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by Steven Moore

  Connolly, Cyril 806

  Conrad, Joseph 161, 607, 933

  Conroy, Peter V., Jr. 321, 327n. 137, 335

  Constant, Benjamin 405, 408n. 217

  Constant, Samuel de 405

  Constantia 786n. 246

  Cooper, James Fenimore 194, 917, 923, 934–5, 943

  Coover, Robert 5, 14, 186, 363, 364n. 174, 434, 723, 814, 917, 941–2

  Copernicus, Nicolaus 17, 224, 561, 811

  Corneille, Pierre 218, 616

  Cortázar, Julio 814

  Coryat, Thomas 620

  Coste, Guillaume de 189

  Cotton, Charles 615, 745

  Coventry, Francis 765–7, 775, 822

  Cowley, Abraham 612, 621n. 84, 737

  Crébillon, Claude-Prosper Jolylot de 86, 266–7, 321–38, 343–5, 350, 352, 362, 366, 401, 751, 798, 800; Fortunes in the Fire, 328, 331–4; The Happy Orphans, 338, 675n. 138; Letters from the Marchioness de M***, 321–2; The Opportunities of a Night, 328–31, 333–4, 338, 346; The Skimmer, 83, 305, 322–5, 334–5, 336n. 145, 339–40, 353, 705; The Sofa, 334–7, 363, 388, 402, 648; The Wayward Head and Heart, 325–8, 337, 402, 817

  Crenne, Hélisenne de 289

  Crèvecoeur, Jean de 905

  Crichton, James 584

  Croismare, Marquis de 367

  Cromwell, Oliver 314, 382, 568–9, 571, 577n. 37, 647

  Cromwell, Richard 578, 582

  Cross, Neal 799

  Crowne, John 602n. 67

  Cumberland, Richard 896

  Cummings, E. E. 817n. 273, 866

  Curll, Edmund 795

  Curtius, Quintus 199n. 25

  Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien 185, 223–9, 251, 259, 562, 587, 644n. 111, 645, 693, 941

  Cyrus the Great 209

  D’Alembert, Jean le Ronde 357n. 164

  Damiani, Bruno Mario 23n. 26

  Dandin 533

  Dangerfield, Thomas 598–600

  Danielewski, Mark Z. 279n. 96, 814, 942

  Dante Alighieri 47

  Dara, Evan 815

  d’Arnaud, François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard 394

  Darcy, Dame 513

  Darnton, Robert 352, 385, 387

  Dastan-e Amir Hamzah 539–40

  Davenant, William 590

  Davenport, Guy 7

  Davenport-Hines, Richard 869n. 321

  Davidson, Cathy 383, 905n. 4, 916n. 15, 922

  Davies, Jeremy M. 279n. 96

  Davies, John 172

  Davis, Lennard J. 594

  Davys, Mary 685–9, 702, 710, 729, 731, 769, 852

  Dawkins, Richard 112

  Day, Robert Adams 632n. 97, 633, 826

  Day, Susie 815n. 270

  Day, W. G. 802

  de Armas, Frederick 219–20

  de Botton, Alain 279n. 96

  De Bruyn, Frans 823n. 277, 881

  Defoe, Daniel 290n. 109, 656–72, 682; Captain Singleton, 662; Colonel Jack, 662; The Consolidator, 644–6, 662; A Journal of the Plague Year, 665–8, 672, 929; Memoirs of a Cavalier, 582, 662; Moll Flanders, 68, 509, 590, 662–6, 668, 672, 717, 751, 906; Robinson Crusoe, 48, 67–8, 76–8, 388, 561, 602n. 67, 656–62, 666, 668, 693, 709, 763, 808, 858, 905, 907–8; Roxana, 592, 668–72, 717, 758n. 218

  DeJean, Joan 222–3, 226, 245, 258

  Dekker, Thomas, and Thomas Middleton 591

  Delany, Samuel R. 434, 817n. 273

  De La Pava, Sergio 815

  Delicado, Francisco 21, 23

  Deloffre, Frédéric 282

  Deloney, Thomas 541, 652, 657

  Democritus 91, 621

  Denon, Vivant 398–9, 401

  Dent, Arthur 597

  de Pure, Michel 228–30

  de Quincey, Thomas 170

  Desborough, John 582

  Descartes, René viii, 179, 227, 692, 748n. 209

  Desmarets, Jean 193

  Devonshire, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of 831, 833n. 287, 837

  DeWitt, Helen 815n. 270

  Dickens, Charles 110, 272, 411, 514, 518, 661, 745, 759, 815, 835

  Dickinson, Emily 701n. 167

  Diderot, Jacques 86, 110, 267, 290, 346, 363–78, 380, 382–4, 410, 417, 694, 751, 792, 798; D’Alembert’s Dream, 357n. 164, 371; The Indiscreet Jewels, 337, 342n. 150, 363–7; Jacques the Fatalist and His Master, 372–6, 409n. 221, 413, 812; The Nun, 240, 367–9, 421; Rameau’s Nephew, 369–72; Supplement to Bougainville’s Voyage, 371–2, 418n. 233; “This Is Not a Story,” 372

  Did You Ever See Such Damn’d Stuff?, 787n. 246

  difficulty in fiction 47, 148, 257, 450, 519, 566, 576–7, 581, 621

  Digges, Thomas Atwood 910–11

  digressions: on pornography 239–40; on Tristram Shandy, 799–800; on verse novels, 37–9

  Ding Yaokang 459–62

  Dinis, Júlio 813

  Diodorus Siculus 210

  Diogenes 88–90, 619, 724

  Dionysius of Halicarnassus 212n. 35, 213, 215

  DiPiero, Thomas 195, 230

  Disguise, The 837, 853–4

  Dixon, W. M. 37

  Döblin, Alfred 813–14

  Dobson’s Dry Bobs 543–5, 562

  Dodd, Charles 866n. 319

  Donne, John 563, 700

  Donoghue, Denis 634n. 100

  Donovan, Josephine 223, 632, 679

  Don Samuel Crispe 602n. 67

  Doody, Margaret Anne 339n. 147

  Dos Passos, John 814, 941

  Dossi, Carlo 813

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor 144, 317, 353, 880

  Douthwaite, Julia 434

  Drake, Chris 504n. 89, 507n. 93, 511

  Dravidian Nights Entertainments 532

  Dryden, John 203, 602, 632, 737

  Duclos, Charles Pinot- 343–7, 350, 352, 366, 401, 751

  Ducornet, Rikki 434, 815n. 270

  Dugan, Eleanor 212, 222

  Dugonic, Andreas 167

  Du Laurens, Henri-Joseph 376n. 184

  Dumas, Alexandre (fils) 313

  Dumas, Alexandre (père) 174, 222n. 42, 250

  Dumont, Margaret 803

  Dunn, Peter 28

  Dunton, John 619–25, 627, 635, 637, 641n. 107, 642, 647–8, 749, 800, 802, 805

  du Parc, Nicolas Moulint 183

  D’Urfey, Thomas 642, 646–8, 720, 800

  Durrell, Lawrence 283, 434

  Dwight, Timothy 927–8

  Dykes, Oswald 681

  Eagleton, Terry 733

  Eaton, Chris 815

  Eaves, Duncan, and Ben Kimpel 711n. 174, 713, 715

  Edgeworth, Maria 411, 856–7, 902

  Egg, The 884–6

  Elias, Robert H. 910–11

  Eliot, George 110, 815

  Eliot, T. S. 549

  Elizabeth I 155, 570, 578, 806, 869–70

  Elkin, Stanley 444

  Elliott, Emory 932

  Elliott, John 861

  Ellis, Bret Easton 434

  Ellmann, Lucy 279n. 96

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo 139, 455

  Emmel, Hildegard 57, 61, 77, 79, 116, 126

  Enciso Zárate, Francisco de 8

  Enríques Gómez, Antonio 28

  Epic of Mwindo viii

  Epictetus 90

  Epicurus 377, 629, 784

  Equiano, Olaudah 905

  Erasmus, Desiderius 8n. 11, 150, 391, 803, 805

  Erofeev, Venedikt 814

  Ertl, Anton Wilhelm 167

  Espinel, Vicente 29–32, 36, 274

  Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of 570, 870

  Estebanillo González 28–9, 63

  Eugenianos, Niketas 37

  Euripides 91

  Everett, Percival 814

  Fairfax, Paul 60

  Fang Ruhao 444–5

  Fanny Hill (film) 747n. 208

  Faqir, Shams al-Din 530–2

  Farooqi, Musharraf Ali 535, 537

  Faruqi, Shamsur Rahman 539–40

  Faustus, Jörg 60

  Faulkner, William 5, 21, 106, 800, 943

  Federman, Raymond 814

luga, Dino 37–9

  Fénelon, François de 259–62, 290–1, 310, 314, 340, 386, 711

  Feng Menglong 438–41, 450

  Ferdinand V 32–3

  Ferdowsi, Abolqasem 530, 536

  Fernandez, Macedonio 814

  Ferreira de Vasoncelos, Jorge 34

  Fforde, Jasper 341, 814

  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 147, 149

  Fiedler, Leslie 919

  Field, Thalia 815n. 270

  Fielding, Henry 18, 51n. 56, 83, 86, 110, 134, 221, 303, 388, 541, 615, 675, 687–8, 702, 726, 742, 765–8, 775–6, 787–8, 796, 819, 830, 832, 845, 857–8, 867, 885, 896, 924, 941; Amelia, 771–2, 775–6, 783, 791, 817, 852; The Female Heart, 751; Jonathan Wild, 208, 597, 751; Joseph Andrews, 94, 221, 260–1, 275, 687n. 153, 718–23, 724, 742, 751, 758, 775, 785, 789–90, 800, 808, 827, 923; A Journey from This World to the Next, 751; Shamela, 716, 718, 746; Tom Jones, 38, 83, 261, 297, 674n. 137, 728, 751–9, 762, 765n. 225, 766–70, 777–9, 781–2, 786, 789, 799, 822, 830, 852, 860, 895–6, 898, 900, 940

  Fielding, Sarah 743, 759; The Countess of Dellwyn, 827–8; David Simple, 723–6, 731, 775, 786, 789, 808, 862, 865–6; The Cry 724, 780n. 239, 783–6, 793, 800, 827, 838; The Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia, 786n. 245, 827, 885; Ophelia, 827–8, 831, 837

  Filleau de Saint-Martin, François 282n. 98

  Filloy, Juan 814

  Firbank, Ronald 269, 331n. 141, 363, 698

  Fischart, Johann 58–9, 134

  Fitting, Peter 341–3

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott 308, 607, 730, 807, 809, 943

  Fitzgerald, Penelope 132n. 128

  Flatman, Thomas 582

  Flaubert, Gustave 18, 106, 297, 363, 376, 405, 411, 434, 634, 698, 813

  Fleming, David 151–3

  Fleming, Paul 148n. 141

  Flint, Christopher 771, 826n. 279

  Foigny, Gabriel de 228n. 49, 259

  Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de 281

  Ford, Emanuel 562–3, 582n. 41, 595

  Forno, Lawrence 283

  Forster, E. M. 209, 666

  Fortunatus 55–6, 65, 134, 595

  40-Year-Old Virgin 16

  Foscolo, Ugo 54

  Foster, Hannah 916n. 15, 919–20, 923

  Fougeret de Monbron, Louis-Charles 335

  Fowler, Patsy 745, 748

  Fox, Charles James 861

  Foxe, John 608

  Franklin, Benjamin 352, 905, 911, 921

  Fraser, Antonia 268n. 86

  Frazer, Sir James George 430

  Free, Lloyd 404

  Freneau, Philip 938

  Freud, Sigmund 311n. 125, 319, 365, 370, 450, 802, 935

  Frye, Northrop 689

  Fuci Jiaozhu 446–7, 460n. 32

  Fuentes, Carlos 658, 814, 817n. 273, 818–19

  Furetière, Antoine 181, 230–7, 243, 248, 251, 310, 339, 378, 613, 615, 620, 762, 800

  Futabatei Shimei 521

  Gaarder, Jostein 279n. 96

  Gaddis, William 48, 106, 179, 269, 363, 376n. 185, 411, 434, 471, 517, 698, 723, 741, 817n. 273, 926n. 25, 941

  Gale, James S. 496n. 79, 498

  Galland, Antoine 262, 264, 266, 849

  Galli de Bibiena, Jean 86, 346–7, 387

  Galloway, Janice 815n. 270

  Gao E. 472

  García Márquez, Gabriel 690

  Garcilaso de la Vega 347, 349, 631

  Garin 363–4n. 174

  Garrett, Almedia 813

  Garrett, George 814

  Garrick, David 830

  Garth, Samuel 737

  Garrett, George 814

  Gass, William H. 430, 814, 942

  Gautier, Théophile 222n. 42, 851

  Gay, John 652, 694, 697, 885

  Gay, Peter 252

  Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott 79, 86

  Gellius, Aulus 941

  Gemmet, Robert J. 895–6

  générosité 199–200, 213

  Genet, Jean 27, 434

  Genette, Gérard 171, 191, 297

  George I 764

  George II 678

  George III 848, 861, 881

  Gibbon, Edward 889

  Gide, André 38, 236, 376, 396, 813

  Gildon, Charles 651, 655n. 119; The Golden Spy, 648–9, 767, 824; The New Metamorphosis, 767; The Postboy Robbed of His Mail, 625–7, 684n. 152

  Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 405

  Giovanni, Ser 39

  Giovio, Paolo 205

  Gissing, George 279n. 96

  Godwin, Francis 225, 560–2, 645, 656

  Godwin, William 823n. 277, 841, 843–4, 879–81, 883, 924, 932

  Godzilla 666

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 60, 70, 78, 116, 133, 135, 147, 370n. 178, 455; Conversations of German Refugees, 111–12, 116, 132; Hermann and Dorothea, 39, 112n. 110, 455; The Sorrows of Young Werther, 54, 88, 99–106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 124–5, 146, 316n. 129, 837, 841, 855, 863, 888, 914–16; Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, 61, 106–10, 112, 117, 131, 138, 145, 149

  Gogol, Nicolai 813

  Goldsmith, Oliver 54n. 59, 104, 386, 863–5, 867, 892

  Gomberville, Marin Le Roy de 171n. 2, 193–8, 204, 245, 419

  Gombrowicz, Witold 814

  Goncourt, Edmond and Jules 376

  Góngora, Luis de 36–7

  Goodall, William 775–8, 780, 788, 798, 800, 822

  Gordon, Jaimy 815n. 270

  Gordon, Karen Elizabeth 684n. 151

  Gorer, Geoffrey 418–19, 426

  Gorey, Edward 512

  Gott, Samuel 161–5

  Gould, Robert 674

  Goytisolo, Juan 29, 814

  Gracián, Baltasar 45–8, 51, 156

  Graffigny, Françoise de 347–50, 361, 631

  Grass, Günter 66, 71, 814

  Graves, Richard 822–3, 888

  Graves, Robert 132

  Gray, Alasdair 279n. 96, 434, 814

  Gray, Francine du Plessix 420n. 236, 424, 426

  Gray, Louis 533

  Green Peony 465n. 37

  Green, Anne 245

  Green, F. C. 305, 396–7

  Greene, Robert 562, 566, 739

  Greer, Germaine 43

  Greey, Edward 515

  Gregory, John 842

  Grenby, M. O. 883

  Grieder, Josephine 281, 678

  Griffiths, Richard 765

  Grimm Brothers 64, 70, 487

  Grimmelshausen, Hans 61–73, 76–8, 361, 446, 562, 602n. 67, 656

  Gross, Jonathan 831

  Grosse, Carl 121–2, 899n. 350

  Guarini, Giovanni Batista 73

  Guevara, Antonio de 66

  Gueullette, Thomas-Simon 339n. 148

  Guhang yanyan sheng 438

  Guilleragues, Gabriel de Lavergne 289, 291, 625, 682

  Gunning, Susannah 896

  Guo, Xiaolu 815n. 270

  Gurgani, Fakhr ud–Din 530

  Guyet, François 153

  Guy of Warwick 710n. 173

  Gyurmé Dechen, Lochen 521–3

  Haac, Oscar 300

  Haggard, H. Rider 765

  Haley, George 31

  Hall, Joseph 157–8

  Hamilton, Anthony 86, 262–9, 358, 407, 798, 849; The Four Facardins, 83, 265–7; The History of May-flower, 264–6; Memoirs of the Comte de Gramont, 267–9, 672; The Ram, 262–4

  Hamilton, Elizabeth 844–6, 865, 883

  Hanan, Patrick 439n. 7, 441n. 9, 451nn. 22–3, 452

  Handel, George Frederick 322

  Hanway, Jonas 786n. 246

  Hapless Orphan, The 915n. 13

  Happel, Eberhard Werner 73

  Harcourt, John, and Samuel Dennis 823

  Hardin, James 71–2

  Hardy, Thomas 21, 411

  Harington, Donald 814

  Harley, Robert 653, 694

  Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp 71, 73

  Hart, Alexander 563

  Hart, Carol 815n. 270

  Harth, Erica 252

  Hartmann, Cyril Hugh 267

  Hašek, Jaroslav 66

sp; Haslett, Moyra 796

  hasty pudding recipe 929n. 30

  Hawke, Cassandra 895–6

  Hawkes, David 472–3, 482

  Hawkesworth, John 847–8, 892

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel 920, 932, 935, 943

  Hayley, William 889

  Hays, Mary 843–4, 846n. 296, 883

  Hayward, Susan 376

  Haywood, Eliza 684n. 152, 685, 688–9, 694, 700–1, 710, 719, 745n. 204, 762, 775n. 234, 824, 827, 831; The Adventures of Eovaai, 705–7, 896; Anti-Pamela, 716–17; Betsy Thoughtless, 769–71, 789; The Fortunate Foundlings, 338; Idalia, 668, 677–8; Love in Excess, 668, 675–7; translations, 289n. 108, 337–8, 675n. 138, 705

  Head, Richard 593–5, 597–9, 623n. 87

  Hegel, Robert E. 436–7, 445–6

  Hegesippus 210

  Hejinian, Lyn 376

  Heliodorus 1, 18–19, 39n. 40, 45n. 48, 153, 193, 195, 204, 219, 549–50, 580, 590, 752

  Heller, Joseph 66, 814, 911

  Hemingway, Ernest 153n. 145, 363, 798, 943

  Henderson, Lee 815

  Henley, Samuel 849–51

  Henri II (France) 252–3

  Henri III (France) 155, 242

  Henri IV (France) 639

  Henry VIII (England) 542, 567

  Herbelot, Barthélemy d’ 849

  Herbert, Si Percy 570–8, 580

  Herodotus 209–10

  Herrick, Robert 425

  Hervey, Elizabeth 895

  Hesiod 214

  Hesse, Hermann 71

  Heti, Sheila 815n. 270

  Heybler, Johannes 55

  Hildesheimer, Wolfgang 279n. 96

  Hill, Christopher 574n. 35

  Hill, Harold 161

  Hill, John 786n. 246

  Hilles, Frederick W. 752

  Hippel, Theodor von 97, 134, 812

  Hiraga Gennai 510–11

  History and Adventures of a Lady’s Slippers and Shoes 787, 800

  History of Dick Careless 852

  History of Dr. Johann Faustus 60, 64, 279, 595

  History of Eliza Warwick 840n. 293

  History of a French Louse 826

  History of the Human Heart 749–51, 800

  History of Morindos 545–6

  Hobbes, Thomas 574–5

  Hoffmann, E. T. A. 388, 813

  Hoffmann, Heinz 167

  Hogarth, William 337, 396, 686, 701–2, 746

  Højholt, Per 814

  Ho Kyun 492–3

  Holberg, Ludvig 150n. 144, 167–70, 391, 565

  Holcroft, Thomas 878–80, 882n. 330

  Hölderlin, Friedrich 129–30, 133, 148

  Holland, Samuel 588–90, 718n. 181

  Holleran, Andrew 666n. 133

  Homer 45, 101, 104, 189, 358, 590, 722; Iliad, 291, 535, 718, 721, 789; Margites, 718, 751, 772; Odyssey, 18, 45n. 48, 194n. 22, 259, 475, 478, 487, 535, 537, 718, 743, 751–2

  Horace 22n. 24, 66, 169, 309–10, 414, 543, 743, 753, 802, 910

  Howard, Susan Kubica 906–7

  Howell, James 565–6, 570, 622

  Hsia, C. T. 470, 474, 477, 479, 490


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