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Past Will Haunt

Page 28

by Morgan Kelley

  “Jesus! When someone lies…”

  Yeah, she knew what that meant.

  “Chris, tell me I’m not insane to think that this guy is the one.”

  He thought about everything she told him. “I think you might have found him. An ex art student creating something from the dead? Yeah, that’s a big red flag.”

  “I need more. This is circumstantial. I don’t have anything on him yet, but in a day or two, I will. I just have to tie him to that pub.”

  “I’ll see what else I can find for you. I’ll search the internet. I’m done for the night.”

  “Will you be there?”


  “Call me when you find anything else.”

  She hung up.

  Elizabeth headed back toward the crime scene. What she needed was a camera showing Seamus near the pub when any of the women died.

  She needed to tie him to it, or they’d never have enough evidence to get a warrant for his DNA so they could end his killing spree. Him lying, and being from Boston wasn’t enough. Every judge in the city would laugh in her face.


  Elizabeth popped some gum into her mouth and found that deep well of determination. She may be exhausted, but she had a suspect. This was the beginning of the end for him.

  She could feel it.

  One way or another, ‘The Butcher’ was going down.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Gabe’s Brownstone

  Livy tried to stop glancing over at the clock, but it wasn’t easy. As she sat there watching television, beside her sat her cell phone and Glock. As she kept the channel on the news, she calmed down when she saw Gabe on the screen.

  He looked so handsome standing beside the director of the FBI. She imagined that one day, when the man retired, Gabe would be in that power position.

  He’d be the one addressing the media, not as an agent, but as someone with so much power.

  Her heart swelled.

  She couldn’t believe her luck. He was going to be her husband.

  As she went to flip the channel, waiting for the conference to begin, she heard something.

  Livy hit mute.

  There was nothing.

  As she went to turn the sound back up, she heard what sounded like footsteps on the roof.

  Yeah, that couldn’t be good.

  Then again, there was nothing.

  Maybe she was getting paranoid. It might just be some fat squirrel making its way to a tree.


  As she was just about ready to talk herself out of the possibility that there was an intruder, there was another thump, but this time it was right above her.

  She moved.

  Grabbing the phone, she called Gabe.

  It went right to voice mail.




  Someone was in the brownstone, she was alone, and Gabe wasn’t answering his phone. She probably shouldn’t have told him she was going to call for phone sex. In hindsight, she didn't blame him for not taking the call.

  Livy thought about her partner. Elizabeth was supposed to be heading her way. She had one chance left. As she placed her back to the one wall, she made the call.

  “LaRue,” she said.

  “Lyzee, I need you,” she whispered.


  “I’m at Gabe’s and someone is upstairs. I’m going to try and find him.”

  “Don’t! Get out of the house!”

  “He told me not to leave the house, Elizabeth, and he might be right. What if the killer wants me out there?”

  Elizabeth was well aware, but she’d have a better fighting chance. “If he’s inside, you’re trapped. Get out!”

  She hesitated. “Okay, but stay on the phone with me. I’ve never been more scared.”

  Elizabeth had already hit lights and sirens as she tore through Georgetown and toward Gabe’s home. “I’m here. I won’t leave you.”

  As she focused on the drive, she heard Livy breathing.

  “I’m almost there,” she said. “I just have to unchain the door.”

  “I’ll be at Gabe’s in fifteen minutes, Livy. Get to the street and start screaming or firing your gun. Someone will call the police.”

  She didn't hear anything.


  Elizabeth waited.

  Then, she heard the scream.

  Right before the phone went dead.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Gabe was about to go on.

  He and the director had conferred and made up their minds on how they wanted to handle it. As soon as this case was done, he was a shoe in for the deputy position.

  He could tell.

  Despite them not having the killer, the director liked him. It was his saving grace.

  As the boss was giving his portion of the speech, his phone vibrated. Gabe looked down.


  It was Livy.

  As much as he wanted a sexy conversation, this wasn’t the time. He had to be focused, and she was too much of a wild card.

  He sent it to voicemail.

  As he was practicing his information in his head, the phone buzzed again.

  He glanced down.

  It was Elizabeth.

  He sent it to voicemail.

  When he didn't answer it, he immediately got a text.

  What the hell was going on?

  Glancing down, he read it.

  ‘Killer is at your house inside with Livy. I’m on my way. I won’t make it. You have to get home. ASAP!’

  Gabe didn't hesitate.

  He jumped from the platform and raced for his car. Screw the job. There was something far more important at stake.


  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  When she woke up, she tried to scream. Only, she had a balled up pair of gym socks shoved in her mouth. Immediately, she wanted to cry.

  Livy knew she was dead.

  She was naked, bound, blindfolded, and he was right there.

  Honestly, she wanted to beat the hell out of herself for being so stupid. That minute of hesitation, when Elizabeth told her to run, had cost Livy her life.

  She’d never see Gabe again.

  “I see you’re awake.”

  Livy began praying she’d survive. If she was going to last long, she needed to keep a cool head. She was well aware of what was going to happen first.

  He was going to rape her.

  Still, she had to accept that was better than the end result. She didn't want him touching her, but if it came down to rape or being slaughtered, she knew which she preferred.

  She struggled.

  He struck her across the face.

  “I’m going to hurt you so bad, Helena. Before this is over, you’re going to beg.”

  She memorized the name and the sound of his voice. He was insane. This man didn't have a clue.

  “When I’m done with you, I’ll make you beautiful. You shouldn’t have broken my heart. Had you stayed with me, I would be an artist, and you would be my wife.”


  She’d heard his voice before.



  Livy struggled as he climbed onto the kitchen island. She could feel the cold marble against her back and the press of his legs against her body.

  In her head, she was screaming for help. She was begging to survive this.

  She wanted Gabe.

  She needed him.

  As he touched her, she tried to move away, but his body was pinning hers. When she heard the slide of a zipper, she knew she was in trouble.

  He was going to violate her.

  She began begging any power that be to save her, to get Elizabeth there sooner, or Gabe home.


  Livy didn't want to go down like this.

  She didn't want to be a Fed anymore.

  When she felt his br
eath on her neck, the tears came. When she felt the nudge of his erection, she wanted to throw up. When he slid into her, Livy shut down.

  In that horrible moment, she became a victim.

  To make it worse, she was about to become one of the women she’d stood over in their death.

  He was raping her.

  Then he was going to kill her.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Elizabeth was the first one there. She suspected Gabe would be right behind her, so she didn't hesitate. As her lights and sirens screamed, she raced toward the door.

  She didn't have time to use the key Gabe had given her. Instead, she booted the door.

  It took a few tries, but she was able to crack the frame. As she pushed it open, the house was dark except for the kitchen.

  That’s when she saw Livy.

  She was bound, naked, and had tears streaming down her cheeks.


  She prayed she wasn’t too late.

  As she moved toward her, she talked to her. “Livy, I’m here,” she said. “Is he gone?”

  There were only muffled sobs.

  Elizabeth pulled the gag and blindfold from her partner’s face before she noticed that the back door was open.

  The killer had run.

  Livy didn't answer her. Instead, she sobbed over and over again, begging him to stop.

  That alone told Elizabeth one thing.

  She’d been too late. Livy was in shock. Holstering her sidearm, she grabbed a knife that was sitting there. Picking it up, she saw the dried blood.

  He’d left it behind.

  Then something shiny caught her eye. It was a medallion. He’d obviously planned on leaving it behind.

  Now she had it.

  This was how they were going to nail him. With Livy’s help, they’d send him away for a long time. She had a suspect, and all she had to do was get her partner to ID him. DNA and her testimony would put him away.

  She cut her free.

  Immediately, Livy raced for the bathroom. Elizabeth thought she was going to throw up. When she heard the shower go on, she realized that Livy wasn’t going to testify.

  Her partner was destroying the evidence.

  They were screwed.

  They both knew that she needed trace and a rape kit. In the middle of the trauma, the woman made up her mind.

  Elizabeth closed her eyes.

  Well, fuck.

  She heard the extra sirens, and knew she had to face Gabe. She’d failed in keeping her promise. She’d screwed up. Had fate been on her side, she could have had this creep earlier.

  “Where is she?” he blurted, racing into the kitchen.

  Elizabeth stared at him. “He raped her.”

  He slid to a stop. Where she expected anger from him, there wasn’t any. Instead, Gabe’s eyes filled with tears. He rushed toward the bathroom and the sound of running water. As he pushed open the door, he saw the woman he loved.

  Bruises were forming on her.

  She was battered.

  She was broken.

  As he moved toward her, she opened her eyes. The second she saw him, the tears flooded free. They were hot, bitter, and poured from her in a wave.

  “Livy, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you. I shouldn’t have…”

  He reached for her.

  She moved away, a broken creature now afraid of touch.

  “We have to get you to the hospital.”

  Her eyes went big. “NO! NO! NO!” she began to hyperventilate. “I can’t. Please don’t let them touch me!”

  Gabe did the only thing he could. He dropped his gun and badge, kicked off his shoes, and went in with her. At the bottom of his tiled shower, he held her in his arms. She fought, but then relented. As she curled into him, she reminded Gabe of a broken child.

  “Please keep me safe,” she whispered. “Oh, God, please keep me safe. Don’t let him come back for me.”

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he said, stroking her bruised cheek. “I’ll keep you safe, Livy. I’ll never let him near you again.”

  “He ruined me. I’m damaged.”

  Her teeth chattered despite the scalding water.

  Gabe had dealt with a lot of survivors. He knew what he had to do. “We’ll get through this. You and I will find our way. I won’t let him touch you. I’ve got you from here on out, Livy. I will keep you protected. No matter what he did, it doesn’t change us.”

  She sobbed at his words.

  Elizabeth stood in the doorway. She wept for what her best friends were going through. She knew this was going to be hard. She knew it was going to change them.

  How could it not?

  The storm was only beginning, and she’d broken a promise. She’d told Gabe she’d handle this.

  And she failed.

  She let them both down. This was on her.

  He looked up at her, and the pain was in his eyes. As the water covered him and Livy, it didn't wash anything away. That stain would be there forever, and they both knew it.

  “We need to…”

  He shut her down. “No. She doesn’t want anyone to know he hurt her.” Gabe couldn’t say the ‘R’ word. It wouldn’t form on his lips. “She’s not going through with it. I won’t do that to her and neither will you! Screw this case. He’s not going to humiliate her anymore.” There was no way in hell he’d let a defense lawyer tear her to shreds on the stand, making her the one under the microscope.



  Elizabeth didn't blame her, but she also wanted to rage around too. She needed Livy. She needed proof. This maniac was moving so fast, that she didn't have time.

  He might be out finding someone else to replace Livy.

  If her partner didn't help, they were screwed.

  “Get out.”


  “I said, get the fuck out.”

  It was like a slap. Here was the anger she expected. She’d been late. In those precious moments, it had cost Livy, Gabe, and now her too.

  Livy wasn’t the only victim here.

  Everything had changed.

  Her heart ached, but she moved away. She closed the door, knowing she needed to push on. This wasn’t over. It couldn’t be.

  Pulling out her phone, she dialed the only person left in her life she could trust.

  “Elizabeth?” he asked.

  “Chris, I need you to print out that man’s picture, and I need you to get to this address.”

  She rattled it off.

  “You don’t sound good.”

  “He raped Livy,” she whispered. It hurt to even say it. “He got to her. I missed him again. It’s all my fault! I was too slow!”

  He didn't hesitate. “I’ll be right there. We’ll get through this,” he offered.

  She didn't believe him.

  Elizabeth knew better.

  This changed everything, and she knew it.

  When she hung up, Elizabeth walked outside and turned off the sirens in both their vehicles. The police had gathered, but she lied to them. Elizabeth crossed that line, making up some cockamamie story about an alarm going off inside the residence.

  They bought it.

  As did the neighbors.

  Already, Elizabeth was starting the downward slide.

  Once back inside, she walked around the room to find anything that would help her.

  She had his knife.

  She had the medallion.

  But that was it.

  Without an ID, she couldn’t tie the DNA or the fingerprints to him, and he likely knew it.

  At the creak of floor, she spun, going for her gun. Instead of a maniac, she saw Gabe carrying Livy out of the bathroom. He was dripping wet as his clothes clung to him, and she was wrapped in so many towels as she shivered in his arms.

  Elizabeth cringed for the lost innocence.

  She cringed for the next victim.

  Giving Livy the option to not get
the rape kit meant one thing. They were giving this maniac a free shot at his next victim.

  Saving Livy from court and the public scrutiny of her assault meant sacrificing the next victim to ‘The Butcher’.

  It was a choice they had to make, and yet it didn't sit well with her.

  “Livy wants to go to sleep. I’m going to put her in my bed and watch over her.”

  She was torn.

  Training kicked in.

  “You can’t. I have to question her.”

  He glared at her. “It’s not going to happen! Even you can’t be that cold.”

  Yes, she was being cold. Unfortunately, someone had to be.

  Elizabeth tried to stay calm.

  She tried not to let it hurt, but it did. The line was drawn and on one side were the two people she loved. The other side she stood with the law.

  There had to be a way to get justice.

  “I get it. I know that the last thing you want to do is have her talk to me, but I have to do this, Gabe. You want him caught, right?”

  “I want him dead.”

  The words shook her as reality set in.

  She wanted him dead too.

  As she went to speak, there was a knock on the door behind them. Chris poked his head in.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Gabe growled.

  Livy crawled even closer into his body—if that was possible.

  “He’s a doctor, and he’s brought a photo with him. I have a suspect. I need Livy to ID him, and then I’ll handle it.”

  “She’s not going to court. You’re not going to make her endure the kit. I’m not letting it happen.”

  She figured as much.

  Chris stood by Elizabeth. He placed his hand on her arm. “Let me help.”

  They all stared at the young man. He was a child, barely out of med school, and an ME.

  “What’s he supposed to do?” Gabe asked, holding Livy closer.

  Before anyone could speak, a tirade of profanity came flooding from the man before them.

  They were both in shock.


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