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The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 20

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Tod put his keys on the long, narrow wooden table by the front door. Jamie had found the old piece of furniture at a garage sale, refinished it, and turned it into a unique conversation piece. She was so talented and so creative. He loved that about her. The house was far from completely decorated and they both agreed to take their time choosing pieces of furniture, art, and decorations carefully. They wanted their home to be perfect.

  Tod headed into the kitchen and was surprised to see grocery bags still filled with food sitting on the kitchen counter and it didn’t look like Jamie had started cooking yet. The large gallon container of milk was sitting on the counter near the kitchen sink and he assumed she forgot to put it in the refrigerator. He lifted the container and headed across the kitchen when suddenly he stopped.

  The milk was warm, too warm. His gut was telling him something was up as he tried to remain calm. He instantly took out his revolver, looking around the living room and first floor of the house, and then headed up the stairs.

  The first thing he noticed was the warm heat that hit his face and body as he entered the hallway. The air-conditioning wasn’t turned on. It was very warm. His eyes were pulled toward the broken planter that lay scattered across the floor. Did Precious knock it over again? Where was Precious? He wondered as he became more frantic, practically running toward the bedroom.

  The bedroom door was slightly ajar and he pointed his gun allowing his training to take over as he pushed the door opened with his other hand.

  It was dark and he could hardly make out the figure on the bed.

  Something jumped toward him but he didn’t shoot as he heard the cat cry out as Precious jumped off the bed.

  “Freeze right there,” he told the person as he reached to the sidewall to flick the light switch on.

  As the dark room instantly turned bright his mouth dropped at the sight and his arms fell to his side as he saw Jamie tied to the bed, beaten and bloodied.

  He ran to her, screaming her name, praying she wasn’t dead as he went around the side noting the path he took, trying not to disturb any possible evidence. He was thinking like a detective, even at a time like this. First he had to see if she was alive then take the next step.

  As he reached toward her neck placing his two fingers gently against it, he felt the slightest pulse. She was alive but just barely.

  He reached for his cell phone first calling 911 then the police department. As he spoke to the homicide commander, he noticed the letter lying next to his wife. He didn’t touch it but knew it was from the serial killer. The one who was after Jamie’s cousin Grace.

  “Jamie, Jamie, can you hear me?” Tod kept repeating, but his wife was unresponsive. He untied her wrists from the bedpost, gently placing them at her side.

  As he looked at her, his heart ached. He felt helpless and scared. He carefully pulled the tape from her eyes and she didn’t move at all. He feared the worse. Her eyes were swollen, there was some kind of brown oily liquid pooled around them and her cheeks were cut and bruised. The slightest smell of motor oil filled his nostrils. She lay there, clothes torn off of her, cuts on her chest and belly. Tod closed his eyes as tight as he could.

  This can’t be real. I can’t lose Jamie.

  He heard the sirens in the distance. Then the front door opened. There was stomping up the stairs, and he turned to see the police officer’s guns drawn until they caught sight of him. He recognized the cop. It was a friend of his, Billy Butler.

  “The paramedics just pulled up. Is she alive, Tod?”

  Tod nodded his head then stared at his wife.

  Not long after the other detectives, his friends showed up along with Frank.

  The paramedics were taking care of Jamie as the detectives were snapping pictures trying to maintain their professionalism and not contaminate any possible forensic evidence left behind. If Jamie died, they would need as much evidence as possible.

  Tod followed the gurney out of the bedroom and met Frank in the hallway. One of the patrol officers was explaining the situation.

  “It was the killer, Frank. He went after Jamie. She could die,” Tod told him as he combed his fingers through his hair and blinked his eyes trying to stop the tears from escaping.

  “How do you know, Tod?” he began to ask, but Tod cut him off.

  “There’s one of his sick fucking poems on the bed. He was going to kill her. I didn’t touch it but I could read it from where I stood. He knows how close Jamie and Grace are. He’s trying to make a point. She might die, man,” Tod repeated as Frank put his hand on his shoulder.

  “You go with Jamie. I’m going to make sure everything goes smoothly here. Then I’ll come to the hospital. She’s going to make it, Tod,” Frank said.

  Tod looked around his house as he descended the staircase. His house was swarming with police. His home was being invaded, violated and he thought of his young twenty-five-year-old wife and what she must have gone through. He prayed she would survive this as he jumped into the ambulance with her.

  * * * *

  “What do have so far, guys?” Frank asked as he stood in the bedroom doorway.

  “Well we have the note bagged, we’re gathering some fingerprints off of the dresser by the bed as well as the cord that opens the blinds. Tod said they were closed when he entered the room. Tod really kept it together, man. I don’t think I could have done that,” one of the detectives said and the others around the room agreed.

  Frank took the letter from the Detective.

  “Are you sure you want to see that?” the other detective asked and Frank nodded as he began to read.

  My dearest Grace, a gift for thee,

  I could have killed her so easily.

  She’s not like you, none of them come close,

  You’re the one I want, need, desire the most.

  I will continue to pursue my hobby, my pleasure,

  Until your safe return home, my love, my treasure.

  Frank stood there disgusted and angry. This guy had no fear. He was determined to get to Grace. His poor sister, what would she do when she found out? He thought about his family and about poor Jamie. Detectives continued to gather possible evidence and then Federal agents arrived on the scene. Agent Lancaster and Agent Sullivan along with Jim and Teddy.

  “What’s that you have, Detective Thompson?” Agent Lancaster asked Frank.

  Frank was a bit annoyed with the agent. They didn’t hit it off very well from the start.

  “A letter the killer left. It’s been bagged, noted, and we have established a chain of custody for all evidence. This is the searching officer who’s in charge of it.” Frank pointed to one of the patrol officers, Billy Butler. The young cop moved forward but Lancaster didn’t acknowledge him. Instead he took the evidence out of Frank’s hands and read the letter. Frank rolled his eyes at Lancaster and the officer shook his head in agreement. Apparently Frank wasn’t the only one the agent pissed off.

  Just then Lieutenant Donald Friedman entered the house. He went directly toward Frank and the agent.

  “What happened, Frank? I heard over the radio that Tod called for an ambulance and that the killer was here. Is Jamie all right?” he asked, worried about his new daughter-in-law.

  “She’s at the hospital, Donald. Tod went into the ambulance with her. She’s alive.” Frank didn’t add anything more.

  “Where were you before, Lieutenant?” Agent Lancaster asked Donald. Frank and Donald looked at him funny.

  “What do you mean? When?” Donald asked defensively.

  “You left the office as soon as Sarah Thompson came in around lunchtime. Where did you go? I was looking for you,” Lancaster asked. Frank thought Lancaster sounded like he didn’t trust Donald one bit.

  “What do you think, Agent Lancaster, that Donald had something to do with this?” Frank asked the agent, speaking rather loudly.

  At this point the room and hallway became quiet as the detectives and patrol officers looked on.

  “I think you
need to go back to the office. I have a few questions for you, Lieutenant,” Lancaster said, not backing down from his suspicion.

  “Well, your questions can just wait. I’m going to the hospital to be with my son and daughter-in-law. I’d be careful if I were you.” Donald pointed at Lancaster’s face. Agent Sullivan stepped between the two men.

  “Just go to the hospital, Donald. We’ll take care of things here,” Frank said as Donald gave the agent a dirty look and headed down the hallway.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Agent Lancaster? Donald?” Frank asked.

  “You’re not in charge of this investigation, Frank. I am and I don’t need to inform you about information I might have. Remember who’s in charge.” Agent Lancaster and Agent Sullivan walked away from Frank.

  “What an asshole,” Frank said, as he looked toward the bedroom where other detectives and police officers stood watching him.

  * * * *

  Grace, Sandman, Big Jay, and Duke were sitting on the porch enjoying the beautiful clear night along with some coffee. Grace was telling them about Europe.

  “My mom told me to be careful when I left. That many Europeans were interested in marrying American women so they could get to the United States and become citizens. Anyway it was my first month in Venice. I was supposed to meet some friends after dinner at a local dance club in town but first I was in the mood for lasagna.” Duke caressed her shoulder. She was leaning against him as they sat on the porch swing.

  “The night was beautiful, kind of like tonight. You could hear the echo of police sirens in the air. You know they drive ridiculously fast in Europe? There are constant automobile accidents. Anyway a bunch of us decided to treat ourselves to a gourmet, four-course Italian feast. What better place to go than to a four-star Italian restaurant? The atmosphere was amazing, so authentic and cultural. Italian opera music filled the air and not from some stereo unit. It was the real thing. A twelve-piece orchestra played beautiful music, we drank wine, and tried to speak Italian,” she said, giggling as she remembered the night’s events.

  “Sounds delicious,” Duke whispered then kissed her shoulder. She smiled at him.

  “We started off with some stuffed artichokes, homemade roasted peppers in extra virgin olive oil, fresh baked Italian bread, rolls, and specially seasoned dipping oil. It was fantastic. By the time the entrees came we were stuffed and the waiter, a very handsome young man, was catering to me hand and foot. The others picked up on it right away but it wasn’t until I received my piece of lasagna that I noticed something was up.

  “Three of my other friends ordered the same thing but my piece was huge. It was so delicious that I ate the entire thing and noticed the waiter stood and watched me.

  “He asked my friend in Italian and broken English if I enjoyed the meal and of course I told him how wonderful it was and he was extremely pleased.

  “Our espresso arrived along with dessert containing fresh, homemade Italian cookies and pastries. There were cannoli, cream puffs, you name it and the waiter brought over some gelato that was out of this world. It was so delicious and as I finished it another waiter and a busboy came around and placed two more servings in front of me. My friends were laughing and of course I was so embarrassed. I declined the other dishes of gelato, laughing and wondering what was going on.

  “My friend Marcia spoke Italian and just as she was going to ask why the waiter and everyone were paying so much attention to me, the waiter emerged from the kitchen with the cook, an older woman, and two other young men in their late twenties.

  “The other patrons in the restaurant looked on, some saying hello and waving to them, obviously knowing the people.

  “It turned out they were the waiter’s brothers, mother, and father.

  “They asked my friend Marcia if I was betrothed to anyone and if I would be interested in accompanying their son the waiter to the local dance club down the street,” Grace said then laughed.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me? That sounds like something out of a movie,” Duke stated.

  “I thought of my mom instantly and what she said about the men wanting to find American women to marry and I freaked out. I was going straight back to the hotel, alone and unbetrothed,” she said and Big Jay, Duke, and Sandman laughed.

  “It must have been an amazing experience living in Europe, learning about the different cultures and language. You probably have a lot of stories,” Sandman said and Grace smiled.

  “I guess I do have a few. It was great. I hope to go back someday. But not alone. The cities are too romantic. Venice, Florence, even Paris and Madrid. It would be wonderful to share it with someone special.”

  She smiled at the thought.

  “Do you ever think about settling down here in the States? You know, trying to find a photography gig that’s closer to your family?” Duke asked, and she swallowed hard. She never thought about returning home. She was in the midst of an amazing career. She was young and at the top in her field.

  “I still have a lot to accomplish. I’ve won some awards and I’m considered one of the best at my job. I’m supposed to go to Milan in a week. I haven’t even spoken to my boss about it.”

  “You can’t go if this killer is still out there,” Sandman stated and she heard the hint of regret in his voice.

  “I have a career. If I don’t go and do that job, I might as well kiss my entire profession and the last three years good-bye.”

  “We were kind of hoping that you would consider staying with us. This house is an hour’s drive from Houston. You could visit your family anytime and they can even come stay here. We have the extra two bedrooms,” Duke said.

  “What about your careers?”

  “I would still work SWAT and train. Big Jay can still do his private investigator stuff and Sandman can pick and choose when he wants to take on a job,” Duke stated as if he had everything planned out. Grace felt her belly tighten. This was going too fast.

  “So what you’re saying, Duke, is that you three get to keep your careers while I have to change mine?” She sat forward in the seat.

  “You wouldn’t have to change careers, just change locations and stay locally instead of overseas,” Big Jay said.

  “I photograph models. That means major exotic locations. Houston does not fit into that category. Models in bikinis on beaches with tropical surroundings.”

  “There’s no need to get upset over it. We’ll work it out,” Big Jay said.

  “Where are we anyway?” she asked them, trying to change the subject. It seemed she had a lot to think about, including whether love was enough to make this relationship work out.

  “An hour outside of Houston. We have a small town a few miles down the road. There’s a bus stop, a deli, diner, hardware store, et cetera. There are miles between properties, the way we like it,” Duke stated.

  “It’s a vacation place for us. We do have a house not too far from the city. It’s more suburban like with shopping centers and restaurants,” Sandman added.

  “Yeah, some close friends of ours own a bar restaurant called Casper’s. That’s the main hangout. We have a nice place there and the area is surrounded with ex-military types, like us,” Big Jay told her. She absorbed what they were saying, but her gut felt as if it were in knots. There was so much to be concerned over. She was in no position to make plans for the future.

  Just then Sandman’s cell phone rang and he answered it while walking out of the room. Grace watched him walk away, smiling at the thought of sharing Europe with him and his brothers, but they seemed to have different plans. Would this be what would tear their relationship apart, before they even got fully started?

  Duke and Big Jay were quiet as they all sat there. She wondered if they were thinking what she was and that maybe this relationship wouldn’t work out. She didn’t like the feeling she had.

  Just then, Sandman walked back into the room.

  He didn’t look happy, his face was flushed and he was having a hard time
keeping eye contact with Grace.

  “Is everything okay?” Big Jay asked.

  Sandman walked over to her, knelt down on the floor and took her hand into his.

  “That was Frank who called. The killer went after Jamie,” he said and then looked down.

  “What? No! Oh God. Oh my God. No. Please tell me she isn’t…”

  “She’s alive, Grace. Just barely but she’s alive. He didn’t kill her.”

  Both Big Jay and Duke were next to her, too.

  “It’s okay, honey,” Big Jay said and Grace looked up at him with tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “Where is Jamie now, Sandman?” Duke asked and Grace was grateful, because she couldn’t speak. She was crying and her heart ached something terrible. Poor Jamie.

  “She’s in intensive care. Tod is with her as well as Donald and your family.” Sandman placed his hand over hers and squeezed it.

  “Tell me everything. Don’t leave anything out.” She wiped her tears.

  “Grace, I don’t think—”

  “No! You will not keep this from me,” Grace interrupted as she stood up and pushed their hands away from her.

  He remained silent as he stood there towering over her with one hand on his hip and the other running through his hair.

  “You don’t think what? For God’s sake, Sandman, he’s going after my family. Jamie’s my cousin. What does he want? What did they find?” She raised her voice. The anger, the frustration was getting to her.

  * * * *

  Sandman tried to remain calm and empathetic. He knew Grace was going to take this badly. She was on to the police procedures, the practices, the way they collected evidence. She was so smart but he wanted to protect her. The letter this time was taunting her. The killer wanted her to come home and there was no way Sandman would allow that.

  “No, Grace. It’s not important right now. Your cousin is alive.”


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