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The Novel

Page 159

by Steven Moore

  Nugent, Thomas 49n. 54, 51n. 55

  Nü kaike zhuan 469n. 43

  O’Brien, Avril 545

  O’Brien, Flann 341, 376, 698, 814

  Oldys, Alexander 600n. 65, 611–16, 627, 629, 800

  Olsen, Lance 817n. 273

  Openhertige Juffrow, D’ 600n. 65

  Opitz, Martin 60–1, 71, 156

  Oppenheimer, Paul 56–7

  Orb, the 908

  Ortega, Melchor de 8

  Orwell, George 510

  Osborne, Dorothy 568, 570

  Otway, Thomas 612, 737

  OuLiPo 192

  Ovid 169, 178n. 8, 189, 202, 390, 677

  Paglia, Camille 431

  Paige, Nicholas 243–4, 387n. 198

  Paine, Thomas 823, 883, 921

  Palaephatus 80

  Palaiologos, Adronikos 37

  Pallavicino, Ferrante 625

  Palmer, Charlotte 891–3

  Paltock, Robert 762–5, 887

  Panchatantra 528

  Paracelsus 64n. 67 241n. 62, 620n. 82

  Parker, Alexander 24, 29

  Parnell, Thomas 694

  Parrinder, Patrick 566n. 24

  Parsons, Eliza 899n. 350

  Pascal, Blaise 606

  Paso, Fernando del 48, 814

  Patchen, Kenneth 814

  Patterson, Anabel 577

  Paulin, Roger 125

  Paulson, Ronald 702

  Pavić, Milorad 279n. 96

  Peacock, Thomas Love 813

  Pearson, Roger 354–5nn. 161–2

  Pellisson, Paul 211, 214–15

  Pepys, Samuel 602

  Perceforest 180, 208

  Perec, Georges 48, 271, 279n. 96, 814

  Peregrinations of Jeremiah Grant 846n. 296, 857–8

  Pérez de Hita, Ginés 32–4, 204

  Perfect Generosity of Prince Vessantara 523, 525

  Perrault, Charles 258, 263

  Perrin, Noel 911–12

  Perucho, Juan 279n. 96

  Petronius, Titus 1, 17, 150–2, 160, 182, 360, 615, 634, 642, 657, 743, 924

  Petter, Henri 916n. 15, 939

  Philip III 34

  Philip IV 45

  Philips, Edward 824

  Philips, Katherine 558n. 15, 674, 682

  Phillips, Arthur 815

  Phillips, John 422

  Pigres 718n. 182

  Pinder of Wakefield 562

  Pingali Suranna 532–3

  Pirandello, Luigi 814

  Pitt, William 140, 889, 891, 894, 897

  Pius VI 428, 430

  Pix, Mary 633–4, 648–9

  Place, Vanessa 815n. 270

  Plaks, Andrew H. 458, 478, 481

  Plato 84–5, 88, 90, 129n. 127, 391, 802

  Pliny 90, 151

  Plomer, William 698n. 165

  Plutarch 151, 199n. 25

  Pocahontas 907

  Poe, Edgar Allan 53, 170, 282, 307, 388, 464, 546, 851, 925, 935

  Pompadour, Marquise de 365n. 176

  Pope, Alexander 625, 637, 652, 678–9, 688n. 154, 694–5, 721, 732, 766–7, 790, 808, 854, 885, 901, 913n. 10; The Dunciad, 38, 90, 695–6, 705, 718, 795, 821, 889–91; Martinus Scriblerus: see under Arbuthnot, John; “The Rape of the Lock,” 92, 241, 651, 688n. 154, 733n. 195, 766, 831, 910

  Porter, Charles A. 393–4, 398

  Porter, Cole 36

  Poulenc, Francis 239

  Pound, Ezra 97

  Prasch, Johann and Susanna 166–7

  Préchac, Jean de 625

  préciosité 212

  Preston, Caroline 684n. 151

  Prévost, Antoine François 260, 305–20, 323, 325, 338, 343, 362, 377, 391, 871; Cleveland, 314–17, 319, 339, 375, 379, 419, 778, 906; The Dean of Coleraine, 317–18, 323; Manon Lescaut, 105, 306, 310–13, 317–20, 344, 421–2; Memoirs of a Man of Quality, 306–14, 342n. 150; The Story of a Modern Greek Woman, 318–20, 351n. 156

  Prior, Matthew 854, 901

  Proust, Marcel 31, 114, 180, 217, 252, 300, 396, 412, 471, 480, 483–4, 741, 807

  Punter, David 867

  Purbeck, Jane and Elizabeth 823

  Pushkin, Aleksandr 37, 813

  Pu Songling 456

  Puteanus, Erycius 160–1

  Pynchon, Thomas 66, 67, 133, 257, 375, 470n. 46, 690, 723, 814, 911, 941

  Qidongyeren 445–6

  Queer Eye for the Straight Guy 385n. 194

  Quevedo, Francisco de 25–8, 30, 51, 183, 594, 620

  Quran 7, 288, 528, 531, 847

  Qutb, Sayyid 526n. 109

  Rabelais, François 17, 48, 58–9, 71–2, 83, 182, 194n. 22, 267, 278, 339n. 148, 376, 583, 612, 634, 642, 693, 723, 797, 800, 805, 825–6, 920, 938, 941, 942

  Racine, Jean 236, 310

  Radcliffe, Ann 121, 871–3, 874–6, 895–6, 901, 923; The Italian, 875–6, 899; The Mysteries of Udolpho, viii–ix, 872–3, 875, 899

  Raleigh, Sir Walter 916

  Ramayana 38, 523, 535

  Rameau, Jean Philippe 369

  Ramos, Manuel da Silva, and Alface 814

  Ramsay, Allan 791

  Rand, Ayn 357

  Record of the Black Dragon Year 494, 500

  Red Shoe Diaries 627

  Reed, Walter L. 12

  Reeve, Clara: The Old English Baron 869–71; The Progress of Romance, 193, 635n. 101, 886–8

  Reign of George VI 705n. 170

  Remski, Matthew 814

  Rendall, Steven 172

  Report of Wenamun 657

  Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas–Edme 383n. 192, 393–8, 401, 407, 429; The Anti–Justine, 397–8, 434; Lucilla, 394–5; The Perverted Peasants (The Corrupted Ones), 124, 395–7, 407n. 216

  Reuter, Christian 75–6

  Révéroni Saint-Cyr, Jacques-Antoine 434

  Riccoboni, Marie Jeanne 383–5, 391, 393–4, 402n. 210, 632, 830

  Richardson, Dorothy 727n. 191

  Richardson, John 85n. 81, 87

  Richardson, Samuel 86, 110, 123, 134, 286, 297, 306, 367–9, 373, 386, 388, 455, 679, 702, 722–3, 747, 774–5, 778–9, 788–9, 806, 817, 822, 828–33, 840, 867, 871, 878, 885, 892, 896, 898, 924, 937; Clarissa, 86n. 82, 98, 379, 400, 403, 419, 421, 487, 687, 715, 726–42, 744, 747, 755, 759, 773–4, 781–2, 785–6, 789, 791, 808, 851–2, 860, 893, 914, 919–20; Pamela, 79, 303, 395, 615, 630n. 96, 709–21, 723–4, 726, 728–9, 732, 740, 745–6, 770, 775–6, 781, 789, 812, 852, 895; Sir Charles Grandison, 279n. 96, 732, 781–3, 789, 793, 836, 858, 881, 899, 936

  Richelieu, Cardinal 181–2, 199, 202n. 28

  Richetti, John 662n. 126, 665, 670, 676, 679n. 147, 696n. 163

  Richter, Jean Paul 59, 126, 134–50, 222n. 42, 812; Hesperus, 138–41; The Invisible Lodge, 95n. 90, 134–9, 141; Quintus Fixlein, 141–2; Siebenkäs, 142–5, 147; Titan, 145–50

  Ríos, Julián 5, 279n. 96, 814

  Roa Bastos, Augusto 814

  Roberson, Matthew 815

  Roberts, Henry 547

  Roberts, Josephine 551, 554

  Robertson, Ritchie 116

  Robespierre, Maximilien de 260

  Robinson, Mary 836–8, 855n. 305, 895, 896

  Roche, Regina Maria 899n. 350

  Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of 357n. 163, 602, 612, 627

  Rocky Horror Picture Show 874

  Rodgers, Paul 929

  Rogers, Rosemary 677

  Rojas, Fernando de 21, 23–4, 27, 34, 36

  Rolfe, Frederick 487, 586

  Rolland, Romain 180

  Rollins, Hyder 567n. 25

  Romains, Jules 180

  Romance of Astrea and Celadon 174

  Romanticism 53–4, 78, 99–100, 123–5, 125n. 119, 126n. 123, 131, 135, 140, 307, 314, 316n. 129, 411, 796, 851, 854, 876

  Ronsard, Pierre de 189

  Rooksby, Emma 409

  Rosbottom, Ronald C. 297

  Ross, Ian Campbell 779

  Rossi, Giovanni Vittorio 161

  Roth, Philip 60, 917

  Roubaud, Jacques 180, 279n. 96, 814, 900n. 352

emont, Denis de 38

  Rouillard, Clarence 204

  Rousseau, Jean–Jacques 86, 90, 102, 134, 192, 346, 368, 376–84, 386, 393, 411, 427, 431n. 242, 611, 832, 840, 871; Emile, 48, 261, 382–3, 409, 419, 657; Julie, 98, 123, 261, 316n. 129, 377–82, 390, 394, 400, 402–4, 408, 419, 426, 564, 842, 846n. 296, 854–5, 863, 872

  Rowe, Nicholas 407

  Rowlandson, Mary 903–5

  Rowson, Susanna 917–19, 920, 923–4

  Rush, Marian 918

  Rush, Rebecca 916n. 15

  Rushdie, Salman 814, 819

  Russen, David 644n. 111, 689n. 156

  Rutt, Richard 496n. 79, 498

  Ryman, Geoff 271

  Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von 313

  Sada, Daniel 814

  Sade, Marquis de 176, 228, 290, 352–3, 362, 397–8, 401, 414–35; 464, 723, 876; Aline and Valcour, 417–20, 424; Days at Florbelle, 432–3, 435; Justine, 240, 344, 397, 420–4, 426–7, 434–5, 874; Juliette, 352–3, 427–32, 487; The 120 Days of Sodom, 414–18, 422, 431–2; Philosophy in the Bedroom, 424–6

  Sa’di 359, 527–8

  Saint-Hyacinthe, Thémiseul de 696n. 162

  Saint-Réal, César Vichard 241n. 63, 250

  Saintsbury, George 171, 265, 266n. 84, 267, 386, 590, 765

  Salas Barbadillo, Alonso Jerónimo de 27

  Sales, William 569n. 31

  Salinger, J. D. 479

  Salzman, Paul 541n. 1, 549, 595, 602, 614, 617–18

  Sand, George 246

  Sangershausen, Christoph Friedrich 167

  Sanglen, Yakov de 813

  Sannazaro, Jacopo 172, 556

  Santo Kyoden 512–13

  Sappho 211

  Sarasin, Jean-François 214

  Sarduy, Severo 814

  Sarraute, Nathalie 186n. 14

  Sartre, Jean-Paul 186n. 14

  Savage Resurrection 539n. 122

  Scarron, Paul 18, 83, 217–23, 226, 229–30, 233, 243, 251, 273, 310, 325, 334, 339–40, 615, 629, 718, 721–2, 752, 758, 762n. 221, 800, 941

  Schiller, Friedrich von 91, 106, 116–19, 121, 133, 147, 924

  Schlatter, Richard 904

  Schlegel, Friedrich 126–31, 133, 148

  Schmidt, Arno 48, 59, 71, 78, 92n. 87, 125n. 119, 129n. 127, 814

  Schnabel, Johann Gottfried 76–8

  Schofield, Mary Anne 678

  Scholar Liu’s Quest of the Lotus 11n. 14

  Schopenhauer, Arthur 48n. 51

  Schulman, Sarah 815n. 270

  Scoffing Scholar of Lanling. See Xiaoxiaosheng

  Scotch Marine, The 787

  Scott, Geoffrey 408

  Scott, Helenus 826

  Scott, Sarah 838–9, 841, 842n. 295, 866, 885

  Scott, Sir Walter 118n. 113, 275, 514, 582, 723

  Scriblerus Club 652, 694–5, 697, 704, 749, 779, 808n. 260

  Scudéry, Georges de 203–4, 208–9, 212n. 35, 213

  Scudéry, Madeleine de 202–17, 222, 225, 235–6, 242–3, 247, 250, 253, 260, 293, 304, 568, 644; Clelia 73, 212–17, 223, 231, 236–7, 321–2, 587, 642, 718, 773, 906; Cyrus the Great, 208–12, 219, 222–3, 229, 231, 644, 718, 773; Ibrahim, 204–8, 211, 219, 223, 615

  Secret Life of Walter Mitty (film) 6, 258, 765

  Segrais, Jean Regnault de 222–3, 229, 237, 243n. 65, 252

  Seinfeld 582n. 41

  Sejong 492–3

  Selkirk, Alexander 656–8

  Self, Will 694, 815

  Selwyn, Pamela 95n. 89

  Semler, Johann Salomo 96n. 91

  Senancour, Étienne Pivert de 54

  Seneca, Lucius Anneus 590, 643

  sentimentalism 126n. 123, 862–3

  Seth, Vikram 37n. 36

  Seward, Anna 37, 854, 896

  Sex and the City 346

  Sex and Zen 451n. 22

  Shadwell, Thomas 643

  Shaffer, Julie 838

  Shainberg, Lawrence 279n. 96

  Shakespeare, William 83, 85, 100, 104–6, 108–9, 123n. 116, 147, 188, 208, 215, 541–2, 564, 611, 612, 737, 758n. 218, 772, 777n. 237, 784, 790, 868, 874, 887, 912, 932–3, 943

  Shakira 524

  Shang Wei 467

  Shaw, George Bernard 769, 882

  Shebbeare, John 787, 819

  Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 105–6, 121n. 114, 843, 870

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe 121n. 114

  Shelton, Thomas 547, 550

  Sheppard, Gordon 814

  Sheppard, Samuel 566–7, 569, 602n. 67

  Shepperson, Archibald Bolling 812n. 265, 866–7, 883n. 331, 893n. 343

  Sheridan, Elizabeth 839–40

  Sheridan, Frances: Nourjahad 848–9; Sidney Bidulph, 828–30, 833, 839, 862

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 828

  Shesgreen, Sean 701

  Shi Changyu 474

  Shikitei Sanba 516–18

  Shirley, John 654

  Shklovsky, Viktor 288–9, 315, 801n. 254, 808, 813, 828

  Showalter, English 261, 275, 286, 405–6

  Shroder, Maurice Z. 690

  Sidney, Sir Philip 66, 73, 541, 548–50, 556, 558–60, 566, 569–70, 574, 579–80, 590, 683, 710

  Simpsons, The 596

  Sleath, Eleanor 899n. 350

  Smart, Christopher 791

  Smeeks, Hendrik 656

  Smernoff, Richard 318

  Smiley, Jane 100

  Smith, Ali 815n. 270, 884n. 334

  Smith, Charlotte 877–8, 895

  Smith, Frederik 635, 642

  Smollett, Tobias 221, 261, 688, 702, 765, 832, 837, 857–8, 882, 885, 896, 913; Adventures of an Atom, 511, 825–6, 891, 917; The Expedition of Humphry Clinker, 730, 791n. 248, 818, 858–61, 879, 941; Ferdinand Count Fathom, 779–81, 857n. 309, 871; Peregrine Pickle, 767–9, 916; Roderick Random, 274–5, 733n. 194, 742–5, 751, 759, 766, 769, 775, 789, 817, 824, 852, 905, 921, 937; Sir Launcelot Greaves, 819–20, 841; translations, 260n. 77, 270n. 87, 274, 818–19

  Smythies, Susan 786n. 246

  Socrates 88, 643

  Sol, Antoinette Marie 338

  Solomon and Marcolf 57, 182

  Sophocles 751–2, 758n. 219

  Sorel, Charles 181–92, 197–8, 204, 216–18, 222–3, 235–6, 268, 354, 376, 401, 414, 547, 722–3, 924; The Extravagant Shepherd, 181, 186–91, 226, 230, 237, 266, 275–6, 281, 292–3, 773, 819; Francion, 66, 72–3, 182–6, 191, 226, 285

  Sorrentino, Gilbert 191, 341, 376, 634, 642, 814, 895, 942

  Sotades 166

  Southern, Terry, and Mason Hoffenberg 363

  Southey, Robert 813

  Spackman, W. M. 36, 269, 363

  Spacks, Patricia Meyer 685

  Spartacus 569

  Spencer, Jane 682, 770

  Spengemann, William 611n. 73, 905

  Spenser, Edmund 550–1, 784

  Spinoza, Baruch 372

  Staël, Germaine de 408n. 217

  Stearns, Cyrus 521n. 105

  Steele, Richard 656–7

  Stein, Gertrude 798

  Stendhal 18, 110, 376, 455

  Sterne, Laurence 18, 92, 134, 267, 275, 293, 337, 376, 541, 622, 634n. 100, 688, 694, 723, 819, 836, 885, 896, 913, 941; A Political Romance, 815n. 270; A Sentimental Journey, 90, 91n. 86, 97, 816–18, 863, 866–7, 892, 901, 914, 916; Tristram Shandy, 48–9, 51, 83, 87–9, 94–5, 97, 126, 138, 142, 149, 197, 221–2, 230, 233, 297, 303, 358n. 167, 372–3, 412–13, 518, 521, 563, 586, 613, 619, 623n. 86, 642, 647–8, 685, 737, 749–50, 761, 776–7, 788, 790, 799–813, 815–18, 821, 825, 852, 858, 863, 883, 888, 920, 923n. 22

  Stevens, John 24

  Stevenson, Lionel 602n. 67, 805, 878

  Stewart, Joan Hinde 408n. 217

  Stewart, Philip 286, 388

  Stiblin, Kaspar 156

  Story of Immortal Han 441, 442n. 10

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher 357

  Straparola, Giovanfrancesco 39

  Subandhu 532–3

  subjectivity vs. objectivity 15, 53, 80–1, 83, 85, 87–8, 90–1, 98–9, 117–18, 208, 245, 252, 254–5, 257, 569, 639, 72
1, 859, 861, 934

  Subligny, Adrien-Thomas Perdou de 236–9, 243, 251, 263, 268, 275–6, 279, 281, 283, 292–3, 339, 401, 773, 800, 819, 899

  Sukchong 500–1

  Sukenick, Ronald 814

  Suleiman the Magnificent 205

  Sun Jiaxun 487

  Suozzo, Andrew G. 183

  Sutin, Lawrence 815

  Svevo, Italo 813

  Swift, Jonathan 18, 51, 134, 147, 457, 510, 541, 625, 650n. 115, 652, 654, 702, 705, 716, 723, 805, 808, 825–6, 938, 941; Gulliver’s Travels, 47–8, 169, 228, 341, 358, 366, 487–8, 510–11, 562, 583, 634n. 100, 635, 689–94, 702–3, 777, 808, 858, 861, 903; “A Modest Proposal,” 425, 695; Polite Conversation, 697–8, 704; A Tale of a Tub, 90, 355, 358, 583, 586, 615, 619, 634–47, 652–3, 685, 689, 695–6, 704, 720, 800, 812, 821–2, 845, 887, 891, 917

  Swinburne, Algernon 434, 851

  Szentkuthy, Miklós 48, 814

  Takahashi, Genichiro 814

  Takizawa Bakin 514–16, 518

  Tale of the Heike 514

  Tale of Lady Pak 501

  Tale of Saigyo 504–5

  Tale of the Soga Brothers 514

  Tales of Ise 504

  Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon 198, 200–1, 204, 236, 247

  Talulah Gosh 336n. 144

  Tamenaga Shunsui 517–21

  Tangtong Gyalpo 521–3

  Tang Xianzu 481

  Tarquin the Proud 212

  Tasso, Torquato 19, 87, 172, 189

  Tate, Nahum 617–19

  Temple Beau, The 786n. 246

  Tenain, Madame de 258

  Tencin, Marquise de 343, 345, 357n. 164, 391

  Tenney, Tabitha 936–8

  Terrasson, Jean 340

  Terries, Elizabeth 815n. 270

  Thackeray, William Makepeace 269, 597, 835

  Thayer, Harvey 97

  Theophania 569–70

  Theroux, Alexander 36, 48, 106, 363, 480, 586, 723, 814, 942


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