The Novel

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by Steven Moore

  1791 Charlotte Temple Susanna Rowson English 917–19

  1791–95 Horrid Mysteries (The Genius) Carl Grosse German 121–23

  1792 Anna St. Ives Thomas Holcroft English 878–79

  1792 The Necromancer Karl Friedrich Kahlert German 120–21

  1792 The Foresters Jeremy Belknap English 916–17

  1792 It Is, and It Is Not a Novel Charlotte Palmer English 891–93

  1792–1815 Modern Chivalry Hugh Henry Brackenridge English 939–43

  1793 The Invisible Lodge Jean Paul Richter German 134–38

  1794 The Mysteries of Udolpho Ann Radcliffe English 872–73

  1794 Caleb Williams William Godwin English 879–81

  1794–95 Conversations of German Refugees Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German 111–12

  1795 Hesperus Jean Paul Richter German 138–41

  1795 Susanna Susanna Bullock English 893–94

  1795 Philosophy in the Bedroom Marquis de Sade French 424–26

  1795–96 Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German 106–10

  1795–96 William Lovell Ludwig Tieck German 123–25

  1795–1828 Flowers in the Mirror Li Ruzhen Chinese 487–92

  1796 The Monk Matthew Gregory Lewis English 873–74

  1796 Nature and Art Elizabeth Inchbald English 881–82

  1796 Hermsprong Robert Bage English 882–83

  1796 Three Women Isabelle de Charrière French 408–10

  1796 Emma Courtney Mary Hays English 843–44

  1796 Camilla Frances Burney English 835

  1796 Quintus Fixlein Jean Paul Richter German 141–42

  1796 Modern Novel Writing William Beckford English 894–95

  1796–97 Siebenkäs Jean Paul Richter German 142–45

  1797 Walsingham Mary Robinson English 836–38

  1797 The Italian Ann Radcliffe English 875–76

  1797 Juliette Marquis de Sade French 426–32

  1797 The Coquette Hannah Foster English 919–20

  1797 Azemia William Beckford English 895–97

  1797 The Algerine Captive Royall Tyler English 920–24

  1797 The Wrongs of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft English 841–43

  1797–99 Hyperion Friedrich Hölderlin German 129–30

  1798 The Anti-Justine Restif de la Bretonne French 397–98

  1798 Pauliska Jacques-Antoine Révéroni Saint-Cyr French 434

  1798/1803 Northanger Abbey Jane Austen English 897–902

  1798 Wieland Charles Brockden Brown English 924–27

  1799 Ormond Charles Brockden Brown English 927–29

  1799 Arthur Mervyn Charles Brockden Brown English 929–32

  1799 Edgar Huntly Charles Brockden Brown English 932–35

  1799 The Vagabond George Walker English 883–84

  1799 Lucinde Friedrich Schlegel German 126–29

  1800 Castle Rackrent Maria Edgeworth English 856–57

  1800 Memoirs of Modern Philosophers Elizabeth Hamilton English 844–46

  1800 The Novices of Sais Novalis German 131

  1800 Heinrich von Ofterdingen Novalis German 131–33

  1800–3 Titan Jean Paul Richter German 145–50

  1801 Female Quixotism Tabitha Tenney English 936–38

  1801 ff. The Adventures of Amir Hamza anonymous/Lakhnavi/Bilgrami Urdu 535–40

  1802–9 Shank’s Mare Jippensha Ikku Japanese 513–14

  1803 A Tale of Four Dervishes Mir Amman Urdu 533–35

  1807 Days at Florbelle Marquis de Sade French 432–33

  1808 A Captive of Love Takizawa Bakin Japanese 515–16

  1809–13 The Bathhouse of the Floating World Shikitei Sanba Japanese 516–17

  1813–14 The Barbershop of the Floating World Shikitei Sanba Japanese 516–17

  1832–33 Love’s Calendar Tamenaga Shunsui Japanese 517–21

  General Index

  Abad Faciolince, Héctor 814

  Abbott and Costello 17, 513

  Abbt, Thomas 93

  Abencerraje, El 33

  Abish, Walter 58

  Account of Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of a Private Gentleman 657

  Acker, Kathy 338, 434, 815n. 270

  Adams, Henry 943

  Adams, John 911, 940

  Addison, Catherine 36

  Adventures of Amir Hamza 535–9

  Adventures of a Corkscrew 826

  Adventures of Jonathan Corncob 911–16, 924

  Adventures of Lady Egeria 546n. 6

  Adventures of Lindamira 642–4

  Adventures of Sayf ben Dhi Yazan 537

  Adventures of a Valet 786n. 246

  Aeneas Habspurgus 167

  Aeschylus 719

  Aesop 487, 653, 681, 715

  Akinari, Ueda 511

  Alberti, Leon Battista 24, 150, 189n. 17

  Albertinus, Aegidius 62

  Alcalá Yáñez, Jerónimo de 27–8

  Alciphon 85, 88

  Aldington, Richard 224–5nn. 45–6

  Alemán, Mateo 1, 23–6, 28, 30, 32, 45n. 48, 62, 151, 182, 591, 594–5, 598

  Alexander, Gavin 549, 558

  Alexander the Great 81, 90, 198–201, 692, 777

  Alfau, Felipe 376, 814

  Allestree, Richard 711

  All That Jazz 333

  Altenburger, Roland 463

  Amadis de Gaul. See Montalvo, Garci Rodríguez de

  Amicable Quixote, The 823

  Amman, Mir 533–5

  Amoena und Amandus 61

  Amory, Thomas 95, 586, 791–7, 800, 803n. 256, 817, 888

  Anacreon 214

  Anderson, Paul 814

  Anderson, Sherwood 271

  ancients vs. moderns controversy 219, 226, 636–7, 640

  Ando Shoeki 510

  Andreae, Johann Valentin 158

  Anne 653, 698

  Anstey, Christopher 786n. 246

  Anton, Robert 546–8, 718n. 181, 819

  Anton Ulrich von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 61, 73

  Apollinaire, Guillaume 434

  Apuleius 1, 24, 150, 166, 767, 924

  Arabian Nights 39, 194n. 22, 262–6, 334, 336, 358–9, 407, 528n. 112, 536, 706, 847, 849

  Aratus 178n. 8

  Arbuthnot, John 941; John Bull, 652–5, 689, 691, 704, 826, 889, 916–17; Martinus Scriblerus, 90, 694–6, 720, 800, 802, 889, 896

  Aretino, Pietro 165, 239, 351, 425

  Argens, Jean-Baptiste, Marquis d’ 350–3, 401, 425, 751

  Ariosto, Ludovico 189, 535, 550, 590, 644

  Aristotle 632, 718n. 182, 753, 793

  Ariwara no Narihira 504–5

  Armin, Robert 541–3, 562

  Aronson, Nicole 217

  Arrabal, Fernando 814

  Asai Ryoi 502–3, 513

  Ashbery, John, and James Schuyler 543n. 3

  Assarino, Luca 73

  Athenaeus 151, 941

  Atkinson, Geoffroy 228n. 49

  Aubin, Penelope 282–3, 673, 679, 684n. 152, 685, 689, 710, 715

  Audiguier, Vital d’ 189

  Augustine 19

  Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine, Comtesse d’ 83, 258–9, 262, 267

  Austen, Jane 106, 384, 632, 771, 818, 827–8, 833n. 286, 839, 893; Northanger Abbey, 120–3, 618, 835, 897–902

  authors’ estates 433n. 245

  Autumn, Emilie 815n. 270

  Avellaneda, Alonso de 11, 282n. 98

  Awkward 673

  Backscheider, Paula 664n. 130, 668n. 134, 672–3

  Bacon, Francis 158–9, 391, 650, 693

  Bage, Robert 833n. 286, 882–3, 901, 906, 924

  Baker, Ernest 80n. 79, 699

  Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich 61, 182

  Baldwin, William 654

  Ballaster, Ros 609, 651

  Balzac, Honoré de 180, 327, 397, 411, 598n. 64, 815–16

  Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez de 184

  Bana 532–3

  Baneśvara Vidyalankara 532–3

  Bannister, Mark 192, 199, 202, 208, 211
br />   Barchas, Janine 724–5nn. 187–8, 782n. 241

  Barclay, John 45n. 48, 73, 150–6, 161, 164, 166–7, 169, 193, 541, 550, 565, 569, 574, 652, 886

  Barker, Jane 689, 701, 800; The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen, 681–5, 725; Love Intrigues, 673–5, 680, 684; A Patch-Work Screen for the Ladies, 679–81, 682–4

  Barker, Nicola 815n. 270

  Barnes, Djuna 542, 815n. 270

  Baro, Balthasar 171

  Barrie, J. M. 479

  Barrin, Jean 239–40

  Barth, John viii, 5, 189, 234, 363, 580, 642, 723, 815n. 270, 911

  Barthelme, Donald 128

  Barzun, Jacques 193

  Basile, Giambattista 39

  Bastide, Jean-François de 385, 399, 401

  Bataille, Georges 434

  Baudelaire, Charles 434

  Baudier, Michel 205

  Bayle, Pierre 249

  Beasley, Jerry 724, 781, 786

  Beattie, Ann 406

  Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher 547, 612

  Beckett, Samuel 376, 642, 817n. 273

  Beckford, William 264, 901; Azemia, 894–7; Modern Novel Writing, 894–5, 897; Vathek, 849–51, 874

  Bédacier, Catherine Durand 258

  Beer, Johann 71–7, 239

  Beesemyer, Irene 580

  Behn, Aphra 602–11, 613, 651, 674, 682, 688, 700–1, 762, 771; The History of the Nun, 610n. 72, 683; Love Letters between a Nobleman and His Sister, 603–7, 611, 625; Oroonoko, 607–11, 631, 790

  Bekker, Balthasar 278, 281

  Beling, Richard 558–60

  Belknap, Jeremy 916–17, 919n. 18, 921–2, 927

  Bellow, Saul 943

  Bely, Andrei 813

  Benatar, Pat 42

  Bentley, Richard 637

  Berg, Daria 445, 486–7

  Berington, Simon 707–9

  Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri 410–11, 413–14, 421, 435

  Bernhard, Thomas 145

  Béroalde de Verville, François 157, 376

  Bertsch, Janet 77–8

  Bever, Edward 280–1

  Bible 8–9, 65, 78, 82, 281, 289, 353, 391, 541n. 1, 586n. 47, 590, 704, 719–20, 732, 818, 904, 926, 943; Old Testament, 8, 13, 17, 20, 77, 131, 227, 356, 667, 711, 725, 729, 751, 795, 913; New Testament, 17, 94, 104, 399, 711, 720, 754n. 214, 838, 913–14

  Biderman, Jakob 156

  Bighami, Sheik 537

  Bilgrami, Abdullah 535, 538

  Binhammer, Katherine 846

  Biondi, Giovanni Francesco 166

  Birmingham Counterfeit, The 826

  Bissel, Johann 161

  Blackall, Eric A. 112n. 110, 126, 149

  Blackbourn, Richard 617–18

  Blackmur, Richard 753

  Blackwell, Mark 826n. 279

  Blake, William 834, 861–2

  Blakenburg, Friedrich von 88

  Blessebois, Pierre-Corneille 239

  Bloom, Harold 580

  Blue Lagoon 411

  Boccaccio, Giovanni 1, 17, 30, 39, 111, 160, 182, 283, 351, 414, 416, 420, 566, 657, 762n. 221

  Boileau, Nicolas 216, 339

  Bolufer, Mónica 52n. 57

  Bonneville, Douglas A. 361

  Book of Mormon 7

  Book of Songs 465, 470

  book reviewers 96, 135, 140, 257n. 73, 350, 379, 549, 755, 765, 838, 854, 857, 896, 901, 918

  Boon, Louis Paul 814

  Booth, Wayne C. 219, 761, 786n. 246

  Bordelon, Laurent 275–82, 358, 426, 642, 704, 800

  Borges, Jorge Luis 4–6, 47–8, 363, 413, 450, 761, 765

  Bosch, Hieronymus 26, 64

  Bosse, Malcolm 649

  Boswell, James 405, 765n. 225, 863, 864n. 316

  Bote, Hermann 57

  Bougainville, Louis-Antoine 371, 418n. 233

  Bougeant, Guillaume-Hyacinthe 338–41, 342

  Bouhours, Dominque 310

  Bourque, Kevin 825

  Boursault, Edme 289–90, 321, 675n. 138

  Boyce, Benjamin 304, 644

  Boyd, Elizabeth 699–702

  Boyle, Robert 616, 618, 645

  Boyle, Roger 567–9, 616

  Brackenridge, Hugh Henry 812, 938–43

  Bradbury, Malcolm 279n. 96

  Brady, John Paul 694n. 159

  Brahe, Tycho 159

  Bran, Jerónimo de 28n. 28

  Brandt, Jan 815

  Brathwaite, Richard: Panthalia 578–9; The Two Lancashire Lovers, 563–5

  Braudy, Leo 748

  Brautigan, Richard 411, 814

  Bray, Barbara 328

  Brecht, Bertolt 71

  Bremner, Geoffrey 378n. 187

  Bridges, Thomas 826

  Bridges of Madison County 716

  Brissenden, R. F. 424, 808n. 260, 862n. 315

  Brooke, Frances 912; Emily Montague, 830, 909–10; The Excursion, 830

  Brooke, Henry 820–1, 862

  Brooke-Rose, Christine 815n. 270

  Brooks, Charles T. 139, 146, 148

  Brooks, Peter 299, 302

  Broome, William 796

  Brophy, Brigid 815n. 270

  Brossard, Chandler 434, 814

  Brown, Andrew 224

  Brown, Charles Brockden 924–36, 943; Arthur Mervyn, 929–32; Edgar Huntley, 932–5; Ormond, 924n. 23, 927–9, 931; Wieland, 924–9, 932

  Brown, Dan 117

  Brown, Jane 111

  Brown, Thomas 218n. 38, 643

  Brown, William Hill 54, 106n. 104, 914–19, 923, 937

  Browne, Jackson 230

  Browne, Sir Thomas 581

  Brunt, Samuel 689n. 156

  Bryce Echenique, Alfredo 814

  Buchholtz, Andreas Heinrich 61, 73, 156

  Bulgakov, Mikhail 814

  Bullock, Susanna 893–4

  Bulteel, John 218n. 38, 602n. 67

  Bunyan, John 778, 904; Mr. Badman, 596–7, 599, 606; The Pilgrim’s Progress, 47, 63, 500, 541n. 1, 596–7, 621n. 83, 654, 657n. 121, 715, 724, 904–5

  Burke, Edmund 823, 873, 880–1

  Burney, Frances 723, 827–8; Camilla, 835, 896, 902; Cecilia, 833–4, 879, 889, 902; Evelina, 303, 831–3, 840

  Burnham, Michelle 909

  Burroughs, Edgar Rice 48

  Burroughs, William S. 168, 342, 364n. 174, 434, 694

  Burton, Gabrielle 815n. 270

  Burton, Robert viii, 91n. 86, 553, 578n. 38, 800, 802, 805

  Bush, George W. 7

  Busi, Aldo 814

  Butler, Samuel (17th cent.) 38, 582, 602, 718, 720, 751, 791, 920, 939

  Butler, Samuel (19th cent.) 113

  Butler, Sarah 655–6

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord 38, 106, 269, 813, 851, 871

  Cabrera Infante, Guillermo 814, 817n. 273

  Cadalso, José de 53–5, 105

  Cagliostro, Alessandro di 117

  Calvin, John 155, 175, 573

  Calvino, Italo 279n. 96, 362, 373n. 183, 376, 814–15, 817n. 273

  Campaign, The 787n. 246

  Campanella, Tommaso 158, 227, 709

  Campbell, Joseph 681

  Campos, Julieta 815n. 270

  Cao Qujing 463–4, 487

  Cao Xueqin 471–85, 489–91, 495, 634n. 100, 741

  Capote, Truman 269

  Carleton, Mary 591–3

  Carlyle, Thomas 108, 134, 137, 141, 455, 642, 813

  Carnell, Rachel 650

  Carr, John 812

  Carroll, Lewis 225, 279n. 96, 447, 450, 479, 487–8, 694, 813, 860

  Carson, Tom 815

  Carter, Angela 426, 431, 587

  Cartwright, Mrs. H. 840n. 293

  Carver, Raymond 363

  Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo 170, 390–3, 403, 562

  Case of Madam Mary Carleton 591–2

  Casey, Timothy 145

  Cass, Jeffrey 121

  Castiglia, Christopher 903

  Castillo Solórzano, Alonso de 28, 83, 221

  Castle, Terry 742n. 202

  Cavendish, Margaret 586–8

  Caylus, Count de
363n. 174

  Cazotte, Jacques 387–8

  Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee 464–5

  Céline, Louis-Ferdinand 27, 723

  Cent Nouvelles nouvelles 111

  Cervantes, Miguel de 1–23, 30, 36, 86, 120, 177, 376, 642, 742, 800, 845, 924; Don Quixote, 1–18, 22, 24, 33, 38–9, 52, 65, 67, 70, 79–83, 153, 155, 171, 175, 177n. 7, 180, 186–7, 190–1, 220, 236–7, 44, 50, 262, 266, 275–6, 280–1, 282n. 98, 291–3, 297, 311, 322, 450, 547, 550, 554–5, 588, 590–1, 602n. 67, 611–13, 620, 658n. 124, 681, 703, 718–19, 721–3, 752, 757, 772–3, 789, 793, 797, 818–24, 833, 857–8, 880–1, 930, 935–6, 938–9, 941–3; Exemplary Stories, 1–2, 6, 8n. 11, 21–2, 26, 41, 44, 181–2, 217, 221; Galatea, 1, 18, 22, 35, 172, 174; Persiles and Sigismunda, 1, 18–22

  Chaigneau, William 777–9

  Chalcondyles, Laonicus 205

  Challe, Robert 282–6, 303, 312, 345, 401, 410, 672, 679n. 145, 687

  Chamberlayne, William 37, 590

  Chambers, Ephraim 749

  Chang’an Daoren 444, 447

  Chariton 710

  Charke, Charlotte 787n. 246

  Charles I 262, 314, 569, 571, 573

  Charles II 267–8, 314, 569–70, 571, 573, 578, 583, 605, 608, 610, 645, 670

  Charles IX 242

  Charleton, Walter 581

  Charlotte Summers 758–62, 765–6, 778, 787–8, 800, 891

  Charnes, Jean-Antoine de 257n. 72

  Charrière, Isabelle de 405–10; Letters from Lausanne, 406–8; Letters of Mistress Henley, 405–6; The Nobleman, 405; Three Women, 408–11

  Chateaubriand, François-Auguste-René 54

  Chen Duansheng 486

  Cherpack, Clifton 179, 332, 334, 376n. 184

  Chesterfield, Earl of 628, 830

  Choisy, François-Timoléon 258n. 74

  Chopin, Kate 405

  Chorier, Nicolas 165–6, 425

  Cho Songgi 501

  Chrétien de Troyes 38

  Christophersen, Bill 927, 929, 930n. 31, 931, 933–4

  Chulkov, Mikhail 762n. 221

  Chu Renhuo 446

  circulating libraries 852n. 302, 854, 872, 891, 893

  Clarissa Explains It All 741

  Clark, Constance 634

  Clark, Ruth 262, 264, 269

  Clart, Philip 442n. 10

  Cleland, John 745–50, 759, 778, 808, 852, 874

  Clement XI 323

  Cleminshaw, Suzanne 279n. 96

  Cleopatra 201–2, 264, 569

  Cleopatra VIII 202

  Cleora 786n. 246

  Cohen, Joshua 815

  Cohen, Leonard 302

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 758, 765

  Collier, Jane 780n. 239, 783–6

  Collyer, Mary Mitchell 298n. 118

  Colman, George 851–2

  Colonna, Francesco 59, 160n. 154, 204, 385, 585

  Columbus, Christopher 912, 919n. 18

  Compton-Burnett, Ivy 587

  Confucius 441, 455–6, 465, 510

  Congreve, William 602, 627–31, 632n. 97, 641, 781


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