a free ride,” I add in a wry tone. “You can pay rent or utilities or whatever you feel comfortable paying, okay? This isn’t a handout or a pity offer or some trick on my part. I just want you to come live with me.”

  She studies my face. “Why?”

  “Because I love you.” I roll my eyes. “Fucking duh.”

  Her face softens. But then her phone rings, goddamn it. And I don’t blame her for checking it because she’s been waiting for this call since we got home.

  “Hold that thought,” my girl says. “But, actually, your timing is a little weird. Because there’s someone else who needs to be your roommate.”

  “What?” I try to guess what she means and come up blank. “Like, a threesome?” I joke.

  “Riiiight. Only your mind would go there,” she says as the concierge’s buzzer rings. Jess marches over, grabs the handset and says, “Send her up.”

  Even I forget that we were sort of having a moment there, because Jessie disappears into the hallway and shuts the door behind her.

  “You know you just locked yourself out, right?” I call through the wood.

  “Guess I should have asked for my own key first,” she replies.

  I hear low voices a minute later. Jess confers with someone, then taps politely on the door. “Blake? Are you ready to be surprised?”

  When I pull open the door, Jess is standing there with a nervous smile on her face and a chocolate lab puppy in her arms.

  Holy shit.

  Shyly, she says, “This guy is all yours if you want. Jamie and I will walk him when you’re on the road. And there’s a doggy daycare just four blocks away if you want him to have more fun…”

  I should probably be listening to every word she says, but that’s hard when the puppy opens his mouth in a goofy smile and looks up at me.

  “Oh!” I reach for him. “Aren’t you the cutest thing I’ve ever seen?” I hold him up and he wiggles in my hands, his soft puppy fur tickling my wrists. I stroke his floppy ears as I gape at Jess. “Where did you get him? Puppies cost a mint.”

  “Well, after I heard what happened to your dog, I called Paula from Broken Paws and told her I wanted to get you a dog. And she had a pregnant one at the shelter.”

  “No way. Puppies go quickly, though.”

  Jess smiles. “She saved him for you because that woman would do anything for you. And if you decide this idea of mine is just too crazy, she said she could find another home for him with one phone call.”

  I let the puppy lick my nose. Cheezus. I’ve had him for under five minutes and already there’s no way I’m letting him go.

  “I love him,” I declare. Then I catch myself, because I’m not going to profess my love for a dog—even one as cute as this—before I say it to my girlfriend. “Wait. I love you. So move in with me.”

  Her chest expands with a big breath. She rocks back on her heels and smiles at the ceiling. “Okay. It’s a little nutty, but I’ll do it. I want to be with you.”

  “It’s not nutty,” I object. “Well…” That line of argument is a lost cause because I’m a little nutty all the time. It’s part of my charm. “Embrace the nutty, J-Babe. Move in. Study for your tests on the couch with the puppy. Sleep naked in my bed.” I take a step closer and touch my lips to hers. “You make Blake Riley Smiley.”

  “I know,” she says, kissing me back.

  The puppy thumps its stubby tail against my chest and everything is perfect.

  32 The KissCam Starts Now, Fans


  For the very last time, I stand in front of the tiny dorm room mirror on the back of our door and check my outfit. “What do you think?” I ask Violet. I’m wearing skinny black jeans and a low-cut cashmere sweater, my boobs hiked up to my chin by my most ambitious bra.

  “You look hot. As usual.” Violet sits on her own bed with a textbook, looking blue. “You know there’s a quiz tomorrow, right?”

  “Yep. I studied all afternoon. It’s going to have to do.”

  “Because you have other things to do tonight. Like Blake Riley.” Violet tries to apply her usual snippy tone to this remark, but it doesn’t quite work. She watches me with jealous eyes.

  “Take a study break, Violet,” I urge. “Call Keith. Have a quickie and then quiz each other.”

  “He’s gone to a bar to watch the game on TV.”

  “So go with him?”

  She just shakes her head. Apparently her folks were less than pleased with her exam performance last month, so she’s hitting the books
harder than ever these days. “It just won’t be the same around here without you.” She casts an eye over the duffel bag and two boxes on the bed. Jamie will show up any minute now to pick me up. After the game we’ll unload my stuff in the parking garage of what is now my building, too.

  “Violet, you won’t miss me. Think of all the quiet you’ll get now. And nobody will eat Cup o’ Noodles on the sly and hide the evidence in the student lounge trash.”

  She looks properly horrified. “Cup o’ Noodles? Gross.”

  “They’re very budget friendly.”

  “What’s budget friendly?” my brother asks from the doorway.

  “Hey! You look great,” I tell him. “Even if that shirt is an awfully bright color for you.”

  Jamie looks down at the lime-green check pattern on his shirt and smiles. “I love this shirt. Are you ready to go?”

  “Born ready.” But now Violet looks stricken. “Okay, let’s hug it out, bitch.”

  My roommate gets off the bed and gives me one of her angular hugs. The girl could take some lessons from Mama Riley.

  “I’ll still see you in class. You know that, right?”

  “Now you have to commute to school,” Violet points out.

  She’s right, but it’s totally worth it. All that extra time with Blake and the puppy. “How is Puddles?” I ask my brother, releasing Violet.

  He grins. “Took a couple of new pictures. Couldn’t help myself.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it and shows me the screensaver.

  “Awwww,” Violet croons.

  Puddles—named by Blake, of course—is rolling on his back on the rug like a frowsy milkmaid in a haystack. I can’t decide who I’ll cuddle first tonight, Blake or the puppy. Maybe both at once. Is that weird?

  “Let’s do this.” Jamie picks up my box of textbooks. “Jesus. This is a backbreaker.”

  “Sure is!” I say cheerfully. I have almost as many shiny, complicated textbooks as Violet now. I’m not afraid anymore. The work is still hard, but I can tough it out. I grab the duffel and heft my smaller box. “Come on, baby bro. Let’s go beat Dallas!”


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