by Steven Moore
Irving, Washington. A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, by Fray Antonio Agapida. Ed. Earl N. Harbert and Miriam J. Shillingsburg. Boston: Twayne, 1988.
Isla, José Francisco de. The History of the Famous Preacher Friar Gerund de Campazas: Otherwise Gerund Zotes. Trans. Thomas Nugent. 2 vols. London: Davies, 1772.
―. Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias Zotes. Ed. José Jurado. Madrid: Gredos, 1992.
Jean Paul. See Richter, Jean Paul.
Jippensha Ikku. Shank’s Mare. Trans. Thomas Satchell. 1929. Rutland, VT: Tuttle, 1960.
Johnson, Samuel. The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. Ed. Jessica Richard. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview, 2008.
Johnstone, Charles. The History of Arsaces. NY: Garland, 1974.
―. Chrysal; or, The Adventures of a Guinea. Ed. Kevin Bourque. 2 vols. Kansas City: Valancourt, 2011.
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. NY: Viking, 1939.
Kahlert, Karl Friedrich. The Necromancer, The Tale of the Black Forest. Trans. Peter Teuthold (i.e., Peter Will). Chicago: Valancourt, 2007.
Keene, Donald, ed. Anthology of Japanese Literature from the Earliest Era to the Mid-Nineteenth Century. NY: Grove, 1955.
Kepler, Johannes. Kepler’s Somnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy. Trans. Edward Rosen. Madison: U Wisconsin P, 1967.
Keymer, Thomas, and Peter Sabor, eds. The Pamela Controversy: Criticisms and Adaptations of Samuel Richardson’s Pamela, 1740–1750. 6 vols. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2001.
Kidgell, John. The Card. NY: Garland, 1974.
Kirkman, Francis. See also Head, Richard; Peterson, Spiro.
―. The Unlucky Citizen. London: Francis Kirkman, 1673.
Kundera, Milan. Slowness. Trans. Linda Asher. NY: HarperCollins, 1996.
Kyokutei Bakin. See Takizawa Bukin.
Kim Manjung. See Rutt, Richard, and Kim Chong-un.
―. Kuunmong: The Cloud Dream of the Nine. Trans. James S. Gale. 1922. Fukuoka, Japan: Kurodahan, 2003.
L―s, Sir W―. Young Hocus; or, The History of John Bull. London: J. Bird, 1790.
La Calprenède, Gautier de Costes, sieur de. [Cleopatra] Hymen’s Præludia, or, Love’s Masterpiece. Trans. Robert Loveday, John Davies, et al. London: Peter Parker, 1674.
―. The Famous History of Cassandra. Trans. “by several hands.” London: Isaac Cleave, 1703.
―, and Pierre d’Ortigue, sieur de Vaumorière. Pharamond, or, The History of France. Trans. John Phillips. London: Bassett, Dring, & Cademan, 1677.
Lafayette, Marie-Madeleine de. The Princesse de Clèves | The Princesse de Montpensier | The Comtesse de Tende. Trans. Terence Cave. NY: Oxford UP, 1992.
―. The Princess of Clèves. Trans. Thomas Sargent Perry and John D. Lyons. NY: Norton, 1994.
―. Zayde: A Spanish Romance. Trans. Nicholas D. Paige. Chicago: U Chicago P, 2006.
Lakhnavi, Ghalib, and Abdullah Bilgrami, eds. See The Adventures of Amir Hamza and/or The Romance Tradition in Urdu.
La Roche, Sophie von. The History of Lady Sophia Sternheim. Trans. Christa Baguss Britt. Albany: State U New York P, 1991.
Lee, Sophia. The Recess; or, A Tale of Other Times. Ed. April Alliston. Lexington: UP Kentucky, 2000.
Lennox, Charlotte. The Life of Harriot Stuart, Written by Herself. Ed. Susan Kubica Howard. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1995.
―. The Female Quixote. Ed. Amanda Gilroy and Wil Verhoeven. NY: Penguin, 2006.
―. Henrietta. Ed. Ruth Perry and Susan Carlile. Lexington: UP Kentucky, 2008.
Lesage, Alain-René. Asmodeus; or, The Devil on Two Sticks. Trans. Joseph Thomas. 1841. NY: Bibliophilist Society, 1932.
―. Le Diable boiteux. Ed. Béatrice Didier. Paris: Flammarion, 2004.
―. The Devil upon Crutches. Trans. Tobias Smollett. Ed. O M Brack, Jr., and Leslie A. Chilton. 1759. Athens: U Georgia P, 2005.
―. The History of Gil Blas of Santillana. Trans. Henri Van Laun and Henri Roberts. 3 vols. 1886/1898. Philadelphia, Rittenhouse, n.d. [1905?]
Lesuire, Robert-Martin. The Savages of Europe. Trans. James Pettit Andrews. London: Davies, 1764.
―. The French Adventurer, or Memoirs of Gregoire Merveil, Marquis d’Erbeuil. Trans. unknown. 3 vols. London: John Bew, 1791.
Lewis, Matthew Gregory. The Monk. Ed. Howard Anderson. NY: Oxford UP, 1980.
The Life and Memoirs of Ephraim Tristram Bates. NY: Garland, 1974.
Li Ju-chen [Li Ruzhen]. “The Storming of the Passes of the Four Vices,” 3–71. Trans. H. C. Chang. In his Allegory and Courtesy in Spenser: A Chinese View. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1955.
―. “A Journey into Strange Lands.” Trans. Gladys Yang. Chinese Literature 1 (January–February 1958): 76–122.
―. “The Women’s Kingdom,” 405–66. Trans. H. C. Chang. In his Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1973.
―. Flowers in the Mirror. Trans. Lin Tai-yi. Berkeley: U California P, 1965; rpt. (with Chinese text) 2 vols. Nanjing: Yilin, 2005.
Li Yu. Jou Pu Tuan (The Prayer Mat of Flesh). Trans. Richard Martin (from the German version by Franz Kuhn). 1963. Illustrated ed. NY: Grove, 1967.
―. Silent Operas. Trans. Patrick Hanan. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1990.
―. A Tower for the Summer Heat. Trans. Patrick Hanan. NY: Ballantine, 1992.
―. The Carnal Prayer Mat. Trans. Patrick Hanan. 1990. Honolulu: U Hawaii P, 1996.
The London Jilt; or, The Politick Whore. Ed. Charles H. Hinnant. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview, 2008.
López de Úbeda, Francisco. La Pícara Justina. Ed. Bruno Mario Damiani. Madrid: Turanzas, 1982.
Lu Tiancheng. The Embroidered Couch. Trans. Lenny Hu. Vancouver, BC: Arsenal Pulp, 2001.
Mack, Robert L., ed. Oriental Tales. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.
Mackenzie, Henry. The Man of Feeling. Ed. Brian Vickers. London: Oxford UP, 1967.
Mackenzie, Sir George. Aretina; or, The Serious Romance. Edinburgh: Robert Broun, 1660.
Madden, Samuel. Memoirs of the Twentieth Century: Being Original Letters of State under George the Sixth. Introduction by Malcolm J. Bose. NY: Garland, 1972.
Maistre, Xavier de. Voyage around My Room: Selected Works of Xavier de Maistre. Trans. Stephen Sartarelli. NY: New Directions, 1994.
Manley, Delarivier. The New Atalantis. Ed. Ros Ballaster. NY: Penguin, 1992.
―. The Adventures of Rivella. Ed. Katherine Zelinsky. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview, 1999.
Marana, Giovanni Paolo. Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy. Trans. William Bradshaw. Ed. Arthur J. Weitzman. NY: Columbia UP, 1970.
Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamberlain de. The Life of Marianne: or, The Adventures of the Countess of ***. Trans. unknown (John Lockman?). 2d ed. 2 vols. London: Davis and Vaillant, 1743.
―. Pharsamond, or The New Knight-Errant. Trans. John Lockman. 2 vols. London: Davis and Davis, 1750.
―. The Virtuous Orphan, or The Life of Marianne Countess of *****. Trans. Mary Mitchell Collyer. Ed. William Harlin McBurney and Michael Francis Shugrue. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1965.
―. The Upstart Peasant, or The Memoirs of Monsieur ***. Trans. Benjamin Boyce. Durham, NC: privately printed, 1974.
Markham, Gervase. The English Arcadia. London: Henry Rocket, 1607 [part 1]; London: Thomas Saunders, 1613 [part 2].
Markson, David. This Is Not a Novel. Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 2001.
McLaren, Anne E., trans. The Chinese Femme Fatale: Stories from the Ming Period. Sydney: Wild Peony, 1994.
Mercier, Louis-Sébastien. Memoirs of the Year Two Thousand Five Hundred. Trans. William Hooper. London: Robinson, 1772.
Miller, Stephen D., ed. Partings at Dawn: An Anthology of Japanese Gay Literature. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine, 1996.
Millot, Michel, and Jean L’Ange. The School of Venus. Trans. Donald Thomas. NY: Signet, 1971.
Mingjiaozhongren. The Breeze in the Moonlight. Trans. Henry Bedford-Jones (from the French v
ersion by George Soulié de Morant). NY: Putnam’s, 1926.
Mish, Charles C., ed. The Anchor Anthology of Short Fiction of the Seventeenth Century. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor, 1963.
―. Restoration Prose Fiction 1666–1700: An Anthology of Representative Pieces. Lincoln: U Nebraska P, 1970.
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de. Persian Letters. Trans. Christopher Betts. NY: Penguin, 1973.
Moore, John. Zeluco. Ed. Pam Perkins. Kansas City: Valancourt, 2008.
Morgan, Joseph. The History of the Kingdom of Basaruah and Three Unpublished Letters. Ed. Richard Schlatter. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1946.
Moritz, Karl Philipp. Anton Reiser: A Psychological Novel. Trans. Ritchie Robertson. London: Penguin, 1997.
Nabokov, Vladimir. Pale Fire: A Novel. NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1962.
Naubert, Christiane Benedikte. Herman of Unna: A Series of Adventures of the Fifteenth Century. Trans. unknown. 2 vols. Dublin: Wogan, Byrne, Moore, and Jones, 1794.
Nicolai, Friedrich. The Life and Opinions of Sebaldus Nothanker. Trans. Thomas Dutton. 3 vols. London: Symonds, 1798. See also under Thümmel.
Novalis. Henry von Ofterdingen. Trans. Palmer Hilty. NY: Frederick Ungar, 1964.
―. The Novices of Sais. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1949. Brooklyn: Archipelago, 2005.
Oldys, Alexander. The Fair Extravagant, or The Humorous Bride. London: Charles Blount, 1682.
―. The Female Gallant, or The Wife’s the Cuckold. London: Samuel Briscoe, 1692.
Palmer, Charlotte. It Is, and It Is Not a Novel. London: Hookham & Carpenter, 1792.
Paltock, Robert. The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins. Ed. Christopher Bentley. Introduction by James Grantham Turner. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.
The Peregrinations of Jeremiah Grant, Esq., the West Indian. London: George Burnet, 1763.
Pérez de Hita, Ginés. The Civil Wars of Granada, and the History of the Factions of the Zegries and Abencerrages. Trans. Thomas Rodd. London: Thomas Ostell, 1803.
Peterson, Spiro, ed. The Counterfeit Lady Unveiled and Other Criminal Fiction of Seventeenth-Century England. Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1961.
Philips, Edward. The Adventures of a Black Coat. London: J. Williams, 1760.
The Pinder of Wakefield. Ed. E. A. Horsman. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1956.
Pix, Mary. The Inhumane Cardinal. Ed. Constance Clark. Delmar, NY: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 1984.
Pope, Alexander. The Dunciad in Four Books. Ed. Valerie Rumbold. Rev. ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson/Longman, 2009.
―. See also under Arbuthnot, John.
Prévost, Antoine-François. The Life and Entertaining Adventures of Mr. Cleveland. Trans. unknown. 2d ed. 3 vols. London: Astley, 1741.
―. Memoirs of a Man of Quality. Trans. unknown. 1738. 2 vols. London: Newbery, 1770.
―. The Dean of Coleraine, A Moral History. Trans. unknown. 3 vols. London: Jullion, 1780.
―. Adventures of a Man of Quality. Trans. Mysie E. I. Robertson. London: Routledge, 1930.
―. Manon Lescaut [1731 version]. Trans. Helen Waddell. London: Constable, 1931.
―. Manon Lescaut [1753 version]. Trans. Angela Scholar. NY: Oxford UP, 2004.
―. The Story of a Modern Greek Woman. Trans. Lydia Davis. In Feher’s Libertine Reader, 543–717.
Pure, Michel de. Épigone, histoire du siècle futur. Ed. Lise Leibacher-Ouvrard and Daniel Maher. Quebec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2005.
―. La Précieuse, ou Le Mystère de la ruelle. Ed. Myriam Dufour-Maître. Paris: Champion, 2010.
Pushkin, Alexander. Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse. Trans. Stanley Mitchell. NY: Penguin, 2008.
Puteanus, Erycius. The Vision of Theodorus Verax. Trans. Bryce Blair. London: William Leake, 1671.
Pynchon, Thomas. Gravity’s Rainbow. NY: Viking, 1973.
Quevedo, Francisco de. The Swindler, 81–214. In Two Spanish Picaresque Novels. Trans. Michael Alpert. NY: Penguin, 1969.
Radcliffe, Ann. The Italian; or, The Confessional of the Black Penitents. Ed. Frederick Garber. London: Oxford UP, 1968.
―. The Mysteries of Udolpho. Ed. Bonamy Dobrée and Terry Castle. NY: Oxford UP, 1998.
The Record of the Black Dragon Year. Trans. Peter H. Lee. Seoul: Institute of Korean Culture, 2000.
Reeve, Clara. The Progress of Romance, 161–275. In Bluestocking Feminism: Writings of the Bluestocking Circle, 1738–1785, vol. 6. Ed. Gary Kelly. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1999.
―. The Old English Baron. Ed. James Trainer and James Watt. NY: Oxford UP, 2003.
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas-Edme. Lucilla, or The Progress of Virtue. Trans. unknown. London: Lowndes and Kearsly, 1770.
―. The Corrupted Ones. Trans. Alan Hull Walton. London: Neville Spearman, 1867.
―. Pleasures and Follies of a Good-Natured Libertine. Trans. Pieralessandro Casavini [i.e., Austryn Wainhouse]. Paris: Olympia, 1961.
Reuter, Christian. Schelmuffsky. Trans. Wayne Wonderley. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 1962.
Riccoboni, Marie Jeanne. Letters from Juliet Lady Catesby to Her Friend Henrietta Campley. Trans. Frances Brooke. 2d ed. Dublin: Potts, 1763.
―. The Story of Ernestine. Trans. Joan Hinde Stewart and Philip Stewart. NY: Modern Language Association, 1998.
Richardson, Samuel. Pamela, Volume Two. London: Everyman’s Library, 1914.
―. The History of Sir Charles Grandison. Ed. Jocelyn Harris. 3 vols. London: Oxford UP, 1972.
―. Clarissa; or, The History of a Young Lady. Ed. Angus Ross. NY: Penguin, 1985.
―. Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded. Ed. Thomas Keymer and Alice Wakely. NY: Oxford UP, 2001.
Richter, Jean Paul. Hesperus, or Forty-five Dog-Post-Days. Trans. Charles T. Brooks. 2 vols. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1865.
―. Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces; or, The Wedded Life, Death, and Marriage of Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkæs. Trans. Alexander Ewing. London: George Bell, 1877.
―. Titan: A Romance. Trans. Charles T. Brooks. 1862. 2 vols. NY: Henry Holt, 1877.
―. The Invisible Lodge. Trans. Charles T. Brooks. NY: United States Book Company, 1883.
―. Army-Chaplain Schmelzle’s Journey to Flaetz and Life of Quintus Fixlein. Trans. Thomas Carlyle. 1827. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1991.
―. Jean Paul: A Reader. Ed. Timothy J. Casey. Trans. Erika Casey. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992.
Robinson, Mary. Walsingham; or, The Pupil of Nature. Ed. Julie Shaffer. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview, 2003.
The Romance Tradition in Urdu: Adventures from the Dastan of Amir Hamzah. Trans. Frances W. Pritchett. NY: Columbia UP, 1991.
Roubaud, Jacques. Hortense Is Abducted. Trans. Dominic Di Bernardi. Elmwood Park, IL: Dalkey Archive, 1989.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Julie, or The New Heloise. Trans. Philip Stewart and Jean Vaché. Hanover: UP New England, 1997.
―. Emile, or On Education. Trans. Allan Bloom. Ed. Christopher Kelly. Hanover: UP New England, 2010.
Rowson, Susanna. Charlotte Temple. Ed. Marion L. Rust. NY: Norton, 2011.
Rutt, Richard, and Kim Chong-un, trans. Virtuous Women: Three Masterpieces of Traditional Korean Fiction. Seoul: Korean National Commission for UNESCO, 1974.
Sabor, Peter. See under Keymer, Thomas.
Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François, Marquis de. Aline and Valcour, or The Philosophical Novel. Trans. Geneviève Barque and John Galbraith Simmons. In manuscript.
―. Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue . Trans. Alan Hull Walton. London: Spearman/Holland, 1964.
―. The Complete Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, and Other Writings. Trans. Richard Seaver and Austryn Wainhouse. NY: Grove, 1965.
―. The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings. Trans. Austryn Wainhouse and Richard Seaver. NY: Grove, 1966.
―. Juliette. Trans. Austryn Wainhouse. NY: Grove, 1968.
―. The Misfortunes of Virtue and Other Early Tales. Trans. David Coward. NY: Oxford UP, 1992.
―. The Crimes of Love: Her
oic and Tragic Tales, Preceded by an Essay on Novels. Trans. David Coward. NY: Oxford UP, 2005.
―. Philosophy in the Boudoir, or The Immoral Mentors. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. NY: Penguin, 2006.
Saint-Réal, César Vichard, abbé de. Don Carlos: or, An Historical Relation of the Unfortunate Life, and Tragical Death of that Prince of Spain, Son to Philip the IId. Trans. H. J. London: Herringman, 1672.
Sales, William (attributed). Theophania. Ed. Renée Pigeon. Ottawa: Dovehouse, 1999.
Salzman, Paul, ed. An Anthology of Seventeenth-Century Fiction. NY: Oxford UP, 2001.
Scarron, Paul. The Comical Romance. Trans. Thomas Brown, et al. 1700. NY: Benjamin Blom, 1968.
Schlegel, Friedrich. Lucinda and the Fragments. Trans. Peter Firchow. Minneapolis: U Minnesota P, 1971.
Schiller, Friedrich von. The Ghost-seer: An Interesting Tale from the Memoirs of Count von O**. Trans. Andrew Brown. London: Hesperus, 2003.
Schmidt, Arno. Radio Dialogs I. Trans. John E. Woods. Los Angeles: Green Integer, 1999.
―. Radio Dialogs II. Trans. John E. Woods. Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2003.
The Scotch Marine; or, Memoirs of the Life of Celestina. 2 vols. London: J. Robinson, 1754.
Scott, Sarah. A Description of Millenium Hall. Ed. Gary Kelly. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview, 1995.
―. The History of Sir George Ellison. Ed. Betty Rizzo. Lexington: UP Kentucky, 1996.
―. A Journey through Every Stage of Life. Bluestocking Feminism: Writings of the Bluestocking Circle, 1738–1785, vol. 5. Ed. Gary Kelly. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1999.
Scudéry, Madeleine de. Artamenes, or the Grand Cyrus. Trans. F. G. 5 vols. London: Humphrey Moseley, 1653.
―. Ibrahim, or the Illustrious Bassa. Trans. Henry Cogan. London: Peter Parker, 1674.
―. Clelia, an Excellent New Romance. Trans. John Davies and George Havers. 5 vols. London: Herringman, Newman, et al., 1678.
―. The Story of Sapho. Trans. Karen Newman. Chicago: U Chicago P, 2003.
Segrais, Jean Regnault de. Les Nouvelles françaises, ou les divertissements de la Princess Aurélie. Ed. Roger Guichemerre. 2 vols. Paris: Société des Textes Français Modernes, 1990.
Seward, Anna. Louisa: A Poetical Novel in Four Epistles, 97–148. In Bluestocking Feminism: Writings of the Bluestocking Circle, 1738–1785, vol. 4. Ed. Jennifer Kelly. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1999.