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Page 9

by Bria Berg

  Sam went to the school entrance that was near her locker, thinking she might have stopped there to get her coat on the way out. Ethan ran to the nearest exit, while Milo headed back to the exit by the gym. As soon as he stepped outside, he could feel the presence of a dark Gifted. The vast, frozen soccer, football and baseball fields were deserted as he scanned the area, looking for any sign of Tessa. He caught movement straight ahead, and looked just in time to see her disappear into a grove of trees.

  Milo didn’t want to yell out her name, and alert the enemy that she was near, by chance they didn’t know it yet, so he pushed his legs to move faster as he sprinted towards her. Once he was in the cover of the trees, he stopped to try and figure out which way she went, and that’s when a figure stepped out in front of him.

  “What do you want?” Milo asked feeling the tiny hairs on the back of his neck prick up.

  The man grinned slightly. “No hellos or how do you dos, I see. The manners of today’s youth astound me.” He had a European accent, not quite English or French, but something in between. He was tall and slender, with pointed features on his face, with dark black eyes that matched his hair. His skin was tanned, with a dull gray look to it, but in all, he had a somewhat classical, striking look to him.

  Milo glared silently not wanting to take his bait.

  “I can see you’re a man of few words,” the stranger said.

  Milo asked again, “What do you want?”

  “What if I told you I was simply out for a pleasant stroll?”

  “I’d call your bluff,” Milo said through gritted teeth. “I know what you are, and I know for whatever reason you are here isn’t about anything good.”

  “Ah, and let me guess, you can feel my intentions?” the man supposed. “You must be one of the Ricks brothers, the oldest. Milo I presume.”

  Milo was slightly taken aback at that. True that he and his brothers had always been able to feel the purpose of another gifted, but that was something they kept within the family. How did this guy know about it, and how did he know who he was? “Who are you?”

  “I have many names, in fact you should hear what people call me right before they die,” He took a menacing step closer and continued, “I am someone whom you would much rather stand with you than against you. However, those closest to me simply call me Dracul.”

  Milo sucked in a heavy breath. This was a name he had heard many times growing up, one that was supposed to be nothing more than a myth. This name was also known to be called Vlad, or the Dragon, or the most widely known, Count Dracula. “You lie,” Milo said hoping he was right.

  Dracul clicked his tongue. “I think you know in this I am being truthful. Now if we can get onto more pressing business, I’d like to make an offer to you. Obviously I know who you are, and I only care to know about those who are powerful enough to aid me. Join me, and your brothers will follow, and never again will you know the meaning of fear. Imagine a life where you can have whatever, whenever you want. You will become more powerful than you ever dreamed, you will be an Elite.”

  “That is why you are here, to recruit me and my brothers?” Milo asked doubtfully.

  “Of course, not dear boy. I am here on other business, recruiting you is merely a bonus.”

  “You will not touch her,” Milo growled. He knew Tessa was his real motive for being so close to Winston High.

  “I see…” Dracul mocked looking him over. “And you believe you will stop me? I really thought you were smarter than that. You see, I always get what I want.”

  Milo shook his head, surprised at his own words as he said, “I will kill you if you so much as lay a hand on her.”

  Dracul’s eyes widened at Milo’s threat. Throughout this entire conversation, he had been using the combined elements in attempts to compel Milo to do as he wishes. Weak minds were of the course the easiest to influence, but even the strongest of minds eventually broke under his power. Milo’s however was unyielding. He was far too invested in defending the girl, which could only mean one thing. “You must be her protector,” he said in distain with a hint of awe that he kept hidden. “But haven’t you heard? I’m immortal.”

  “I won’t let you her hurt, if that’s what you mean,” Milo replied hoping this conversation had bought Tessa enough time to get as far away from Dracul as possible.

  Dracul smirked at Milo’s boldness. “You don’t even know what that means, do you?” When he saw confusion flash over Milo’s face, he knew he was right. “It’s a shame really, because now I have no choice but to kill you. I had hoped to gain all three of the Ricks brothers, but I supposed a pair will do.” With that said, he stepped closer to Milo, reaching out for his neck. One second he was several feet away, and the next he was mere inches before him. Milo was a strong man, and if they had been two normal men in fist fight, Milo would have been able to take his opponent down without flinching. However, this was Dracul he was about to fight against, the most powerful Gifted person in the world, who was supposed to be nothing more than a fable.

  As soon as Dracul’s hands clasped around Milo’s neck, he called upon the elements to give him the strength that he needed to crush his throat. Milo fought back vigorously as he felt his life being slowly taken away. He wasn’t strong enough, not against Dracul.

  “Stop it!” a sweet voice yelled from somewhere close.

  Milo couldn’t see where she was, his vision had gone white, blinding him from what was happening, but he felt Dracul releasing him, as he crumpled to the ground.

  Dracul turned to face Tessa, and he looked her up and down. “Well if it isn’t the little amplifier in the flesh,” he drawled, his eyes widening slightly. “I daresay your flesh is very appealing, but then again I’ve always had a soft spot for the fairer sex.”

  Tessa was so terrified, her knees felt like they would give out any second due to the constant shaking. She had stopped to catch her breath when she heard Milo talking to someone. She listened to the conversation in shock and horror, but when Dracul threatened to kill Milo, she couldn’t sit back and do nothing. “Don’t hurt him,” she said so softly, wishing she was stronger.

  “How sweet this is,” Dracul said focusing all of his attention on Tessa now. “You wish to protect your protector.”

  Tessa suddenly felt dizzy and the trees around her spun as if she was on a merry go round.

  Dracul closed the distance between them, tilting her chin up with a long finger. “There has only been one amplifier I have known before you, and he was a man. It was nothing for me to kill him, he was simply a means to an end; however, I must admit I did not expect you to be so… exquisite.” He began stroking her cheek, and she was in such a daze that she couldn’t do anything to make him stop. “I’m sure you can imagine the predicament that puts me in. You see, I cannot allow an amplifier to live because in the long run you could make someone stronger than me, but did you hear how I said the long run darling? I believe it would suit us both very well for you to be my pet for some time.” His hand moved to stroking her hair. “Yes I believe that will work out very nicely.”

  Cold, hard lips pressed against Tessa’s, and for a moment, the dizziness disappeared. She lifted her hand and with all the strength she could muster, wacked Dracul on the side of his head. He pulled back with a laugh. “I do love them feisty.”

  “Then you’re going to love me.” Milo had regained his strength, and with Tessa so near, he felt invincible. Calling upon his element of water, he aimed his strength at Dracul, drowning him from the inside out before freezing him.

  Tessa collapsed to the ground and stared up at the eerie ice statue of Dracul. Once again she had her senses back, and the world was no longer spinning. “Is he dead?” she asked in horror of all the events she had just witnessed.

  “I don’t think so,” Milo said. “I think it’s going to take a lot more than that to kill a legend, but we need to get out of here. I don’t know how long this will hold him, and he might have some followers nearby.”

  “Holy sh- crap!” Ethan and Sam said in unison running up to the scene. They had all been making a conscious effort not to swear in front of Tessa ever since their mother had taught them not to curse in from of girls. “What happened?”

  “We’ll explain everything at home. We need to get Tessa somewhere safe right now,” Milo said grabbing her hand and pulling her into a run.

  Chapter 20

  They all piled into Sam’s SUV, Milo and Tessa climbing into the back seat. They seemed to realize that their hands were still clasping at the same time, when at the same moment they each looked down at their entwined fingers. They both pulled away, Milo popping his knuckles, while Tessa stretched her fingers out. Sam drove up Tessa’s driveway, and put the car in park. Sandra was home, not so surprising since it was the middle of the day and she was most likely either catching up on sleep, or gathering fresh things for her to take with her when she left for the night. Tessa didn’t want to be left alone with her mother, but she didn’t want to invite the brothers inside with a cougar on the constant prowl. Luckily, Milo saved her from the decision.

  “I think you should stay with us, for at least the weekend,” he said, and his brothers readily agreed.

  “Are you sure?” she asked liking the idea more than she probably should, so quickly added, “I thought you said this place was safe.”

  “It is safe,” Sam agreed. “But our place is safer, and better safer than sorry right?”

  “Okay…” Tessa said opening the car door. “I’ll go grab some stuff really fast then.”

  “Will your mom be okay with it? You can tell her we’re girls if that will make her feel better,” Ethan suggested.

  Tessa chuckled, “I doubt anyone will even notice I’m gone,” before hopping out the car and going inside her house.

  She made it up to her room without being sighted, and quickly began grabbing clothes for the weekend, before moving into her bathroom to get everything she needed from there. Excitement danced in her nerves; she’d never done anything like this before. Practically skipping down the stairs, she paused when she heard giggling coming from the kitchen. She stepped around the corner to see what was going on, and immediately regretted it when she saw her little sister sitting on the counter, with her bare legs wrapped around Jake Spiers body. From the looks of it, Hailey wasn’t even wearing pants, or anything else for that matter on her lower body since her skirt was bunched up, and Jake was in the middle of undoing his own pants.

  “HAILEY!” Tessa screamed wishing she could turn back time and not go in the kitchen, but at the same time wanting to stop what was about to happen from happening.

  The couple jumped apart, Jake quickly zipping his jeans back up, and Hailey sliding down from the counter top and pulling the skirt she was wearing down to her thighs, and then stomped up to Tessa. “What are you doing here Tess?”

  “What are you doing here Hailey, oh wait don’t answer that, I saw what you were doing,” she replied in disgust.

  “You are supposed to be at school,” Hailey had the nerve to chastise her older sister.

  “So are you,” Tessa countered. “Mom is here, doesn’t that bother you at all?”

  Hailey rolled her eyes. “Mom took a Xanax, she’s out cold. Besides she’s totally cool with it.”

  “Are you serious!” Tessa yelled. “You are way too young to be having sex!”

  “What is going on down here?” Sandra yawned padding down the stairs in a skimpy nightgown, not bothering to throw a robe on to cover herself up.

  Tessa glared at Hailey. “Out cold I see,” she mumbled. “Mom, Hailey is sexually active, did you know that?”

  She was expecting some kind reaction from either of them, but her mother only yawned back. “Of course I know. Who do you think buys her birth control?”

  “What?” Tessa asked not sure she could believe her ears. “You buy your fifteen year old daughter birth control?”

  “Of course,” Sandra replied simply. “She’s a healthy beautiful girl. It’s perfectly normal.”

  “Are you crazy? What if she gets pregnant, or a sexually transmitted disease?”

  “Well that is what the birth control is for obviously,” Sandra replied appearing board of the conversation, then her eyes widened as if she remembered something and said, “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. You’ve never asked me for birth control, and I know you’re eighteen now, so you don’t need me to get it for you, but Hailey told me you’ve had quite a few partners of your own. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I hope you are being responsible as well. I will not be a grandma yet, Tessa.”

  Tessa wanted to yell and scream and cry all at the same time. She needed to get out of there, now, before she said something she would regret. “I’m leaving,” she said, and stormed out of the kitchen. She almost ran right into Jake, who had been lingering by the front door. He at least had the decency to look uncomfortable when their eyes met. She went out of the front door, and climbed into waiting SUV.

  “You alright?” Milo asked noticing her mood.

  “Fine,” Tessa replied shortly.

  Sam drove to the dealership where Tessa’s car was being fixed, and she was relieved to find her bag still there, with her wallet and phone inside. Even though protections had been placed around her home, she was still glad the Elite didn’t have her address. It was a small comfort in her now scary world.

  “We should probably stop and grab some lunch,” Sam said from the driver’s seat. “Any requests?”

  Chapter 21

  They ended up grabbing fast food from a giant fast food chain, but when Tessa saw the warehouse store that was in the same parking lot, she talked the brothers into stopping there as well. She planned on stocking their kitchen with edible food, and besides, she liked to cook. After some questioning, she learned that they had a toaster and a microwave, and maybe a pan and probably an oven with a stove. So she divided the brothers up, sending each of them to get the things she asked for, while she stocked up on the food. When it was time for checkout, it was the biggest purchase she ever did aside from her car. The brothers were happy to pay, but she insisted, handing her card to the cashier. It was done out of spite against her ridiculous mother and absent father, but still it made her feel better. It’s not like either of her parents would notice the charge anyway.

  When they arrived at the brothers’ house, after several trips each from the car to the kitchen, Tessa took in the kitchen. It looked the same as when she had left days ago, with empty take out boxes everywhere and dirty dishes filling the sink. She sighed, “Do you guys care about any of these?”

  After a unanimous no, she set them to work throwing everything out, while she opened the boxes of new dishes, silverware and cookware they had just bought. When they were finished, the kitchen looked like a real kitchen, and one of the brothers had even cleared off the mess covering the kitchen table. Dishes were in the cupboards, along with the pots, pans, mixing bowls, measuring cups and everything else that they bought from the store.

  By the time they had finished, they were all pretty exhausted so they plopped down on the couches to relax. “I never pictured you as a drill sergeant before Tess,” Milo teased stretching out next to Tessa.

  She smirked back secretly loving that he called her “Tess” because that’s what those closest to her called her. “I never thought I’d have to be one to get three grown men to clean their own kitchen.”

  The brothers all laughed out at that, before they grew serious. Sam and Ethan had been waiting patiently long enough to hear what happened just outside of school. The cleaning and organizing had been a good distraction for Tessa, but she knew they’d have to explain what happened eventually. Milo and Tessa went over everything that had happened with Dracul, while the brothers listened intently. When they finished, Ethan ran to his room and grabbed his laptop, and immediately started googling every myth and legend he could find on Dracul, or Count Dracula. Both Sam and Ethan were floored and horrified that
the man was actually real.

  “Do vampires really exist?” Tessa asked letting that fear sink in. Count Dracula was after all the number one vampire in all the stories.

  “I don’t think so,” Ethan said over his computer. “Listen to this. Dracul was born with unexplainable powers, and even as a boy, he was able to do miraculous things. It is my belief that this man is in fact Gifted, perhaps the most powerfully Gifted being to ever come into existence. His power is so vast, that he is able to call upon the elements to feed him life, thus keeping him young and everlasting; essentially immortal. Where the biting and taking blood came in from the myths I do not know, I can only guess that it was his way of keeping people afraid of him, or perhaps he does in fact believe that drinking blood from his victims will make him stronger...”

  “What site are you on?” Sam asked cynically. “Why would a Gifted just put information like that on the internet?”

  “It’s a secure site that you have to have a password to get on, run by a guy called Neutron. I got the password from Melanie back when we were dating, but anyway, this guy is pretty legit about things. He’s really knowledgeable about all things Gifted, and he fights against the Elite.”

  “Does he know anything about Amplifiers?” Tessa asked hopefully.

  “No, I searched his site and couldn’t find anything on them,” Ethan said in disappointment. “He does always say that sometimes things make no sense, and yet make perfect sense. Maybe it is just that simple.”

  “Dracul called me her protector,” Milo mused. “What do you think that means?”

  “Well you are the most protective of her,” Sam revealed.

  Milo glanced quickly at Tessa, whose cheeks had turned a few shades darker before shooting a glare at Sam, but he just rolled his eyes back. “What? It’s true. Maybe an Amplifier has one specific person who is supposed to watch out for them.”


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