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Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy)

Page 13

by Christiane Shoenhair

  As soon as we exit the dorm, I turn to my hero and give him a huge smile. “You might just be my new favorite person! I’m Trish by the way.” I reach out my hand to shake his. He takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. I instantly like him; my mom always told me that you can tell a lot by a person’s hand shake, and you should be wary of those that have a weak one. “I’m Nick,” he tells me with a cute smile and dimples in his cheeks. What I wasn’t able to see earlier is that he has grayeyes, a shade that I don’t believe I’ve seen on anyone before. “That’s what I’m here for, aiding a damsel in distress.”

  I notice Chris heading in our direction and am reminded of why I needed to get my things in the first place. I have to say,I’m sad to have to say good-bye to Nick, especially since I just met him and would love to find out more about him. However, I guess right now isn’t a good time, not only because of what is going on, but also because of Keagan. I still have to untangle that mess, andI don’t even want to think about that whole situation right now. I’m instantly brought back to the present when Nick starts laughing. Ican’t help but smile; Nick has one of those laughsthat is contagious. “What’s so funny?”

  “I don’t mean to be rude , but watching you is like having a front row seat to a play. Your facial expressions tell a story, and it’s just fascinating. Not only that, but you’re freakin’ cute!” I blush, Ican’t help it. I think the only person I’ve been instantly attracted to like this was Keagan. I thought Sam was cute and I admired his spirit, but he never set my blood on fire or made the butterflies in my stomach do summersaults. For some reason, this boy has me blushing and my heart skippinga beat. I don’t have time for this.

  “You weren’t rude, and thank you. I think you’re cute, too! But, umm, I gotta go.I’m meeting some friends. I was really nice meeting you, Nick,and thank you again.” I smile at him before rushing off to meet Chris.

  “I’m so glad you were able to meet me,” Chris says.

  “I told you I would.” I’m confused, anddon’t understand why he is surprised. “Sorry , Trish, Ididn’t mean you. I was talking to Nick.” I turn to Nick in surprise, who has a big, goofy grin on his face. I glanceback and forth between the two. “Nick, meet Trish the Young Creator, and Trish this is my son,Nick.” I know my mouth is hanging open in shock.

  “Surprise.” I whack Nick in the shoulder, which only causes him to laugh some more. I think that I could get used to having him around; he is the complete opposite of Keagan. Where Keagan is kind of sullen, Nick is just happy. I really like that.

  This is not good! Talk about a distraction. Luckily, Keagan saves me when he arrives with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. “What’s up?” he asks, nodding inNick’s direction with a questioning look.

  “Hi, I’m Nick . One of the Fates’ Assassins.” He extends his hand to shakeKeagan’s, who cautiously shakes it.

  “Keagan, bad ass Guardian. Protector of this Young Creator and also kinda her boyfriend.” I swing my eyes in Keagan’s direction, shocked at his statement. I don’t know how I feel about this.

  “Too bad, it seems like all the cute ones always have boyfriends. That’s cool.” He gives Keagan a friendly look, letting him know he understands that Keagan is staking his claim. While I may have liked that in the past, right now I’m just pissed off, but don’t want to start anything. Not right now anyway. I make a mental note that Keagan and I are going to have a one on one as soon as possible. Just then Maximus drives up, surprise on his face when he notices Chris and Nick.

  He gets out of his car and rushes over to Chris, who wholeheartedly hugs him, smacking him on the back in what I like to call a man hug. “What are you doing here, old friend?”

  “Fates sent me your way, said that I would find a way to tip the balance. Had a little run in with your Young Creator and Guardianhere earlier. I’m just happy we cleared that misunderstanding up before anyone was hurt.”

  “You and me both,” I tell him. Chris smiles, which is a first, and I’m startled to see the resemblance between him and Nick. While Chris doesn’t haveNick’s complexion, he definitely has his smile.

  “Interesting. So the Fates have noticed the shift in balance and have activated their personal guard. That hasn’t happened in a long time. Things must be worse than we thought,” Maximus says.

  “It really has gotten bad. More and more darkness is infiltrating the light, the Fates are worried and want us to help restore the balance. That is why you get us along on your journey. We have a lot to talk about.” He grabs his bag and gets in the front seat of Maximus’ car, leaving the rest of us to pile in the back. I end up wedged between the two guys; a tight fit given that Maximus has a white Prius. I always like to guess what kind of cars people have, and I’m usually pretty good at it, but I would’ve been dead wrong with my pick for Maximus.

  Maximus and Chris are talking upfront like long lost best friends, while the teenagers in the back are not uttering one word. I wish this wasn’t so awkward, but Keagan’s earlier declaration somehow made it so. I decide to enjoy the scenery that is rushing by, but am completely shocked when Nick puts his arm across the back of the seat. He is not really touching me, but it’s so close that we may as well be. Keagan, clearly not liking what he is seeing, decides to place his hand on my thigh and run small circles over my jeans. I turn to him and give him a raised eyebrow, which makes him smirk, lean in, and give me a kiss that would have been on the lips if Ihadn’t turned my face. This is all too much;I don’t want to have to deal with this in addition to everything else. I don’t want to hurt Keagan’s feelings since he just got his memories back, but it’s too complicated.

  I lean in and whisper,“We really need to talk about some stuff … ASAP.” He nods and removes his hand from my leg, clearly getting the hint that I’m not comfortable.

  “So where are we going?” I ask, realizing I’d gotten in the car with no idea of what the plan is.

  “We are going to see a friend of mine. He may have the knowledge we need,” Maximus replies.

  “What are you trying to do?” Chris asks him.

  “We have to find a weapon that will stop Trish’s twin. She has figured out the whole immortal by killing another Young Creator thing. I don’t know how she is going to do it, but she is drawing Trish out,and probably every other Young Creator that she can.”

  “I was talking to the kids about that earlier. Told them about my god-killer. You know that there is one left, right?” Maximus suddenly pulls the car over to the side of the road.

  “Chris, please tell us about this weapon. We were trying to figure out our next move, but it seems like the Fates are already providing us with it.” Maximus sits still in his seat, waiting patiently for Chris to tell us about this weapon. I’m honestly intrigued by Chris, the organization he belongs to, the Fates, and this weapon that can kill a Young Creator. I have so many questions.

  “Before you tell us about the weapon, can you tell us about yourself?” I ask.

  “Youthful curiosity. Absolutely, Trish,I’ll give you a little insight into my world.” I can’t believe this is the same man that just yesterday was teaching my class with such a horrible attitude. What is it about all of my teachers being part of secret organizations? I guess I should have seen this one coming.

  “The Fates have been around for as long as time. They weave the tapestry of time, which contains all life. While most of the gods blinked out of existence when mankind lost their belief, the Fates remained, guarding the balance between good and bad. Now, as far as my organization goes, we are all humans that have been tasked with keeping the balance.”

  “So if the balance is in favor of good, do you have to shift it?” Keagan asks. I look at him and nod my head, thinking that it is a really good question.

  “We do. You have to understand, we are tasked with this. Life will be destroyed if the tapestry of life is not evenly balanced. Sometimes we have to make hard decisions, but it is for the greater good. Have you ever heard that good people sometimes d
o bad things, and bad people do good?It is the way of the world.”

  “You said earlier that some of the gods blinked out of existence, does this mean that there are more still around today?” I inquire, needing to know.

  “Any god that didn’t need worship would still be around,” Nick cuts in before his dad can reply.

  “Like the Furies. Since they basically feed off fear and hopelessness, they are able to exist,” I say, thinking out loud.

  “Exactly,” Chris replies. “But back to the reason that we are all gathered here. The weapon that can kill a Young Creator ...” He pulls out his sword, lovingly running his hands over it. “This is Sky, one of the three god killer swords. Killing a god or Young Creator is extremely difficult. You can drain their energy during an eclipse. The only other choice that I’m familiar with is decapitation, with a god killer. I know of the three swords, Sky, Typhoon, and Flame. There are also a few other weapons, but I’m not familiar with them. The swords, on the other hand, I know all about. I won my sword twelve years ago, and since then it has only been faithful to me. That basically means no one other than me can use this sword, as I earlier demonstrated. I had to explain to Sky why I needed him, and once he accepted me, he was mine until my mission is over or I die. The only time that you can acquire a sword is if itbelongs to no one.” He shrugs his shoulders as if to say that the possibility of that is very slim.

  “So where can we find Typhoon and Flame?” I ask.

  “Typhoon already belongs to someone, so your only choice is Flame.” He meets Maximus’ eye, who—to my surprise—I now notice has turned as white as a sheet of paper.

  “Okay, so where do we find Flame?” I press.

  Maximus is shaking his head in denial. “We can’t. No one ever leaves.”

  “We have to visit the Underworld. Flame is kept there,” Nick states, cutting to the chase.

  “Are you serious? There is actually an Underworld?” I know it’s creepy,but I’m excited. I remember seeing the Underworld in a recent movie, and wonder if the movie actually did it justice.“Have any of you ever been?” Nick snickers behind me and Keagan snorts.

  “No one ever leaves. Did you miss that part?” Nick points out.

  “Oh,I thought that you were only kidding.”

  “Honestly,it’s what we have been told, but on the positive side we don’t know anyone who has ever attempted it, so who knows if it’s true. Probably just one of those things to keep people away.” He winks at me and squeezes my shoulder, reminding me once again how close we are.

  “We have to do this, don’t we?” I ask the group.

  “We do,” Maximus replies.

  Chapter 16 Keagan I can’t believe that we are heading to Paris. I’ve always wanted to travel, but was never given the opportunity. Being raised a Guardian, you are expected to make many sacrifices; not traveling, unless related to Young Creator business, being one of them. We’ve always been told you live a life of servitude for the greater good.

  Trish thought that it was hilarious that the entrance to the Underworld was in Paris. I really didn’t get the joke, but laughed along regardless. Maximus made some quick calls and we are leaving in a few hours . It’s going to be a long flight, almost twelve hours. I have a feeling that I’m going to hate every minute of it, especially if that douchebag doesn’t get off Trish. I still can’t believe that I forgot about her. I feel so much regret about all of the things that I’ve put Trish through, first at Haven and now all of this. Unfortunately, I can now remember all of it, such as rubbing Porsche in her face every opportunity I got just to save face in front of the Guardians. It’s crazy to see how much I’ve changed just because of her. I’m a different person, a better person, because of her. I will do everything to make sure that she is mine again. For nowI’m going to have to give her some space, I know that. It’s just not easy, especially when I see the chemistry between her and Nick.

  Maximus, thinking that she would be a great addition to the group, called Riley to come join us. Ican’t wait to see my sister; I know she is going to be relieved to know that I’m myself again. I remember the last time I talked to her, the hateful things I said about Trish and how sad Riley seemed to be. It seems like I have so much to make up for. I feel like a stranger took over my body and destroyed who I had become.

  I also feel horrible for Trish. It seems like something bad is always happening to her. Talk about some family baggage. I don’t think that I’ve ever met anyone with such a crazy family, but I guess that’s what happens when you have a goddess for a mother; a mother bent on destroying everything in her path.I’m just glad that she was taken away from Allecto by the women she considers to be her real mom versus ending up a looney like Haddie.

  My thoughts are interrupted when I get engulfed in a set of arms. I instantly know that it’s Riley when her earthy scent washes over me. I pick her up and swing her around, a huge smile on my face. When I set her down, she has a quizzical look on her face.

  “There is something different about you, Keagan,” Riley states. “ Yeah, I remember everything,” I tell her. Her eyes get huge, an ‘oh shit’ expression crosses her face. I look inTrish’s’ direction and give a sad sigh.

  “Everything?” I nod to confirm her question.

  Shaking her head, she gives an awkward laugh before pattingme on the shoulder. “Good luck with that.” She looks around to make sure that no one is within ear shot. “I know that this may be messed up, but if I were Trish I would kick your ass.” I chuckle at her spunky attitude. Standing in front of me is a confident young women, far from the sad, shy little sister that I used to know in Haven. That is exactly why what we are doing is the right thing. Haven may have wanted to save humanity, but it shouldn’t have been done by basically enslaving Young Creators, and degrading the women that live there.

  “I would be okay with that.” Her eyes get big with surprise, and then she really laughs.

  “You really are back, aren’t you?” She gives me a hug filled with love, and when she steps back I see that her eyes are glistening with unshed tears. “I’m sorry, I’m just happy that you’re this version of yourself again. Before you met Trish, you were a good soldier, but you weren’t the best brother or son. All you cared about was your duty, always following orders blindly. Trish opened your eyes to the world, she made you feel.”

  “I think you’re right. You know,it’s weird, but even when Ididn’t remember her some part of her was still with me. I was constantly struggling with who I felt I should be and who I wanted to be. I did some cruel things to Trish and I know that I have a lot to make up for, but I’m going to fight for her.” Riley is giddy with excitement almost bouncing in place. I shake my head at her in amusement.

  “I love Trish like a sister and I think that you would make her happy. I would love to see you two together, but you have so much to make up for. Better get started, it looks like you have some competition.” She pushes me in Trish’s direction, and I notice Nick flirting with her again. Trish laughs at something he says, and I love the happiness I see in her face. I realize, at that moment,that that’s what I want to do again… make Trish smile and laugh. Have her eyes light up every time she sees me. I scowl when I notice Nick lean in and tug a strand of her hair behind her head, letting his fingers linger on the skin of her cheek.

  “What’re you gonna do about that?” Riley brings me out of my thoughts of planting my fist in that kid’s face. I look at her, and then with a determined strut I head in their direction. Just as I’m about to get there, I hear my section being called. Since we all got seats at the last minute, none of us are next to each other. In a way,I’m relieved since I know that Nick can’t sit with Trish, but I wish that I could sit next to her so we could talk. With a last look in Trish’s direction, I walk over to the entrance of the plane. I hand my ticket to the flight attendant, who gives me a flirty smile, telling me that she will definitely come check on me to see if I need anything. Emphasizing anything.

  I put my bag
in the overhead compartment and take my seat, watching the front of the plane for Trish. When she finally makes her way down the aisleI’m happy to see that she isn’t too far from my seat. Nick is a few people behind her in line, and I watch as he leans over Trish to talk to the person next to her. The older man nods and gets up. My fists clench when Nick takes the seat next to Trish.

  The plane ride is agonizing. I try to distract myself by watching movies and listening to music, but my eyes keep straying to Trish, who is in deep conversation with Nick. Occasionally, I hear her laughter filter through my speakers, which makes me cringe. The twelve hour flight can’t come to a finish soon enough. When the wheels finally hit the pavement,I’m one of the first ones on my feet, grabbing my bag before some of the others have unclasped their seatbelt. Sometimes it’s a good thing that I spent ninety-five percent of my childhood training to be faster and stronger.

  We file out the airplane in single file, and since I was toward the back of the planeI’m the last of the group to exit.I’m happy to notice that when I finally exit they’re all waiting on me, Trish giving me a friendly smile. Maybe I do have a chance, I just have to be smart about this and take my time.

  Chapter 17

  Touched by Stairs Paris is amazing. It’s a city of new and old, ancient and modern. Tiny little cars zoom around narrow, winding roads. The people are dressed in fashionable, colorful clothes. Cafés are on every corner; men in suits with white aprons serving coffee and baguettes to the patrons. Taking in the sights and sounds, I instantly think that this may be my favorite place on the planet.

  We arrive at our hotel, the Paris Holiday Inn Express, and get assigned rooms. Riley and I get to share a room, andI’m surprised when Maximus wants Chris to bunk with him, leaving Keagan and Nick to share a room. I watch the two guys size each other up, Nick shrugs and takes the key from Maximus’ outstretched hand. Its late afternoon, and both Riley and I are relieved when Chris tells us to check our room out, freshen-up, and meet up for dinner at five. That way, it leaves two hours for us to relax and get ready for a night in Paris. I know that this isn’t a vacation, but I might as well enjoy my time here while I can. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring, and my near death experience showed me that.


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