Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy)

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Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy) Page 8

by Christiane Shoenhair

When I still lived with my mother in Florida and it was just her and I, there were so many mean things that I said to her. But even when my mom was in tears from something I said, there was a part of me that knew she would forgive me and I always knew not to cross a certain boundary. I was so angry with her most of the time because I felt like she was trying to make me her personal prisoner and refused to let me live my life. Naturally, now I understand why she made sure that we were hidden from the outside world since my birth mother, the Fury Allecto, was trying to find me so that I could help her end the world. Remembering Haddie, I wonder if I would have turned out the same way as her if I hadn’t been taken in by the woman who has her arms around me.

  “I love you ,Mom.” The words just feel right, and when my mom’s face lights up with happiness I’m glad that I followed the impulse to tell her.

  “I love you, too,Trish.” She squeezes me tighter and places a kiss on my cheek. Just then, Chelsey and Sam make their way into the tent and it makes me think of the second type of love. The love for people that are not related to you, but make such a huge impact in your life that you can’t help but love them, and know that you would do anything for them. I meet Chelsey’s gaze and give her a reassuring smile. Last to make their way into the tent are Porsche and Eddie, followed by Riley. Porsche gives Keagan a smoldering look and tosses her hair over her shoulder. Chelsey and I look at each other, both of us rolling our eyes, which makes us crack up.

  I hear Keagan clear his throat next to me, so I turn toward him. I take in a deep breath, momentarily lost in both the comforting smell of Keagan and those big blue eyes, which are as deep as the ocean. He makes me think of the love that so many books are written about. That earth-shattering, soul-stealing, mountain-moving love. The love that leaves you breathless and makes it impossible to focus on anything except that person. When they are not around it feels like a piece of your soul is missing, and only once they have returned do you feel like you are whole. I tear myself away from Keagan’s stare, scared that so much emotion could be brought to the surface by gazing into his eyes.

  “Now that we are all here, we need to tell you about some decisions we have made that will impact all of you. I don’t like beating around the bush, so I will get to the point right away. We need to face the musicand return all of you back to Dalton Academy.” Maximus’ words shock all of us, but simultaneously starts a rush of words from all of those that this decision is affecting.

  I stand there in stunned silence.It’s as if everything around me has slowed down, and I’m watching a movie that is barely moving. I see Eddie shaking his head from side to side in slow motion; words leave his mouth,but I don’t hear them. Keagan is standing in front of his parents, their gazes are locked and words are also exchanged between them. When I finally turn to look at my mother, I find her observing me in silence. I shake my head from side to side in denial; I don’t think it’s the right decision. How can I just return to class and act likeI’m a normal teenager if the fight for human-kind is going on around me? This must be a mistake. I finally meet Aunt Tisi’s eyes, who has turned into my mentor, and I see that she is watching me … waiting for my reaction. All at onceI’m pulled back into the room. I can now hear the angry words that are being thrown all around me.

  “Wait!” I say loudly. Surprisingly, everyone around me quiets down and turns their attention to me. “Even though I feel like this is the wrong choice, I’d like to know what’s behind you making this decision.” I trust these people, and one thing that I’ve learned about them is that they really care about us. I don’t feel they would make this decision because it’s the easiest thing for them. Therefore, I need to understand the bigger picture.”

  “You may remember the night Haven was attacked by Allecto and her people. That was the first time they were able to break through our protective walls… ever.” We are all shocked at Maximus’ words,but I don’t understand what it has to do with the decision to send us back to Dalton. “Chelsey has to go back and return to her everyday life.” It hadn’t even occurred to me that we disappeared out of nowhere, and that the police have probably been looking for us. I can tell that the same thought is crossing everyoneelse’s mind at Maximus’ words. Chelsey appears shocked and covers her gasp with her hand. Maximus raises his arm to catch everyone’s attention once again, then continues,“There is nothing to worry about, no one knew that any of you have been missing.”

  “How is that possible?” The words that I was just wondering come out of Chelsey’s mouth.

  “I used one of my gifts. I can make humans see whatever I want them to see. All of you have been attending class and going about your everyday life.” This comes from Aunt Tisi, who has been quiet until now. Suddenly, I remember that she is capable of this. I still can’t believe that ithadn’t crossed my mind once to worry about what everyone thought about us disappearing. I guess the only excuse that I haveis that there’s too much going o n.

  Now that that’s been cleared up, Maximus continues,“I know you all want to stay and help, but this place is not safe for you. We can’t afford to have those here that we feel may be a threat.” He glances at Eddie and Porsche with those words. “Not only that, but we have a lot of work here and wecan’t take care of all of these people and constantly have our guard up about Allecto. Therefore, we have decided that the best place for you is Dalton Academy. There is a reason why we sent Guardians there, and why your mother and I decided it was the safest place for you, Trish. Even though Dalton Academy is just a normal human boarding school, it was built on ground that was blessed by Artemis. This means that the Furies, including Tisiphone and any person that may mean harm to those at Dalton Academy,can’t cross the boundary of the land. It is the safest place for all of you.”

  Chapter 9

  Touched by Meanness It ’s so strange to be back at Dalton Academy, as if nothing has ever happened. As if we never disappeared from the school; as if wedidn’t just fight an evil Fury for the survival of the human race. At the same time, everything has changed … except no one other than us knows it. The last day I spent at Dalton Academy was like a dream because then Keagan and I were dating. It’s going to be awkward to explain our now non-existent relationship. However, I’m looking forward to seeing my friends Kristina, May, and Lexi. They, in addition to Chelsey and Keagan, were part of the reason that I started healing after my mother—without explanation— just dropped me off. I was so angry with everything and everyone, and I rejected any person that even tried approaching me. Other than Chelsey, who somehow wiggled her way into my defenses, which I have to sayI’m really grateful for. NowI’m back, sitting at lunch with my friends as if nothing has happened. The only difference is that Keagan and Eddiehaven’t joined us. Eddie is sitting with Porsche and her underlings, and I have no idea where Keagan is.

  Sam enters the cafeteria and looks around. I hate how different he seems. Gone is the carefree troublemaker that I first met at Haven, and in his place is a sad yet strong young man. His gaze skims the cafeteria, and I notice that quite a few pairs of eyes have noticed Sam, which is no surprise sincehe’s a really attractive guy and new to the school. When his eyes land on our table, I noticeKristina’s breath catching. “Hot damn, who is that? Where has he been my entire life? Oh my God,he is walking over here.” I can’t help but laugh to see my confident friend so flustered over a guy. Running her hands through her hair, she sits up straight and plasters a huge smile on her face.

  Sam reaches us and gives everyone a friendly smile. “May I introduce my cousin Sam to you?” Three pairs of eyes swing to me in astonishment. “I was telling him about Dalton, and since he just got expelled from his school he figured he’d try something different.” Yes, that’s the story we came up with and I have to sayI’m pretty happy with it. It also explains how Chelsey and Sam know each other, especially since they’re already making googly eyes at each other. Unfortunately, Kristina has already noticed and is now sitting with slumped shoulders. Sam takes a seat next to Chelsey a
nd throws his arm over her shoulder.

  “I thought you were dating Eddie . Will he appreciate you getting all chummy with Trish’s cousin?” This comes from Kristina. Crap,we didn’t think of that! It seems like a lifetime ago since we were last here, and even though our life has changed so much over the last few weeks, things didn’t play out the same here. Mine and Chelsey’s eyes meet in a panic. How are we going to explain this?

  Rescue comes from a source I would n’t have expected. “We weren’t really dating and figured out that we should just stay friends.Isn’t that right,Chelsey?” Eddie says from behind us. I didn’t even realize that he’d come over, but talk about perfect timing.

  “That’s right, it was a mutual decision.” Chelsey gives Eddie a grateful smile. One thing that I’ve learned about Eddie is that he can’t be trusted, and I wonder why he is being so nice. What’s in it for him?

  “Too bad that your and Keagan’s relationship didn’t end so well.” There it is, this must be the reason he decided to come over here… to rub the whole Keagan situation in. My heart is pounding like a racehorse in my chest and I can feel all eyes at the table on me.

  “What’s he talking about ,Trish?” This from May. I steady myself, and just as I’m about to tell them, I notice Keagan making his way into the cafeteria. He looks around and walks over toward Porsche, taking a seat next to her.

  “Porsche happened . Keagan finally realized that Porsche is smoking hot and made the decision any hotblooded teenage boy would make.” He smirks, and with those words walks away.

  This whole situation is so strange. I don’t know what I thought would happen when we came back to Dalton, but I didn’t think Keagan would’ve rubbed salt into the wound that he had unintentionally opened. Looking up, I see the shock on all of my friends faces. Then there’s Sam and Chelsey, who know the whole situation and have nothing but compassion for me.

  “I don’t understand ! You and Keagan were like perfect for each other. Keagan had finally dropped his dark brooding mood and you were like a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly.” I can’t help but laugh at her comparing me to a bug. However, I feel terrible when I notice how serious May is and rein my laughter in.

  I hear laughter from Porsche ’s table, and when I glance over my shoulder I notice that they are looking at an iPad. Some of Porsche’s minions are pointing at me and laughing. Unease settles over me and my stomach gets a sinking feeling. I don’t need any more drama in my life. I glance at Keagan to see if he will shed some light on the situation, and notice the horrified look on his face. When his eyes meet mine, he starts shaking his head and mouths,‘I’m so sorry’. NowI’m really scared.

  It seems that Porsche ’s table is drawing more and more people, and whatever they are watching keeps causing everyone to look at me. There is a part of me that really wants to know what’s on the iPad, but then there is a part of me that’s happy I don’t know. Keagan tries to take the device from Porsche, but the result is other people pulling out theirs. I guess it’s a good thing that cell phones are not allowed in the education buildings, otherwise I don’t doubt everyone would be watching it. Keagan seems to give up when he throws his hands in the air, gets up, and marches out of the lunch room.

  “So are you going to tell us what’s going on?” Kristina asks, bringing me back around. I notice that all of my friends are looking at either me or the situation at Porsche’s table.

  “Like Eddie said, Keagan decided that Porsche is more his style. As far as whatever they are looking at, I have no idea what they are watching. But it scares me, especially since Ican’t think of anything that would cause that sort of attention.” The bell rings, bringing lunch to an end. I look down at my Cajun Chicken pasta with garlic bread and regretfully grab my plate, dumping the uneaten food in the nearest trashcan.

  I head off to class and the rest of the day seems to pass by in slow motion, but each hour is a repeat of the last, which seems to me like some sort of horror movie. I take my seat, trying to concentrate on the lectures that are taking place, only to notice the snickers and whispered words hidden behind hand-covered mouths. The looks are always the worst, though. Most are condescending, but then I also find pity in some and that’s what scares me the most… the pity.

  As the day goes by, I want to find out more and more what this is all about. I’m too prideful to ask anyone, and when the dreadful day finally comes to an end I rush in the direction of my room. All of my fears get reinforced when I see that Chelsey, May, Lexi, and Kristina are all waiting for me outside our dorm. Their heads are close together, in conversation. I have a feeling that they have figured out what everyone has been watching. Lexi is the first to notice me and plasters a huge smile on her face.

  “Hey , Trish, we were thinking of going to get some dinner in Sacramento. You up for some good food? I know this really great restaurant that my mom took me to last time she came to visit,” Lexi asks me as I approach. I notice the rest of the girls strained looks, and I know that they want to protect me from whatever horrors are on everyone’s iPads.

  I also know that eventually I ’ll have to face the music, and the more this situation plays out the more I realize that it must be pretty bad. Especially since the girls want to take me to Sacramento, which is about an hour and a half drive. There is a part of me that just wants to go ahead and deal with it and find out what I’m in for so that I can come up with some plan to reduce the damage. However, I decide that I’m going to trust my friends and go along with their plan.

  “ All right, that sounds good.” I give them a smile, which seems to immediately take some of the tension and worry away. How did I get so lucky? Not only to have Chelsey, who is like a sister to me, but people like May, Kristina, and Lexi who care enough about me to try to protect me from getting hurt. I guess that’s what true friendship is all about; you’re there for your friends when they need you, regardless of anything else. My eyes get glassy with unshed tears and I notice the looks of worry that immediately cross all of their faces. “Sorry, I know I’m being sentimental, but I’m just so happy that I met you guys and can call you all my friends. A girl couldn’t ask for better friends than you four. I hope you know that I really appreciate all of you.” Wiping at my eyes, I smile at them.

  Next thing I know, I’m being crushed by four girls all trying to simultaneously hug me. A laugh escapes me, and for the first time today the heaviness and unease in my stomach has disappeared. It feels great to be cared about. “All right, girls, you gotta let go of me so I can change into some normal clothes.I really don’t think I should stay in my uniform.” I glance down at the horrible plaid uniform, which Ihaven’t missed at all while I was gone. I still think that someone with absolutely no fashion sense designed these uniforms.

  The girls chuckle in agreement and I start heading into the building, only to stop when I notice that they are all following me. “I’ll be right back! Youguys don’t have to come to my room with me, I’ll be all right.” I can tell that they don’t like it but respect my decision when they head back toward where they’d been standing before. I wonder how they got out of class and changed before me,but don’t mention it.

  Opening the door that leads into the common area, I momentarily regret my decision of not having the girls with me when I notice all of the people hanging out in it. Everyone is talking and I hope that I can slip by unnoticed. I tiptoe my way toward the stairs and know that I’m in trouble when it gets quiet. “So,how does it feel?” I glance at the pool table, which Porsche is perched on in one of her horrible outfits. I really don’t understand what it is with her and the neon … it’s just hideous.

  “What are you talking about ,Porsche?” I know I can’t back down from her; it’s one thing that I have learned in dealing with her before. If I give in even a little, she will just make my life all that much worse. I glance around the room and notice that everyone is hanging onto every word that is being exchanged between us.

  “What , you haven’t seen it? W
ell let me clue you in on what’s going viral around the web. I think it’s hilarious, but that’s just me.” She reaches next to her and grabs the iPad that was waiting there. I feel like I’m being set up, and know that this is probably the worst thing that could be happening to me. All of these people are going to be here to see my reaction to whatever she is going to show me. She types something into the device as she walks toward me in her bright red stillettos. She hands it to me and I glance at the screen, reading the title of the video. Most Epic Rejection Ever! All I can see of the video is concrete.

  I start panicking. What does this have to do with me? I place my finger on the play icon knowing that there is no going back now. This is going to happen and with an audience, including Porsche who is hell bent on destroying me. I tell myself that whatever it is, I can handle it and just need to stay stone-faced. I will not give them the satisfaction of getting any sort of reaction out of me. Especially not Porsche.

  Porsche, who has done nothing except make my life miserable from the first moment that Keagan showed any interest in me. It only got worse when we got to Haven, where she told me that she couldn’t wait to stab me through the heart when I decided to do what all of my kind did and try to destroy human kind. She is the reason that I was whipped, which is the most painful thing that I have ever experienced… physically that is. Keagan breaking my heart, next to my mom lying to me, is definitely the worst pain I have been in. I look up at Porsche one last time; the smirk on her face says it all. Whycan’t she just leave me alone? She has Keagan. Is that not enough?

  I try to wipe all expression from my face and steel myself for what I’m about to see. I remove my finger from the iPad, which starts playing the video. However, before it even has a chance to really start, the device is taken out of my hands and the video paused. I look in confusion at the large, strong hands that took it from me; I’d recognize them anywhere. They are the ones I used to love to hold, which held my face tenderly as the lips that are further up the body touched mine.


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