Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy)

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Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy) Page 7

by Christiane Shoenhair

  “Keagan , good to see you up and around. We were hoping you would be able to be here for this meeting to clear up some things and make us understand what happened.”

  Aw shit, here we go.

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Did you, Eddie, and Porsche let Haven know that we would be coming to see them? That we had plans to free those that didn’t want to remain in Haven?”

  “Yes we did.” I stand proud, letting everyone in the room know I take responsibility for my actions.

  “Why did you decide to let them know?” she continues questioning me.

  “I felt that it was my duty as a Guardian to let Haven know of a potential threat.”

  “Do you feel that you made the right choice?” Everyone is intently staring at me. I look at Trish, meeting her supportive gaze.

  “No I don’t. Even thoughI’m still a Guardian and warrior meant to protect humanity from darkness, I do feel that Haven goes about things the wrong way. I could not bear to see you or Riley treated like some of the Young Creators that have been brought into Haven. Honestly, I’m having a hard time figuring out how to be a Guardian and still remain true to my family and what I consider right from wrong. Especially since some of my views have changed regarding Haven.” I want to be honest—no excuses, just the truth—and I want them to judge me based of off that.

  “Do you believe that Porsche and Eddie will continue to endanger the people living here now?” I look at both of them. Two of my best friends, who I have known my entire life. I know who they are and what they believe in, and how strongly they believe those things.

  “You will have to ask them that, Ican’t speak for them.” Folding my arms over my chest, I notice that both Trish and Porsche are checking me out.I’m a guy so I smirk, flex my arms a little more, and wink at them, letting them see that I know they like what they see. Trish turns bright red, which is pretty cute, but Porsche… man that girl licks her lips, hunger in her eyes. Our gazes clash, and I can tell I’ve got something good planned for today, definitely a good distraction. I check her out;she’s wearing a tight outfit, letting everyone see everything that she’s got, which Ican’t complain about. Every time stupid shit comes out of her mouth I just concentrate on her positive attributes.

  “I stick with my decision. Young Creators are all evil and they need to be trained to be obedient. If they step out of line, they need to get stabbed through their nasty, black hearts.” This is from Porsche, spoken with determination and a dark look directed in Trish’s direction. I know that Porsche has always felt especially strong about keeping the Young Creators in line, even more so than the rest of us. That was a reason she was chosen as a Guardian, one of the first females to ever be honored with the position. I wonder if there is a reason for Porsche’s strong distaste of them, and what her words means for her future.

  “I agree with Porsche.” I’m surprised at Eddie’s words. Even though we have been friends for a long time, he is not known for taking the hard route. Any chance Eddie gets, he makes sure to find the path of least resistance. I can’t help but wonder what is bringing out this change of behavior.

  Mom looks at both Trish’s mom and Maximus, who nod in some sort of silent acknowledgment, and she turns back to Eddie and Porsche. “We will have to detain you two for now, until we figure out a better place for you. Things between us and Haven are still very shaky, and wecan’t have you two giving any more insight into our operations or details about this place. You will be well taken care of and no harm will come to you.” Before I can even comprehend her words, both Eddie and Porsche disappear right before my eyes.

  “Where ...” I turn in a circle, not really knowing what just happened to my friends. Suddenly, I notice that Tisiphone’s eyes look really freaky. They are completely white, including her pupils, which lets me know that she was doing some weird hocus pocus stuff that only her and Trish can do.

  “Don’t worry, Keagan, your friends are safely tucked away for now. I transported them into one of the new units. We just have to make sure they don’t endanger any more of our people, or leak any vital information,” Tisiphone informs me.

  “New units?” I have no idea what she is talking about.

  “Aunt Tisi and I have been making homes for all of the refugees that left Haven. They are cute little condo-style homes with everything that they need. They will be just fine there,” Trish says. I stare at her for a moment, both processing her words and caught in her gaze.

  “I think I’m going to go for a walk, unless you need anything else from me?” I look at all of them and they shake their heads, letting me know I’m free to go.

  I walk out of the tent without another glance in Trish’s direction … even though I really want to look at her again. This crap is so frustrating! Why does this Young Creator have such an effect on me? The feelings she stirs within me are completely different than the ones I feel for Porsche. I know Riley said something about us having a shared history, but I justcan’t even think of that. It’s not supposed to be, it’s just wrong. Wrong for a Guardian and Young Creator to be together. Or is it? My dad was a Guardian when he fell for my mom and they still, to this day, are happily married, regardless of the struggles that they have had to endure.

  My entire life, from the time that I was chosen to be trained as a Guardian when I was two, I have been told that Young Creators weren’t like us … weren’t human and needed to be treated in a way that made sure they remembered their place. They were dangerous and would use any means necessary to achieve their goal, including using their beauty to turn men’s heads.

  Arriving back at my tent, I sit down on my uncomfortable cot, which is probably partially at fault for the kinks in my neck. Why in the world am I sleeping on an uncomfortable cot when Trish could just think up a nice bed for me? You would think that Tisiphone and Trish would make sure everyone here has somewhere comfortable to stay, but it just has not happened. Sometimes I just don’t get where their priorities are.

  I run my hands over my hair in frustration, deciding that I’m going to go talk to Trish about the living conditions we are subjected to. I will make sure that I have somewhere comfortable to sleep tonight.

  Chapter 8

  Touched by Mixed Signals I really feel like today was a major breakthrough for Keagan. Ever since he died and was reanimated by some strange miracle, Keagan has definitely been off. His behavior and actions have been different, and he seems very uncomfortable in my presence. I feel like he has finally realized he believes in this cause. His actions—both yesterday when he chose to have my back, and today when he stated that he felt Haven’s ways were off—make me confident that he is on the path back to the Keagan that I know… well, knew.

  I did n’t even realize I had lost my trust in him until he betrayed us yesterday and I was not surprised by his decision. I guess there was a part of me expecting something to eventually happen, but realizing that Keagan had betrayed not only me, but his family as well, hurt. It shows how many obstacles are in my way to getting things back to how they were between us. I don’t have the same advantage of him getting to know me first and then finding out about the Young Creator thing this time. I wonder if there is any hope for us.

  I look around at the somber faces of the adults in the room with me and feel like I should leave the decisions to them. Maybe I need to take a break from this and see if my talents can be utilized anywhere else. “Does anyone need anything else from me right now? Or do you mind if I see if I can help the others?”

  Helen glances around the room to see if they have anything, and when her gaze lands on me I receive a friendly smile. Even though she has a smile on her face, I see the worry hidden behind it. Worry not only about the people that were brought here from Haven and what their future holds, but also about the situation with Keagan, Porsche, and Eddie. I know that Helen cares about all of them and making the decision must be hard on her. I feel arms wrapping around me and it’s my mom, giving me a sweet hug.

/>   “You can go ahead and check up on things .I’m so proud of you, Trish. You really are an amazing young women.” With those words, she kisses me on the forehead and ushers me out of the tent. I’m eager to escape and do something other than stand around.

  The sunlight hits me right in the face, blinding me, which results in me letting out a little girly squeak when a hand touches my shoulder. I spin around and find Keagan with an amused look on his face standing before me.

  “What ?” I’m embarrassed,so I can’t help but be short with him… which results in him laughing in my face. I roll my eyes and turn around, stomping off. I don’t have time for his childish shenanigans; I have things to do.

  “Trish, wait up . I need something that onlyyou can help me with.” I stop, and with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms, I impatiently wait for him to tell me what he wants. I almost don’t notice Sam and Chelsey standing in the shadows, talking. I wonder if there is something that my best friend needs to tell me. I have to admit, I hope that there is something going on between the two of them. I think that they are both great people and I deeply care for them; all I want is for them to be happy. Most people would probably think that it’s really weird that I wouldn’t mind if he dated my best friend, considering I had kissed and found him attractive. The thing is,I don’t think I ever had real feelings for Sam. I was more confused about my feelings for Keagan and was trying to find a distraction from him. Sam is a good looking guy with his blond hair and bright eyes, not to mention that smile with those dimples.

  “Trish, are you even paying attention to me?” Keagan’s words bring me back from my thoughts and I focus on him.

  “Sorry,I was thinking about Sam.” This time it’s Keagan that rolls his eyes.

  “I don’t care about your girly infatuations.” He glances over his shoulder and notices Sam and Chelsey. “Seems like your buddy is moving in on your boyfriend.” I meet his gaze when he turns back around.

  “Sam is not my boyfriend, Keagan, you are.” Why in the world did I just say that? As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I want to suck them back in. But since Ican’t, I do the second best thing and pretend like itdidn’t happen. “So what was it that you needed my help with?” Keagan is still staring at me, and I have no idea what the expression on his face means. Crap, why did I have to say that? I think he’s finally getting over the hate part toward me and is looking at me more like a person, and then I have to say something to make him uncomfortable.

  Keagan steps right up to me and I hold my breath; he is so close that I can feel his breath on my cheek. “Let’s get one thing straight,Young Creator.” Tearing my gaze off of his chest, I look up into his eyes, momentarily getting lost in them. However, his words bring me right back to reality. “I don’t remember what happened between us, but regardless nothing will ever happen again. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  Releasing my breath, Ican’t help but look at his lips, which are inches from mine. I can’t help but wonder if I kiss him, if his memories will return. I have heard that muscle memory brings back memories. So I decide to take a chance and throw my arms around him, pressing my lips to his. For a second I think that it may be working because he kisses me back, but as quickly as it started it ends. Suddenly, he shoves me back … hard. Hard enough to actually result in me sitting on my butt. Keagan glares at me.

  “You know, I’m really trying here. I get that something was going on between us, but I need you to keep your distance. You are making me really uncomfortable, don’t you understand that?” He is shouting at me once again, and I notice that several people who were walking by stop and are openly gaping at us. I can feel my cheeks flush, but decide to not show how embarrassed and hurt I’m by yet another one of his rejections.

  “I just figured I’d see if I could jog your memory. No need to get your panties in a bunch! It was just a harmless kiss.” Rising, I brush the dirt off of my pants. When I look at Keagan, I notice a slight pink stain gracing his cheeks. Good,I’m glad that I embarrassed him. Sometimes I feel like Keagan needs to be brought down a level or two. Such a hot head.

  “Let’s just pretend that it didn’t happen,” he murmurs.

  “Fine by me. Like I said,it was no big deal, Keagan.” It’s interesting to see him so uncomfortable. As long as I have known him,he’s always been cocky and self-assured. Now he is standing in front of me, shifting nervously on his feet and not looking at me. There is a part of me that wonders if I may have jogged his memory after all. I better just let it go for now, though; I don’t want to push too hard and disturb the uncomfortable peace that we have come to. “So, like I was asking, why did you come looking for me? You said you needed my help with something.”

  “Uh,yeah, that’s right.I did come looking for you, didn’t I?” He gets lost in his own thoughts for a minute, which reminds me of how Aunt Tisi always sinks into her head all the time when I’m trying to have a conversation with her.

  “Sooo …” I tap my foot impatiently and start looking around, losing interest as I remember that I wanted to go check on things.

  “Umm, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind fixing my bed.” I wait for him to continue because I haveno idea what he needs me for. “Maybe put a nice queen with a Tempur-Pedic mattress in my little tent. I will even just take the mattress. I’d totally owe you one.” Keagan asking for anything would surprise me, but him begging and telling me that he would owe me one totally shocks me. I think he can tell by the look on my face that I’m shocked, because next thing I know Keagan goes off on a tangent. “Look, I usually wouldn’t ask for something like this, but my body is so sore. I haven’t been able to sleep well and can’t properly protect you or do my duty if I’m unable to concentrate. Therefore, I figured I should suck it up and ask for your help.”

  I’m totally floored, but who am I to deny my personal Guardian any request he makes that will enable him to do his duty? I triumphantly do a happy dance in my head, but make sure to look completely serious when I reply,“Sure, Keagan, that’s no problem. I would be happy to do anything I can to make sure that you can do your duty. Let’s go to your tent so that I can see whereI’m placing this big, comfortable bed.” We walk through the camp, receiving a lot of smiles and acknowledging nods from some of the men. It must be a guy thing because I have never seen women greet each other with nods. I chuckle quietly and receive an inquisitive look from Keagan, which I decide to ignore.

  We arrive atKeagan’s tent, and as I walk through the entranceI’m not surprised to see that everything is neat and perfectly organized. I roll my eyes, and with a quick look at the military-style cot it has transformed itself into a comfortable looking queen bed with a down comforter and plush pillows. When I turn to Keagan, joy radiates from him. Before I know what is happening, he has jumped into the bed and is laying on it with arms and legs splayed wide. He wiggles aroundon top of the covers, which makes me crack up. “Keagan,you’re silly.” I momentarily forget about the awkwardness between us and jump on the bed with him, laying my head in the crook of his arm.

  I’m reminded when he instantly stiffens and pulls his arm out from under my head. Closing my eyes, I lay there for a minute, trying to pretend that he didn’t just once again hurt my feelings. I feel him shift next to me and peek at him; he’s sitting up and rubbing a hand over his short hair. He clears his throat, which makes me completely open my eyes and sit up on the bed, turning my body in his direction. “Thank you, I really appreciate the bed.” Just when I’m about to reply, we are interrupted by Riley, who comes into his tent without any forewarning.

  “Hey Keagan.” She stops when she spots me and a smile lights up her stunning face. “Are you two back together? Keagan,I’m so glad that you finally remember her. I knew it would just take time before your memories came back. I didn’t want to rush you,but you don’t know how relieved I’m that you’re back with Trish and not messing around with that backstabbing skank of a Guardian, Porsche. I can’t stand that girl and it took every ounce
of self-control to bite my tongue.” Her rambling stops when she throws herself at Keagan, who easily catches her. He looks at me and lightly shakes his head; I think he wants Riley to believe that he remembers me. “Anyway, the reason that I came to see you was because Tisiphone and Maximus are asking for you. I gotta go look for Chelsey and Sam, too,so I will meet you two in the main tent.” With those words, she is up and out of the tent before I can even process what just happened. I can’t believe Keagan let her leave here thinking that he and I were back together. I reallydon’t understand why things always have to be so confusing. Men say women are complicated, and don’t get me wrong I agree, but at the same time men are just as confusing … only in a different way.

  Jumping up, I leave the tent without a look at Keagan, knowing he will follow since we were both summoned. I know I’m right when I hear quick footsteps behind me. He catches up to me and matches his stride to mine, which leaves us walking side by side. Sadness overcomes me momentarily when thoughts of us running together cross my mind. Thankfully we reach the tent before my thoughts can turn even darker.

  As we enter, the air seems thick with tension, which surprises me because I have never seen anything except great camaraderie and agreement between the grownups. What I have walked into is the complete opposite; nothing but crossed arms and scowls on their faces. My mom walks over to me with an uneasy smile on her face and puts her arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. I lean into her. I know she’s not my birth mother, but thatdoesn’t mean that she is not my real mom orthat I don’t love her just as much as if she had given birth to me. Love … it’s such an interesting emotion and there are so many different types. There is the love that you feel for your family, which is something that is completely natural and makes you always be there for those in your family and take for granted that they will also always be there for you. I know I’m the perfect example of that.


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